"Then why don't you go again?"

"Hehe! Didn't I discover something more powerful than the Formation Sect? People flow to higher places, water flows to lower places, and I am not water."

Only now did Chen Xuan realize that this Chen Hao was very interesting, and his words were somewhat humorous.

"Hey! Why didn't you notice just now? Your words are quite interesting!"

"Alas! There is no way. My father has always instilled various ideas in me about this technology. The situation just now was special, so I didn't dare to say anything. Besides, I was not in the mood for anything else. Do you still have to make fun of me? Father?"

"Hahaha, Zi, you are really a talent! Based on your characteristics, I think our Chamber of Commerce is a good fit for you."

"Ah! Isn't it because you like my talent?"

Chen Xuan was caught off guard by these words.

"A little bit, all things considered!"

Then Chen Xuan called Xiao Fei, and the three of them started a heated conversation again, which lasted until the next morning.

Since the addition of Chen Hao, Chen Xuan's boring recruitment plan has become a bit more interesting, because Chen Hao's humorous words make people happy to listen to them, and they also make a silent young man like Xiao Fei also listen to them. There began to be more people, and Chen Xuan felt that he was content to return empty-handed this time, because these two people were the kind of talents who could fight one against a hundred.

Sure enough, as Chen Xuan expected, a month passed like this. Chen Xuan couldn't recruit anyone except Xiao Fei and Chen Haonan, but Chen Xuan was very satisfied with these two people.

Chen Xuan and the two of them quickly left Bingxin City and returned to Fengcheng. After the development of the past six months, the reputation of the Kong Chamber of Commerce has also come out of Fengcheng, and they have also begun to have contacts with several nearby low-level cities. The flow of people in the city also increased.

"Boss, this is Fengcheng! Isn't it a low-level city? It's no less busy than some mid-level cities." Chen Haonan asked. Chen Xuan didn't like the title of the senior on the left and the senior on the right, so they both called him the same name. Boss.

"I didn't expect that I have only been out for more than a month, and the flow of people has indeed increased. It seems that our Air Chamber of Commerce is developing well!" Chen Xuan replied with some surprise.

"Let's go! I didn't bring you here just to go shopping. Starting tonight, you will start practicing. I will prepare it for you."

Xiaofei looked indifferent, but Chen Haonan spoke.

"Boss, why are you in such a hurry! We have just arrived, you have to give us some time to adapt to the new environment!"

"Oh~ If you don't adapt, then go back! Go back to the old environment where you have no freedom." Chen Xuan said playfully.

Of course Chen Haonan knew that Chen Xuan's words meant that he should go home. He shuddered and immediately became silent.

Chen Xuan brought the two of them to the palace and arranged two rooms for them to live in the same courtyard as him. This would help them develop a strong friendship and facilitate Chen Xuan's guidance on their cultivation.

At this time, Wuzhiyi had already arrived at Chen Xuan's place. Looking at Chen Xuan and the two of them, he asked doubtfully,

"Xuan, what kind of song are you singing?"

When the two of them saw this kind old man calling Chen Xuan Xuan, they were immediately in awe. They thought Zhou Yi was Chen Xuan's father. Before Chen Xuan could speak, Chen Haonan said,

"Grandpa, you are my boss's father! We are the boss's newly adopted younger brothers. We are also the core disciples of the future Chamber of Commerce, and we are the future daughters of our Kong Chamber of Commerce."

When Wuzhi heard this, he burst into laughter.

"Xuan, where did you find this naughty kid? It's quite interesting."

"Chen Haonan, Chen You, haha, I am wrinkled. Although I am old enough to be Xuan's father, I am not. I am your boss's sworn brother and also the vice president of the Chamber of Commerce."

Chen Haonan knew that he had misunderstood and said embarrassedly,

"I saw you called our boss Daxuan, I thought...hehe!"

"Chen Haonan has met the Vice President!" Chen Haonan quickly bowed and saluted, and at the same time looked at Xiaofei beside him, as if,

"Why are you standing there in a daze? Quickly salute!"

Xiaofei also cupped his fists and saluted,

"Zi Xiaofei, I have met the Vice President!"

"Haha, since Xuan is the one who likes you, there must be something special about him. I'm looking forward to it! You have to practice hard and let me, an old man, see if our president has chosen the wrong person."

When the two of them heard this, they instantly felt questioned. Although Wrinkle Yi believed Chen Xuan's eyes, the words behind them were a bit star-like. Therefore, they were just children, so of course they couldn't understand the meaning of Wrinkle's words. Inspire them to live up to expectations.

So the two of them answered in unison,

"We will definitely prove how unique my boss's vision is." Then the two of them stopped talking and turned back to their room.

"It seems like this is a good move, big brother, it's amazing!"

