Chen Xuan's hardware is actually very practical, at least twice as good as Yan Keyun's, because after all, he has owned this sword for a long time, and he has the ancient book, and he has also studied the sword's exclusive skills. It's almost the same, so if he wants to enlarge his moves, he will never be vague.

"Yin Yang cuts dusk, second style!" This time, this street method finally has its own name! He was holding the sword in his right hand, and the sword shone more dazzlingly in his hand. The blade was golden, but a green light shone in the middle. This color scheme is very beautiful. His sword energy is blue, which adds a lightness to him. He originally squatted in the horse stance, but this was just a preparatory action. As soon as he put his legs up, he jumped into the air and used Qinggong to stabilize himself in the air. He drew a circle in front of him with his sword. This sword was small in size and very thick. It looked very scary and had very strong attack power.

"What! Why!" Ge Gen watched helplessly as he came up with such a large set of swordsmanship. He was already speechless. But when he thought that she was facing him, his eyes widened in fright. His mouth became He made an O shape and the expression on his face was very twitching.

Chen Xuanyi is like spinning his sword in the air, round and round, with lightning, flint, and thunder and lightning. From now on, the thunderbolt sent by the sword is hitting the original earth. Wherever it goes, everything is a piece of land. It's a mess. Once the ultra-high-temperature lightning strikes the land, it will turn into charred ashes. Now there are still a few wisps of green smoke, and the clear grass will be burned to death. There were scratches left on the ground.

Chen Xuan once again accumulated strength, and the shape of the sword changed from a circle to a triangle. It was very difficult to swing it like this, because after all, the prototype is an action that conforms to the laws of human body structure, and the triangle needs to be completely controlled by the human brain. Up to standard. Chen Xuan drew triangles one after another. Every gesture was extremely standard, and all he created were equilateral triangles. When he first practiced, he chose this one from several triangle types, not for any other reason, but because of its lethality. maximum.

The difference between the triangle and the circle was that there was lightning and thunder just now, but now it has an additional set of processes. He didn't know why, it began to absorb the dust and soil on the ground, and it started to vibrate slightly at the moment of the big fall. People still seemed to be in the Like ants on a hot pot, looking for an escape direction. Where is the order at all? He just follows someone he knows wherever he sees them. Yan Keyun is alone. As long as he is safe, he can ensure the safety of the other person. But Fang Yan and Fang Che are not like this. They are all alone. Look out for each other and never let the other person out of sight. In fact, sometimes they get separated for a short time because of the mysterious cracks in the mountain. After a while, they can definitely rely on the back of the person in front of them to catch up.

Chen Xuan is still in the air without you, holding on to the power of the earth. No one knows what effect his last blow will have. All he can see is that he is waving a yellow and blue sword. He is very handsome, calm and steady, flying sand and stones. They all gathered around him, and his triangular shapes seemed to have a huge attraction.

Finally, he may have stayed in the air for a long time and was a little tired from painting. Of course, the energy had accumulated to a sufficient level. He stopped waving at the tip of the triangle. That moment was very sudden, as if it had originally been The person who was transmitting qigong suddenly lost his true energy, and it was like the lightning and thunder suddenly lost their sound, like the tape suddenly got stuck in the middle, and everything on the earth and in the sky was paused by her.

"Hoo!" was the sound of the sword dissecting the air. He suddenly raised the sword over his head, and a lot of flying sand and rocks followed him. They gathered in the middle, flew for a while, and then landed with "Bang!" A light ball was exploded from the ground in an instant. It was transparent and had yellow and blue colors. The person you are standing on is Chen Xuan. He slashed the sword above his head to the ground at once, and the translucent light ball also appeared. It continued to expand, and those who had no time to escape were all mentioned into the distance by him. At the same time, the color instantly changed from dark to light, and finally turned into an existence like flying sand and rocks, and an explosion.

Yes, he did create a large-scale explosion on the ground! The enemy soldiers who did not escape were all blown up, and some even spiraled in the air. If they had not had other teammates, they would have returned to the west long ago. Loess, gravel, and black floating ash filled the air, making it turbid. The scene was like a volcano erupting. The huge impact lifted up a layer of skin on the ground, forming mountains one after another, forcing people to run forward. When Ge Gen saw that it was impossible for anyone to stop him, he picked up his father and ran away. Behind him were the rumbling earthquakes and fission. He randomly chose another direction and ran over. Fortunately, the whole way ahead was spacious.

At the same time, Yan Keyun called out loudly, even activating his unique Siren technology. The sisters' voices spread further and their pitches were raised higher. The distance between Fang Che and Fang Yan is getting farther and farther. Although she knows that the person is behind her, he no longer cares about him without understanding. It's not that he misses him. He looks back three times, but every time As soon as they took a step forward, the ground kept collapsing at an incredible speed and direction. Fortunately, both of them had some foundation in Qinggong. How could they fall into the pit and die? Then their progress was really getting worse. It's getting more and more difficult. It’s even difficult! It’s hard to move even an inch!

Chen Xuan went all the way to kill Kudzu...

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