Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2152 Promotion of the magic circle

"The reason why the young man traveled all the way to the formation inn is naturally related to the formation."

"Oh? So you want to get the best formation here?" This aroused Yan Qing's curiosity. After all, the person sitting opposite him was a monster.


"Then you're here to ask for the best formation stones?"


Now Yan Qing was confused. He was neither here to seek the Dharma nor the weapon. So what's the point of being here?

"To be honest, the young man came here because he wanted to cooperate with the Zhen Inn." Chen Xuan finally revealed his intention.

"Cooperation? How do you want to cooperate with me? This is the most exquisite place in the entire prehistoric formation. All the best codes and magic weapons in the world are here with me, and the development methods are also here with me. What do you want to take? Cooperate with me?”

This shocked Yan Qing. In this regard, he had no doubt about his status, and neither did others. If he hadn't experienced the power of this guy 20 minutes ago, I'm afraid he would have turned against him again now.

But he resisted and did not fall out.

He knew deeply that this boy's arrogance indeed came from his capital, otherwise he would never have said this. So while he was calm, he was also curious about what treasures this kid could come up with.

Seeing that he had calmed down, Chen Xuan suppressed his unhappiness. Although he was used to it, his bad temper still had to change. Otherwise it will cause a lot of trouble. He didn't have much, so he took out a piece of stone formation and threw it on the ground.

The stone circle once again took root in the ground. Beautiful colors burst out, and several forces spiraled up and spread out in all directions close to the ground. After a while, a complete system was formed. And accompanied by exclusive patterns. This is an isolation formation, and it is of the highest level.

This was the first time that Wuzhen had observed Master's magic weapon so closely, and he didn't even dare to blink.

"It's so awesome..."

Wrinkle, you can't help but admire him, in fact, he also expressed the thoughts of the Lord of Hell. Because Yan Qing has never seen it. But Yan Qing soon discovered something was wrong.

"Isn't the two-dimensional brother from the same school? Why haven't I seen this brother?"

This is just a simple question that anyone can ask.

"It's a treasure that my master and I just developed, so we haven't had time to spread the word yet." Chen Xuan took the lead and finished his sentence.

"I see, it turns out there are such treasures in this world."

Yan Qing nodded. He had read thousands of things in his life and he didn't know how many good things he had seen. But whenever someone asked him, he could answer it. But it was indeed the first time he had seen this thing in his life. I am not only surprised, but also honored. And he was a little lucky, because he probably guessed the other party's intention. If this thing can be popularized, it will definitely bring blessings. And when the other party came to find him, he must have spotted his strength. You can also get a piece of the action.

"So the purpose of this trip, Fellow Taoist, is to join hands with me to promote this product?"

"That's exactly what I mean!" Chen Xuan immediately started his own draft that he had been working on for a long time.

"To be honest, the production of this product is still in its early stages. The process is extremely complicated and the success rate is low, so it is expensive. Therefore, it will be difficult to promote it with little effort in the future. So it is not far away. I hope you can help. If you come If you have a surplus every day, you will definitely not miss out on your seniors!”

Yan Qing had been waiting for this sentence for a long time. After hearing this, he quickly said, "That's very good. I am forming a guest village, and nothing else but this formation is a treasure. If I can join hands with my friends again, I will definitely do it." It will be another time! I am very happy!”

Wrinkle noticed the details of these words. Before, he admired his master and only called him Taoist friend. But now he calls himself a friend affectionately, and even condescends to call himself an old man. It seems that the master's things are not tempting to him! That makes my heart feel so happy!

Chen Xuan also heard that he was sincere in this matter, so he discussed the next plan with him in detail.

"Senior, let me give you my opinion!" Now that you have taken the initiative, you should be proud when you should be proud!

"First of all, let me introduce to you the system of this formation stone! The formation stone is made by carving different formation symbols on special stones so that the stone can emit the effect of a large formation. In fact, it is also very simple. This kind of stone is not particularly rare and the price is It’s not too high. The key lies in the method of characterization.

"According to the level of each Taoist, the level of energy that can be used is also different, so the drawn formation stones are also different. Taoist friends cannot use formation stones beyond their level, but they can use formation stones of their own level and below."

"Because there is no one before, so during the research and development process, I only developed it to my own level." This sentence was made up by Chen Xuan. He could actually have various levels of formation stones at Ta Lao's place, but for safety For the sake of safety, he decided to sell only the formation stones of the level below the titled Tao Lord first, and he would discuss the rest after discussing with Mr. Ta.

So when I sell it, I can only sell it to this level. When my cultivation level improves, there will be better development. "

Yan Qing listened quietly, but he finally couldn't help but ask, "Friend, how do you plan to sell it?"

"Just sell them up to the level of Titled Dao Lord!" He thought for a while and added, "And sell them with three functions: killing, magic and defense together! Different levels have different prices! It's that simple."

Chen Xuan's clouds are light and windy. Yan Qing heard this, but his heart was filled with turmoil.

Did he really hear it right? Isn't this kid too arrogant? Leave no escape route for yourself? To be on the safe side, he still spoke.

"Friend, now you are only a titled Taoist. And you want to sell this stone town to the level of a titled Taoist without reservation. If you fight to the death with others in the future, wouldn't you ruin your own future?"

"Hahahahahahaha!" Chen Xuanyang laughed.

"Thank you for your concern, senior! Of course I know this, but we monks don't always do the opposite! Besides, I practice the way of reincarnation, so I naturally understand that everything has two extremes. If you want to get more, you have to pay the same price. . Only by practicing this way can I continuously improve myself! If it goes smoothly all day long, wouldn’t my evil spirit be in vain?”

In fact, these words should not be spoken to the old man like this, after all, they are too arrogant. But Chen Xuan could see that the old man really cared about him! The seniors are businessmen doing business. He doesn't know that the more profits, the better, but he still cares about his own safety. Remind yourself to stop and stop, rather than blindly encourage yourself to develop higher levels, even higher than yourself, just for the sake of profit.

grade. Chen Xuan saw this very clearly. Sure enough, all Western businessmen have sworn to it.

"Okay, you are really brave! I admire you! So as for the pricing and manufacturing process, what are your plans?" Yan Qing saw that he was so bold and unrestrained, so she stopped hiding from him.

Regarding the manufacturing process, I will write down all the stone records in the past few days. As for the pricing, as long as it is reasonable, my seniors will consider everything. "

Okay, then I will immediately order people to collect the rough stones first, and then recruit fellow Taoists as craftsmen. I'm waiting for someone to teach you! It will be ready for production in less than a month! "This Yan Qing is indeed a business wizard. He explained all the processes clearly in a few words, saving Chen Xuan the trouble.

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