"President Chen, we only respect the strong. If you defeat me, I, Han Ming, will not say anything. I will obey your orders and respect you. But if President Chen is not as good as me, then I have to ask President Chen to take over this chamber of commerce." I get a small share of the business, after all, my Han family contributes a lot to the Construction Chamber of Commerce!"

"Yes, we also contributed a lot. The Han family leader's wishes are our wishes."

Chen Xuan suddenly burst out laughing,

"Why do you all look down on me, Mr. Chen, so much? It turned out to be this plan. Since you want to play, how about we play bigger?"

"Play bigger? I don't know how big it is!" City Lord Feng said very playfully. In fact, they just had a good way to make money for themselves. After all, they lost a lot of money under Wan Yi's pressure. , but it was impossible to make plans for Wrinkle Yi. When they heard that the president of the Chamber of Commerce was actually a young man, his cultivation level should not be very high, and he would become a saint if he succeeded. However, as a veteran strong man who became a saint, they had Their self-confidence is why they come here. In fact, they want to compete for some resources for themselves in Chen Xuan's hands.

"Then let's do it! Based on your wishes and strength, let's spar. If I lose, my Kong Chamber of Commerce will give you half. If you lose, how about becoming a vassal force of my Chamber of Commerce?"

"Are you serious?" Han Ming asked excitedly. The other people also looked like this, as if they already had a chance to win.

"Seriously, if you don't believe it, let's do this. We swear an oath in front of the Tao. If we lose, we are not allowed to deny it. Otherwise, we will bear the consequences at our own risk!" Chen Xuan said lightly,

"Okay, in that case, I, Han Ming, will be the first to come."

"I, Han Ming, swear in the name of Tao. If I lose and fail to follow my promise, I, Han Ming, will die and Tao will disappear!"

"I, the Lord of Peak City, also swear..."

Then, after the oath was completed, Chen Xuan spoke again,

"Are you going to fight one by one or together?"

Everyone was not angry when they heard Chen Xuan's sarcastic words.

"In this case, I, Han Ming, came to fight with President Chen a few times and lost. I, Han Ming, followed suit and became a vassal force of the Chamber of Commerce!"

"Haha, okay, I like happy people like the Han family leader. However, let me correct you before the fight. It's not just a few moves. If you can survive three moves, I, Chen Xuan, will lose. How about, since we fight one by one, How about it depends on who wins more games?" Chen Xuan also smiled and replied.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Chen Xuan would be so old, and his tone is quite loud. Come on! Stop wasting time with this nonsense!"

After finishing, Han Ming burst out his cultivation in the middle stage of Sainthood and let out a loud roar,

“President Chen Xuan, I’m heartbroken!”

"Holy Path—Wind Evil!"

"It seems that Han Ming wants to end the battle as soon as possible! He has a killer weapon right from the start!"

"Yes! This Feng Sha is an intermediate holy technique, and there are quite a few monks of the same level who have died under this technique!"

"Every time I make a mistake, even if I want to catch this move, I have to use my trump card to catch it."

"Han Ming is impulsive. If the president loses badly or is injured, Zhenyi will definitely not let him go." The other people were whispering to each other.

However, Chen Xuan looked at the oncoming attack and didn't care at all, and activated his Tao skills leisurely. When Han Ming saw this scene, a playful smile appeared on his face.

"What, this President Chen doesn't want to hide? He activated his Taoist skills at this time. What did he think? It seems that we don't need to take action. They thought that Chen Xuanneng should have some ability to become the president. Now it seems that he is still Too young!”

"Yes, you see that Wouyi has already closed his eyes and doesn't dare to look." Everyone looked around after hearing the sound, and indeed saw Wouyi shaking his head and closing his eyes unbearably, but they didn't know that at this moment Wrinkle is also the inner thoughts,

"Oh, Han Ming, Han Ming, you are so clever that you think you are a soft persimmon. Alas, after so many years of friendship, I really can't bear to see you hurt!"

Then, just when everyone except Wrinkle Yi thought that Chen Xuan would be defeated, there was a loud explosion, which was the sound of Taoist skills colliding with each other.

Then he saw a figure, like a kite with a broken string, shooting down quickly and hitting Lin hard.

"How about it, Master Han, I'll lose if you can withstand three moves. Alas, I'm a little too proud of you. You can't even handle this move." Chen Xuan's voice was like a huge thunder, shaking everyone present. Except for Zou Yi, everyone was bruised inside and out, staring at Chen Xuan and Han Ming, who was half-dead on the ground.

"This is real?"

"It seems so!"

"How could it be Han Ming on the ground?"

"I don't know, there was just a loud noise and he fell down."

"Did you feel the fluctuation in his cultivation just now? I think I may have sensed it wrong."

"It seems to be the peak of the title of Dao Lord! There is no fluctuation of Dao Lord's true intention."

"Have you ever heard of the case of a titled Taoist killing a powerful person who became a saint instantly?"

"Those core disciples of super powerful forces are nothing more than this!"

"Then shall we fight?"

"Do we have a choice?"

"Go together?"

These people started discussing again, but their voices were obviously trembling.

Chen Xuan looked at the Feng City Lord and his group who were stunned and still discussing something, and asked,

"Hey, what's going on? You're so excited. Who's next?"

Everyone was silent.

"Then let's come together! Don't waste time."

After Chen Xuan finished, he immediately disappeared in place with a spatial displacement, and then only heard,

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation breaks the yin and yang of life and death!"

After several more loud noises, these people didn't even have time to react, and then just like Han Ming, they lay half-dead on Lin.

"How is it? Everyone, do you want anything else now?" Chen Xuan looked at the people on the ground and asked lightly.

"President, my Han family is willing to obey the orders. From now on, my Han family will be a member of the Kong Chamber of Commerce." Han Ming was very excited. He was still excited after suffering such a serious injury, because the moment he arrived on the ground, He suddenly realized something, because brother Chen Xuan was obviously merciful. Han Ming knew this. Chen Xuan was very strong. This kind of strength had nothing to do with his realm. Moreover, he concluded that Wrinkle could also break through the realm that had stuck with him for many years. Broken, he knew that this must be Chen Xuan's help. In Fengcheng, he and Wan Yi had the best relationship, so he knew Zou Yi's situation very well, and he was even more sure that it was Chen Xuan's help.

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