Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2387 The History of Tianyuan Palace

Chen Xuan never thought that he could get the answer he wanted from the middle-aged man. He just felt that during this period of getting along, Chen Xuan had gradually trusted the middle-aged man, so he asked casually.

At this time, the two of them were gathered around the campfire. More than two hours had passed. At this time, the man in black had already made a noise from the camp and walked over.

He said very few words. He glanced at Chen Xuan at this time, and seemed to show a trace of doubt. They had been fighting that monster for so long today, and they felt that their physical strength was very lacking.

But Chen Xuan didn't go over to rest now. Instead, he was warming up by the fire with the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man glanced at Chen Xuan, and then said to him: "Brother Chen, if that's the case, then I'll go over and rest first."

Chen Xuan nodded silently, and then the middle-aged man returned to the camp and fell asleep inside. It seemed that dealing with the monster today had consumed a lot of energy in him.

The fact that he can persevere until now shows that his perseverance is amazing.

The man in black was also gathered around the bonfire, but he said nothing and occasionally glanced at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan sat next to the bonfire, slowly becoming sleepy, and then fell asleep next to him. When he woke up the next time, it was already morning.

"Everyone, get up. If we speed up today, we can return to Yuanwu City tomorrow." Wang Lun said while beating gongs and drums.

At this moment, several of them were gathered around the bonfire. Seeing Chen Xuan actually getting up there, there was a puzzled look on his face. Only the middle-aged man and the man in black knew that Chen Xuan had indeed fallen asleep here yesterday. .

Wang Lun walked to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, did you get up too early or did you sleep here yesterday? Why did I see you were not around when I got up this morning?"

Hearing Wang Lun ask his question, Chen Xuan explained: "I woke up suddenly yesterday and came here to warm myself by the fire. Unexpectedly, I suddenly fell asleep."

After hearing Chen Xuan's explanation, Wang Lun didn't take it to heart, and then they cleaned up the area.

They were ready to continue walking looking south, and now they had reached the outskirts of the forest.

The few of them have been staying in the forest for a month and a half. If they don't return to Black Rock City, news will spread that they have suffered misfortune.

However, this is indeed the case. They were originally a team of 13 people, but now there are only 5 people left. The whereabouts of the other people are still unknown, and three people died in the battle with the black-robed man. , others may have returned to Black Rock City.

"Let's speed up now and we can return at noon tomorrow." Wang Lun looked around. He was very familiar with this place. He had been in and out of this place countless times, so he looked at it and said to Chen Xuan and the others. .

Several figures moved quickly towards the front. Now they can only return to Black Rock City quickly.

The current water source can only support them for a while at most. If they cannot return later, they will definitely feel uncomfortable due to lack of water source.

Now that they have arrived at the outskirts of the forest, they have also slightly added their mysterious energy to the sides of their legs to speed up the speed. Although the monsters have become very violent now, there are also many powerful monsters outside Shenzhen. But compared to the inside of the forest, it is much less.

The only exception was the giant python they just encountered, because they did not expect that the giant python would be so powerful after it became violent, but they did not know that the giant python also had orange-level crystal consumption.

It was obvious that this giant python was one of the best among its kind.

I saw that they all attached their own mysterious energy to the sides of their legs, and their speed suddenly accelerated much faster than before.

They kept talking on the road, and Chen Xuan also learned from their mouths that Black Rock City was the center of the world tens of thousands of years ago.

That's why there is such a name, but now the center is no longer in this area. Qingyun City, occupied by the most powerful lord in the east, is currently the largest city. According to the area of ​​​​that city, it occupies more than 800 square meters. inside.

It is far larger than the current Black Rock City. After all, Black Rock City has been reduced to a county government.

Although the princess is still very powerful. But compared to the kings of those countries and the boundaries of the empire, they are very small.

The current Black Rock City only retains the statue of the legendary king who founded the entire Black Rock Empire.

But with the passage of time, it has been gradually forgotten. The former Black Rock Empire has now withered and been divided into many sections.

At that time, the master-level man was also the most powerful. Unfortunately, to this day, the Black Rock City has only turned into a county.

They kept talking on the road, and Wang Lun also noticed that Chen Xuan's knowledge was very lacking. Chen Xuan basically knew many things, but Chen Xuan didn't know anything about them.

