Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2373 Clean up the corpse of the monster

The magical beast did not give up, and then spit out golden flames one after another. However, the golden flames could not break through the middle-aged man's golden profound power circle. After several attempts, the magical beast could not attack the middle-aged man. It looked like it would cause no harm, so he gave up attacking the middle-aged man.

The monster roared and rushed towards them. The steel teeth in its mouth glowed bright white, making it look very dazzling.

Seeing the running body of the monster rushing towards him, the middle-aged man just waved his left hand gently, and saw a line of mysterious power emerge from his palm, and the mysterious power was immediately concentrated on the monster. After a loud rumbling sound was heard from the monster's body, the monster's body suddenly flew into the distance.

The middle-aged man can also directly knock the monster's body away, but after all, he has the strength of the fifth level of gods and demons.

Compared to Chen Xuan, who was able to hit the monster at the third level of gods and demons, the middle-aged man's ability to knock the monster away made it easier for others to understand.

But at the same time, Chen Xuan also consumed a lot of his thoughts about you, so now Chen Xuan no longer has the ability to attack that monster again.

The monster stood up from the ground. The blow it received from the middle-aged man just now gave the monster the ability to attack.

But now he was glaring at the middle-aged man with his huge eyes, not daring to rush over easily, because after being hit by the middle-aged man just now, he knew how powerful he was.

The monster roared, followed by a rapid movement of the figure. He wanted to use his huge body to attack the middle-aged man, but the middle-aged man would not let him succeed. He saw another mysterious force emerging from his side.

There was a loud bang.

The monster continued to be knocked away by the middle-aged man. At this time, Wang Lun had killed two monsters in succession. Because of their containment, the middle-aged man could devote himself to dealing with the huge monster.

At this time, the huge monster received several attacks from the middle-aged man, and a thin stream of blood flowed from his body.

It was obvious that he didn't feel well after being hit many times by the middle-aged man. So the monster roared loudly, then spit out several golden flames and attacked the middle-aged man.

Seeing the golden flames spit out by the monster, the middle-aged man used the mysterious power in his body and then built a golden circle around it again.

After all, it was also the sixth level of strength of gods and demons, and that monster was only at the martial arts level, so after seeing the middle-aged man attacking him, the monster let out another fierce cry.

The golden flames could not break the middle-aged man's defense. Chen Xuan stared at the monster in the circle. He could see that the monster was exhausted, but at this time, the monster remained undeterred and continued to fight. Wanting to launch an attack on the middle-aged man, Chen Xuan had to admire him.

The monster seemed to have great willpower. He held up his body and continued to attack the middle-aged man. After seeing the monster attacking, the middle-aged man slowly gathered the profound energy around him, and just He saw the same golden melody condensed on his palm.

Then the golden profound energy slowly turned into a golden light on the palm of his hand.

After the Warcraft rushed over, he was hit by the golden light. His body drew a line in the sky, and then fell far away on Lin. It seemed that the Warcraft had now lost the ability to resist.

Chen Xuan now enjoys watching the battle between the monster and the middle-aged man. He didn't know if the monster still had the ability to attack, but it must have been seriously injured now.

The middle-aged man's body was thinking about the monster and he walked slowly over. The suppression of his strength was clear at a glance. Chen Xuan also knew that the middle-aged man could defeat the monster, but he didn't expect to defeat him at such a fast speed. , because the monster just now thought that they would attack first, and Chen Xuan also mobilized the remaining profound energy in his body to attack the huge monster.

At this time, the monster had completely lost its ability to resist, and fell to the ground and groaned a few times.

Then the head of the monster slowly dropped to the ground next to it. It seemed that it had expired. At this time, Wang Lun and the others had not yet resolved the battle, especially the young man in black, who was using his The black dagger in his hand kept killing the remaining monsters.

The man's speed is also very fast. Although it is slower than the woman in red, his power is obviously much greater. When he fights with those monsters, he always has direct contact.

The woman in red was a little different from him, because every time the woman in red killed those monsters, she went around behind them, but the young man in black in front of him was fighting those monsters from the front with a dagger.

His strength was still very strong. Chen Xuan briefly estimated that the man in black also had the strength of the fourth level of gods and demons.

