"In this case, let's return to Black Rock City after we complete this mission. There is no benefit to be gained from staying here, and we must always be wary of any dangers that may occur here!" Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan also thinks Wang Lun's argument is very reasonable. They really can't get much benefit from here now. Not only have countless people been hunted and killed, but they are also very likely to encounter some powerful people to rob their place, not to mention The danger the two of them encountered now was already very serious. You must know that Chen Xuan was always on tenterhooks when being chased by those skeleton soldiers.

"Then let's go back now and see if we can meet the monsters we want to hunt on the road. If we can't, forget it and just go back to Black Rock City!" Chen Xuandao said.

Finally, the two of them continued walking in the south direction, and once walked into the thorn bush, but this time they suddenly heard a coughing sound from ahead.

Wang Lun immediately grabbed Chen Xuan and said to him: "Be careful, I'm afraid there are things ahead that we don't know about."

Chen Xuan just walked forward cautiously with us. After all, they had walked this road just now, so they felt very familiar with it now, and they didn't know if there was any other road that could quickly lead to the middle of the forest.

There is a group of mountains between the middle and the interior of the forest, and this place was once called the Black Rock Mountains.

It's just that the mountains are rolling and extending into the interior of the Black Shadow Forest. The black rocks produced by the Black Rock Mountains not only have a very high decorative effect, but also many precious crystals can be found in them, not to mention the There are many rare metals, and every inch of land is at a premium.

After tens of thousands of years of mining, the Black Rock Mountains have lost their original value, and now the most valuable ones are the Kilo Mountains in the eastern region.

"Be careful, did you feel the mysterious force coming from the front just now, and there was an old man coughing?" Chen Xuandao.

Wang Lun naturally heard a movement in front of him, but he didn't learn as much information as Chen Xuan. He just noticed a movement coming from the front.

Just as the two of them continued to walk forward, they suddenly saw a tree next to them. It suddenly moved. Chen Xuan immediately became alert and raised the blade in his hand to attack the tree trunk next to him.

But at this moment, a cloudy eye suddenly opened on the tree, and Chen Xuan saw that it was the tree spirits he met last time.

However, the tree spirit did not take the initiative to attack the two of them. Instead, he glanced at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun with his old eyes and said to him: "You two, help me..."

At this time, Chen Xuan was still frightened. When he heard the tree spirit asking him to help him, he hurriedly asked: "What's wrong!?"

The tree spirit looked at the two people in front of him and said to them: "Now I feel that my body is polluted. The water quality here has undergone huge changes, and it has been polluted to the entire jungle..."

At this time, Wang Lun quickly raised the sword blade in his hand, put it back, then looked at the old tree spirit and said, "Did something happen here? When we came here just now, we saw that there were thorns all over the place. I know if it was you who did it.”

The old tree spirit coughed, and then said to the two of them: "Those thorns were indeed made by us, but they were not intentional. We had discovered before that this place seemed to be targeted by some unknown people. So we had a dispute with those guys, but they were indeed very powerful, and I was no match for them..."

"Who is he!?" Wang Lun asked.

I saw the old tree spirit coughing again, and then slowly said to the two of them: "Wait a minute, do you have any clean water source with you? I can't hold it anymore now. As long as there is some clean water source, I can hold on for a few more decades..."

Chen Xuan also learned that these tree spirits can support most of their lives with just a little nourishment. He quickly took out a bottle of water from the storage ring and said to the old tree spirit: "I have already taken it out. We have some here." Qingshui, but what needs to be done?”

The old tree spirit said to Chen Xuan: "You just need to pour this water into my roots, and then I will naturally absorb it..."

Chen Xuan immediately raised the bottle in his hand and faced the tree spirit's body, apparently feeling the clean water pouring into his body.

At this time, the tree spirit suddenly bloomed with his spirit, and said gratefully to Chen Xuan and Wang Lun: "Thank you so much to you two. I didn't expect to meet you two. If there is anything you can do to help, please tell me! If If you have any questions, just ask me.”

