After they discussed for a while, Chen Xuan learned that the middle-aged man had been searching nearby after the last separation, because he didn't know whether Chen Xuan and his team had left.

But he also told Chen Xuan and his team that he had obtained the authorization of Yuandian to come to the forest to investigate the reason why the monsters became violent.

So no matter whether they would leave this time, the middle-aged man would definitely investigate this matter, and they also mentioned to the middle-aged man that they would go to the water source over there to investigate this time.

Because the previous water sources were actually polluted, and those monsters were likely to have mutated after drinking these polluted springs, and their eyes turned red, and became more violent, which made them a little confused.

After all, it is not so easy to investigate the reasons why those monsters became terrifying. Although they have been investigating in the forest for a month, most of the time, they are struggling to survive in this forest.

If their team had not been dispersed by the black-robed man, then they would definitely be able to gather more than a dozen people to explore the forest together to find out why those monsters became so violent.

It is even more unlikely that they have barely found the reason why the monsters became violent until now, although they can now guess part of it.

"Let's go to the spring water in front to have a look. If the spring water is really the same as we expected, then there is something wrong with the spring water." Wang Lun said to the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man nodded, obviously he also knew whether there was something wrong with the spring water. It seems that the middle-aged man has also investigated nearby recently. He also told Wang Lun and Chen Xuan that he wanted to find some water sources in this place.

But they found that all the water was not drinkable, especially the water source in the east, which was basically black and the bottom of the pool could not be seen.

It is obvious that the spring water there is polluted and cannot be drunk at all.

Now they are also facing a very important problem, that is, their water source is not enough, but the middle-aged man seems to have been prepared. He took out many bottles of clean water from his storage ring and said to them: "These are all what I brought before. I had expected that I would spend a lot of time in this forest this time, so I prepared more. I didn't expect it to come in handy." Hearing the middle-aged man say this, and taking out so many bottles of water from his storage ring, Chen Xuan felt very happy at this time. He didn't expect that this middle-aged man was really very far-sighted. Chen Xuan thought that when he set out, the only thing he didn't consider was to bring more water, otherwise they wouldn't be so miserable now. Chen Xuan now felt that his throat was going to dry up. The middle-aged man was also very generous. He took out 6 bottles of water and handed them to Chen Xuan and the others. He just took the clean water handed to them by the middle-aged man and drank it all at once. After drinking the water, Chen Xuan and the others felt refreshed, and when they asked the middle-aged man how much water he had, he seemed to have a lot. "I didn't expect you to have so much water in reserve. It seems that you can really help me this time." Wang Lun said to the middle-aged man after drinking the water in the bottle.

They had discussed one thing before. If they drank all the water, they would have to go home, no matter how the task was completed.

If there was not enough water to support them to continue exploring this matter. The only option was to return temporarily, but the appearance of the middle-aged man solved their urgent problem. They didn't expect to meet this middle-aged man at this time, and he had a very sufficient reserve. He was indeed a very far-sighted person.

Presumably, when Yuandian sent him here, he had already told him what might happen this time.

They continued to move forward, because there were suddenly two more people in their team, so they didn't have to be so cautious when they moved this time.

After all, the strength of the middle-aged man who had just joined was very strong. The strength of the sixth level of God and Demon was not inferior to Wang Lun at all. As for the young man in black clothes next to him, it was unknown what his specific strength was.

Chen Xuan had seen the young man in black take action when the fire-toothed rats attacked them before, but his speed was very fast, but he did not reveal too much strength, so Chen Xuan could not guess what level his specific cultivation had reached.

But it must not be very weak. Because the middle-aged man had also been with them, the young man in black was also a member of the Yuan Palace, which made Chen Xuan curious about what he needed to do to join the Yuan Palace.

It seems that you can join only when your strength reaches a certain level. Otherwise, Wang Lun is now at the fifth level of God and Demon, and he can join the Yuan Palace.

However, Chen Xuan did not ask deliberately. He did not want to join the so-called Yuan Palace now. Although he was very curious about the Yuan Palace, there were still many secrets of the Yuan Palace. Although Chen Xuan was curious, he did not want to ask the middle-aged man directly.

