"You're back so soon?" Yan Keyun saw them coming back and went to meet them with relief. But when she walked in, she saw that there were only two people...

The smile on her face gradually solidified, and she asked them very calmly

"Where's Fang Yan?"

"..."No one answered him.

"Aren't you going to bring her back? Then where's his man?"

"We...didn't catch up..." Chen Xuan lowered his head to look at his toes, not daring to raise his head.

"What about him!" Yan Keyun suddenly pointed at Fang Che who was sleeping beside him, looked at him excitedly, and then silently, tremblingly put down her hand...

He couldn't wake him up now...

He sighed and lowered his voice very low,

"...How do we tell him?" His words were full of powerlessness and bitterness. Now he even finds it difficult to wake him up... because once she wakes up and finds that she didn't see the person he wanted to see, she will definitely feel sad and upset... How should he explain to him then... What tone should he use to tell him that they failed this time... He didn't bring back the person you wanted to see the most...

The other two were also stunned, looking at each other, not knowing what to say...

They silently picked him up gently while he was sleeping. I didn't want to disturb his good dream, otherwise he would know such things so quickly, so they chose to fly.

"By the way, you don't know my name yet, do you?"

They were very tacit and kept their voices very low.

The other two didn't say anything. He took the initiative to adjust the atmosphere.

"I have just introduced it to the gentleman next to me who is dressed in fancy clothes,"

He also used a very intuitive but very funny adjective, but this is Yan Keyun. The one who wears clothes and sings the voice of the siren.

"Although you don't know me, your behavior has spread in our circle. ”

“Who prepared the women's clothing this gentleman is wearing? Was it him? He has a very good taste!” Really, it's just the matching of colors, the choice of materials, and even the accessories are very detailed and planned. It should be someone who is good at matching clothes. It's his style at first glance!

“And we also knew about the last time you dressed neatly, got up early, and brought a big bag of seafood to visit Mr. Yi.”

“Why do you know this?”

“Of course he told me himself! And when you wore women's clothing, you also met the two of them. As for why we know this, she told me all this. Don't look at him working diligently and never going on strike. He is a very honest person. In fact, she does a lot of things behind the scenes!”

When he said this, his eyes were full of disgust and squint. Yan Keyun guessed that the two of them should have a good relationship!

“Then let me introduce myself to you now! I am the last big family in this city as stated in your investigation report. My surname is Sui, and my name is Sui Xi. ”

It turned out to be him!

It was indeed him.

The two people had different reactions.

“So you, or you all, why do you need someone to help us?”

Chen Xuan didn’t beat around the bush with him, and asked him the most crucial question directly.

“I didn’t expect you really don’t know how to chat!” He began to tease the other two, his beautiful face that seemed to be cut by a knife, showing a fishtail of laughter.

“Of course this question is very simple, of course I want to deal with them!”

Since the other party likes to be straightforward, then he will be as straightforward as the other party, as long as he can accept it!

“I see.” It turns out that there is only one reason for all the bets!

“Do you want to cooperate with us?”

He asked so bluntly again, Yan Keyun couldn’t stand it anymore, and tried to stop him several times.

"It doesn't matter. Anything is fine with me! And it's possible that you are right. I am indeed thinking about the strength of you two, because as far as we know, you should not be simple!"

"But we can't stay here all the time. We two have to go somewhere else!"

"I know that most people won't stay in the same place for a long time. We are all the same. After this storm, we can meet again in the rivers and lakes! So if I can trouble you, just think of it as doing something for the people in this city!"

He said it very modestly, even humble. Chen Xuan and Yan Keyun also saw it. He was indeed different from others for being able to think of such a point for the people in a city.

"Okay, we are willing to help you!" Being able to get through others is never a solid armor or a powerful weapon, but a sincere heart.

"Are you serious? In this case, it's a deal! Don't regret it!"

"Okay, never regret it!" The two wanted to shake hands, but because there was a child in their arms, they had to throw a wink in the air. Even if it was a consensus!

"It just so happens that we are working together at the same time. There is a question that I think I should guarantee!"

"What?" Both of them turned their heads to want to know what he wanted.

"Then who do you think the Rao just now should be?"

"Who else can it be? That family member from yesterday!" Yan Keyun answered first. His attitude has made everything clear, and his magic also wants to match each other, which means I don't know whose magic he has stolen as his own!

"I don't think so." Sui Xi expressed his thoughts very honestly, and he definitely felt that this should be right.

"I think it's the old man you met first!"

"Do you still have any impressions? Kang family!" He was afraid that the two of them would forget, so he reminded them.

Of course I won't forget it! But why him? I don’t think there’s anything wrong with this person! He had to talk to him that afternoon. His tone, the way he spoke, and the content of his words were all vivid in her mind. The reflections on her life it brought to her were not forgotten either, but Why does it have to be this person? He really couldn't believe that this man had endured a lot. He had always felt something inexplicable that made him admire the Lord. Suddenly, he was treating you, the person you respected before, as a big bad guy! No matter who he is, he must not accept it!

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