Qing'er looked at the similar world around her, as if she had entered the Shura universe, so she randomly chose a direction and walked forward! He ignored the scorching sun and kept walking forward.

Because based on the experience she just had, she didn’t know anything else but one thing, and that one thing was that she absolutely couldn’t stop! Once you stop, it will cause endless trouble!

Go forward, go forward! Qing'er told herself over and over again. In this barren environment, he can only rely on himself.

After walking for a long time, he felt his mouth was dry. Then he started looking for water everywhere.

He first collected the wild fruits on the trees, then the dew on the leaves. After waiting for everything to be found, he walked forward for a while. Gradually, she smelled a wet smell in the space. So he immediately quickened his pace and passed through a section of woods.

Suddenly she saw a lake in front of her! It's a water source!

"calm down!"

Qing'er first looked at his surroundings to make sure there were no large wild animals, then looked at the composition of the water, and finally determined that it was a safe freshwater lake. So he lowered his head and drank water.

She drank a handful of water with her hand, one handful after another, and the cool and sweet water was put into her stomach. His thirst was finally relieved!

But he seemed to have forgotten one very important thing - he finally stopped!

This means that danger is approaching her step by step.

A breeze blew by, blowing the water surface in the opposite direction. Qing'er squatted there to drink water, and her clothes were wet one by one. But he took the opportunity to wash his hands and body without noticing.

The more he looked at it, the more relaxed he became. He felt that the water was refreshing and comfortable, and he could take the opportunity to cleanse his body, which was stained by leaves and was stained with mud. So he jumped into the lake and took a bath as quickly as possible and very vigilantly. But after he finished taking a bath, he swam back, but he couldn't reach the shore.

It is obvious that the green grass is right in front of you. It seems as if it is close at hand and at your fingertips. But he couldn't reach it. The dark blue lake seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, and Qing'er's physical strength was also gradually declining. He had just escaped from the leaves, and he had just drank a lot of water. He couldn't hold on for a while, and his body began to float!

Alarm bells suddenly rang in Qing'er's mind! This is not a good sign!

She kept herself awake again and tried to find a way to get out of the lake.

So what can she do?

He is a fox, and he has been put to use just now, but he can only change his size, but cannot change his own species. There is no way to turn into a fish and swim out.

What else can be done? Is he anything but a fox?

His mind was spinning rapidly, and he thought of his other identity - he was a disciple of the Ice Sect! He can use ice! Then freeze the entire lake!

So he immediately mobilized his hands to match his formula.

"Ice! Ice and snow!"

Following his order, her hands began to exude the cold air of winter. Two cold currents came from his fingertips, and the water surface she touched began to freeze into ice.

Great, this works! "Qing'er sighed silently in his heart.

But he thought too simply! This is just the beginning! Such a big lake cannot be frozen with just his little strength. His ice cube extends one centimeter outward, and the lake water can submerge ten centimeters inside. So he simply cannot make ends meet!

It seems that he needs to increase his strength! Only then can we get out from here!

This time Qing'er understood the purpose of training again!

He has all the methods given to him by his master. There is also an exclusive training plan customized for him by the master. She calmly followed the key points that Android's master usually pointed out, and gradually moved towards becoming stronger.

In the next hour, Qing'er's ability developed at the speed of light. The process must have been miserable, and he even wanted to freeze himself, but he finally froze the entire lake on his own! Capabilities have been improved.

It felt really great for him to step on the ice blocks he had frozen and walk on the lake where he had made the ice himself! If it weren't for this experience, he might never have been able to achieve such heights!

He walked on the lake to the shore and continued to look for his way out, but he also knew very well this time that he could not get out without experience.

So he was ready for the next challenge.

He just walked forward step by step. As he walked, he saw the golden maple leaf forest in front of him.

What is it this time? Spring, summer, autumn and winter, it must be autumn for you, right?

He suddenly remembered the scene he saw when he first entered this world. Willows in spring, lakes in summer, maple leaves in autumn, and snowflakes in winter.

The willow trees and the lake were blocked by him, so what's the point of the maple leaves?

No matter what the fame is, he should accept it. This point cannot be escaped. After figuring it out, he strode into the maple leaf forest.

This maple forest is also very beautiful. It seems like all the fiery red colors of autumn are gathered together. Qing'er walked around and even started to enjoy the scenery boldly and confidently.

You can't escape anyway, so why not enjoy it now!

After that moment, his mentality changed obviously.

He walked deeper and deeper into the maple forest, and finally the blue and green colors behind him disappeared, and the front and back were patches of fiery red. Reminds me of the poetry that describes them.

"This is indeed a beautiful scenery, but it might be better if combined with the winter snow!" Qing'er even had such a bold idea.

Sure enough, things did not go as he expected. Qing'er walked in a maple leaf forest, but she didn't know why the maple leaves there started to burn.

"What? Are you playing so hard this time?"

Qing'er used the power of ice while escaping, hoping to extinguish the source of the fire through this method.

"Ice, ice and snow!"

Qing'er tried his best to suppress the spread of the fire and try to ensure his own safety. He kept exerting force, but the fire seemed to be burning stronger and stronger. As much ice as he sent inside, the fire spit out as many flames as she could!

"Am I not sending energy to others?" Qing'er finally realized that this method would not work.

But he has no other way now. Getting bigger will not help. Sooner or later, he will get angry. However, if he uses the ice formation, it will be counterproductive after a short period of safety. Not a good idea either.

Seeing that the fire is getting stronger and stronger, and the circle is getting bigger and bigger, Qing'er can only do her best to use ice attacks to delay the damage to herself from the fire as much as possible.

Outside the secret realm, his master paid close attention to his every move. Now listening to his master's intuition, he can guarantee that Qing'er is in danger.

He began to get anxious, but according to the rules from ancient times to the present, few people have ever been able to interrupt others' trials! He hesitated at first, but if he didn't go in, his apprentice's life would really be in danger.

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision.

In his own name, he would not interrupt Qing'er's trial, but he would go in and help him!

The point is not that after making the decision, Han waved his sleeves and opened another opening for the mysterious wonderland. Then he got in from there.

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