And these two people had obviously been exposed to their true thoughts, and they lowered their heads in shame, trying to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"I also tell you, no matter whether our Kong Chamber of Commerce is destroyed or Cangshi is destroyed, even if you escape to Yahaijiao, you will not escape death. Who is Cangshi? Do you think you can go smoothly? Escape? Also, our Kong Chamber of Commerce is not a vegetarian, and our president, Chang Rao, is not something you people can see clearly. If you go with us, there is still a way to survive. At least our president will not kill innocent people indiscriminately."

Han Ming paused again.

"But, if you don't go, I, Han Ming, swear that as long as our Air Chamber of Commerce is still here, you will not be able to escape from Yahaijiao! Take care of yourself!" He led everyone away without looking back, leaving Li Qi with big eyes. Stare.

"Brother Li, what should we do, should we leave?"

"That's all, Brother Qi, I think Han Ming has a point. If we leave, no matter who laughs at the end, we will definitely be homeless dogs wandering around. If we fight to the death, we may still have a chance of survival!"

"It seems that this is the only way we can do it. In order to survive and develop, we must fight against the odds!"

Then the two of them followed with their own people.

Soon, three waves of people came to Chen Xuan's side. One was Han Ming and people from his own chamber of commerce, and then the Li Qi family. Seeing the scene in front of him, his eyes almost fell out of shock.

"Brother Li, we finally made the right choice this time!"

"Yes! Who would have thought that a young man who looks like he is only in his early twenties can be as powerful as Chubu. After all, we are still frogs at the bottom of the well, and all we see is nothing."

Han Ming had already come behind Chen Xuan and looked at Chen Xuandao, who was sitting cross-legged on the ground covered with scars.

"Mr. President, the City Lord's Mansion has been completely wiped out, and the Li Qi family has also joined us."

Chen Xuan closed his eyes so that he could fully mobilize his life force to quickly recover from his injuries. When he heard someone speaking, he opened his eyes.

"Well done, take them back and go back!" Chen Xuan said.

After Han Ming finished speaking, he looked at the legend Cang Shi who was ten meters away across from him with great fear. Seeing that he also had his eyes closed, as if he was healing his wounds, he breathed a sigh of relief. Because of excessive nervousness, Han Ming lost all his energy. All the attention was focused on Cang Shi, so that he didn't hear Chen Xuan's weak voice.

"Han Ming, what are you still doing? Leave it to me. You don't have to worry about it!" Chen Xuan raised his voice a bit, but Han Ming still seemed to be staring at Cangshi motionlessly, for fear of any strange movement.

"Han Ming, Han Ming!" Chen Xuan raised his voice, and then Han Ming shouted yes,

"My subordinate is here!"

"Didn't you hear what I just said?"

"Ah! President, what happened just now?" Han Ming was very embarrassed and asked cautiously.

"Forget it, I and you guys will go back first and leave this place to me. That person can't be dealt with in large numbers, do you understand?"

"But, Mr. President, that man's name is Cang Shi, he is..."

"I know, do you want to be an out-and-out devil, a ungrateful beast?"

"Hahaha," just as the two were talking, Cang Shi's laughter suddenly came, making everyone present feel as if they had fallen into an endless abyss and trembled. Han Ming was no exception. At this moment My legs are a little weak.

"Senior, I didn't expect my name to be so famous. Two hundred years later, my reputation is still the same. I'm very satisfied!"

Han Ming still dared to speak at this time. That kind of laughter was like the smile of hell, which made people unable to help but start to feel scared. Chen Xuan knew that they were affected by Cang Shi's murderous aura, so Chen Xuandao,

"Hey! Old man, they have no intention of killing you! You will never kill innocent people indiscriminately."


"This is what they get for disturbing my rest." Then they withdrew their murderous intent, and everyone felt much more relaxed instantly, breathing heavily, because the aura of people who practice the path of killing can affect Rao Xinzhi, and people like Han Ming I was originally afraid of Cangshi, so that's why I acted like this.

"Han Ming, are you okay?"

Han Ming glanced at Cang Shi fearfully and quickly looked away.

"It's okay, President, I..."

"Okay, I understand. You go back first. Don't worry about me. Killing Da Dao is not something you can resist."

"As you command!"

Then he left with everyone.

"Brother Han, just leave."

Li Quan asked,

"Otherwise? What else can I do? I think so highly of myself. I don't even have the courage to speak in front of him, so what else can I do?" When he said this, the feeling of fear was still there.

"Yes, why aren't we?" Qi Heng also said.

"Hearing is false, seeing is believing! The name of Cangshi is indeed worthy of its name!"

"Let's go! We can't get involved in a battle of this level. We can only pray silently for the president!"

"That's right. If we want to be able to be on an equal footing with that guy, President Xiu, President Chen is incredible. We are really blind."

On Chen Xuan's side, after everyone left, the two started chatting again,

"Old man, believe it or not, I'm back to my original state now!"

"Oh, what a coincidence, so am I. Then stand!"

"Wait a minute, I don't think we need to do this. If we continue fighting, the result will be the same, don't you?"

"That's not necessarily true, Zi. You are indeed a monster, but you shouldn't have the intention to kill me."

"Hey! Old man, can you tell me some truth? It was you who wanted to kill me first, please give me back! We have no grievances. If you hadn't had the intention to kill first, how could I have..."

"Son, there's nothing to worry about, let's fight!"

Then Cangshi stood up and was about to take action. Chen Xuan said again,

"Okay, don't force it. If you wanted to take action, you would have done it a long time ago. You recovered so quickly. Do you think you are a god?"

"Tch, didn't your son blackmail me? Didn't you recover? I had no choice but to risk my life to accompany you." Chen Xuan suddenly felt that this old man with a well-known "evil" reputation was very cute.

"Then you misunderstood me. I really didn't lie to you." Chen Xuan also stood up, and then suddenly burst out with an invincible momentum. Looking at the aura, there was no doubt that Chen Xuan's life was back to its peak. His power is no joke, and the tenacity of his reincarnation body can be restored as long as he is not dead, no matter how good he is.

"What, you, how could you possibly!"

Cang Shi was very surprised. Their injuries were about the same, and Chen Xuan was obviously beaten by him all the time, so it should be more serious than him. He couldn't figure out why Chen Xuan's recovery power was so strong. He was beaten by Chen Xuan again. Shocked.

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