Although the two of them want to hunt more monsters, they don't want to be disturbed by monsters in their sleep at night, especially when they fall asleep.

Being attacked by a monster was a very painful experience. When they first entered the forest, they encountered a monster that launched a surprise attack on Wang Lun at night.

At this time, Wang Lun was talking rhetorically about his past experiences in front of Chen Xuan. In the past, Wang Lun also had his own demon hunting group, but after encountering the attack of a powerful monster again, the members of his demon hunting group Half of the members were killed by monsters.

Then the demon hunting group was disbanded, and now Wang Lun has adapted to acting alone. There were many people of average strength in his previous demon hunting group, and their abilities were not so strong.

As the leader of the demon hunting group, Wang Lun not only has to take care of the members, but also protects the lives of those members when they encounter powerful monsters attacking.

But after that incident, Wang Lun rarely traveled with others anymore, although the danger of acting alone is much more dangerous than that of many people together.

But Wang Lun didn't want to bear the tragic death of his companions in front of him. When he arrived here, he also asked Chen Xuan about his strength.

He could feel Chen Xuan's strength. Although he was only at the third level of gods and demons, he was very powerful. If it were a fifth-level monster, Chen Xuan could kill him. It was precisely because of this that Wang Lun was with Chen Xuan. action.

Moreover, Chen Xuan not only has very rational thinking, but when encountering monsters, the attacks he performs will also have unexpected effects on Wang Lun.

For example, the ice crystal wolf of the seventh level of gods and demons they encountered last time. If Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy hadn't temporarily repelled the ice crystal wolf, Wang Lun would have probably been killed by that ice crystal wolf. The wolf's huge claws slapped hard.

Even though Wang Lun was very powerful, he still couldn't gain the upper hand when encountering the ice crystal wolf of the seventh level of gods and demons.

But Chen Xuan was also the person who saved his life, so Wang Lun also trusted Chen Xuan very much at this time. After all, the two of them had stayed together in the Black Shadow Forest for more than a month.

After Chen Xuan and Wang Lun killed the monster, they walked forward for more than a mile when they suddenly felt a deafening sound coming from the side.

"No, we're being targeted by a monster again. Be careful!" Wang Lun hurriedly took out a short knife from his hand.

Chen Xuan also quickly took out his long sword from his storage ring. Originally, Chen Xuan thought that he would not encounter a monster so soon.

But now it was too late for him to think. A huge figure ran over from the distant forest. The body of the monster was snow white.

"Spin Tiger..." After seeing the running monster, Wang Lun quickly dropped the short knife in his hand and picked up the black giant sword on his bed.

After seeing Wang Lun's actions, Chen Xuan came out and the monster running over must be very powerful.

"Is the name of this monster called Xuan Menghu...?" Chen Xuan saw the huge monster roaring fiercely.

"Yes, be careful, this mysterious tiger is very powerful." Wang Lun reminded.

He was afraid that Chen Xuan didn't know what level of strength this monster was, so he reminded Chen Xuan again: "The strength of this mysterious tiger has probably reached the sixth level of gods and demons. Be sure not to be killed by the claws of that monster." Photographed, if you accidentally get photographed by her, I'm afraid your life will be lost, its power is even more powerful than the ice crystal wolf..."

Seeing the monster clawing with its teeth open, Chen Xuan immediately took out a long sword from his storage ring. This long sword was purchased by Chen Xuan in Black Rock City.

Although the power of this long sword is not as powerful as the weapon used by Chen Xuan before, it can still be a qualified equipment for a demon hunter.

At this time, the golden profound energy on the long sword gradually rose. Chen Xuan waved the long sword and slashed at the magical beast. In the forest now, there were many powerful magical beasts even on the periphery, and these The power of Warcraft is still very powerful.

If the two of them were not relatively powerful, they would probably not gain much benefit from meeting these monsters. Moreover, it seemed that the monsters that came this time were not only very fierce in appearance.

His strength was also very ferocious, just like his appearance. When Chen Xuan saw the magical beast attacking him, the golden profound energy immediately swung towards him.

At this moment, Wang Lun was not idle. He quickly picked up his black giant sword and blocked a slap from the monster. The monster's attack power was very powerful. If Wang Lun hadn't blocked his attack, then It was obvious that he would be knocked away by the huge claws of the monster.

After the monster came closer to him, Chen Xuan could clearly see what he looked like. He was covered in red hair, and his red eyes were staring at the two of them.

The fangs of this monster are as white as jade, and two sharp teeth are exposed on both sides of its mouth. It is obvious that the bite force of this monster is very strong. Once it is approached by him, it will not be easy.

Not only that, the huge claws of this monster are also very sharp. Chen Xuan compared the difference between it and the ice crystal wolf, although the claws and offensive capabilities of this monster are not as fierce as the ice crystal wolf.

The strength of this magical beast is only the sixth level of gods and demons, but the power it unleashes makes Chen Xuan dare not underestimate it. Chen Xuan has seen many magical beasts before. If Chen Xuan underestimates the enemy, it is very likely that he will be defeated. Will fall here.

