"It doesn't matter, my son, he is just a child, there is no need for us to be afraid of him! Besides, don't forget, we also have a powerful magic weapon!"

"I'm about to laugh. If you have any other magic weapons, come out again. I'm not afraid anyway." Fang Che still had confidence in himself. After all, the person standing in front of him is his former defeated general! This fact will never change in this life! He jumped into the water from junior high school, causing a wave of waves, and then it seemed as if there was no news and he was about to sink directly into the water.

"Father, where did he go? Why did he disappear all of a sudden?" Ge Gen Zhengzhou said to his father, and suddenly time made another bang.

"How's it going? Have you seen enough?" Fang Che came out of the water, and this time, he stepped on a waterfall. It should be a large spring water holding him on top. He stood on it, looking very proud.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, you finally dare to come out now, you bastard!" That's when the old demon man was waiting.

"How about it? If you have any good ideas, just come out and see how I can break it!"

"Hahaha, how do you want to defeat me? You are a wind type, and I am a water type. We are not the same type at all!"

"Oh my, my, isn't this just because you are ignorant? How do you know that we are not the same type of people? There is everything in this world, and it's not like you don't know it. Only you can't think of it. We can't do it without it!"

"What? What do you mean? What do you want?" Fang Che suddenly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know what their tactics were. Isn't this unreasonable? It stands to reason that everyone can only have one attribute skill, like him, his younger brother, his elder brother, and those kind-hearted people, we are all the same, so in this way, the big devil in front of us should also be the same, but , he also why is this?

He didn't know the reason for this, what was it? He didn't know, but you saw the big bad guy in front of you, using his crutch that was about to break, and using the same attribute skills as him!

Like him, she stood on a wave, holding a water spray in one hand that turned into a spear-making stick! He looked at her angrily, but very proudly, and rushed towards her!

"Hahaha, that's not all! I also have my thousands of troops! Just wait to die!"

Just after saying this sentence, suddenly many more soldiers appeared in my sleep. I don't know what they were. They seemed to be made of sea water, but they seemed to have other colors, which made people confused and didn't know how to start.

That old man, she was still the one always at the front, but her body changed into the shape of a mermaid, holding a mace in her hand, and behind him, there was indeed a tail! There were thousands of troops behind him with her, surrounding Fang Che! She, who had been so magical just a moment ago, was now isolated and helpless again.

Countless shrimp crab sauces are surrounding him! From a distance, it looks like a pair of ants stepping on a mountain. Although he was very, very tall on that hilltop, there was only one person on it.

Fang Che stared blankly at the surroundings, thinking clearly on every face, but she didn't have any expression no matter how he looked at her. He was also panicked and didn't know what to do!

There is no other way, even if you can't beat them, you can't lose your momentum with them! As long as you think about him, you will rush to the front again. He has his own methods and his own courage. Don't rush to use your own magic power, just think about the other party's powerful legion and launch an attack!

"Do you know what the problem is now?"! Ge Hua, who was informed today, had a photo album of the lieutenant colonel’s son. Unexpectedly, it was finally in his hands! Let him think about who came just now? She first laughed at her, and then humiliated him at the same time! What a high level of confidence! So I don’t know who I am? My ability is higher than your brain power! Just like that, within three rounds, Chen Xuanhe laid down his formation without the ability to fight back!

"How's it going? Are you angry now? Do you still want to fight with me? Do you know how powerful I am?"

"How did you get such an ability? It's best to tell me the truth. Chen Xuan will never let you go!" Fang Che is a person who likes face very much, and he will never bow his head!

"Okay, do you still want her to pick you up? She doesn't even know where you are now!"

"How do you know he doesn't know? He definitely knows! I can guarantee it!"

"Okay, if that's the case, if you have the ability, let him come out to pick you up!"

But it's still a bit early, but it's really impossible.

Doctor World A second passed, and the person still didn't come out.

"How's it going? Have you given up now? Do you still want to wait here?"

"I don't do it myself. I will never give up in this life. It will definitely come!"

"It's fun. Since they are like this, they will send you there! Oh, by the way, there is another person!"


"Me!" Chen Xuan finally appeared.

"Who did you want to fight just now? Is it too late to fight with you now?"

He didn't get someone to answer him, so he immediately dismissed the other person!

The group of soldiers surrounding me immediately surrounded me, and he was not afraid! Quietly touching the weapon in his hand, thinking about which one should be better to start with?

"Forget it, why don't you all come together and beat them one by one? It's too much trouble!"

He is indeed not an ordinary person, he actually said such words! The two old men didn't let him go, and they used moves they stole from others! The two forces collided in the air, and one by one the rules were broken by their magic, as if the two of them were the gods of the world! In less than five minutes, Chen Xuan successfully gained the upper hand!

"No, no, I'm not here to fight this time, I'm here specifically to find you!"

"What do you want to do?"

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