He let go, and there was a biting wind in his ears. Fang Che was thrown straight down from the air by him. With a "pop!", he fell into the river he had summoned. The bone-cold water poured into her body, and her ears were filled with tears. The pressure of the relationship buzzed, and he felt like he was sinking, and it turned out that his river was so deep. Her long hair was floating upward, and the strands of hair were stretched out. The cold and biting water poured into his brain, and he seemed to have just realized it.

"It's so cold." No one could hear it, only he knew it.

The turbid water blurred her vision, and the sand got into his wound, making his wound hurt as if salt had been sprinkled on it. He tried hard to stop himself from sinking, but he had just been beaten. The whole body felt like it was falling apart.

"Is this the end of it?" He opened his eyes, and there was only turbidity in front of him.

Forget it, his vision began to blur and he couldn't see anything. He felt himself sinking, so he simply opened his hands.

Maybe this way we can die a little more beautifully...

"Fang Che!"

He seemed to hear someone calling him,

"Fang Che! Fang Che!"

It was a strange voice that he had never heard before, but he seemed to be in a hurry.

who is it? Who else would be so worried about themselves? She tried hard to open her eyes, but couldn't see anything.

"Fang Che!" She suddenly felt the water flowing, and then he felt his body being dragged up. It seemed like a pair of powerful hands lifted it out of the water.

who is it? Who is it? Countless faces flashed through his mind, but none of them seemed to be the same. Suddenly he felt that he saw a beam of white light and opened his eyes.

He was in the arms of a man. The man looked much older than him. He was wearing a blue dress. It was a very pure sapphire blue. Very few people dared to wear clothes of this color. There are drops of water hanging on his big eyes. They are very beautiful eyes with double eyelids, but his face is a bit dark and his hair is very long. Although there are many people in this world who are willing to grow their hair long, its length is still amazing! Her long hair was squeezed together by the water, and the water was dripping down drop by drop.

Just when Fang Che was about to speak, the man hugged it, jumped to another place, and exploded immediately behind him. It turned out that what he saw was the green light of the tree in the sky. The man took her to a safe place and comforted him a little.

"Are you Fang Che?"

His voice is nice and mellow, like the bass of a cello.

Fang Che looked at his face and nodded.

"My name is Yan Keyun. You may not know me, but you must know Zhong! Don't worry, we are good friends!"

Fang Che, his eyes widened in wonder, why did he know that I was in danger? Why have I never heard Chen Xuan mention him?

He put Fang Che on the ground and touched his head.

"You wait here for a while, wait until I deal with the bad guy, and then come back to take care of you, okay?" He spoke very gently, and Fang Che felt his heart being scratched, and nodded quickly.

Then the man flew away with a Qinggong. Fang Che's eyes followed him and saw him facing Ge Hua. Then he heard the old man's voice.

"Hey, why is there a man who is neither a man nor a woman? You seem to be very powerful. You were saving people just now!"

Yan Keyun didn't talk to him, and the other party didn't rush to take action, but continued to make sarcastic remarks.

"But, you are really a little different from him. You are really much darker than him! Hahahahaha!"

"It's a pity that the man who is fairer than you has been poisoned to death by me! What a pity that he had such a good-looking face and died young so soon! Otherwise, I will send you to accompany her! "

He showed a very scary expression and a very ugly laugh.

Yan Keyun sneered and started to take action without saying a word.

"Okay, then I will avenge him now!"

The war between the two is about to break out!

The war between the two is about to break out!

"I'm just an old man, you can't beat me this time!" Yan Keyun immediately started to attack!

The old man in his mouth also had bad intentions. He not only wanted to fight with him, but also wanted to hit Fang Che in the corner. So he ran there at every turn,

Yan Keyundeng's eyes fell on the boy in the corner. He had already seen his intentions. Although it would be very difficult, he had to stop him! That boy was so precious, even unparalleled in the world. She would never let such a person die young in the hands of bad guys! As a result, the two people started a tug-of-war in the air, with Fang Che as the focus.

As the name suggests, it is the most bitter one.

"I just want to laugh!" The old man couldn't help laughing while fighting with him, "You know that there is a pair of wings behind me, so you want to test my Qinggong or something? For a guy like you, I can't do that! "

"Who are you?" The other party probably doesn't know his true strength yet, he is really a blind person!

Eh? That being the case! Yan Keyun had a nasty idea in his mind.

Wouldn't it be better if he concealed his own strength first, didn't use his real special skills, but used other skills to deal with him first, disrupting his vision and hearing, and giving him an illusion?

Of course it would be better, he gave it to himself, so, with his 100% confidence in his skills and his proficiency in other weapons, he made an extremely shameless but powerful act———— He really hides his own strength and instead uses what others are least good at!

Not for anything else, just to give him some color!

So, the war drums started again, and this slightly absurd war started again!

Yan Keyun took out a sword for himself from his sleeve. Although it was not as good as his good brother's Yin Yang Cutting Dawn, it was still a top grade sword. Although it had no name, it was forged by a famous master and was considered the best. An extraordinary one among the ordinary ones! He only had that one thing and had no idea, so he just bought one at random just in case he needed it in case of emergencies. But these two are really no problem!

He used both hands to pull apart the shape of the sword. It was a snow-white sword with a cyan hilt, which was different from the ordinary bronze and black ones. The hilt was also polished by him. Handling, he is always very serious about beautiful things, especially metal things. Even if they are of no use, he still makes them look beautiful! This sword is just like that, it fits her style perfectly!

Sure enough, the bad old man fell into the trap at first sight. There was a trace of panic in his eyes and his breath was confused. Sure enough, he was very unfamiliar with this weapon. Therefore, the whole body is in taboo. Although he showed only a small part of it, he was still discovered by Yan Keyun.

"It's true, you are afraid of this!" He was very sure, because he knew that all people with larger frames are not good at close range attacks.

His siren's voice is like this, and so is the old man with a pair of big wings in front of him! So, this once again proves that he made the right choice!

The old man saw that he couldn't beat him in a head-on fight, so he focused on Fang Che in the corner. He waved his wings and kicked his feet and flew over.

Yan Keyun noticed it immediately and quickly chased after him. They were originally flying in the air, with the rushing river below their feet. Fang Che was placed in the corner of a slightly higher ground. If they wanted to get things on the ground, they had to land and walk on the water.

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