The men suddenly shrank their formation and launched attacks again and again towards Chen Xuan. Now they could only quickly burn the profound energy in their bodies to attack the attacks of those men.

Among the men standing at the front was a man holding a shield. The guy who had just been knocked away by Chen Xuan had gathered around him again. It seemed that Chen Xuan's lesson to him just now was not enough, so this man actually He dared to get close to Chen Xuan. Although the shield in the man's hand could absorb the mysterious force blasted by Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan's attack also made the man feel a little uncomfortable.

After all, Chen Xuan's attack was very powerful. Even if the man held the shield in his hand, he could not withstand Chen Xuan's bombardment. The man was blown away by Chen Xuan just now. Now he still has the courage to approach Chen Xuan. Xuan could only praise this man for his extraordinary courage.

But that's all. Chen Xuan quickly flashed his body to avoid the weapons thrown by those men. Those men would not only attack Chen Xuan with the mysterious power condensed on their weapons, but also use their weapons to attack Chen Xuan. A variety of weapons attacked Chen Xuan.

I saw several long knives thrown in the air towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan immediately concentrated his profound strength and formed a golden film around Chen Xuan, and all the weapons within this film were withdrawn. Under Chen Xuan's control, after a while, everything fell on Lin Mian.

"Insect-carving skills!" Chen Xuan mocked.

The men also saw that Chen Xuan was very powerful, and at the same time they also knew that they had no chance of winning if they met Chen Xuan head-on. They were indeed a large demon hunting group, and these men were well arranged.

Suddenly, several people behind attacked Chen Xuan with weapons in their hands. Although there was a man holding a shield and wearing heavy armor in front of Chen Xuan to block his attack, Chen Xuan could rely on his traceless The sword energy directly hit those people behind.

And those people obviously didn't expect that Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy could actually turn in mid-air. Chen Xuan only realized this technique in recent years. Chen Xuan had no way to master this traceless sword energy before.

After all, at that time, Chen Xuan could only simply wave the traceless sword energy, but this traceless sword energy was far more complicated than Chen Xuan imagined, because Chen Xuan had already tried it in the previous world. This kind of traceless sword energy has been cultivated.

Not only can he control this sword energy freely, but he also has very powerful lethality. Since Chen Xuan came to this world, he has controlled the two profound forces in his body to completely form this traceless sword energy.

At this time, Chen Xuan had already gathered the traceless sword energy in his body and struck at the man who was surrounding him holding a shield. Although this man's strength only reached the third level of gods and demons, he relied on the armor covering his body. , and the black iron shield in his hand still resisted Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy.

Then Chen Xuan saw the man's body flying towards the distance. Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy was already very powerful, and at this time, he didn't need to gather it by himself. The man's body was blown away, and behind him The people immediately launched a stream of mysterious force towards Chen Xuan.

Seeing his body being swept away quickly by the colorful black energy, Chen Xuan roared, and then golden haloes bloomed around him. Those golden rays of light swelled rapidly around Chen Xuan, blowing away those All the profound energy that came over was shattered.

Chen Xuan also felt that he could not win quickly now, and now Wang Lun was also helping Chen Xuan drag down the leader of the demon hunting group next to him. At this time, the two groups were locked in their own battles, and Chen Xuan now also used He had the upper hand only by using his own strength.

The man was obviously a little anxious now: "Everyone, be careful not to be hit by that guy's sword energy!" The man yelled.

Obviously, he also saw that Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy was very lethal. Even the man covered in heavy armor was actually knocked away by Chen Xuan. You must know that the medium armor on the man's body is not ordinary. The black iron heavy armor can have a very powerful defense, and the weapon in his hand That shield was also made from the bones of the magical beast that could absorb mysterious energy.

If you buy such equipment, you will definitely need hundreds of purple crystal cores, and Chen Xuan can also see that the man's strategy is to let the shield-wielding Rong resist his attack.

It's just that they didn't expect that Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy was actually so powerful in attack. It knocked the man holding the shield away. Chen Xuan quickly avoided the weapons thrown by those people at him.

The weapons in the hands of those people were taken out from nowhere, and they were thrown at Chen Xuan one after another. Although these weapons did not cause much damage to Chen Xuan, they also made Chen Xuan a little troubled. After all, it was difficult to hide away. It will make Chen Xuan waste some time.

Even these few seconds would make Chen Xuan miss the opportunity to attack. When the men saw Chen Xuan's body, they took two steps back. One of them actually shouted and shouted at Chen Xuan. Xuan Jin leaned over.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that the man would have the courage to approach him, so he sneered and held the sword blade in his hand!

The sword energy quickly attacked the man in mid-air with a fierce sword energy, and then he saw the man being knocked away far away by Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan also noticed that the man wanted to use his power to hurt him, but the man obviously attacked Chen Xuan's ability by mistake, and the captain of the team behind also yelled, obviously he also I didn't expect that the person next to me would rush over directly.

