Chen Xuan was thinking about it when he saw the man holding the giant sword saying to them: "Everyone, it seems that we have meat to eat now."

The captain finished holding the giant sword and walked to the side of the monster. At this time, the woman in red also pulled out her dagger from the forehead of the spirit wood python.

"This snake meat is delicious."

Seeing their drooling looks, Chen Xuan felt that he did not come to this forest to explore the secrets of some magical beasts, but to find some delicious delicacies.

At this moment, the few people set up the spirit wood python, and it was only then that Chen Xuan saw clearly that the size of this giant snake was really huge, more than ten meters long, just like a big ginseng tree.

However, the body of this spirit wood python is very strong. Even the woman's dagger could not pierce the scales on its body.

Chen Xuan saw them looking at the spirit wood python. Suddenly a man stood up, pulled out a short knife from his arms and said to them: "Everyone, this spirit wood python is handed over to me. Today I will definitely Peel it thoroughly so that everyone can have a good meal.”

After finishing, the man took the short knife and came to the side of the monster. He very neatly found the scales of the spirit wood python at a correct angle, and then removed all the scales. The total cost was only dozens of minutes.

Looking at the monster lying on the ground, Chen Xuan also felt hungry. Remembering that he couldn't make a fire last time, Chen Xuan could only hope that these fire-making and cooking techniques could appease him. stomach.

Just after that person skillfully removed the scales of the spirit wood python.

The captain put the giant sword back on his back, looked at them and said: "Since we just got this spirit wood python when we came here, I think everyone should camp here first. With such a big guy, it’s not very convenient for us to move.”

He just finished,

"Yes, we don't have to worry now. We have plenty of time anyway."

"I have never eaten this snake meat before."

I saw the man drooling and looking at the corpses of the spirit wood pythons.

Looking at these people, their mouths were drooling while looking at the spirit wood python, but only two people were unmoved. One was the woman wearing red clothes with scars on her face, and the other was That calm middle-aged man.

At this moment, the two of them were looking at the distance of the forest, but they had nothing to say.

Looking at their busy figures, Chen Xuan took stock of this place. Although Chen Xuan had little experience, he also felt that this place was not a good place to camp. He watched them take out the things for setting up a camp from their backpacks.

So Chen Xuan started walking around. Now Chen Xuan was like a transparent person. He didn't contribute much to the team. And seeing how busy they were, Chen Xuan didn't go over to help.

"You still need to find the source of water before you can go to school."

With that in mind, Chen Xuan was already walking around, but he didn't go very far. Chen Xuan also knew that this forest was very dangerous. If he walked far, his teammates might not be able to get over in time.

So he went back after walking around for a few times. When he went back, he found that the camp had been set up and it was already dusk. It was getting dark and he needed a lot of torches to chat.

Just as Chen Xuan thought this, he saw the man using the profound energy in his body, turning into a flame along with the melody, and the bonfire suddenly started to burn.

As time passed by, Chen Xuan began to notice that there were now a total of 13 people in their team.

One of them was the captain holding a giant sword, a woman in red clothes holding two daggers, and a middle-aged man with a very serious expression. Then there seemed to be two twins, both holding two round knife-like weapons in their hands, and their expressions were very cynical.

These 13 people also included Chen Xuan, and then there was the young man who could release flames. He was the one who just lit the bonfire.

And the man who quickly skinned the python with a short knife.

Chen Xuan saw two people chipping away at the tree trunk. The remaining two people seemed to have gone out to look for water. As for the last person, his character seemed to be very calm. At the moment, he was just sitting there quietly, playing with a purple dagger in his hand. There was nothing wrong with it. talk.

When Chen Xuan noticed him, he also glanced at Chen Xuan, but those eyes were very cold, almost as if there was no emotion.

After Chen Xuan looked at him, he looked away and watched them busy roasting the python's body with a torch.

"This is really a big thing. It seems that we can't put it directly on the fire and bake it. We can only cut it into several pieces and bake it. What do you think?"

The man carrying the giant sword nodded, but at this time he had already placed his giant sword on the side of the camp.

