Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2405 Resources of the Black Shadow Forest

"Yes, they were the ones who first cultivated demon souls, and we just learned from them." Wang Lun explained to Chen Xuan.

After Chen Xuan heard Wang Lun finished, he nodded secretly. It seemed that what he thought was correct.

Hearing Wang Lun say this, the appearance of the blue-haired girl suddenly appeared in Chen Xuan's mind. He thought that the blue-haired girl suddenly appeared inside the forest, and was so mysterious and elegant, so Chen Xuan asked.

"What are the primitive tribesmen in the forest like?"

Wang Lun replied: "The people in a tribe I once met in the Eastern Region had very dark skin, but the tribesmen in this Black Shadow Forest all have very white skin, and they are also very strong. He likes to wear clothes made from monster furs and has long black hair.”

Hearing Wang Lun say that the tribesman had black hair, Chen Xuan secretly shook his head. Wang Lun also saw Chen Xuan shaking his head at this time, so he asked: "What's wrong? Brother Chen, why are you shaking your head?" "

Chen Xuan also had a deep friendship with Wang Lun, so he did not hide this matter from him, so he said: "Didn't I get lost in the forest with you before? Before that, I met you inside the forest. A girl with blue hair. At that time, I took the elixir of the white monster and felt like a fire was burning in my body. After I woke up, I saw a blue ice bird, and then there was a The blue-haired girl suddenly appeared in front of me. Although I felt that my strength had improved, I still felt a sense of discomfort. Finally, I realized that it was a demon spirit. "

Wang Lun stared at Chen Xuan closely, listening to Chen Xuan continue to speak slowly.

"Then there was a blue-haired girl who asked me not to practice demon soul anymore. Then she kissed my forehead, and then left a gorgeous line on my forehead, even though I was on that girl's body. I didn’t feel any fluctuation in my profound energy, but I knew that he was very powerful.”

Chen Xuan recalled the unfazed face of the girl. It was obvious that a girl who could sneak away at will in that place must have used very strong strength, and this strength was something Chengquan could not even imagine.

Because even with Chen Xuan's strength at that time, he could not escape at will in the forest, because the monsters in this forest were very powerful, and even Chen Xuan now did not dare to walk around at will in the forest.

And those monsters are indiscriminate at all. If Chen Xuan's current strength is in the forest, if he encounters some monsters with relatively low strength, he may still be able to fight. However, if Chen Xuan encounters some monsters, Very powerful monsters, such as the monster they encountered outside the forest.

That monster can quickly kill Chen Xuan, and if it wasn't entirely because there were some companions around him last time, then Chen Xuan would definitely be injured by the monster...

Therefore, Chen Xuan knew deeply how powerful the blue-haired girl was, so he dared to walk in that place, and it seemed that the blue ice bird was also known to the blue-haired girl.

After Wang Lun heard Chen Xuandao's blue ice bird, a look of surprise appeared on her face. She did not expect that Chen Xuan would actually produce that ice bird.

"What did you just say? Brother Chen! You actually met a blue bird inside the forest..."

Looking at Wang Lun's frightened face, Chen Xuan had some doubts on his face. How come this Wang Lun was so different from before? He was just a blue ice bird. He actually showed such an expression and wanted to It's like eating him up.

"Yes, I met a blue ice bird, and ice slag could be shaken off the feathers of that bird." Chen Xuan thought of the appearance of the ice bird.

"Indeed, at that time, the ice bird's feathers were blooming with bursts of ice and snow." Chen Xuandao.

"That is the legendary spiritual beast..." Chen Xuan looked at Wang Lun with a surprised look on his face.

But then Wang Lun told Chen Xuan that the origin of the ice bird was very extraordinary.

However, he felt that Wang Lun was exaggerating. After all, there were all kinds of gifts in this world, and they all came in all shapes and sizes. It was just an ice bird. Could it be that there were any big connections?

Wang Lun then asked Chen Xuan: "Are you taking a closer look at the ice bird with me?"

"Anyway, it looks like a bird, and its feathers can shake off ice and snow, its mouth is tight, and its eyes are golden." Chen Xuan kept recalling in his mind, the bird he saw before Ice bird look.

But now Chen Xuan can't remember clearly.

Wang Lun clapped his hands after hearing Chen Xuan's description, and then said to Chen Xuan: "If you guessed correctly, what you encountered may really be...the rarity of this kind of freezing bird...can only be very rare. "

Chen Xuan looked at the strange expression on Wang Lun's face.