At this time, Chen Xuanyuan threw the bottle in front of Lin and said to the tree spirit: "I don't know what kind of people you met. I want to ask if the monsters here have become violent because of the problems with the water sources! "

The tree spirit let out a long sigh, and then said to the two of them: "This is indeed the case, but it will be over. We have lived here for such a long time, and suddenly we discovered what those people were doing here. Some experiments seemed to be aimed at improving the strength of those magical beasts, but after those problems were caused by Yuan, our clan leader went to the front to explore, but was attacked by those people. "

"What are the origins of those people?" Chen Xuan asked.

"I don't know about this. I just saw that they were all wearing robes and had golden embroidery on their chests." The tree spirit said.

"It seems that these guys must be from the Pantheon, and they are the only ones wearing white trousers and gold embroidery on their chests." Wang Lun said.

At this time, they had already guessed who was behind the scenes. It was indeed those people from the Pantheon who were causing trouble, but they had no reason to hunt down those people from the Pantheon.

You must know that the Pantheon has a very high reputation on this continent. Generally speaking, they have no reason to do such a thing. Moreover, once this matter is exposed, it will definitely be a huge blow to the reputation of the Pantheon.

"It seems that they really did it. But we can't judge any information now." Wang Lun said.

Then the tree spirit spoke again: "Their strength is indeed very strong. One of them is not even a match for our clan leader, and now our clan leader has been killed, and now most of our companions have been killed or injured, so we only have The thorns can be used to prevent them from continuing their activities here. "

"It seems that they really did it, but why did they do it? If this matter is really exposed, it will have a huge blow to them." Wang Lun said.

The reputation of the Pantheon has been established for a long time, and it also has a very deep reputation on this continent. It is also rumored that the six leaders of the Pantheon have reached the level of dominance, but that is just a rumor, and this Pantheon Only believes in one main god.

It's just that the gods are more legendary people, but those at the master level have existed, but ordinary people can't come into contact with them, so now Chen Xuan also feels that this is just a lie.

You must know that according to the description above, the strength of those powerful masters is close to that of gods, and it is not possible for humans to reach that level. Therefore, the actual master of the Pantheon is the one who has reached the level of gods. A powerful man at the emperor level is the master of this pantheon of gods.

But Chen Xuan didn't know what the guy's name was, but they would release the news that there was such a powerful Yunyun in his temple.

Moreover, they and Yuan Ding are also at odds with each other, but the scale of Yuan Ding's formation is later.

Moreover, the actual people in charge of Yuandian are all the kings of this empire, but they also put forward a name, that is, these master-level strong men are actually their behind-the-scenes supporters. It is precisely because they proposed those master-level strong men. Because of his identity as a person, he has the qualifications to compete with the Pantheon.

Because everyone in the past believed in the gods of the Pantheon, and it was precisely because the people of the Pantheon controlled the beliefs of these people, the monarchs of the later empires organized and established a Yuandian to fight against Those of the Pantheon.

Moreover, the Pantheon is indeed declining at the moment. It is not as famous and powerful as before. However, it can be seen that these people obviously want to restore their empire, but it is too late now. After all, although their strength is strong, but , but Yuandian controls the actual power and army.

"It seems that the Emperor of the Pantheon is indeed involved behind this matter. We have already discovered that the people of the Pantheon are operating in this forest. At that time, we only suspected their identity and origin. It seems that this time they are really There is something plotting here, we must be careful this time." Wang Lundao.

Now that they know where the thorns in the middle of the forest come from, they have solved a doubt in their hearts, and the tree spirit has now restored its mental outlook, but the tree spirit suddenly said: "You guys? Can you give me some clean water so that I can help my friends? If you need anything, just ask."

Chen Xuan immediately waved his hand and said to the tree spirit: "It seems that we have the same enemy this time. If you want these clean water sources, we can give you some."

Chen Xuan opened his storage ring and took out some water sources from it. Although Chen Xuan had consumed some of the water sources after such a long time, there was still a lot left, and these could also be used by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. Stay in this forest for a month.

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