"I have also looked for that place. It is in the city center. It is a leisure and entertainment venue integrating various functions. It not only has a hotel, but also a guesthouse and a bar nearby. There is also a formal place for exchange of gambling skills. There may be some fashionable romantic places, such as swimming pools, gyms, and exchanges. They all cost the same, so the people there are celebrities, upper-class people or officials. The polarization is very serious, but you can meet many famous people. They should all be there."

"Okay, then the first place is this place. Let's go to this place to try our luck first!" After saying this, he looked at his clothes again. I think something is wrong? "Is this place usually accessible?"

"You should check before going in. You are not allowed to carry any weapons and controlled knives. If you have very strong internal power, you need to configure a certain number of elixirs, or hands with limited power. Ring, to avoid conflicts, of course it is impossible to be dishonestly dressed, so you need to change your clothes!”

"Then what time does he usually open the door? Is there a time and place?"

"If it opens, it should be open from morning to four o'clock in the evening. I have worked there for a while, so I am relatively clear about this."

"Okay, it's settled, tomorrow morning! Let's go to that place! Now let's go home first! Borrow a piece of clothing from Yan Keyun!"

The two of them drank the wine in their glasses, packed up the meat, and went home arm in arm.

"It's so late, you're finally back!" Yan Keyun heard the footsteps in the courtyard and flew up from the bed to open the door. But when she opened it, she felt something was wrong.

"But why are there just the two of you? What about that one?"

"Well... let's go into the house first!" Chen Xuan didn't know how to talk to him in a short time, so he decided to take it into the house first and discuss it slowly.

"Actually, it's like this. When the three of us went out to play today, we found that Ge Hua was not dead yet, and then he tied up Fang Yan!"

"What? It's such a big thing, why did you come back so late? And what do you do? Can't I beat him?" Yan Keyun suddenly became anxious. He was originally a very emotional person, and Fang Yan He is the coolest kid here, and if he doesn’t worry, it’s all a lie!

"I didn't want it to be like this, but he suddenly came out and left suddenly. I didn't expect it, but this time they came prepared! It was indeed our mistake!" He was serious, and he didn't expect it. And these are not the main points! There is something more important later.

"Don't worry, listen to me. Moreover, his moves seem to have changed a lot compared to before. He can instantly copy other people's moves and make them his own! Later, according to the speculation between the two of us, he should be a local native who serves here. Rich men collude with each other and give and receive privately!”

"Then you mean that she is different now than before, and now there are powerful people supporting him behind his back?"

"Yes, so we will come back and tell you. We will go out to find out about them tomorrow, and we will come up and borrow some clothes from you tonight."

"Why use clothes?" Yan Keyun felt even more strange now. What had they really done?

"Because their gathering place is in a very big bar. The people standing at the door will definitely not let us in when we are like this. I also thought that your clothes should be fine, and so are you. You dress yourself up so beautifully. , it’s all so fancy, why don’t you want to dress us up?

Chen Xuan explained to her and then scolded her. Of course he was really joking.

"Okay, okay, I understand!" Yan Keyun, not in the mood to joke with him now, hurriedly ran into the house and found out for him everything that suited him for such an occasion.

In less than ten minutes, the room was filled with piles of clothes.

"You guys, you don't really know how to match it! The place I'm going to tomorrow is a bar. It's going to be so long. I should dress a little more relaxed. Don't dress very honestly. You can leak a little less skin. If it's more realistic and big, In the hotel, we should wear a full suit, and it should be formal, and cover ourselves in the clothes, preferably without hugging or touching the skin! This is correct social etiquette.”

"But if you go to a casino tomorrow, you should make it look like you are a little richer. I have a lot of very valuable jewelry here, and I can lend you some! Then if you go there tomorrow It has to be a style..."

"Okay, okay! There are so many of you, we all sound dizzy here, and what are these of yours? If I hadn't interrupted you, you wouldn't know what was going to come out! "Chen Xuan felt that he was really too open-minded, and he was still far away from him! In these aspects, he is really ashamed of himself!

"Just tell us which clothes are better for Ming to wear!"

Yan Keyun saw that the person opposite was so unwilling to make progress and gave him a very, very sympathetic look.

"Why are you looking at me like that? There is nothing dirty on my face!" Chen Xuan, a grown man, felt a little embarrassed and quickly changed the subject. "I want to give you another reminder. There should be Multifunctional, I think you have all the ones you just mentioned! So what should we do?”

"Of course this matter is very simple!" Yan Keyun was very careful and casually adjusted clothes for them that were not particularly formal but had no problems.

"Trust me! Dress like this and no one will accuse you of anything wrong!"

Chen Xuan, I feel that your story is still unreliable, because it’s not that she doesn’t believe in the man in front of her who knows how to dress up, but that he has never participated in such an occasion. Who would deliberately pay attention to conveying this when he is hanging around outside? ? He still wasn't particularly reassured.

"Oh, don't use that expression. I can tell it right away, okay? Can you trust me? Have you forgotten my aesthetic sense? Believe me, I can, this one suits me best!"

"Okay." He still decided to believe him, but this time it was not because he was following the good deeds, but because he simply believed in so many things about him now. He found that the distance between them became closer, and they finally became someone he could rely on. Man, at least in this respect!

"Then let's do this tonight!" Yan Keyun looked at them again, "The food must be eaten bite by bite, and the road must be walked step by step! If we persist like this, we will eventually succeed. This is just the beginning. , now you two go back and have a good sleep!"

Fang Che smiled at him, stood up and left, not forgetting to say thank you.

"And you go quickly, we will take care of it tomorrow when you come!"

But he seemed to suddenly remember something again, and an idea came to him.

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