So he did the same thing and cut his finger again.

Sure enough, the moment the blood touched the sword, the sword moved. A blue light flashed from the tip of the sword. That's Sword Spirit!

"Now you just have to channel it into this vessel."

"Then what should I do now?"

"This... is very simple... put your blood in it..."

"Oh..." Chen Xuan felt that he also wanted to hit himself...

"So he followed the master's blood?" Wu cleverly discovered a problem.

"You're doing well, that's all. That's why he will always exist in your master's sword! Because there was once a drop of blood he drew there!"

Chen Xuan dropped the blood into the bowl, and the sword spirit moved slowly in the air like a tadpole, and finally jumped into the bowl.

As soon as he entered the bowl, the bowl automatically started to glow. Blue and green fluorescence surrounded the sword spirit. They flow in circles in the bowl, which is very beautiful. A quarter of an hour later, the light in the bowl gradually disappeared, but the sword spirit gained weight. The rotation then stopped. But it was a feast for the eyes of the three of them.

"very nice!"

Suddenly a male voice came from behind.

His voice sounded a little familiar to Chen Xuan, but also a little strange. When I looked back, I realized it was the siren in pink fur today!

"So it's you! Welcome!"

"Thank you!" Naquan answered him calmly. He had a nice smile and narrowed his big eyes. He was very cute! Totally inappropriate for his age! "Now that the show is over, it's time for me to go!"

After that, he waved to these people, turned around and left.

"Hey, please wait a moment." Chen Xuan felt that he couldn't let people leave like this. Then he followed the man's footsteps and went up to talk to him.

"This guest, please stay!"

The man turned around when he heard the sound. He stopped suddenly. Chen Xuan failed to stop suddenly and almost collided with him.

"My guest, you are so bold today, but I haven't asked you your name yet!"

"Oh? Do you really want to know that much?" The other person turned around and opened her big eyes. There is an impenetrable smile in his eyes.

Chen Xuan was very close to him, and only then did he see his facial features carefully. Two thick eyebrows. There are also big eyes that are rare among men! He is tall and his hair is a bit long, but it is not messy and even smooth! The fur on his body seemed to have been carefully maintained by him. The color didn't fade at all, but it was shiny and shiny.

Such an elegant temperament!

Chen Xuan was not limited by his exaggerated appearance this time, and indeed saw his inner nobility through the details.

He was suddenly moved by the nobility and wanted to make friends with the other person, but at the same time he felt a little bit embarrassed because of his own clumsiness.

"What's wrong with you?" The man could clearly see the change in his expression and asked him with concern.

"It's nothing, I just think your temperament is different from others!"

"Oh, that may be because our skills are different from others! The Kraken clan uses singing to impress people, so if you think I look like a woman, I won't mind."

"No, no, no, that's not what I meant!" Chen Xuan suddenly became embarrassed and even forgot to use honorifics with the other party.

"It doesn't matter!" That voice was still clear and cool.

"By the way, I haven't asked your name after all this time!"

"Oh, my name! Yan Keyun! Yan of appearance, OK Ke, the cloud in traditional Chinese."

"Thanks for letting me know! It's a nice name!"

"Thank you for the compliment." The man was still quiet. Like lake water. But the sunshine radiating from his body cannot be ignored by others.

He is different from Han. Han is an ice and snow beauty. Although she sometimes can't help but reveal her girlish heart, there is still some Yin Qi of ice and snow, but the person in front of her is different! Underneath his cold exterior, there is a hot heart.

And he has a nice voice. Chen Xuan liked this sound very much. But he always spoke so little.

"Can I ask again, why do you like to wear pink fur?" Chen Xuan looked at the other party and asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

After all, he has been walking and living for so many years. This was the first time he had seen someone with this kind of personality.

"You all ask me this, it's so boring!" The man showed a little disgust. He must have been asked this question many times.

"Just because I like it! Where we are, you are free to do whatever you like. This is normal."

But he still answered the question sincerely, and he seemed to be a good man with a kind heart!

"I see. It seems that I am narrow-minded." Chen Xuan immediately bowed his hands and apologized to the other party.

"You don't have to be so polite! You are not from the same clan as us. We understand very clearly." The man started talking again and listened to the tinkling sound of the spring water. It was really nice to hear. The whole body continues to exude elegance.

Chen Xuan really wanted to know him better. and their clan. This mysterious clan is famous all over the world, but it keeps a low profile. Now I see someone so elegant. It really aroused his curiosity. Maybe we can collaborate in the future! But he really couldn't ask more questions, so he thought of another good idea!

"Since you paid such a high price to hold on to my two treasures, then we are destined to be together! Why don't you go to the tavern here for a drink?"

"Okay!" This sentence should have come from his heart, because Chen Xuan saw the excited look on his face!

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