"I think we've almost killed him now, right?" Yan Keyun followed his new friend all the way and suddenly felt that he was quite capable. This seemingly impossible task was actually achieved by him step by step! As expected, her ability cannot be underestimated.

"It's almost done, but don't worry, there is still one last step!" Chen Xuan's inner smile was filled with pride, and he was praising himself ten thousand times! It turns out that she herself has become smarter.

The last step is that no one in the entire courtyard designs another large magic circle. Although they escaped from the previous one, it is still necessary to build one. At the same time, he also understood that there should be a master among them! At least he is a master who can break the formation stone.

So this time he didn't dare to use those things to replace himself, so he concentrated on the fine work and started working on it wholeheartedly. Yan Keyun didn't know much about these things at first, but he understood it almost after finishing the stones he auctioned off last night.

"How about we add some tricks to it?" He is always like a child, creative anytime and anywhere.

"Okay, what do you want to add?" Of course Chen Xuan also needs this kind of creativity! The two of them complement each other perfectly! Where can I find such good friends? Sure enough, he still had to drink to get him back!

"How about we add the sonic attack of our Kraken clan into it."

Soundwave...this guy is really vicious! Chen Xuan sighed silently in his heart, but he would never dare to say it. He was really afraid that this kid would get too playful and get himself into trouble!

But such a vicious move is still very effective against others! Thinking about the scene where the group of people were shocked by the sound waves and had splitting headaches and were in pain. Chen Xuan also had an evil smile on his face!

Sure enough, the heroes think alike!

So they added fuel and jealousy to this magic circle, showing evil smiles from time to time. Finally, this magic circle full of murderous intent is completed! The next step is to wait for them to get in after they discover the problem!

The two of them took advantage of the temporary safety and continued to kill him one by one.

"How come you haven't noticed it yet?" Yan Keyun's creative thinking came online again.

In fact, Chen Xuan thought so too, but convenience came first! Convenience comes first! They'll find out later! Like a naughty child who has prepared a big surprise! The closer to the end, the richer the gift.

Unconsciously, the patrolling guards disappeared one by one. The yard gradually emptied out, but those who had the ability had almost recovered.

"Which one of you is the most powerful?" Yan Keyun asked Chen Xuan noncommittally.

"I think it should be the one I haven't seen just now." Chen Xuan and the two lay on the rocks again and pointed at the person in the middle. "And he is still the one surrounded in the middle, so his status is definitely not low."

"Then how can we deal with him?" Yan Keyun lowered his voice very deliberately, really like a naughty child.

In his heart, Chen Xuan disliked him for taking too many roles, and it was almost like he was here to kill him!

"Don't kill that one! Leave it to the end, I have something to ask him. And that one, that one, don't kill those three." Chen Xuan pointed at the three people, and Yan Keyun immediately received the signal.

"How about we kill another one now?" Yan Keyun looked at the rest, and less than ten fools didn't notice it yet!

"I really want to remind them!"

"Okay, come on!" It was so casual.

So they jumped down again, two of them holding sharp swords, and killed all the guards under the light of the moon.

"Aren't their IQs too low?"

"Maybe they are only used to walking around in rooms without people! They should have never encountered such a situation!" It was time for the two people to whisper again.

"There are only these few people left, how about we take action?" Chen Xuan looked at Yan Keyun and asked for his opinion.

"Then let's do it!" Yan Keyun waved his hands as if he was very tired. "If we don't deal with them, everything will be revealed." Then he remembered another thing. "Oh, by the way, does your magic circle still work? Don't wait until I enlarge my move and attract everyone to watch. It's the middle of the night now!"

"Don't worry, it will work! Just howl like a wolf!"

"That's not howling like a wolf!" Yan Keyun turned his face away angrily. How old is this man?

"Do you see that side? We will start with this person later! The three of them are the strongest. As long as they are controlled, the others will not be enough to cause danger."

"It turns out that what we put so much effort into preparing just now was just for the three of them." Yan Keyun also understood that with such a clear battle plan in front of him, it was impossible not to win.

"We will outflank them later and use detour tactics. Finally, we will lead them into the magic circle together!"

"No problem!" Yan Keyun lifted his hair. "My glitter is all ready!"

"The power of reincarnation! Destroy the void!" With a loud noise, the second round of battle began in the courtyard.

The skills released were like fireworks, lighting up the night sky again. But it was actually the magic energy of real swords and guns, which made the person standing in front of him who was hit dying!

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