The Black Fire Spirit Leopard was very fast, and Chen Xuan and Wang Lun could only deal with it hastily. If it weren't for the Black Fire Spirit Leopard's lack of endurance, they might not have been able to dodge it at all.

For the body of the spirit fox beast, they fought with the black fire spirit leopard for more than an hour, but no one could eat anyone. Chen Xuan had not used all his strength now. If he put himself If you use up all your profound energy to talk, then you will most likely encounter a sneak attack from other monsters.

It would be very disadvantageous for them if they were attacked by other monsters under such circumstances. Therefore, when Chen Xuan fought with the mysterious fire leopard, he would deliberately retain the mysterious power in his body to avoid being attacked. sneak attack.

The Black Fire Spirit Leopard let out a fierce roar. Although this Black Fire Spirit Leopard was very powerful, it was also very fast. The huge claws were seen violently grabbing at Chen Xuan.

Seeing these huge claws, Chen Xuan knew that the wounds on the body of the spirit fox just now were caused by the mysterious fire spirit leopard.

The black fire spirit leopard's attack was very fierce, and its two copper-red eyes stared at them like lanterns.

Chen Xuan hurriedly picked up the long sword in his hand and slashed at the mysterious fire leopard.

The mysterious fire leopard was seen ducking to the side, but Chen Xuan did not attack the mysterious fire leopard.


The Black Fire Spirit Leopard roared, and the golden sword in the human's hand made it feel a hint of danger.

Although Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy can break through the defense of this mysterious fire spirit leopard, it cannot directly defeat him. If Chen Xuan uses all the profound energy in his body to use the traceless sword energy, it will undoubtedly be A wrong behavior by Chen Xuan.

It takes a lot of energy to kill this mysterious fire spirit leopard. Chen Xuan is holding a golden long sword in his hand. This long sword is nourished by the mysterious force and blooms with golden light. This A golden light was extremely dazzling, illuminating the entire forest.

"This mysterious fire spirit leopard in front of my heart won't get any good results if he gets close to it." Wang Lun held a black giant sword in his hand, reminding Chen Xuandao beside him.

If they can also kill the Black Fire Spirit Leopard in front of them, they can get the crystal cores of two Black Fire Spirit Leopards at the same time, including the crystal core of the Spirit Fox Beast killed by this Black Fire Spirit Leopard. Although the level of the spirit fox beast is not high, its price is extremely expensive.

And the Black Fire Spirit Leopard in front of them probably has a purple crystal consumption level at least. Once they get the crystal core in this Black Fire Spirit Leopard, they can collect one more. Wang Lun is also crazy now. .

Basically, when you see a Black Fire Spirit Leopard, you have to take out their crystal core. There are even a few Black Fire Spirit Leopards with very low levels, just white crystal cores.

They saw the mysterious fire spirit leopard spitting out several streams of fire and rushing towards them. Chen Xuan immediately started to move, using the golden profound energy in his body to resist it.

The golden fire of the Black Fire Leopard is very fierce, and the color is also very bright. What's even more frightening is that the body of this Black Fire Leopard actually has flames exposed.

After those flames were revealed on his body, the speed of the Black Fire Spirit Leopard became faster than before.

Chen Xuan could only quickly use the profound energy in his body to reach his eyes, in order to see clearly the movement trajectory of the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard. A flash of fire flashed in the air, which was the body of the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard running over from the front. produced.

After Chen Xuan reacted, the Mysterious Fire Spirit Leopard had already approached her body, and its huge claws smacked towards Chen Xuan. Seeing the fangs in the Mysterious Fire Spirit Leopard's mouth, Chen Xuan hurriedly raised his own The long sword in his hand was blocked in front of his body.

When the Black Fire Spirit Leopard saw Chen Xuan's long sword stretched out, he raised his huge paw and slapped it fiercely at Chen Xuan, who squatted down slightly.

When the Black Fire Spirit Leopard saw that its attack failed to hit Chen Xuan, its wire-like tail directly wrapped around Chen Xuan's body.

"Hold on a little longer and I'll be here right away!" Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand and saw Chen Xuan being wrapped around the body by the tail of the Mysterious Fire Leopard, and hurriedly said to Chen Xuandan.

Chen Xuan tried to break free from the steel-like tail of the Black Fire Spirit Leopard, but found that the force of the Black Fire Spirit Leopard's entanglement was very strong. For a while, Chen Xuan could not break free at all. He could only hold the long sword in his hand and slash hard at the Black Fire Spirit Leopard's butt.

After being hit by Chen Xuan, the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard let out a sharp cry from its mouth. It seemed that Chen Xuan's attack made him feel very painful.

Chen Xuan felt that the force of the tail was suddenly stronger than before, and Chen Xuan couldn't help but moan a few times.

Chen Xuan raised the long sword in his hand and swung a sharp sword energy towards the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard. This time, Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy directly hit the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard's body.

I saw the Black Fire Spirit Leopard roar again. Although Chen Xuan attacked the body of the Black Fire Spirit Leopard, it did not cause any damage to the Black Fire Spirit Leopard. Chen Xuan was suppressed by the Black Fire Spirit Leopard just now. With the profound energy in his body, although he can display the traceless sword energy, it is not the complete traceless sword energy...