Wrinkle also waved his hand and said,

"What a great thing! Didn't you see that these two guys didn't understand what I meant?"

"Isn't this better? Based on the tempers of these two boys, these words will be more useful."


"Of course, brother, you have to believe in my vision."

"By the way, brother, what do you want to see me for?" Chen Xuan knew that Wan Yi rarely talked to him. Basically, it was all about the chamber of commerce. Because one person was busy running the chamber of commerce and the other was busy cultivating, there were very few Talk like this.

"It's nothing big. I just came to report on the situation of the Chamber of Commerce."

"What's going on!" Chen Xuan was a little nervous when he heard the word "situation", thinking it was something bad.

Wrinkle also saw it and couldn't help but grin,

"Why are you so nervous? It's not a bad situation."

Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

Wrinkle also continued,

"Now, our Chamber of Commerce is on the right track. Its properties include the Kong Auction House, the Kong Inn, and the Kong Pawn Shop. The business is also very impressive, and it also has close business ties with several surrounding cities. We have to, The development is good.”

"Hahaha!" Chen Xuan smiled happily. His chamber of commerce was on the right track. Why would Chen Xuan be so unhappy?

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, brother!"

"Let's not use these words! And this chamber of commerce still has my half?"

"Xuan, Ming, we plan to hold the first auction house of our Kong Chamber of Commerce. You came back at the right time!"


"Yes, the invitations have been sent out and many people have arrived."

"This auction is a good opportunity to establish the name of our Kong Chamber of Commerce. I have also collected a few precious things, but I feel that since we want to establish our name this time, the more precious the better, since you are back Okay, I just want to ask you if there are any precious things that you don’t need.”

Chen Xuan instantly understood what Wuzhi meant. The auction house is often famous for one thing. If a rare treasure is sold at that auction, then the popularity of the auction house will naturally increase, and there will be more and more people. People know about it and come to the auction, and in this way, just selling the auction tickets is a huge profit.

"I know, I will come up with one or two things. Such a good opportunity cannot be missed!"

In the evening, Chen Xuan took the two of them to the tower space.

"Let me go, boss, what is this place?"

Xiaofei was equally puzzled.

"Just follow me!" Of course Chen Xuan doesn't know that this is the training space and artifact space of Hongmeng Tower. It is estimated that these two people don't even know what artifacts are.

After a while, two figures appeared in front of the three people. The scene was extremely strange, as if the two people appeared out of thin air.

"Boss, Xiaofei, there is someone in front of you, did you see it?" Chen Haonan asked with horror as he looked at this strange scene.

"I saw it. I didn't even see it just now. I just blinked. Why did two people suddenly appear and force me?" Xiaofei also replied with some surprise.

Of course Chen Xuan knew these two familiar figures, one was his apprentice Zou, and the other was Mr. Ta.

"What are you afraid of? Even ghosts have nothing to be afraid of. You are monks. You can deal with low-level spirits like ghosts with just one Taoist skill."

"Boss, I am myself! But listening to that thing is very scary. I am a little nervous. Who is scared? You are kidding! You are, right? Xiaofei."

Chen Xuan was ashamed, and Xiao Fei nodded in agreement.

The three of them got closer and closer. Wrinkle also noticed Chen Xuan, so he ran towards Chen Xuan. However, before he could reach Chen Xuan, he was attacked by a Taoist skill. He quickly dodged and shouted,

"What are you doing? You come here as soon as we meet. You don't want to fight?"

It turned out that this technique was performed by Chen Haonan. It was a subconscious protection for himself. When seeing Zou who was so angry, Chen Haonan also apologized with an embarrassed smile,

"Well, I'm sorry! I thought it was a ghost, so I was a little nervous."

Zou became even more angry,

"You are the ghost. Your whole family is a ghost. I am just betting on someone and you think I am a ghost. Isn't this a curse to my death?" Even though Zou was very angry, he did not take action because his teacher Master is here, and these two people were obviously brought by Master.

"Master!" Zou bowed and said,

"Who are they? Why are they so rude?"

"It turns out to be my nephew! Hello, nephew, my name is Chen Haonan, and his name is Xiaofei. We are the boss's new younger brothers. We don't know each other even if we don't fight. This is really a misunderstanding. Please ask me. Nephew, please look cool."

Fortunately, Zou immediately burst out with a momentum and locked onto Chen Haonan. Chen Haonan never expected that this young man who looked gentle and weak, who might be one or two years older than himself, was actually a titleholder. Lord Dao, this powerful aura instantly made Chen Haonan unable to breathe.

When Chen Xuan saw this explosive scene, he said calmly,

"My rule here is whoever has the bigger fist has the final say. Since you are not convinced by this title, use your strength to make them change their mind. However, these two are both disciples of the master."

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