Therefore, the violent monster continued to tear apart and attack Chen Xuan. The purple mysterious power attached to the two pairs of iron claws made Chen Xuan continue to dodge. The mysterious power on the claws was as sharp as a blade, but the purple mysterious power emitted was Chen Xuan's clothes were cut. After seeing his clothes cut by the magic hand, Chen Xuan also felt a little angry. The clothes on his body were now his last clothes.

As for Chen Xuan's other clothes, all of them were damaged in the battle with those monsters, so Chen Xuan felt very angry, so the light from the long sword in his hand struck the monster fiercely.

After seeing Chen Xuan's attack, the monsters also continued to attack Chen Xuan's attacker.

After seeing that his attack failed to defeat the monster, Chen Xuan roared directly, and then the golden melody struck me fiercely like the monster. After seeing Chen Xuan's attack, the monster turned up high. Jumping, looking at Chen Xuan from the air.

This magical beast suddenly flew towards him, and Chen Xuan could only hide aside quickly. He saw the body of the magical beast hit Lin's face hard, and then even the ground was hit with a very Huge pit.

Looking at the deep pit, Chen Xuan also sighed. He didn't expect that this monster's head was so strong. It dared to attack Chen Xuan directly like this. This was also the first time Chen Xuan had seen this kind of attack. He didn't expect it. The monster now had such a violent way to attack him. It seemed that his attack just now had also angered the monster. At this time, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were getting farther and farther apart.

Now the demonic beast roared and jumped out of the deep pit. The body and mind of the demonic beast were suddenly filled with purple profound energy. Seeing that the demonic beast continued to attack Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan hurriedly resisted. .

He didn't expect that he would completely anger this monster, and he just knocked it away.

It seemed that this monster was really angry, but Chen Xuan was hurriedly defending against the monster's crazy attack.

Although the monster is constantly attacking Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan can now cope with the attack of the monster a little, and Chen Xuan's defense is not weak. After all, Chen Xuan's body is very dexterous, and the monster's attack on him is very slow. Xuan can effectively resolve it.

After feeling the crazy attack of the monster, Chen Xuan continued to dodge, but the monster did not let go of Chen Xuan. He also felt that he could not break Chen Xuan's defense head-on, so the monster moved his body He was raised high in the air, and the muscles on his legs were very well developed.

Then the monster turned its body and body upside down in mid-air and dived to attack Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan saw that the monster's body instantly swelled a few points, and suddenly launched an attack on Chen Xuan. Everyone saw the monster The monster also yelled. He did not expect that the speed of the monster was actually much faster than before. Looking at the body of the monster flying over quickly, Chen Xuan hurriedly raised the long sword in his hand to form a A shield.

Then Chen Xuan's body hurriedly got out of the way, and saw that the magical beast directly shattered the protection, and deep pits were blasted out on the ground of Chen Xuan.

At this time, the monster continued to launch violent attacks towards Chen Xuan, and more than a dozen deep pits appeared on the ground. Chen Xuan continued to dodge looking at those pits.

However, the monster still attacked Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan showed an impatient expression when he saw the monster continued to attack him.

He has always been like this with those monsters. These monsters can't hurt him, but he can't effectively attack those monsters, and the monsters he encounters in this forest are basically the second level of gods and demons or above. , and this strength makes Chen Xuan feel a little troublesome.

After all, Chen Xuan is only at the third level of gods and demons now. Although this strength is already very strong, he has encountered many more powerful monsters, and the difference between those monsters and the current one is that those monsters They were all acting alone and encountered this kind of gregarious monster.

He and Wang Lun were separated, otherwise he and Wang Lun would definitely be able to kill this monster together. Chen Xuan now felt it was difficult to deal with one, but Wang Lun was He was dealing with two identical monsters, but it seemed that the monster in front of Chen Xuan was more powerful.

I saw that the eyes of the monster became redder and redder, and there would be a red afterimage on the path of the attack on Chen Xuan. Looking at the red afterimage, Chen Xuan knew that the monster was attacking him. , and accompanied by the red afterimage, there is also the purple mysterious energy on the body of the monster.

