His eyes returned to the tavern again. The two grown men were still drinking.

Chen Xuan has almost explained the relationship between Qing'er and him.

"So you just let down the infatuation of a bunch of girls?"

Yan Keyun is an artist with a very delicate mind.

"Otherwise, what can we do?" Chen Xuan took another sip.

"I don't have any thoughts about her. It's better to reject her early so as not to delay his great youth."

"That's right!" Yan Keyun just drank a drink.

Chen Xuan was very surprised at his drinking capacity! He drank it one sip at a time, while the other person drank it one cup at a time!

Is this drink a bit too much?

Yan Keyun noticed the surprised expression on the other side.

"Why do you think I don't drink enough? Where are you now? Meaning!" Yan Keyun really wasn't lying. He was now refreshed, responsive, and his face was as white as a piece of paper. No one seems drunk!

"Why do you have such a good drinking capacity?" Chen Xuan felt that this person was involved in all kinds of unreasonable things! There are too many doubts about him, which makes him too charming.

"What's wrong? Are you surprised?" Yan Keyun smiled very confidently. "People in my hometown are such drinkers."

"Your hometown?" Chen Xuan didn't expect that the other party would talk to him about this. Because this is the softest place in everyone's heart.

"That must be a nice place, right?"

This is not a false compliment, but a genuine desire to know. Because the charmer opposite him who was so good-looking but behaved so strangely came from that place.

"Of course!" Yan Keyun said this, just like a child getting his favorite toy!

Such an expression? I think I saw Chen Xuan somewhere more than a while ago? So where is it?

Oh, it was when he talked about drinking!

Chen Xuan had no choice but to listen to him quietly, because he himself did not have such feelings. She had wandered around all her life and had no fixed hometown. So I don’t know what nostalgia is, but being able to listen to other people’s stories makes up for a major shortcoming in my life.

"You and I, there is a very beautiful golden beach there." Yan Keyun's mouth was like a firecracker, and he started crackling and kept talking.

"Because we are close to the sea, the climate is very good! It has given us beautiful skin."

Chen Xuan's attention then focused on his skin. It was indeed very good, brought out by the warm sea breeze.

"Our people are divided into two types, half live on land and the other half live in the ocean."

"As for why we love drinking so much, it's all due to our personalities!" When talking about this, his eyes always sparkled with fire.

"The Siren is fierce by nature, but he is also gentle and agile. For a family like ours that combines attack, healing, and magic defense, it is not surprising that he has any kind of character!"

"Of course, our love of drinking is also related to the fact that we are the origin of Jinsha!" Yan Keyun was very serious. In his eyes, reason and emotion always complement each other, and neither one can be missing. Therefore, when introducing it to others, you must be objective and comprehensive.

Chen Xuan just listened to him and suddenly felt very moved.

Yes, only with true feelings can we write so many words. A withered heart and a fearful heart. Never as powerful as a gentle heart! Therefore, although he has an eccentric personality, he must have suffered all kinds of tenderness in the world, so that he would not be blunted by life, and he dared to talk to him about his hometown in front of strangers. Only then did he dare to show others that his favorite thing was the wine from their hometown.

Because these can give her the most solid support and infinite strength!

"Thank you, Yan Keyun!" Chen Xuan listened to him and suddenly wanted to say thank you.

He had never felt the warmth of home before, nor did he understand how much energy his hometown could bring to him. Until he saw this person, this person must still have his most solid side. Just like his hometown, with the tenderness of the sea and the majesty of the cliffs!

"Ahem! Thank me for what? Are you touched?" Yan Keyun joked like this!

"Yes," Chen Xuan confided in him, because the other party had already shocked you, and he had nothing to hide in front of such a transparent person. "I heard about your hometown, so I know that your hometown is a very beautiful place, and I also know that you are a very beautiful person."

The sudden compliment made him blush a little, but mostly he chuckled.

"Okay, in that case, come and have two more drinks with me!"

Sure enough, for him, wine is really his true love! No matter how big the issue is, it can be solved with a glass of wine!

Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun drink one cup at a time, and neither will let the other! Originally, Chen Xuan didn't want to drink so hard with him. But Yan Keyun is really hospitable and very good at changing the atmosphere. Chen Xuan, who was just moved by him, was led astray by him without knowing it.

The rest was wrinkled and awake, always paying attention to the changes in his master.

After three rounds of wine and five tastes of food, they had almost eaten and their heads ached a little, so the two of them started chatting again.

"Have you, the Siren family, ever heard of this person?" Chen Xuan began to chat with him about the legends in the world.

"Who is it?" Yan Keyun looked to see if he could help.

"Actually, we don't know what his name is, or even whether he is from the same ethnic group as you. We just heard from the rivers and lakes that he also uses his voice as a weapon. And he is also very young. We all call him - Silver Bai Ling"

"Lark? Lark? Why does it sound like a girl's name? Of course I have never heard of this." Yan Keyun himself was also puzzled. If he could sing, he would definitely not be able to compare with his race, but with this rare name, he did never heard before.

Chen Xuan continued to describe it to him, not sure if it was right or not, "As far as we know, he should be about the same age as me."

"That should be about 20!"

"Then it turns out he was a man."

"Why would a man have a name like Bai Ling? It sounds weird."

Taking advantage of the current drunkenness, Chen Xuan silently wanted to scold him: You are still wearing pink fur, and you and your tribe are full of monsters!

"Is there anything else? About this information." Yan Keyun happened to want to find out and compete with him!

"As far as everyone knows, he should be in a stable mood, not take action at will, and has no tendency to abuse! He is a good boy, but he is very strong!"

"Then he is so powerful, why does he hide his identity?"

"I don't know about this either. There is no unified law for all walks of life."

"So, in short, this person is young, well-behaved, strong, and unwilling to show his face." Yan Keyun summed it up in a concise and shocking way.

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