"Did I let you attack? You actually decided on your own. Let's see if I don't pull your skin off later!" the captain of the team cursed loudly.

Chen Xuan's sarcasm became even more intense at this time, and a smile appeared on his face immediately, and he said to the captain of the team: "I don't think you need to take action at all. I will peel off all the skins of you losers later." Come down!"

The man was very angry when he heard that. The captain of the team glanced at Chen Xuan with a sinister look on his face: "Son, don't be too proud. You are only the fourth level of gods and demons. We will kill you when the time comes." Don't kneel down and beg for mercy! I don't know how many times I have taught you such an arrogant person!"

The captain of the team had a sinister face, and he obviously hated Chen Xuan to the extreme. However, Chen Xuan still smiled. These people did not pose any threat to Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan had already revealed his scheming and killed him just now. Someone in their team.

Now there were 6 people standing in front of Chen Xuan. One of the 6 people was the captain of the team and the man holding a shield and wearing heavy armor.

Behind him there was a man holding a black black iron spear, including three other men holding various weapons.

The three men that Chen Xuan shot away just now were one of them. The weapon in their hands, Chen Xuan, could not be named. It looked round but had full cutting power. If Chen Xuan was hit by that weapon, he would be afraid. They would also be injured, so Chen Xuan also avoided approaching them directly.

Unless Chen Xuan relied on his own speed to launch a fierce attack on one of them before those people could react, it would be very dangerous for Chen Xuan to fall into their siege. Chen Xuan had already tried this before. Break through their defensive perimeter.

But Chen Xuan obviously underestimated the enemy. Although the strength of these people did not reach the fourth level of gods and demons, they still posed a threat to Chen Xuan. The formation they formed together still posed a certain threat to Chen Xuan.

You know, if these people join forces, Chen Xuan really can't do anything to them? If that person hadn't suddenly attacked Chen Xuan on his own initiative, Chen Xuan might have been stuck in a stalemate now.

Feeling the spiritual energy coming from in front of him, Chen Xuan quickly took a step back. Sure enough, just as Chen Xuan was avoiding it, a deep hole was suddenly blasted out of the ground by a burst of mysterious energy.

As expected, there was a man's figure in the hollow. The man just saw Chen Xuan dodge and quickly pursued Chen Xuan, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan was so fast.

Moreover, Chen Xuan had already sensed the man's figure ready to attack, and he obviously wanted to come and attack Chen Xuan.

"You actually want to sneak attack me. Are these the only tricks you have?" Chen Xuan asked.

Then a man walked out of the hole, and he was the captain of the demon hunting group.

The captain's eyes were burning with anger, and he stared at Chen Xuan closely and said: "You still have the nerve to let us attack you in a sneak attack! Didn't the person you killed us in the past attack in a sneak attack!?"

A smile appeared on Chen Xuan's face. These people actually dared to come and ask him: "You still have the nerve! So many people are surrounding me. If we can, let's fight one on one!?"

"You're thinking too much!" The man yelled, and then directed the people behind him to attack Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan quickly dodged over. Although the mysterious force wielded by those people just now was not that powerful, Chen Xuan did not want to take it hard.

Since he can hide away, why bother to confront these few attacks head-on, and Chen Xuan also feels a little dangerous now, after all, these people will sneak attack on Chen Xuan from time to time.

Although they would destroy his own lineup when they attacked Chen Xuan, they still hid the greatest danger. Chen Xuan watched those people plotting to attack him, so he stared at those people.

One of them raised the sword in his hand and swung a violent spiritual power towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan crouched down to avoid it: "I think you still need to practice more. An attack of this level is simply not enough." You can’t hurt me!”

"You are so arrogant. Even an attack of this level could kill you!" the captain of the team shouted loudly.

Chen Xuan joked and quickly raised the sword in his hand to look for opportunities to break through the defenses of those few people. Now Chen Xuan also discovered that those few people's formation had a fatal weakness.

That is, Chen Xuan can rely on his own speed to quickly avoid the people in the front row, and then attack the people in the back. The people in the front row all have shields in their hands, which makes Chen Xuan feel very tricky, but the people in the back are very difficult. This made Chen Xuan feel very relaxed.

At this time, Chen Xuan quickly circulated the profound energy in his body and attached it to his legs.

Chen Xuan had already concentrated his profound energy on his legs, and felt that his body suddenly became much lighter. Now Chen Xuan has not yet reached the level where he can fly in the air, so now he just wants to speed up his speed.

But Chen Xuan himself was very dexterous, and with the blessing of Xuanli, his speed was faster than before.

I saw a shadow passing by in front of the men, so that they couldn't catch Chen Xuan's body at all, and they didn't know where to attack with their weapons.

Seeing that the men were staring at him closely, Chen Xuan also continued to gather the mysterious power in his body onto his sword.

"It seems that I have found your weakness now. It won't be so easy to continue to be rampant." Chen Xuan sneered.

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