Chen Xuan hurriedly let the long sword in his hand bloom with golden profound energy. Then, a golden sword energy came out from his body. The golden sword energy hit the body of the monster, but that The monster didn't dodge.

The magical beast directly broke through Chen Xuan's golden profound energy and rushed to Chen Xuan's side. What made Chen Xuan feel a little angry was that the magical beast actually started fighting with him at close range again.

He had finally managed to distance himself from the monster just now, but now the monster was actually close to Chen Xuan's body again.

Chen Xuan quickly swung the long sword in his hand and slashed at the monster. The monster was also roaring several times. When he saw the figure of the monster rushing towards him, Chen Xuan raised the long sword in his hand and continued to resist.

Now the two of them were in a stalemate for a while, but Chen Xuan still didn't kill the monster. However, at this moment, Chen Xuan saw Wang Lun coming from a distance. It seemed that Wang Lun had already killed the two monsters. The monster was killed.

Chen Xuan's face showed a look of joy. So Chen Xuan greeted Wang Lun, and when he saw Wang Lun approaching, Chen Xuan hurriedly dodged the attack of the monster.

Obviously, Wang Lun was at the fifth level of gods and demons after all, so it was not very difficult to deal with those two monsters. At this moment, Wang Lun had followed the battle between Chen Xuan and the monster.

Seeing that Chen Xuan and the magical beast were now locked in a stalemate, Wang Lun's body emitted mysterious power and rushed directly towards his magical beast. We looked at the magical beast and saw that the magical beast was roaring at this moment. Looking at the two of them.

Warcraft obviously did not expect that the two people would attack him together. When he saw Wang Lun, he had obviously guessed that Wang Lun had already killed his two companions.

So the monster let out a strong roar and stared at Wang Lun with red eyes. Because of this, the monster no longer attacked Chengquan, but turned to attack Wang Lun behind him.

After seeing the monster attacking Wang Lun, Chen Xuan hurriedly raised the long sword in his hand, swung it and sent out a golden sword energy towards the monster, and Wang Lun also saw the monster attacking towards him. Attacked, he picked up the black giant sword in his hand. Wang Lun had already fought with the two monsters before, so his sword was always in his hand. Zheng

The black giant sword was indeed very powerful in defense. When the monster hit Wang Lun, Wang Lun raised the giant sword in his hand and heard a clang, but the monster did not Break through Wang Lun's defense.

Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand and slashed at the monster. The monster obviously knew that Wang Xuan's attack was very powerful, so he hurriedly moved his body to avoid it.

After the monster saw that it couldn't hit Wang Lun, it actually wanted to escape. Seeing the monster's body quickly dodged away, and wanted to escape deep into the jungle, Wang Lun and Chen Xuan's chicken feathers Following her, they continued to attack the Warcraft from behind. When they saw the two people following her closely, the purple profound energy on their bodies continued to emerge, and then the speed of the Warcraft became even faster. Run towards the front.

Seeing the figure of the monster running quickly, Chen Xuan hurriedly followed it, but Wang Lun didn't seem to want to chase the monster. He didn't know what kind of hatred Chen Xuan had for the monster. That monster actually Chen Xuan's only piece of clothing was shattered.

Now Chen Xuan's shirt was torn to pieces, cut by the purple mysterious power of the monster.

However, he saw that Chen Xuan had already pursued him, so he hurriedly used the profound power in his body and followed Chen Xuan closely. After all, the two of them were now dependent on each other in this forest, because no other companions had been found. .

Now he only found Chen Xuan, not to mention that Chen Xuan also let him eat the most delicious food he had ever eaten in the past few days, so if Chen Xuan got lost, he would have no delicious food to eat. The one he had yesterday Wang Lun was very surprised by the meat of the monster.

The two figures moved quickly through the forest, but the speed of the monster made them unexpectedly fast.

Chen Xuan was also very surprised, because the monster escaped even faster than when it attacked him just now. At this moment, Chen Xuan was just following the monster reluctantly, but Wang Lun didn't seem to be that fast. .

He followed but was already pulled away. At this time, the monster that escaped in front suddenly turned around and faced Chen Xuan. You and Chen Xuan were knocked away by the monster from a distance. Qing The purple profound energy blasted Chen Xuan onto the ground.

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