After all, he had seen many very powerful monsters during this period of time. Some monsters were simply impossible for Chen Xuan to defeat. There were even some monsters whose power exceeded Chen Xuan's imagination. But the sixth-level monster in front of him, It was stronger than the monsters Chen Xuan had seen before.

After these monsters became violent, they not only became more ferocious, but also had more powerful attacks than before. The only thing missing was that their intelligence was limited and they only knew how to attack blindly.

Although these monsters can only think about launching a fierce attack, the power and ferocity of this attack are not something that Chen Xuan can resist now, because Chen Xuan's current strength is only the third level of gods and demons.

Specifically speaking, Chen Xuanzai's strength is the perfect realm of the three realms of gods and demons. In the three realms of gods and demons, almost no one can be his opponent.

But the strength of this monster has reached the sixth level of gods and demons after all.

Chen Xuan's body retreated quickly, but the monster did not let him go. His body spun quickly, forming a hurricane and attacking Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that the magical beast would actually use this kind of technique, and his body quickly ignited with golden profound energy, resisting the hurricane sent by the magical beast.

"It seems that the strength of this mysterious tiger is really not to be underestimated." Chen Xuan's mysterious power just now was concentrated on the hurricane swallowed by the mysterious tiger.

He was actually knocked away by that hurricane. You have to know how much damage Chen Xuan's powerful traceless sword energy can cause, but it was actually knocked away by that hurricane.

Chen Xuan couldn't help but think about what level of strength that spinning tiger was. After passing Wang Lunsuo, Chen Xuan also knew that the strength of that monster had indeed reached the sixth level of gods and demons.

"It seems that what I just thought was too simple, thinking that this monster can be easily dealt with..." After Chen Xuan watched the monster rush towards him, he quickly raised the weapon in his hand.

The power of the mysterious tiger was very powerful. When Chen Xuan was hit by the huge impact of the spinning tiger, he quickly retreated backwards.

This power was much more powerful than the magical beast he had encountered before, but this magical beast was just a pure attribute, and a burst of profound energy rose directly from its claws.

Then there was another hurricane, attacking Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan quickly dodged it. Just when he wanted to confront the hurricane head-on, he was almost swerved out by the hurricane.

So at this time, Chen Xuan did not dare to face the mysterious tiger easily. At this time, Wang Lun took the giant sword in his hand and slashed at the mysterious tiger's head.

Chen Xuan also quickly rushed to Wang Lun, and then the golden sword rose with golden light, thinking that the mysterious force was mixed together at the same time, and attacked the mysterious tiger.

However, the strength of the spinning tiger is at the sixth level of gods and demons after all, and even Wang Lun cannot win quickly.

Although both of their attacks were focused on the body of the monster, the huge energy generated only made the body of the monster take a few steps back.

It seems that now that these monsters have become violent, they have very strong defense capabilities. Even after these monsters are injured, you will launch a crazy attack on them. After seeing the monster rushing over, Chen Xuan quickly Holding the long sword in his hand to resist.

The golden profound energy was swirling around, shining with golden light in mid-air. Thousands of rays of light rushed up, shining across the entire forest. At this time, the magical beast quickly dodged towards Chen Xuan.

He also knew how terrifyingly lethal the golden light was, and at this moment Wang Lun was already slashing at it quickly with the black giant sword in his hand.

The black giant sword was so powerful that it directly hit the tiger's body. The white body suddenly slipped out. What Chen Xuan didn't expect was that Wang Lun's black giant sword just hit the monster directly. on the body.

Unexpectedly, he just let his body fly out. The mysterious tiger was shot away by Wang Lun, and then got up from the ground. Although it was slightly injured, it was still able to launch waves of hurricanes. Rushing towards them.

After seeing the white hurricanes attacking towards him, Chen Xuan quickly swung the golden profound energy in his body towards the hurricanes that quickly passed by. The brief encounter just now caused Chen Xuan to consume a lot of profound energy.

If it weren't for Chen Xuan's own abundant profound strength in his body, I'm afraid that after using the traceless technique a few times, Chen Xuan would have died due to the exhaustion of his profound strength. You must know that this method of compressing profound strength has certainly not been available before. People have done this.

This can consume a lot of profound energy in exchange for enough lethality. It is precisely because of this that Chen Xuan's attack also caused the tiger to suffer a lot.

Every time the golden black energy was concentrated on the body of the monster, a wound was left on his body. However, the defense of this monster was stronger than Chen Xuan imagined, although he was not as strong as the iron beast he had encountered before. He was carrying a bear with a pair of iron armor on his back.

But since Chen Xuan couldn't break through its defense. It was obvious that the defensive power of this monster was stronger than that of the Iron-backed Bear. This also puzzled Chen Xuanbai. It was obvious that this monster did not have a pair of defensive armor on its body.

It actually had a very strong defensive power. After the monster was shot down on Lin's face, it let out a violent howl.

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