The strength displayed by the young man in black also made Chen Xuan feel slightly surprised. He originally thought that the strength of the young man in black was not much different from his own, but judging from the mysterious power he released, he was already The cultivation level of the fourth level of gods and demons.

Chen Xuan also roughly compared himself in the same situation as the man in black. He found that although his water was not much different from the strength of the man in black, under normal circumstances, Chen Xuan might not be the opponent of the man in black. If he could fuse his two powers, If there is no strength, then the man in black may not be able to beat Chen Xuan.

The figure of the man in black moved quickly, creating two contrasts with the red figure of the woman.

Both men also used daggers, followed by two daggers. The young man in black used one dagger, but he also killed many magical beasts.

Wang Lun was waving the black giant sword in his hand at this time. All the monsters did not dare to approach him easily, because the strength released by Wang Lun was indeed very powerful. It was already the fifth level of gods and demons, so those monsters could not get close to him. Everyone who came to him was killed by him.

There were originally many Warcraft, but now they have killed most of them. Thinking of the dozens of Warcraft at the beginning, there are now only 6 left.

The six monsters now saw their leader, and they were all killed by the humans in front of them, so at this time they had no intention of continuing to fight, and they just looked at the humans in front of them in horror.

The six monsters couldn't believe that their leader would be killed by these people, but the reality was already in front of them. And now it's too late for the six monsters to retreat, because there is a very fast woman in red on Chen Xuan's side, just when those monsters want to escape.

The young man in black and the woman in red quickly rushed in front of the monsters that wanted to escape.

The woman in red quickly picked up the two daggers in her hands and had already killed two monsters. Now those monsters have lost their fighting spirit, so they can defeat themselves now. They can easily defeat them just by getting close to them. Kill a monster.

They quickly killed several monsters. Looking at the messy ground covered with the corpses of those monsters, Chen Xuan looked at them and said, "It seems that these monsters are enough for us to eat."

"There's nothing we can do. Who made these guys want to come and attack us? They asked for it." Wang Lun saw that there were so many corpses of the monsters they killed on the ground. Dozens of them.

Then they cleaned up the battlefield here. The blood of the killed monsters had dyed the place red, and blood was still flowing from the necks of those monsters. At this time, the woman in red walked towards the huge monster. Next to the monster, he raised his hands and inserted them into the heart of the monster.

I saw a blue crystal core being taken out, and then the woman in red directly absorbed the essence and blood of the monster. I saw a steady stream of red blood flowing in along with the attraction of the woman in red. On the palm of his hand, the originally majestic blood turned into a very fine drop of blood essence.

Chen Xuan knew that the woman in red was cultivating demon souls, so he didn't have any big expression. However, this was the first time for the middle-aged man to see it, so there was a trace of surprise on his face. Obviously, he didn't expect the woman in red. He was actually cultivating the demon soul, but then he hid his eyes, and then went to greet Wang Lun and Chen Xuan and said to them.

"We'd better take out the crystal cores of these monsters first. Otherwise, we will soon take out the flesh of these monsters."

Hearing the middle-aged man say this, Chen Xuan hurriedly took the short knife in his hand, walked towards the monsters one by one, and took out the hearts of those monsters. Theirs was actually as many as the crystal nuclei of these monsters. , but they are also uneven. Some Warcraft can have green crystal cores.

However, some monsters do have very ordinary crystal nuclei, and most of them are different. However, the obvious opinion is that the number of these crystal nuclei is very large, so it also compensates for the time and profound energy they spend fighting these monsters. .

After Chen Xuan quickly took out the crystal cores of those monsters, they divided them equally. What they needed to do at this time was to process the meat of these monsters. After all, these were killed by them. There are so many monsters.

He definitely couldn't put all the meat of these monsters into his storage ring. Chen Xuan also paid special attention to the storage ring of the middle-aged man. It seemed that there was no space inside for his own storage ring. big.

So they could only carefully select many fresh and tender parts from the bodies of those monsters and put them into the storage ring. Moreover, Chen Xuan also specially knocked off the steel teeth of the giant monster and the fur on their bodies.

These are all good things. If they can be refined, they can become a handy weapon. What's more, although the furs of those monsters do not have strong defensive capabilities, the toxins on them also make Chen Xuan a little curious. He is going to Take one back and refine some poison.

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