Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2354 Continue to plan to complete the mission

It was Chen Xuan who finally broke the ice: "I think there are three of us now. If we can find them, with a few more words, we can continue to complete this task. If not, how about we go back."

"Okay, I've been thinking about this issue recently. If they all go back, then we obviously don't need to continue completing the mission in this forest." The woman in red said.

Then they gathered around the confiscated animal that they had just killed and discussed the matter.

In the end, they also decided that if they could find 5 people, they would continue to complete this task.

But Chen Xuan looked at the monster in front of him, but all the blood of the monster had been absorbed by the woman in red, so Chen Xuan could only take out his knife and take out a few pieces of the monster. Meat, after all, they still have to eat, not to mention that the meat of the monsters roasted by the woman in red is also very delicious. Although Chen Xuan thinks that the meat of the monsters he roasted is also very delicious, but this red woman The materials and heat used in the clothes are very well controlled.

In the evening, he was going to try the cooking skills of the woman in red. He hadn't tasted it for a long time.

When he ate the monster meat baked by the woman before, he also lamented that the monster meat baked by the woman in red was very delicious.

I saw Chen Xuan taking out the bonfires from his storage ring. There is still a lot of dry wood in his storage ring, which he collected in the past few days, but it seems that there is not much left now, so When he took out all the wood, he cut down some trees nearby and stored them in his storage ring.

After taking out the bonfires, Wang Lun was responsible for lighting the hook fires, and then the woman in red came to control the meat of the monsters. Wang Lun also knew the woman in red's ability to roast the meat of monsters, and the meat was very good. It's delicious, even better than what Chen Xuan bakes.

After the two of them finished handling their own affairs, they stood next to the woman in red and watched the woman in red continue to apply seasoning on the piece of monster meat.

Seeing the woman's skillful skills, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were dumbfounded. It was obvious that this woman cared very much about food, so Chen Xuan was happy to sit next to him and chat with Wang Lun, discussing their visit this time. How to complete the task in this forest, and how to find their companions.

"I think they are generally on the outside of the forest now. I bet they will never go to the inside of the forest. After all, there are definitely not many of them. It will obviously be unflattering if they go to the inside of the forest. Let's take it now. Just put the target on the outer edge of the forest. If you can encounter one, you will encounter one more." Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan and said to him.

Chen Xuan felt that Wang Lun was very reasonable. Those people obviously would not go inside the forest. So now they have narrowed their targets, but they asked about the woman in red. The woman in red herself had not seen her separated companions recently, and only met them today.

But now that they have determined their target, they will search outside the forest for a while. If they still encounter those companions, they will regroup and try their best to complete this task. By the way, they will also discuss how to kill the black-robed man. The man comes for revenge.

Of course, if there are only three of them, you have to think of a way to go back. After all, completing this task with the three of them is obviously a thankless task, but Chen Xuan also saw that Wang Lun was eager to complete this task. , it seems that Wang Lun's self-esteem is very strong, so Chen Xuan doesn't care anymore.

While they were chatting, the woman in red had already roasted the meat of the monster. At this time, the aroma wafted into Chen Xuan's nose, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but swallow.

"It seems that your baking skills are amazing. I'm really ashamed of myself." Chen Xuan praised, and he was speaking the truth now.

The Warcraft meat that this woman tested was indeed different from the one he baked. There was no trace of burning at all, and the ingredients used were very even. The Warcraft meat was very fresh and tender. tasty.

After they finished eating the meat of the monsters, they were ready to rest. Now the three of them had decided on the system of taking turns to be on duty. At the beginning of the night, Chen Xuan would be on duty, and at midnight, Wang Lun would be on duty.

Finally, there is the woman in red, but the woman in red only needs to get up a little early in the morning. After all, she is also a woman.

Although they were like this, the woman in red was a little unhappy. He also knew that Wang Lun and Chen Xuan had more time for them to be on duty because she was a woman.

Although the woman in red in front of them is a woman, her methods and her cultivation make Chen Xuan and Wang Lun feel very powerful. A woman has actually cultivated to this point.

It is still very rare in this world. Not only in the world before this world fell asleep, it is also very difficult for a woman to cultivate to such an extent. Just see the scar on that woman's face. You know, she obviously suffered a lot in the past.

At midnight, Chen Xuan saw that Wang Lun had just gotten up and walked out of a tree next to him. He said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, go and rest. Leave it to me now."

Chen Xuan nodded. Now he felt a little tired. After all, it had been several hours since he was on duty at night.