"It's true that this bird is one of the four sacred birds. Generally, if you encounter a young frozen bird and don't adopt it, you will have a short-circuit in your brain!" Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan.

However, Chen Xuan felt that it didn't matter. He didn't find it too annoying when he met the ice bird before. Instead, he felt that the bird looked a little dull.

What made Chen Xuan feel mysterious was the blue-haired girl, but now Wang Lun acted as if he had forgotten the blue-haired girl, and usually just kept reminding Chen Xuan how rare the ice bird was.

"Do you know how powerful these four sacred birds are? If their strength reaches the top level, even the master-level experts will have to give in!"

After hearing what Wang Lun said, Chen Xuan also had a look of surprise on his face. He also knew how powerful this master-level man was through hearing and seeing.

But now Wang Lun actually told him that after this kind of ice bird grows up, it can actually have a strength comparable to that of a master. This makes Chen Xuan feel that it is impossible. He just thinks that the ice bird he met before is definitely not Wang Lun. The one in the mouth.

Because the ice bird he met before looked very stupid.

"Although the strength of this kind of monster can be comparable to that of a master-level expert, it will take thousands of years to evolve. Moreover, this kind of bird is now very rare. It is basically invisible and has only appeared in rumors. Several times, these four sacred birds participated in the wars in the past thousands of years. After that war, these four sacred birds gradually faded out of people's sight. "

Wang Lun kept talking to Chen Xuandao, but Chen Xuan just took his words as fart. Chen Xuan simply did not believe that the ice bird he encountered before was such a powerful monster as Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan also felt that he was not lucky enough to encounter such a magical beast. Instead, he just felt that the origin of the blue-haired girl must be very mysterious.

"I heard that these magical beasts can hide in the human world, so they have faded out of people's sight now. Of course, this is just what I heard. I have never seen these magical beasts. Thousands of years ago, they were still active in human career ideas. But now it is becoming more and more rare..." Wang Lun gushed to Chen Xuan.

It seemed that he knew a lot about the ice and was very curious about the ice, but Chen Xuan didn't feel that way at all.

He still regards the ice bird he encountered before as a quite powerful monster, which at most is active inside the forest.

Although Chen Xuan had seen the strength of the ice bird before, because when he killed the monster before, the ice bird showed a burst of strength and instantly killed the two monsters next to it.

Thinking of Chen Xuan's previous confrontation with the funny monster, the ice bird showed a certain strength, but Chen Xuan only doubted it at this time and did not believe it.

But Wang Lun became convinced after hearing Chen Xuan's description, which made Chen Xuan feel that he couldn't argue, since he believed it so much.

Chen Xuan is no longer good.

At this moment, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun have arrived at the outskirts of the Black Shadow Forest, and those figures have disappeared into the forest. At this time, Chen Xuan has already adjusted his clothes. Now Chen Xuan still lacks some weapons. During a period of time, Chen Xuan also took this opportunity to buy a long sword.

Due to the lack of the metals and ores he wanted, Chen Xuan had not been able to refine the long sword he wanted. Otherwise, Chen Xuan would have wasted his own things.

If you want to refine it, you must refine it with the best, otherwise Chen Xuan doesn't want to waste his efforts, and Chen Xuan now has enough materials.

Chen Xuan now not only has the giant claws of an ice wolf, but also has the scales of a giant python. If these can be added, Chen Xuan's long sword is very hard and very lethal.

It is very likely that the long sword refined by Chen Xuan also has the properties of frost, because Chen Xuan plans to use the ice wolf's giant claws extensively. If the ice wolf's claws can exert their original effect, they can achieve Chen Xuan's expected.

Let his weapons have attributes attached to them...

It can be said that although this magical beast caused them a lot of suffering, the benefits it brought were also great for Chen Xuan. After all, this kind of magical beast was difficult to encounter, especially the frost attribute for Chen Xuan's mysterious beast. Strength blessing is very important.

But what Chen Xuan wants most is the fire attribute. The frost attribute is only ranked second to Chen Xuan, because the fire attribute can perfectly match Chen Xuan's profound strength, and also allows Chen Xuan to exert his most powerful attack power.

So the reason why Chen Xuan and Wang Lun came to the Shadow Forest this time was also because of this incident. If it weren't for this incident, Chen Xuan might have come to the forest at other times.

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