Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2467 The efficacy of the medicine is lost

Wang Lun hurriedly raised the sword blade in his hand to block his body, blocking the monster's sneak attack, which made Wang Lun feel a little angry.

"Why is this beast so nasty and shameless? He dares to do such a thing." Wang Lun said angrily.

He didn't expect that this monster would launch a sneak attack on him from that direction. Wang Lun had just realized the power in his body and was quite confident.

But being attacked by the monster immediately made Wang Lun discouraged. At this time, Wang Lun seemed helpless towards the monster.

Although this monster has now lost its mind, it obviously still retains its former human nature.

But now the monster's appearance is completely different from before. The originally bald head now has a few miscellaneous hairs, and the arms seem to have many barbs.

Chen Xuan didn't know why the man became like this after taking the elixir. It was so scary, but Chen Xuan didn't have time to think about it. This monster was not only powerful, but also after Wang Lun took the elixir. There’s no quick win either.

Chen Xuan watched calmly from the side. Now Chen Xuan can only wait for the effect of the elixir he just took to pass, otherwise Chen Quan will have serious side effects on his body if he takes the elixir now.

At this moment, Chen Xuan was watching while holding the sword in his hand. After taking the elixir just now, Chen Xuan's body felt very tired, and Chen Xuan also vaguely felt that the elixir he had taken did have some side effects, but Chen Xuan definitely can't hide his strength now.

Chen Xuan could see that Wang Lun and the monster were basically evenly matched, but the monster could suppress Wang Lun.

This is all because Wang Lun was attacked by the monster just now, so it became frightened, like a deflated rubber ball. The originally menacing Wang Lun was no longer as fierce as before, and even at this time Chen Xuan was also always paying attention to the monster's attack.

The most troublesome thing about this monster is the knives on his body. They are not only very hard, but also very sharp. Even if they attack the monster's body, they will cause strong resistance, so now the two of them are at a loss for a while. The monster could not be killed for a while, but Wang Lun and the monster fought vigorously.

"Brother Wang, please wait a little longer until the red lines on my body disappear before I can take those pills again. Otherwise, I won't be able to survive at all now. Even if I go over to help you, I won't be able to defeat this monster." Chen Xuandao.

Now Chen Xuan took off his coat and saw that the lines on his chest were gradually disappearing.

When all the red lines disappeared on it, Chen Xuan roared, and then swallowed a pill.

When the elixir swallowed the food in Chen Xuan's mouth, red lines gradually rose up on Chen Xuan's body.

Feeling that his body was once again filled with violent power, his face returned to its previous calmness. At this time, Chen Xuan had gradually realized the power of the demon soul. The red lines on his body seemed to be stronger than ever before. All must be distinct.

Chen Xuan confidently looked at the monster fighting Wang Lun and shouted loudly. At this time, Wang Lun turned around and saw that Chen Xuan's eyes turned red again, flashing with a strange red light.

Chen Xuan strode forward and attacked the monster directly. At this time, all of Chen Xuan's profound energy had turned red. That red mysterious energy attack hit the monster's chest and directly knocked the monster away.

After the monster was knocked away, it twisted its body in mid-air, changed its direction and attacked Wang Lun again. Chen Xuan also knew very well that the monster would definitely not be repelled by one of his attacks.

So Chen Xuan quickly followed Wang Lun and fought with the monster. Because of Chen Xuan's joining, the two of them could now defeat the monster, and the monster was no longer as good as before. Started so violently.

Anyway, I still don’t know why all those monsters became so violent, and at this moment, Chen Xuan immediately attacked one of the monsters.


There was a violent explosion in the air, and the monster suddenly spun its body and launched a fierce attack at Chen Xuan behind him. It was also at this time that Chen Xuan saw the monster and actually knew how to do it. He sent out several sharp thorns towards himself.

If it weren't for Chen Xuan's timely avoidance, he would have been killed. The spikes were attacked, although Chen Xuan could use the hardening of the rock in his body to defend against the spikes.

At this time, Chen Xuan also gathered a violent force of profound energy towards the monster, which spread out on the left and right sides of his body. As soon as the red profound energy passed through Chen Xuan's hands, he quickly bombarded the monster. At this time, the monster He was unable to dodge and was directly attacked by Chen Xuan.