After Chen Xuan laid his body down for a while, he opened his eyes and found that the color had brightened slightly. In fact, he saw the woman in red on the tree over there, holding two daggers in her hands. Looking ahead at all times.

Chen Xuan just wanted to say hello, but he saw the woman in red making a silent gesture to him. Then Chen Xuan covered his mouth and slowly walked out of the tree trunk. At this time, Wang Lun still did not After waking up, he continued to sleep inside. Chen Xuan no longer cared about him, but quietly climbed to the tree and looked at the woman in red.

"What happened?" Chen Xuan looked at the woman in red and asked him. She had just woken up and didn't know what had happened, but looking at the expression of the woman in red, it was obvious that something had happened, so Chen Xuan He slowly approached the woman in red from the tree.

"There seems to be a fluctuation of profound energy in front of me. The fluctuation of profound energy is very weak, but I can detect it." The woman in red looked at Chen Xuan behind her and said to him.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also used the mysterious power in his body, letting his own mysterious power spread out, and feeling the changes in the mysterious power around him. Hearing the woman's words, Chen Xuan didn't feel anything, so he asked Hongyi Woman: "Why don't I feel any fluctuations in profound energy?"

The woman in red's perception ability is actually very strong, and because of this, he has already escaped several very powerful monsters in this forest.

Chen Xuan didn't know how strong the woman in red's perception was, and he was curious at this time, because he didn't feel any fluctuations in profound energy, but looking at the woman in red's expression, it didn't look like she was joking with him, so Chen Xuan once again unleashed his profound power.

When the mysterious force dispersed, Chen Xuan didn't notice anything else. He stared closely at the woman in red.

There was nothing else, except that the woman in red closed her eyes slightly and felt the fluctuations of the profound energy in her body.

"Did you find anything?" Chen Xuan asked the woman in red, staring at her without blinking.

"If I guessed correctly, there is a person more than 20 miles away, but I don't know who it is. I can only feel his location." The woman in red said to Chen Xuanda.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan also felt a little incredible. He didn't know how many positions his mysterious power could cover, but it was obviously not as exaggerated as the woman in red.

This woman in red could actually detect a location more than 20 miles away, which really made Chen Xuan feel a little scary.

But looking at the expression on the face of the woman in red, Chen Xuan felt that she didn't seem to be lying, so he said to the woman in red, "Let's go over and take a look."

When the woman in red heard what Chen Xuan said, she nodded. She looked in the direction he pointed out, and then said to Chen Xuan: "Go and wake up the captain. Let's go over and take a look."

Just when they were finished, Wang Lun also opened his eyes. Apparently he also noticed that Chen Xuan and the woman in red were discussing something on the tree, so he lightly jumped up the tree trunk and looked at The two of them asked: "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I just felt a wave of profound energy over there, probably more than 20 miles away to the north." The woman in red said to Wang Lun who had just woken up.

Wang Lun seemed to find it incredible. He didn't know that the woman in red could detect such a far distance.

For ordinary people, the most they can do is cover a location three miles around them with their mysterious power. However, the woman in red in front of him actually detected a location more than 20 miles away, which really made him feel incredible.

Not only him, but Chen Xuan also felt the same way.

But the woman in red looked at them very seriously. He also knew the coverage range of his mysterious power, which surprised them very much, so he explained: My mysterious power covers a very wide range, because you also know that what I practice is Demon soul, so it’s a little different from how you practice mystical power. I can rely on this ability in the demon soul to sense the changes around me. This is an ability I only obtained after hunting a demon beast. "

"Devil beast?" Chen Xuan didn't know what kind of demon beast the famous woman was talking about.

But the woman continued: "That kind of spiritual beast is still very rare. I only have this kind of skill by absorbing the ability of that monster.

Chen Xuan also found it incredible that the demon soul mentioned by this woman actually had such perverted functions. It can actually absorb the abilities of Warcraft.

However, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun didn't say anything else. Instead, they and the figure of the woman in red quickly walked in the direction they were looking for. On the way, Chen Xuan was also thinking about who the woman in red was causing the fluctuation of mystical power.

After all, they were gambling now. If they met their previously separated companions, that would be perfect. But again, if they met a low-level monster, that would be okay.

However, Chen Xuan immediately rejected his idea. After all, it was emitted from a position more than 20 miles away. This kind of mysterious power must be a master or a very powerful magical beast to be able to reach such a distance. It can emit waves of profound energy.

However, they did not continue to think about it now. After all, they would only know what it was when they got there. Now they had already looked over there.

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