The space master stretched out his hand and started to turn the compass. The compass was spinning in the air with colorful lights. After a while, the silver light pointed out a direction, and the group of three people walked along the light. It was obviously a busy city not far away, but the surrounding jungle was empty and deserted. In Wrinkle's heart, they seemed to be the only ones chasing the light in the world. By!

The sunset wind carries a warm breath. They walked all the way towards the sunset. The earthy smell in the air is soothing. The hawkers in the market next door filled the world with fireworks. The two of them fought and killed each other all the way! I haven't felt so relaxed in a long time. Chen Xuan took a deep breath and felt that this was good. Only by relaxing properly can he keep moving forward!

As he walked, Wrinkle's interest was aroused and he began to brag with his master.

"Master, if we practice hard, will we become the number one monk in the world?"

"Of course I will, silly boy."

As soon as these words came out, Chen Xuan's face turned red. Isn't this what girls say? What's wrong with him being a grown man! So he decided to be serious and try to avoid similar mistakes. Righteous words arrived

"I believe in your brother! You and I are practicing the best magic! It won't be long before the whole world is attracted to you! Maybe you can become the king of the world!"

In fact, this is not very serious, but boys are always full of pride. So they started joking without restraint.

"Senior Brother, you're right! When you become the number one in the world, I will be your bodyguard! Then we will go to fight all over the world together! We also need to bring Sister Qing'er with us! The whole world must obey our command!"

"And sooner or later, we will become Holy Kings! Holy Lords! Holy Emperors! Stand on the top of the world! Let those who looked down on us before taste the pain!" Chen Xuan came to howl with him as soon as he got older. Sure enough, being young is good!

"Son, if a brother... becomes the overlord of that world, he must reshape the rules of the world!"

"Senior brother is so powerful, it must be no problem! It seems that these people are going to be in trouble now!"

"Well, just a few more words for children!" Chen Xuan began to tease him shamelessly.

"Tch! Senior brother is not humble at all!"

The space engineer listened leisurely on the side and said a few words from time to time. It was so relaxing!

But when people sit at home and the pot comes up, misfortune will always come!

"Whoever is in front, stop!"

There was a rough roar in the distance. It reminds me of a drunk man and the foul smell emanating from him. And a dog’s mouth from which ivory cannot be extracted!

"You dare to make such arrogant remarks at your age! Do you know who is the number one in the world today? Let alone the number one in the world, none of you can be the number one in this city!"

Chen Xuan turned his head and saw a dark face and disheveled clothes.

"Where did the wild dog come from? Come home when you're drunk! Don't take it out on others if you're angry!"

Chen Xuan was immediately irritated. He didn't like people who made trouble like this, and they were so incompetent! When you are bored, you come to provoke others!

"What's the matter? I even took it out on you!" This person is unreasonable and simply unreasonable!

Chen Xuan couldn't stand it anymore and started to take action. If you don’t teach this kind of person a lesson, you’ll still keep him alive during the New Year!

"Master, son, just step back and watch me teach him a lesson!"

"You dare to teach me a lesson? I think you probably don't want to live anymore! I don't even know who your father is!"

"I don't care who you are, the person behind your back is saying bad things and eavesdropping! You are not qualified yet! What does it have to do with you if we make something for ourselves!"

Don’t say anything, just do it!

"The power of reincarnation! The reincarnation fist!"

"Weeds——divine whip!"

A straw whip appeared out of thin air in the man's hand, with the smell of rotten grass whipping out like Chen Xuan's.

Chen Xuan dodged easily. The skill released hit the opponent

"Haha, it's just becoming a saint! Is that all you have?"

The man was knocked to the ground by Chen Xuan's attack and rolled several times.

"You...what level are you?"

"Tied Taoist Lord, but I'm sorry, my talent is better!"

When Chen Xuan said these words, let alone how happy he felt inside.

No matter what, he is awesome, he is better than others, and he can defeat people who are higher than him! If others have opinions, they can be so powerful. Besides, their excellence is not all due to talent! After all his hard work, he didn’t lose a bit! Even more than others. !

"I really don't believe you this time, uncle!" The man got up and kept mobilizing his Tao power.

"Weeds——rotted mud!"

What a stench skill! A pool of black mud just flew over from the sky! Although the lethality is not high, it makes people stink! What kind of monster is his ancestor? He actually created this skill! How dark and bored is his heart to do such a thing! And this person is so powerful that he actually has the nerve to show off this skill!

Chen Xuan cursed in his heart! Why is there such a monster this time? Stinky and messy! Unreasonable! What benefits can he gain from doing harm to others and not benefiting himself? Is it fun to fight with others like this? Chen Xuan thought it was simply unreasonable! Why are there so many perverted lunatics in the world today?

Haru felt that he had to give him a good beating!

"You are so crazy!"

"The power of reincarnation! Destroy the void!"

Another one was released, and the person was knocked to the ground. The man screamed in pain and finally kept swearing. Greetings from Chen Xuan's grandfather to his ancestors.

It looked like Chen Xuan was completely angry. Even if you scold me, scold my relatives! See if I don’t punish you severely.

"Why are you still not convinced? You are so crazy, who is your father? And you, what is your name!"

He almost shouted out. He felt that he must show his aura to this person.

As soon as the man heard someone calling his name, he suddenly became brave and confident.

"Your grandfather and I, my last name is Ying, my name is Pei, my name is Yingxiao!"

"Ha! Ying Xiao! Isn't this a female name? It's interesting!" Seeing this interesting name, I suddenly had another better idea.

"Son, come on!" Wan walked forward. "Send this man away."

What a wrinkle! I didn’t expect it! When did his master become so wicked? Alas, come to think of it, this is the person who is causing trouble for no reason. He had sex after drinking and scolded his ancestors. Thinking about it this way, such a person should not be pitied!

But he still wanted to give it a try and asked the person one last time.

I don't want to get into a fight. If you are sensible, just get up and leave here quickly. We won't argue with you. "

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