"Look for me! Find them all for me!" Chen Xuan ordered loudly. These people had just escaped from the edge of life and death, and now they were pushed back by him.

Okay, it doesn't matter, just find someone. They don't want this guy to die here so easily. In twos and threes, go out and look for them together.

But just after a big war, the terrain is now very complicated, with ravines and crisscrosses, and the roads are also very muddy. It's like the north wind blows the ground and the white grass is broken. But they didn't look carefully. They dug through every bush. , they carefully inspected every pile of ashes and ruins, not even a piece of rubble, and finally found him next to a corner!

Fang Yan probably tripped over a stone while walking, and then, by coincidence, the wall behind her collapsed, and she was instantly buried inside. When she was carried out, her face was gray and her body had many injuries. Fang Che came out of the crowd and looked at her, with distress and worry all written on her face.

"It's okay, just go back and ask the old Chinese doctor to look at him and he'll be fine!" Chen Xuan came over to comfort him.

"That's it!" Yan Keyun also came over, put a bubble on her body, and then I popped it. "This can seal his breath. As long as he seals his breath, nothing will happen!" "

"Thank you!" Fang Che looked at him and thanked her sincerely.

He smiled. We were all like-minded friends. How could we say thank you?

So they carried her home together, and she recovered very well under the care of an experienced Chinese medicine practitioner.

The fierce battle last night was over. Secondly, life should go on normally.

Many people who were injured last night came to the old Chinese doctor for treatment, and Yan Keyun helped. He prepared a lot of expensive ointments for them. The effect is indeed different from ordinary ones, not only because of its very fast recovery ability, but also because it has many very good side effects, and the homeless people are very happy to use it.

"Okay, okay, listen to me now!" Chen Xuan looked at how careless they were and felt that he still had to teach them a lesson.

"Since you have been rescued now, you can no longer think about the life you had before! The life you had before is not dignified for you!"

It's been a long time since these people heard someone speak to them like this. It was as if they were thundering through their ears, and they were all stunned.

"I think you should give up everything, that kind of life, and welcome a new life. After all, I want you to think about how proud you were before!"

Chen Xuan continued to talk a lot of truth. Some of these people listened, and some still listened. He looked at them and left after he was done. He was not in a hurry. He knew that this was a very difficult process that could not be completed overnight. You see, when they were first arrested, they resisted day and night and became numb in the end. A very long process. But he believed in the hope in these people's hearts that sooner or later, they would become the flying people they were before!

Fang Yan's wound was not particularly severe, but he had some serious skin injuries, which were punctured by stones. Under the careful care of Yan Keyun's various magical medicines, he recovered within two seconds.

He became his lively self again.

This time, the three of them, Fang Yan, Fang Che, and Chen Xuan, went shopping together on the street. On the one hand, they wanted to supplement their family income, and on the other hand, they also came out to relax. Relax, these nerves that have been tense together.

They were really completely relaxed. They played from the time the sun just rose to the time when the sun went down. They went to many places together and bought all the shopping streets. Their family was a rich family. Chen Xuan's formation stones brought them a steady stream of wealth, allowing them to achieve success once and for all. No more borrowing money from others and running around.

At the end of the game, they had dinner on a commercial street. That commercial street was very prosperous and it was the dream place for all children. When he and she were still beggars, he didn’t know how many times he begged in this place! Because in this street, they are all rich people, and they will also give them more money. However, he never thought that one day, he would actually go shopping here by himself! You can also buy whatever you want!

Chen Xuan always liked to spoil the child and buy her whatever she wanted. Later, they were going to an amusement park, and Chen Xuan agreed without thinking.

Fang Yan had never played with these things before, and he played one after another. He ran so fast that the two of them could hardly catch up with him!

"Run slowly, run slowly! I won't be able to catch up soon!" Fang Che followed him as he ran all the way.

Fang Yan was very smart. He even understood the rules of the wheat ticket, bought the ticket himself, and then sat on it. By the time I came to chat, he had already got off the toy facility.

"Come with me to play the next one!" He was laughing and running in front. Fang Che really couldn't do anything to him, so he simply let him play by himself, and then went to the amusement facilities.

"You go up there, I'm here

"Okay!" Fang Yan was already impatient, waiting for his words, and then ran away quickly.

Fang Che and Chen Xuan looked at the direction he was leaving and went there first.

"Are you afraid of playing with such a high thing by himself?" Chen Xuan was joking with him.

"I don't think so!" Fang Che was very proud when he said these words. He is very confident about this. He has never seen anything like mountains of swords and seas of fire, so where is this? So he will never be afraid!

After the two joked, they waited for him together.

One minute, two minutes, three minutes, one second passed, and the ride was almost full circle, but the friend hadn't gotten off yet. There's something strange about them.

"Isn't this what he was playing for?"

"So this is it. I saw Wang running away!"

"Then why on earth has he not come down yet?"

"I don't know about this either. Let's check out our other friends first!"

So the two of them observed together for a while and found that the amusement rides had already come down, and other friends had come down from them, except for the children they knew.

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