"Is there any good way to catch them all?"

"It would be better to wait until they are all back in this room, but by then it will be too late!"

"Then what should we do?"

"It's better to use the old method to make up a magic circle first. With the news from Pioneer Pig and the others, keep these people first. Then release the bait and let them help."

Chen Xuan accepted this good idea, and they all hid in the cracks in the wall, preparing to attack.

Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun were hiding in the corner, originally planning to attack, but as time passed, they began to think about it after reading the painting style.

"Ke Yun, are you here for vacation?" They whispered from behind.

"Of course I came here for vacation. The original place was too boring." Yan Keyun disliked this!

"I really want to go on vacation too..."

"Why do you think so all of a sudden? Aren't you dedicated to learning and insisting on being the best in your own cultivation?"

"You have to be number one, but you also have to have holidays!"

"Then why do you think so suddenly?"

"There is no reason, I just suddenly want to take a vacation. Look at you, you just sing, swim, and when you have nothing to do, you go out and visit our place. Compared with you, my life is simply miserable. "

It turns out that I started to complain about life! Yan Keyun finally understood why he was complaining so much.

"That's okay. After I finish this matter, I can take you out to play for a while."

"Aren't you going to leave in a few days?" Chen Xuan then remembered that he was leaving again. It turns out that they have been here for two years, and they have been accompanying me all the time.

"I'm just going to travel, so what's the problem with having more fun?" Yan Keyun's boldness in this regard is almost as good as his drinking capacity.

"That's good. After we finish that matter, let's go out and have some fun together!"

"Okay, it's a deal!" The two men faced each other with fists in secret.

After waiting for a while, those people were finally there, coming and going.

"Do you want to do it now?"

"Have all their people arrived?"

"There should be another one outside. He will come in soon. I can already feel his presence in the magic circle!"

"Then let's wait a little longer. Let him come in when the door opens a little, but don't let these people inside get out."


Chen Xuan began to play with his formation stones again, and now these things were playing tricks in his hands.

Sure enough, within a short while, the last caught fish successfully entered the net.

"Everyone is coming in! It's time to come in, but it's not time to come in!"

"Then let's get started?" Yan Keyun grinned, showing his big white teeth. His eyes were also narrowed this time.

Chen Xuan carefully studied his expression of wanting to be beaten. He originally thought that he was owed enough. I never thought there was anyone who deserved a beating more than myself.

"You are really a cynical master."

"What? I'm obviously very serious when I get serious." Yan Keyun, you are really about to have a fight, and he can still make jokes.

"Okay, okay, you're serious, this time it's up to you!"

"No problem!" The two people began to cooperate tacitly.

It was a tacit understanding, but they actually had a lot of mistakes.

"Where should I put this thing?" Yan Keyun pointed at a stone at him.

"My uncle, have you really never seen it before, or are you pretending that you haven't seen it before? Isn't this the one I sold you a few days ago?"

"Oh, it turns out it's him!" Yan Keyun looked suddenly enlightened, as if he didn't know about this, which was the right thing to do.

Of course it is a matter of course, they don’t use such things! And not just them, few others have any use for it either! This thing of his has only been on the market for a few years, and there are many styles, so what? Who can remember!

Chen Xuan looked at him with a very expressive expression, "Okay, okay, okay! Can I teach you how to use it?"

Yan Keyun's expression changed back to its original appearance.

Chen Xuan stood next to him and taught him step by step.

"Look, this is the same stone you bought. It's mainly used for killing people, so it's a killing stone formation. Look, the stripes on it are all red!"

Taking advantage of the fact that it was not completely dark yet, Yan Keyun put the stone in his hand and looked at it for a while, and sure enough he saw something on the stone.

"As for how to use this, it's even simpler! Look at me!"

Chen Xuan put it on the ground, and then slapped him from a distance, which was all the Qigong from his palm.

"This thing can't touch her by itself, because it will have very strong lethality from the beginning, and it will kill her if not careful."

Yan Keyun watched quietly from the side, occasionally nodding obediently.

After teaching him, Chen Xuanzai began to think about his own affairs. What he wants to do is much more difficult than that, that is one of them, and his task is to connect all of them together.

Chen Xuan put away the magic circle with all his strength. At this time, it was getting late. The smell of rice came from the room. It seemed that they were about to start eating now.

This was a big help to them!

"So should we fight first or steal the information first?"

Yan Keyun lowered his head again and thought carefully for a while. When he thought seriously, he always liked to hold his chin.

"Let's hit people first this time! They have too much information here, and we don't know where they put it! The silent form will trigger the mechanisms they set up."

"Okay! I understand." Chen Xuan was waiting for his words.

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