But when they were talking, Chen Xuan also listened carefully. It is said that the current city lord of Black Rock City is a powerful man of the divine king level, and the two palace lords who have also reached this level with him are the two palace lords of Pantheon and Yuandian.

Also included is the president of the Demon Hunters Guild. This kind of strength is simply ranked last in this world.

However, the city lord of Black Rock City seems to be quite powerful and has reached the fourth level of the Divine Lord. Of course, Chen Xuan only heard about it.

He still doesn't know how powerful the God Lord level is, except that when he first came to this world, the black-robed old man he met wanted to cultivate to the God Lord level.

Thinking of this, Chen Xuan still felt a little embarrassed. He had previously promised the black-robed man to fight against the black-robed old man when he came out of the secret realm.

Moreover, when the old man in black robe comes out of the secret realm, he will most likely reach the level of a god. Chen Xuan now secretly compared his own cultivation.

Now he is only at the third level of gods and demons. If he were to face a strong person at the level of a god, there would be no need to ask. He would be killed by him in a blink of an eye.

Moreover, Chen Xuan felt a little angry. The power in his body was suppressed, and many of his previous techniques could not be used. Except that he could now fuse two mysterious forces to make his attacks more powerful, Chen Xuan had no There are other tricks.

It seems that I have to look for some more skills now, otherwise I really don't have any powerful moves, Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Although when he attacked the giant python before, he unleashed a very powerful attack power, but the move he performed also caused Chen Xuan to consume a lot of profound energy.

It was precisely because of that battle that Chen Xuan was almost invaded by the power of the demon soul last night. If Chen Xuan hadn't suddenly had the wisdom to divert the golden profound power in other Dantian, it would have been too dangerous.

The more Chen Xuan thought about it, the more scared he became. Now he had thought that after returning to Black Rock City, he must visit some people to investigate how this demon soul works.

At this time, their pace did not slow down. Chen Xuan asked some questions to the people around him from time to time. They had now arrived at the outskirts of the forest, so their mood became much more relaxed than before. They all looked at Chen Xuan. Answer the questions one by one.

However, some of Chen Xuan's questions were so simple that they started laughing.

"Brother Chen, you are not from this world, are you? These questions are so simple, but you don't even know. You can understand them even if you read a little bit of history, right?" Wang Lun said with a smile.

Chen Xuan felt a little embarrassed. He really didn't live in this world, but it was difficult for Wang Lun to answer Chen Xuan in front of so many people.

Wang Lun then explained to Chen Xuan: "Now the world has been divided into 15 sections. The dominant man at that time relied on his powerful strength to unify the entire world, so the scattered situation was resolved. But in the following years, Thousands of years ago, after the death of that master-level powerhouse, wars broke out one after another in other places, and then the empire began to disintegrate, and it became what it is now in the past few thousand years. "

The middle-aged man then said: "There are a total of 13 empires in the world now, and our Black Rock City belongs to one of them, but now it has been divided into counties."

"Yes. Because the wars that took place in the middle were too frequent, those powerful masters formed the Yuan Temple at the same time. But in fact, I heard that the scale of the Pantheon was even older. It was said to have been formed 10,000 years ago."

Chen Xuan then asked about the Pantheon, but no one knew this better than the middle-aged man. He then simply explained to Chen Xuan: "The formation of the Pantheon is actually older than the Yuandian. "

At this time, everyone was watching the middle-aged man intently and seemed to be very curious about this matter.

"Our Yuandian is actually more like an alliance, and the Pantheon is more like a religion. In fact, both families are on the same page, but now I have noticed that there are some changes in Yuandian, because a powerful master-level The leader was assassinated, so now the lords are arguing again about who should control that place. "

After hearing this, Wang Lun replied: "There is no way to do it. There have been continuous wars for hundreds of years. If this incident is a trigger, it is very likely to trigger another war. But I am very worried about it." It’s strange that that person actually has the ability to assassinate a master-level expert. As far as I know, there are only three people who have this ability.”

"Which three people?" Chen Xuan asked.

Chen Xuan really didn't know what dominance-level strength meant, but Wang Lun knew it very well.

"One of them is the powerful lord Lu Hao in the Eastern Region. There is also the master of the Pantheon. The remaining one is the casual cultivator who lives on the East China Sea, but he has not appeared for many years. He was not involved in these things, and it doesn’t look like he would be the one to assassinate that master.”

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