"Okay, look at me."

He then went over there and picked up his giant sword. He slowly walked over alone and looked at the body of the giant python.

The giant sword seemed weightless in his hand. He stared closely at the body of the giant python, and used the giant sword to make a few quick cuts. He saw that the python suddenly split into five pieces. Although it was five pieces, it was still very huge.

"If it doesn't work, we'll just make a few more bonfires."

The man holding the dagger smiled and said, "Yes, it seems there is no way. This guy is too big. Let's make a few more bonfires."

He looked at a young man over there. That young man was the one who just used his spiritual power to transform into several flames to burn the bonfire.

The young man came over and blew a breath towards the bonfire, and then the bonfire started burning. Now they have three bonfires, which can roast three pieces of the python meat at the same time.

At this moment, the sky has darkened, and the Black Rock Forest suddenly looks extremely dark. They are making their own bonfires in this black forest. At this moment, looking at the dark scene in the distance, they all talk to make themselves less scared.

"What happened in your place?"

Several of them gathered around a bonfire. At this moment, a man looked at the people around the bonfire and said.

"According to rumors, this was done by the mysterious man who killed the master-level strongman."

"But what conspiracy did he have, or why did he do this?"

"I don't know this either, but it's just speculation, and I don't know if it was done by him."

"In fact, these people are not completely unreasonable now. You see, there are three monster forests in the entire Black Rock World that are in this situation. Now the monsters in these three places have become very violent, and these three places happen to be the territories controlled by the three assassinated masters, princesses, and masters."

The man with the sword on his back nodded, but he didn't say anything. Chen Xuan paid attention to the expressions on their faces. He saw that these people were talking more and more enthusiastically, but they didn't find any clues.

While they were chatting, the meat of the python had been roasted. At this moment, the fragrant python meat was presented in front of them. The originally bluish-white python meat was now roasted golden.

Looking at the meat, Chen Xuan also felt his stomach growling. When he got up this morning, he heard these guys arguing outside the door, so he didn't have time to eat.

And then they came to the Black Rock Forest, and they were busy until now, just roasting the python meat.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that their day would pass so quickly...

And they actually roasted snake meat in this forest, and the mission didn't have any clues at all. If they were here for vacation, Chen Xuan would believe it.

Seeing the monster meat being served, Chen Xuan took two bites and it tasted pretty good.

Suddenly he felt that his body was not so tired.

This python meat was roasted by the woman in red. I didn't expect that she could roast it so deliciously, so Chen Xuan looked at the woman with amazed eyes.

However, the campfires on the other two sides didn't seem to be so lucky. The people who roasted it were the two cynical brothers. I didn't expect that they actually roasted the giant snake meat.

Seeing that the python meat was burnt by them, several people laughed and scolded.

"Your ability in roasting monster meat is not as good as mine. Get up! Let me do it."

The python was so huge that they could consume it here, so the man cut off a few pieces of snake meat and put them on the shelf to roast.

At this time, everyone had finished the discussion and moved on to another topic.

"Captain, what plans do we have tomorrow?"

This was a topic that everyone was concerned about, so everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at the man with the giant sword on his back.

"Tomorrow, we will all move forward a little further, but not too much, otherwise it will be difficult for us to escape if something changes."

Hearing what the man said, they also showed serious expressions on their faces. Everyone knew that the Black Rock Forest was very dangerous now, so the steady and steady approach pursued by the captain in front of them was indeed very suitable for them.

The man suddenly saw everyone and said to them: "Everyone, since we have come to this place together and are in the same team, I will introduce myself. My name is Li Lun, and I am also a special member of the Demon Hunter Guild. As for my origins, you may have heard of me."

"Are you Li Lun?"

At this moment, those people looked at him with surprised eyes.


"I thought you were Li Lun. No wonder the president of the Demon Hunter Guild actually let you be the captain of our team. Now I am convinced."

Chen Xuan saw the people who did not obey the man with a sword on his back as the captain at first. Now he did so, so he couldn't help but look at the man with the giant sword on his back a few more times.

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