Chen Xuan originally thought that he could easily kill the old man with his stone formation, but he never expected that the old man could hold on until the time of the stone formation was over and it was useless. Although the old man was also injured to a certain extent, This fighting spirit has indeed not decreased by half, and he is full of murderous aura.

"Son, yes, this formation has some fire, no wonder you are so arrogant, haha, I like it, I like fighting, come on!"

Looking at the old man rushing towards him, Chen Xuan immediately used spatial teleportation. The old man's attack missed, and he turned around to look at Chen Xuan who was already behind him.

"The speed is good, fast enough! I like it more and more!"

This time the old man's speed was not slow, almost catching up with Chen Xuan's speed. He followed Chen Xuan like a shadow, so that Chen Xuan had no chance to take action and could only dodge.

"This is not the way to go,"

So Chen Xuan led the old man into the formation that he had prepared in advance. Taking advantage of the time when the old man avoided the attack of the formation, Chen Xuan found the opportunity to take action!

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation destroys the void!"

"The power of reincarnation breaks the yin and yang of life and death!" Chen Xuan did not dare to neglect, and launched three consecutive attacks at the old man.

The old man had just dodged the attack from the formation when Chen Xuan's three consecutive attacks came in unison.

"Holy Way - Killing Blade!" A blood-red light flashed past, instantly defeating Chen Xuan's three consecutive attacks with ease. Chen Xuan was stunned for a moment.

"Lao Ta, Lao Ta!" Chen Xuan shouted while dodging,

"What are you doing, what are you doing, why don't you let the old man rest, my master." Mr. Ta's complaining voice sounded in Chen Xuan's mind.

Then, before Chen Xuan could say anything, Ta Lao said softly,

"This aura is like, this is the avenue of killing. Master, why did you offend this man?"

"This is a long story. First tell me about the Great Way of Killing. This old man has just joined the Holy Master. Why is his combat power so terrifying? It's hard for me to catch up and fight back. If I hadn't arranged this formation in advance, I would have been doomed! "Chen Xuan said anxiously.

"Master, we'll talk about this later. Anyway, this Taoism is an intermediate Taoism, not the ordinary primary Taoism like metal, wood, water, fire, and earth."

"And people who practice the path of killing are the most troublesome."

"Then tell me quickly what to do, otherwise you will have no master." Chen Xuan dodged another blow and asked anxiously.

And Mr. Ta said with a tone of hatred that iron cannot become steel,

"My master! Did I ask you to practice the way of space in vain? You don't know how to escape into the void, and then find the right time to take action. You are still using space to teleport. There is really no way to save!"

Chen Xuan suddenly realized,

"By the way, why didn't I think of that!"

Then Chen Xuan immediately activated the power of space and entered the void. After Zhen was chasing and beating the old man, he saw Chen Xuan suddenly disappear and looked around cautiously.

"The way of space? You really opened my eyes!"

Then Chen Xuan suddenly appeared again from the place where he just disappeared.

"Supernatural power - the phantoms of gods and demons appear!"

The old man had no time to dodge;

"Holy Path—Endless Killing!"

Countless black blades were cutting Chen Xuan's phantom of gods and demons crazily. For the first time, Chen Xuan's magical power was actually cut by these blades!

Helpless, Chen Xuan had no choice but to escape into the void again.

"Mr. Ta, how is this possible? That Taoist skill can cut through the shadow of my gods and demons like this!" Chen Xuan looked in disbelief!

"Master, that's not a Tao skill, it's a secret skill, a secret killing skill. And with your half-baked magical power, even a high-level holy Tao skill can be blown away by you."

"Then what should I do? Why don't I just use the stone circle to kill him? Yes, that's it!"

Mr. Ta did advise,

"Master, I teach you how to carve stone formations. I actually want you to have capital to build your own power, but I don't want you to use this to fight. In this world, you can use stone formations to dominate, and I can even directly I will give you a stone circle of the level of a saint, but do you want to waste your whole life in this world?"

"Also, haven't you noticed that you are becoming more and more dependent on the Stone Formation and gradually losing the consciousness of fighting in person? If this continues..."

"This is not what I want to see. What I want to see is Chen Xuan who desperately fights fiercely with others, no matter how strong the opponent is, no matter how bruised he is, instead of like now, when he encounters a slightly stronger opponent, he will Easily solved by relying on the stone array!”

Ta Lao's words were like a heavy punch, hitting Chen Xuan's heart hard. Chen Xuan suddenly realized that he had begun to rely on the inverse thing of the stone formation, and his ability to reflect in actual combat and the speed of condensation of Tao skills were also declining. Starting to go backwards.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan was frightened for a while. If Lao Ta hadn't reminded him in time, Chen Xuan wouldn't have known that his Taoist heart was slowly being shaken.

"Thank you! Mr. Ta, I understand. Unless I, Chen Xuan, have fallen and no longer have the strength to fight, I will never use the stone formation."

"Okay, just understand. The stone formation is just a means to save life, and in higher-level planes, the power of the stone formation is limited. What is truly powerful is one's own strength."

Then, Chen Xuan expressed his confidence and escaped into the empty door and out of the void.

"Haha, Zi, I thought you escaped into the void?" As soon as he came out, Chen Xuan heard the old man's sarcastic voice,

"Escape? Sorry, I, Chen Xuan, don't have these two words in my dictionary."

"The power of reincarnation, reincarnation fist!"

"The power of reincarnation breaks the yin and yang of life and death!"

In an instant, Chen Xuan launched an attack, then escaped into the void again, took out the Yin and Yang to cut the dusk, and then appeared again,

"The first of the Seven Swords of Gods and Demons!"

"Seven Swords of Gods and Demons, the second sword!"

Seeing this overwhelming attack, the old man smiled. While resisting Chen Xuan's attack, he said,

"Isn't that right? This is called fighting. Fighting in an upright and upright manner, hiding and hiding. I really look down on you!"

"Holy way, kill all souls!"

"The holy way, the demons are dancing wildly!"

The fight between the two became more and more intense. Chen Xuan's body was already covered with scars, as was the old man. However, both of them became more courageous as they fought and did not care about the injuries at all.

"Haha, Zi, you are very appealing to me. I see a youthful look in you!" The two of them were bounced away by Peter's Taoist skills. The old man did not intend to do anything, but looked at Chen Xuandao with admiration.

"Old man, don't flatter yourself by letting people like Li Quan see such a fearful person. Moreover, Li Quan and you are not from the same era. In this case, there is only one situation, and that is what you have done that makes people and gods angry. , I'm not the kind of person you are to hurt your conscience." Chen Xuan was very disdainful.

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