Chen Xuan coughed twice, then pretended to be angry and said,

"Qing'er! You went to the Ice Sect and learned badly! Is there such a brother? It's really outrageous!"

"Ah! When did Brother Chen Xuan get so angry? It took you a while."

Chen Xuan didn't expect that the girl who he had obeyed before would actually beat her up. This made Chen You feel that it was a wrong decision to let Qing'er stay in the Ice Sect to practice.

Qing'er continued,

"Hey! Brother Chen Xuan is the best, so he won't have the same experience as Qing'er, right? Besides, I'm not praising Brother Chen Xuan for your awesomeness. I just couldn't find a suitable sentence for a moment, so I used this instead. "

Chen Xuan was speechless in his heart.

"Okay, okay, I don't need your praise, I can't bear it!"

"Ah! Why is brother Chen Xuan angry again?"

"Really? How do I know?"

Then the two of them laughed one after another. It was a very heartwarming scene. Chen Xuanduo thought that time would stop at this moment.

Qing'er stayed with Chen Xuan for six days, and finally on the seventh day, she received a letter from her master, urging him to go back to practice.

Then after Qing'er made things difficult and entangled in every possible way, crying, making trouble, and hanging herself, Chen Xuan finally agreed to Qing'er's request and sent her back to the Ice Sect. Mainly, Chen Xuan also wanted to see what kind of sect general it was. An introverted and shy girl has transformed into the lively and cheerful elf she is now, although her shyness has not changed at all.

However, Chen Xuan didn't know that all of Qing'er's experiences were only revealed in front of him, Chen Xuan.

After several days of traveling, Chen Xuanqing'er finally arrived at one of the richest, most prosperous, and largest cities in the south. This city has a very nice name - the City of Ice Heart, and it is also the super large city of the Ice Sect. The headquarters of the force.

"Tsk, tsk! This city is really great! It is indeed the headquarters of the Ice Sect. Compared with my Peak City, let alone mention it." Chen Xuan sighed.

Qing'er also smiled sweetly, said nothing, and led Chen Xuan into the city. Since most of the Ice Sect practices the way of ice or the way of water, there are white snowflakes floating in the air here all year round, but these snowflakes It melted as soon as it hit the ground, resulting in a field of ice and snow outside the city, while inside the city there were signs of prosperity. Although it was also full of snow, there was no sign of desertion at all.

"Okay, brother Chen Xuan, stop looking. The reason why the snow won't freeze is because there is an expert in our Bingxin City who arranged a city protection formation for us, which caused the snow to fall but not freeze." Qing'er saw. After understanding Chen Xuan's thoughts, he opened his mouth to explain.

"It is no wonder that it is a super power. Such a luxurious handiwork is probably the masterpiece of a master of formations, and there are more than one!"

"Are you going to leave or not, brother Chen Xuan!"

"Let's go, let's take you back. I will take you to the end. Don't keep your master waiting."

Qing'er led Chen Xuan through the bustling streets and alleys to the center of the city. There were very few people here, and this was the headquarters of the Ice Sect. Looking at this huge palace floating in the air, Chen Xuan's palace was different from In comparison, it’s like an ant meets an elephant! Chen Xuan was stunned.

"Hey, brother Chen Xuan, don't you think it's more difficult to fight than in your palace?" Qing'er looked at Chen Xuan and joked.

"Why, I look down on your brother Chen Xuan!"

"Hehe! How is that possible? I believe brother Chen Xuan will have a palace like this soon."

"Tch, Qing'er, look at me, just watch! From now on, your brother Chen Xuan's palace will be bigger than this." The sight in front of him inspired Chen Xuan's endless confidence.

"Ah! Could it be that Brother Chen Xuan wants to build a supreme Taoist weapon? But it seems that there are only ten supreme Taoist weapons, and they are all combat-type Taoist weapons."

"What kind of supreme Taoist weapon? Do Taoist tools also have types?"

Chen Xuan once again asked such idiotic questions. There was no way. Who told Chen Xuan that the place he went to before did not have such conditions.

Qing'er seemed to have discovered a new world, with an expression as if you didn't know this.

"What's so surprising? Your brother Chen Xuan has been to only a handful of places, and they are all backward places. Besides, I'm busy practicing and don't have time to look at these!" Chen Xuan replied helplessly.

Qing'er was very happy and said with a smile,

"Haha, in this case I can also be Brother Chen Xuan's teacher. Let me tell you."

Only then did Chen Xuan realize that the Holy Emperor was not the overlord of this world. It turned out that there was a Supreme Being above the Holy Emperor. Why didn't the Ta Lao tell him? Chen Xuan was a little puzzled, and he didn't ask if it was wrong.

Then Qing'er said again,

"This palace is no ordinary palace. It is also an emperor-level Taoist artifact. Only a few super powerful forces can build it."

It turns out that in addition to advanced holy skills, Taoist tools also have the Holy King level, the Holy Lord level, and the Holy Emperor level. However, because the manufacturing cost of these things is too high, many people do not have that condition, even if they have the Taoist skills. Realm also costs a lot of money, so this level is very rare.

"Hehe, if you are just ordinary, I won't look down on you! It takes this very precious talent to show what your brother Chen Xuan is capable of!"

However, at this moment, a discordant voice interrupted Chen Xuan's dream,

"Who did I think was talking nonsense? It turns out to be our President Chen. Long time no see!"

"Master, you are here!"

"If I don't come, I'm afraid that a simple girl like you will be kidnapped."

"I hate it, Master, I won't be with you anymore, I'm leaving!" Then with two pieces of crimson between them, he flew to the palace in the sky as if he was running away.

"Hey! I, Sect Master Han, we don't have any deep hatred, right? There's no need to ridicule me like this." At the same time, he thought in his mind,

"Hey, this woman's face is exactly the same. When we met before, she always spoke kindly."

"Okay, the people have been delivered, you can go back!"

Chen Xuan planned to say goodbye, but when he heard Han Bing's words, he immediately gave up the idea.

"How do I treat guests like you? Besides, I can come when I want and leave when I want, so I don't need you!"

"I, the Ice Sect Master, how did I offend you?"

Hanbing thought,

"Just because of a stinky man like you, Qing'er actually had a quarrel with me. I was puzzled. You are so good. If you have no looks, you can still get by with your little talent."

It turns out that Qing'er was stopped by Han Bing in order to find Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan had come a long time ago, allowing Qing'er to rest assured and consolidate her cultivation. However, Qing'er couldn't wait to find Chen Xuan. Han Bing felt as if she had lost her heart. Something important seemed to be blocking Qing'er, so they had a big quarrel. In this way, Han Bing felt that in Qing'er's heart, her status was not as high as Chen Xuan's.

That's why I'm jealous of Chen Xuan. I have to think that this girl's heart is really the most difficult to understand and makes no sense.

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