But even this made the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard feel the pain. He threw Chen Xuan's body away fiercely. Chen Xuan's body broke a tree and fell on Lin's face. .

After being thrown out by the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard, Chen Xuan felt unusual pain in his body.

"How dare this beast do this to me..." Chen Xuan got up from the ground and held his waist.

Chen Xuan's body was bruised from being thrown out just now. What's more important was which tree he was on, and there were some thorns on it.

This kind of thorn is very strange. After Chen Xuan was stabbed by the thorn in his body, he always felt that his body was hot and cold.

After being thrown away, the Black Fire Spirit Leopard wanted to attack Chen Xuan. Wang Lun raised the black giant sword in his hand and approached Chen Xuan, blocking the Black Fire Spirit Leopard's attack.

"Is everything okay?" Wang Lun looked at Chen Xuandao.

Just now I saw Chen Xuan being thrown away by the Xuanhuo Leopard. The commotion was very loud. Chen Xuan broke a tree one after another before slowly stopping. A black mysterious cloud rose from Wang Lun's black giant sword. With great strength, he withstood the attack of the Black Fire Spirit Leopard.

After Chen Xuan got up from the ground, in addition to feeling pain in his body, he also felt very uncomfortable. He saw a bloody hole on his left arm punctured by thorns on the tree.

A faint blood flowed from those holes. Chen Xuan took out a pill from his storage ring and swallowed it hurriedly.

This elixir can treat trauma. After Chen Xuan took the throat medicine, he felt a warm current coming from his body.

Immediately afterwards, the warm current quickly gathered on Chen Xuan's wound. Although it was only a very thin wound, it made Chen Xuan feel very uncomfortable. This wound was obviously not simple.

"There can't be anything on this tree." Chen Xuan saw Wang Lun blocking the attack of the Black Fire Spirit Leopard and leaning against the tree nearby.

He directly took a few thorns extending from the tree. The thorns looked very fierce, with very sharp thorns, and a drop of blood slowly dripped on them. This was left after Chen Xuan hit it just now.

Wang Lun saw that Chen Xuan was using the profound energy in his body, and wondered what happened to Chen Xuan. After blocking an attack from the mysterious fire leopard, Wang Lun approached Chen Xuan.

"What's wrong?" Wang Lun asked.

Logically speaking, Chen Xuan should not be like this after being knocked away by this mysterious fire leopard. He was actually lying on Lin's face and using his mysterious energy.

Chen Xuan felt that his throat was dry and itchy, so he said to Wang Lun: "I don't know what's going on. I feel like my body is hot and cold now, and the wound is very painful."

Chen Xuan raised his left arm towards Wang Lun. He saw that Chen Xuan's left arm was swollen and turned blue. If Chen Xuan hadn't taken the pill in time, the wound would have expanded. a bit.

After Chen Xuan took the elixir, he quickly used his profound energy to resist the toxin from invading his wound.

Wang Lun was shocked when he saw Chen Xuan's wound suddenly become like this, and hurriedly blocked the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard's attack again. He saw that Chen Xuan seemed to have lost the ability to fight, so he fought with the Xuanhuo Spirit Leopard. Mingle.

Seeing Wang Lun blocking the attack of the mysterious fire leopard, Chen Xuan quickly used his mysterious power to make the wound heal quickly, but the speed was not as fast as Chen Xuan expected, so Chen Xuan once again took out a ring from his storage ring. The elixirs here are also the elixirs for external support.

You can't take too much of this kind of pill, otherwise it may cause side effects, so Chen Xuan once again took out a pill from his storage ring to repair his mysterious power. After fighting this mysterious fire leopard for so long, In this time, Chen Xuan himself also consumed a lot of profound energy.

Although his wounds were suppressed and no longer expanded.

But Chen Xuan suffered a lot of pain. Now Chen Xuan felt that he was almost losing consciousness. If he hadn't taken the pill in time, he might have fainted.

Wang Lun and the Black Fire Spirit Leopard were equally matched in battle. Chen Xuan saw Wang Lun and the Black Fire Spirit Leopard fighting back and forth for more than ten minutes, so he simply calmed down and started to work. The mysterious power in your body, meditate quietly, and let your mysterious power and the medicinal effects in your body work together.

More than half an hour passed before Chen Xuan felt that his body felt better, but this feeling made Chen Xuan really uncomfortable.

After Chen Xuan regained his strength a little, he saw that Wang Lun was still fighting the Black Fire Spirit Leopard, but now Wang Lun had the upper hand. Although the Black Fire Spirit Leopard was at the sixth level of gods and demons, he His endurance didn't seem to be that strong. After fighting Wang Lun and Chen Xuan for so long, he seemed to be a little exhausted now. Although Wang Lun was knocked away by the claws of the mysterious fire leopard, he was not affected. harm.

Chen Xuan could tell that Wang Lun had not used all his strength when fighting the Blackfire Spirit Leopard. After all, they wanted to see if there were other Blackfire Spirit Leopards approaching near the place.

If they don't have to be wary of other Black Fire Spirit Leopards nearby, then they can use all their strength to fight the Black Fire Spirit Leopard in front of them.

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