Chen Xuan immediately waved his sword blade, spotted an opening, rushed through the circle of humanoid monsters, and launched an attack on the man who had been supported by the Pantheon. A red beam burst out in the air. Black energy ripples.

Under this red halo, Chen Xuan's body quickly accelerated, and red shadows appeared from Chen Xuan's body. At this time, a red figure was slowly emerging behind Chen Xuan. This was Chen Xuan's body. The manifestation of the power of the mysterious demon soul.

The next moment, Chen Xuan came directly to the side of the Pantheon man. After seeing Chen Xuan approaching, the Pantheon man quickly shook his sword.

But he found that his bell had been shattered by Chen Xuan. He didn't expect to be knocked away by Chen Xuan again. The man's body left a deep mark on the ground, and then fell to the ground. a tree trunk

The man spit out a mouthful of blood. He was obviously seriously injured. He had just been hit in the chest by Yu Wenjing, and now he was hit by Chen Xuan again, and a deep sword mark appeared on his chest again.

In just a few minutes, Chen Xuan's strength increased geometrically, almost beyond the knowledge of this Pantheon man. Even with his seventh-level strength of gods and demons, he could not withstand Chen Xuan's traceless attack. Sword energy.

The red sword energy passed by the humanoid monsters next to them and attacked the Pantheon man again.

Although Chen Xuan saw the humanoid monsters next to him starting to surround him, he was not afraid at all.

Yu Wenjing has reached a tacit understanding with Chen Xuan, and is currently helping Chen Xuan attract the attention of those humanoid monsters.

Then most of the humanoid monsters were attracted to the other side by Yu Wenjing, and Yu Wenjing was also very fast. In the blink of an eye, he attracted the humanoid monsters to the other side and bypassed Wang Lun.

Wang Lun was cheering on Chen Xuan at this time, shouting loudly: "Brother Chen, you must kill this beast, I am optimistic about you!"

Wang Lun now lost his strength, so he could only stare at Chen Xuan's body closely.

At this time, the strength in Chen Xuan's body was also passing away bit by bit: "No, I'm afraid my strength is not enough to last for 5 minutes now. If we can't kill that guy within this time, then we It's dangerous..." Chen Xuan thought secretly in his heart.

At this time, Chen Xuan's power was obviously not as violent as before. Taking three pills in a row also put Chen Xuan's body in an overloaded state. Although Chen Xuan was not devoured by the power of the demon soul, his sanity was now , but this feeling is telling Chen Xuan not to hold on any longer.

"Five more minutes!" Chen Xuan roared, raising the blade in his hand and launching a final attack on the man from the Pantheon.

The humanoid monsters attracted by Yu Wenjing did not surround Chen Xuan, so Chen Xuan was given enough time to gather his traceless sword energy. Moreover, the Pantheon man was seriously injured. At this time He was lying on the ground clutching his wounds, having lost the ability to move.

Chen Xuan felt that time had been enough and he quickly gathered the traceless sword energy and attacked the Pantheon man lying on the ground. A red energy dyed the air. Vibrant red.


Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy hit the man, and then a huge hole exploded on the ground.

Before the man saw Chen Xuan's attack, there was a look of horror on his face. He obviously felt that he could no longer dodge Chen Xuan's attack.

Chen Xuan's traceless sword energy was not only very fast, but the power it unleashed was far beyond his imagination.

After seeing a hole on the ground, Chen Xuan breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't believe that the Pantheon man could survive the attack of his powerful traceless sword energy.

Sure enough, after the black smoke on the ground dissipated, Chen Xuan saw the body of the Pantheon man lying motionless in the hole he had blasted.

Seeing the man from Pantheon lying inside, seemingly completely losing his fighting ability, Chen Xuan quickly noticed that the spiritual power in his body was rapidly passing away.

Not even a moment later, he discovered that the mouth on the palm of his hand had gradually disappeared, and then the color of the red lines on Chen Xuan's body began to gradually dim.

"It seems that my body is no longer strong enough to support this soul-calling power." Chen Xuan clearly noticed that the mysterious power emanating from the red lines had slowly been withdrawn into his body.

Although the humanoid monsters were still chasing Yu Wenjing, Chen Xuan could not control his body, and then slowly fell on Lin.

At this time, Wang Lun seemed to have recovered some physical strength. Seeing Chen Xuan's performance, he knew that Chen Xuan was definitely unable to support the violent power of the demon soul, so he used the black giant sword in his hand to support his body, step by step. Lamely, he walked to Chen Xuan's side.