And the monster obviously didn't know when Chen Xuan was approaching him. At this time, Wang Lun continued to use the black giant sword in his hand to create huge critical strikes, chasing the monster and bombarding it away. At this time, the monster also It's unclear why these two people can keep attacking him, they are just defending.

But this monster's defense is also very strong, it's on his skin. It can be clearly seen that the monster's defense is not only very terrifying, but the spikes on its body also bother Chen Xuan. Getting close to the monster's body would be risky, and even so, the monster kept attacking Chen Xuan.

At this time, the monster's body suddenly burst out with a strange color. It seemed that this monster had just realized the power of his body, and could actually use the mysterious power in his body to attack the two of them. It was not known whether this monster was It wasn't that he could use it before, but because his body was very strong, he never used Xuan Li to attack Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

After feeling the strangeness of the monster, Chen Xuan immediately flashed his figure. Now Chen Xuan didn't know whether the monster would kill him.

Looking at the IQ of this monster, there is no way to know how powerful the current Wang Lun and Chen Xuan will be together. At this time, Wang Lun and Chen Xuan also took those pills. Moreover, Wang Lun's strength has also increased a lot, not to mention that Chen Xuan's current strength has reached the fifth level of gods and demons.

Moreover, Chen Xuan also possesses the power of the demon soul, and his strength has become even stronger. Although the current Chen Xuan cannot defeat the current Wang Lun 100%, the Wang Lun before taking the elixir is definitely not the current Chen Xuan. Xuan's opponent.

Chen Xuan and Wang Lun attacked the monster, and a strong explosion sounded in the air. After the explosion was reflected back, the monster's body flew away.

This monster is indeed very powerful. Even though Chen Xuan and Wang Lun launched fierce processing on this monster, they still could not break the defense on this monster's body. The persistence on his body seemed to be connected to his own body. No matter how hard Chuanxuan and Wang Lun attacked, they still could not break through the defense on his body.

"What should I do? Brother Chen? The bones on this monster's body are too hard. I'm afraid it can't even catch up with my black heavy sword." Wang Lun complained.

Although they can suppress the monster now, they cannot break the armor on the monster's body. I am afraid that Chen Xuan has also discovered what the monster has. Chen Xuan is seen staring into the monster's eyes.

Although this monster has become like this, it seems that there is still a trace of reason in its eyes, but only a trace.

"It seems that this guy still has the instinct from before. If we want to defeat him, we can only use the remaining instinct of this monster." Chen Xuandao.

Wang Lun didn't know what Chen Xuan was thinking now, but he was watching Chen Xuan's body closely. Chen Xuan was already moving his body constantly. Chen Xuan knew that this monster hated him very much. From just now, Chen Xuan had Already discovered that the monster was always staring at him.

This is also an opportunity for Chen Xuan. As long as Chen Xuan attracts the monster's attention and lets Wang Lun attack him from behind, he can defeat the monster in one fell swoop. Chen Xuan just moved to attack the monster. At this time, I saw that the monster's back was not covered with the heavy armor.

The only weakness on this monster's body is just there. As long as Chen Xuan and Wang Lun can seize this opportunity and attack the weak point of the monster, they can defeat it.

"I have a way now. If it can be completed, the two of us can kill this monster." Chen Xuandao.

Wang Lun didn't know what Chen Xuan meant, so he asked: "Then what can you do to hurry up? If you don't, how will we defeat this monster?"

Seeing Wang Lun's anxious look, Chen Xuan did not give in, so he hurriedly said: "Now I will attract this monster's attention. It was only after I took this pill that I forced him into this situation. I'm afraid He is also very familiar with the red profound energy that is erupting from my body now. When the time comes, I will attract the monster's attention. You use the black giant sword in your hand to go around behind the monster and attack him. Launch a sneak attack."

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, Wang Lun immediately stood up and felt that Chen Xuan's words were very reasonable. The monster had been staring at Chen Xuan closely before, and also continuously launched attacks on Chen Xuan. It seemed that the monster's remaining sanity was lost. He hated Chen Xuan very much.

And it was indeed Chen Xuan who forced the monster into a desperate situation just now. If it weren't for the pill that Chen Xuan took, which suddenly enhanced his strength, the demon hunting group might not have failed.

It was precisely because Chen Xuan swallowed the medicine to quickly increase his strength and kill all his companions that the Fire Lion Demon Hunting Group suffered a disastrous defeat, and the culprit was naturally Chen Xuan Not to mention that Chen Xuan had ridiculed him before.

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