Several of their figures were moving forward quickly. Now they were getting closer to the pool where Wang Lun was. What Wang Lun told them was that the pool was very big and could be filled with water nearby. It is a huge water source, and other springs are just tributaries of that pool.

"How long do we have to walk?" Chen Xuan looked at the front and saw that there was no sign of the pool. Moreover, they had been walking for a long time now, and it was almost time for the scene to darken.

If they haven't found the water source when it gets dark, they will have to wait until dawn. After all, it would be very reckless to act at night.

Because they can't see clearly the surrounding environment, if there are any magical beasts hiding nearby, they won't be able to detect them easily. After all, they can't turn on their own mysterious power at any time to search for the fluctuations of those mysterious powers.

Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuan and said to them: "Don't worry, we'll be there soon, just walk forward..."

After Wang Lun finished, he continued to walk forward, and several people behind him hurriedly followed Wang Lun.

Soon the color darkened, but they still couldn't find the pool, which made Wang Lun feel a little confused. He had thought that he had been here before, but now the pool was not covered by them. Discover.

"Something's wrong. I was sure it was here before. Look, there's a mark I made here." After Wang Lun finished, he walked to the left and looked at a mark on the ground.

"That's right, we fought a monster in this place last time. I even killed it here and took out its crystal core, but... it's really strange." Wang Lun looked at the disappeared beast. Shuiyuan is confused at the moment.

Just as Chen Xuan was about to speak, he heard the middle-aged man say to him: "If I guessed correctly, this place must have been changed by someone. It was most likely created by the mysterious power of space."

The middle-aged man could see that everyone here was looking at her in confusion, so she explained to everyone: "If I guessed correctly, this place originally had a water source, because you see There are still some traces of water damage here.”

At this time, Chen Xuan also saw that there was indeed a pool of water at the place where the middle-aged man pointed, but he did not see any trace of a pool of water here.

The middle-aged man continued: "If I guessed correctly, this place must have been changed by someone else."

Everyone exclaimed when they heard the middle-aged man say this, he has the ability to change spaces!

Unless you have entered the dominance level, you will not be able to appreciate the wonder of space at all.

"But now the spring in this place can no longer be found, and we don't know what happened. If the spring is still here, we can know what happened in the spring."

Now they can only wander around a few times, but they can't find any traces of spring water. Now they can only believe what the middle-aged man said. This place has been changed in space, so the original spring water has been moved to Other places.

But what makes them curious is who would do this. After all, only those with dominating strength can do this. So it must be those dominating people. After all, there are only a handful of people who can enter dominating strength. , but only a few.

Chen Xuan now also feels that it is very likely that Pantheon did this, but it is just speculation, not to mention there are rumors that it was done by the mysterious strong man who killed a master.

Seeing that Jin could no longer go forward, they could only discuss what to eat in the evening. So Chen Xuan took out the meat of the monster from his storage ring. At this time, the middle-aged man's eyes also turned slightly. When the light came on, he must have seen Chen Xuan's storage ring, but he couldn't tell what symbols were on Chen Xuan's storage ring.

So he classified Chen Xuan as the disciple of a master-level master. After all, there are still several casual cultivators who have reached the master-level in this world.

Because Chen Xuan's storage ring does not have the marks of Yuandian and Pantheon on it.

Moreover, the larger the storage space of this kind of ring, the more rare it is. Only people from some big families are likely to own such things.

But what he didn't know was that Chen Xuan also got this storage ring accidentally in his original world.

After Chen Xuan took out the meat of the monsters, Wang Lun lit up a bonfire. The original team of more than a dozen people now only had five of them left.

But today they have also killed many monsters, so they are not worried about not having the meat of monsters to eat. The only worry is that there is not enough water. But after the middle-aged man came, they also had sufficient water.

Therefore, Chen Xuan and the others also felt that they were somewhat grateful to the middle-aged man. After all, if there was no water source to support them, they would have no choice but to drink the blood of those monsters.

The woman in red was still responsible for roasting the meat of the monsters, but now there were five people, so the other person responsible for roasting the meat of the monsters was left to Chen Xuan.

Because Chen Xuan had also seen the meat of the monsters roasted by Wang Lun, which was completely half-cooked and then swallowed.

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