"Are you okay now? Can you still move?" Wang Lun asked.

Chen Xuan now feels that his body is not like his own, and he cannot move at all. He feels that his body is in great pain, and he coughs a few times even if he wants to speak.

Seeing Chen Xuan's state, Wang Lun could only support his black giant sword, came to Chen Xuan's side, and helped Chen Xuan's body up.

"It seems that we have no other way now. I'll ask Yu Wenjing to help us lure away these monsters later." Wang Lun said softly.

Yu Wenjing obviously also noticed that Chen Xuan had killed the man from the Pantheon, so he also attracted the humanoid monsters away with a tacit understanding.

Yu Wenjing knew very well that Chen Xuan had taken so many pills in a row, and the loss of physical strength was huge.

But what surprised Chen Xuan was that Yu Wenjing could sustain it for such a long time. To know that the physical strength has not been lost for such a long time is enough to show how skillfully Yu Wenjing has mastered the power of the demon soul.

If Chen Xuan could master the power of his demon soul as skillfully as Yu Wenjing, he would be able to sustain it for a longer period of time.

But Chen Xuan only used the elixir to seduce the power of the demon soul from his body, and was not able to use it skillfully.

"I'm here to lure these guys away. You should run away in the direction of Black Rock City. I'm afraid you will meet other people on the way. By then, these humanoid monsters will definitely consider their own identities and not continue to chase us!" Yu Wenjing He yelled at the two of them.

"Okay! Then you must lure these humanoid monsters away first, and remember to escape in the direction of Black Rock City. We will see you outside the city gate!" Wang Lun said emotionally.

Although those humanoid monsters had some sense, they were obviously affected by the surrounding environment. Seeing the red profound energy blooming from Yu Wenjing's body, they followed Yu Wenjing closely.

After Yu Wenjing lured those humanoid monsters away, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun had no time to search for the body of the Pantheon man. The most important thing for them now was to save their own lives.

"Let's run away in the direction of Black Rock City now!" Wang Lun said loudly.

Chen Xuan didn't know where we got the strength to speak with such a loud voice, but now Chen Xuan had no strength at all and could only take two steps forward with Wang Lun's support.

But Chen Xuan felt that his chest was very heavy, and he suddenly vomited it out.

After a while, Chen Xuan felt that his body felt better. The feeling just now almost made Chen Xuan suffocate. Not only was his strength completely lost, but the physical strength contained in his body seemed to be diminishing little by little. of loss.

Even raising his hand just now made Chen Xuan feel very tired. These three pills completely exhausted Chen Xuan's physical strength.

"It seems that I really can't take three pills in the future. I'm afraid the most my body can bear is to take two pills in a row. I'm afraid I will explode and die if I take another pill..." Chen Xuan Dan thought with trembling fear.

It is true that Chen Xuan's body is currently the strongest and he can only swallow three pills. If Chen Xuan really tries to take the fourth pill, Chen Xuan's body will die suddenly, and even more seriously, it may cause death. Chen Xuan's reason was occupied by the demon soul.

Chen Xuan now felt that his body seemed to be slowly out of his control. At first, Chen Xuan thought it was because he had exhausted a lot of energy just now, so he looked very tired.

But in fact, it is not that the power of the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body is ready to move again, and Chen Xuan can also clearly feel that the red lines on his body still remain on his body and have not dissipated.

If you look closely, Chen Xuan's pupils still exude a spiritual red color, but now Chen Xuan is busy running away, so he doesn't care about these strange features appearing on his body.

The same goes for Wang Lun. He is currently supporting Chen Xuan's body and escaping towards Black Rock City.

It still takes more than an hour to walk from Black Shadow Forest to Black Rock City, not to mention that they are very tired and seriously injured now, so the journey will be even slower.

But Chen Xuan was finally able to speak, so he said to Wang Lun beside him: "I don't know how Yu Wenjing is doing now. I don't know if he has pulled away those humanoid monsters."

"I think we must have got rid of those humanoid monsters. I'm afraid the people who control those humanoid monsters also know very well that it's not time to expose these humanoid monsters yet. They will definitely not track Black Rock City. You just Don't worry." Wang Lun said.

But Chen Xuan still felt very worried. After all, those humanoid monsters had rarely been chased out of the forest, and the pill Yu Wenjing took might also have some side effects on him. If the medicine suddenly lost its effect halfway, , then the consequences are unknown.

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