"Who is he?" Chen Xuan asked curiously.

Just now they wanted to sneak attack Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, but after the arrows were blocked by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun, these black shadows disappeared into the jungle. Chen Xuan originally wanted to continue tracking them, but was pulled back by Wang Lun. Living.

"Let's not act rashly now. There may be other dangers waiting for us in the forest. If we pursue them rashly, we may be attacked by some magical beasts," Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan nodded. Wang Lun's words were very reasonable. However, after this incident, they also began to be wary of the forest. The current Black Shadow Forest is still not that safe.

Not only are there the remnants of the Blood Demon, but there are also some human monsters they encountered last time, not to mention there are some demon hunting groups in this forest, and even some powerful monsters may be in this forest.

The depths of the Black Shadow Forest lead to the Black Rock Mountains. Once upon a time, the magical beasts in the Black Rock Mountains were very powerful, but later the earth's spiritual energy here gradually dissipated, and these very powerful magical beasts also left here one after another.

Because of this, the strength of the monsters in the Black Rock Forest is not as terrifying as before, but it is not something that the two of them can handle. If some very powerful monsters appear, the two of them will have to deal with them for a while.

"It's better for us to be more cautious now. If those black shadows come to attack us again, we'd better be prepared." Chen Xuandao.

The two of them stayed in the forest for three full days, but found nothing. Not only did they not encounter a monster, but they also did not encounter the remnants of the Blood Demon.

"Did these guys know that we are coming, so they were scared and none of them showed up? At least there is a monster for us to hunt." Wang Lun complained.

Chen Xuan naturally knew that if he could not encounter a monster in the forest for several consecutive days, it would mean that a greater danger was approaching them.

The area where Chen Xuan and Wang Lun are now is a very dangerous place, and this is also the territory of a powerful lord-level monster.


The two of them made a lot of noise in the forest and had already disturbed the lord-level monsters in the area. However, the danger was approaching them silently.

Chen Xuan felt a dangerous aura approaching from behind them, but whenever Chen Xuan looked back, he saw nothing.

The two of them walked a few miles when Chen Xuan suddenly shouted something bad. He clearly felt that there was a dangerous aura following them.

Sure enough, Chen Xuan saw the head of a python emerging from the bushes behind him.

"No way, how could the aura of a monster be so powerful?" Wang Lun showed surprise.

Only then did they clearly see what the monster that had been following them looked like. This monster was so huge that it was incredible that it could follow them silently for so long.

"I'm afraid this is a lord-level monster. It seems that it will be difficult for us to handle." Wang Lun said.

This python's body is not only covered with thick iron armor, but also has flaming horns on its head. It is obviously a fire-attribute monster, and it exudes a terrifying aura, and spits out stream after stream of fire from its mouth from time to time. flame.

However, this monster can be refined by Chen Xuan's demon soul power. Chen Xuan's face also showed excitement. If they can kill this monster, then Chen Xuan's demon soul power can Once he reaches another level, Chen Xuan's cultivation level will also improve, and even his physical strength will increase.

The lord-level python was not in a hurry to attack them, but kept staring at Chen Xuan and Wang Lun with its lantern-sized eyes.

Being stared at with horror, Chen Xuan directly drew out his prairie fire sword and stared directly at the giant python opposite.

Wang Lun also took out his black giant sword and entered a defensive state.

Although the lord-level python was extremely large, it was very fast. It rushed in front of them in the blink of an eye, opened its bloody mouth, and bit Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan immediately raised his prairie fire sword, and the flames instantly filled the air. Feeling the breath constantly emanating, Chen Xuan slashed at the body of the giant python with a burst of flame profound energy.

The power of Suzaku fully bloomed, and Chen Xuan's body was covered with dazzling flames. Wang Lun also pushed his black giant sword at this time. When he took out the black giant sword, the earth began to tremble, and he saw The black giant sword was inserted into Lin's face, directly knocking the body of the lord-level python several meters away.

All monsters that can reach the lord level have crystal cores in their bodies that are terrifyingly red. If they can obtain red crystal cores, it will be of great benefit to Chen Xuan's demon soul.

Not to mention that absorbing the red crystal core can also improve the cultivation level, and all parts of the body of the lord-level monster can be used for alchemy.

Chen Xuan was determined to win this lord-level monster, and this lord-level monster lived up to expectations, reaching the fourth level of the Jingrao God Lord.

If it were before, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were no match for this kind of monster. The two of them had stayed in the forest for such a long time and had never encountered a lord-level monster. They didn't expect that this time they would just After just staying in this forest for a few days, I encountered a lord-level monster.

"No wonder I haven't encountered a Warcraft in the past few days. It turns out that we mistakenly entered this guy's territory, but why has the Black Rock Forest become so dangerous now?" Chen Xuan sighed.

Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were close together, looking at the lord-level python in front of them. Although the attack of this python was very fierce, Chen Xuan could resist the lord without using the power of his demon soul. Super python attack.

The defensive power of the lord-level python far exceeds that of monsters of the same level, so it was not easy for Chen Xuan and Wang Lun to deal with this lord-level python, so Chen Xuan directly used his demon soul.

The power of the Suzaku and the power of the demon soul burned on Chen Xuan's body at the same time. Now Chen Xuan was like a very fast fireball, crashing into the body of the lord-level blind snake in the blink of an eye, but only on the lord-level python. There was a burnt mark on his body, but it was not touched.

"This guy's defense is indeed very strong. If we want to break his defense, we may have to think of other ways." Chen Xuandao.

The armor on the lord-level python is very hard, and even Chen Xuan cannot break it easily with the prairie fire sword.

The power of the Suzaku is attached to the Liaoyuan Sword, and the entire Liaoyuan Sword is burning with raging flames. Now Chen Xuan's power of the Suzaku can be exerted in its complete form. It can be clearly seen that there are faint wings emerging behind Chen Xuan's body. Now Chen Xuan's speed is even faster.

Suddenly, he dodged the tail of the lord-level python and attacked his eyes.

This lord-level python obviously saw Chen Xuan's purpose, so it suddenly closed its eyes and charged towards Chen Xuan with the horns on its head.

At the same time, the huge horn on the head of the lord-level python suddenly emitted a raging flame.

There was just a cold smile on Chen Xuan's face, and then he suddenly opened his arms, and the flames that rushed towards him were immediately sucked into his body.

"If you want to attack me with flames, you are really thinking too simply. The power of Suzaku can not only control flames, but also absorb flames!" Chen Xuandao.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan's body was seen suddenly accelerating, drawing a line of fire in mid-air, and suddenly rushing towards the body of the lord-level python. Wang Lun also besieged the giant python from another direction.

Facing the constant collision between the two people, although the lord-level python's body defense was very strong, the flames he spit out were actually absorbed by Chen Xuan, which made the lord-level monster feel like crying.

Every time the flames he spit out were unable to hurt Chen Xuan, on the contrary, the flames on Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan Sword could pierce his skin every time. Although Chen Xuan could not kill the lord-level monster with one blow, every attack It all makes it uncomfortable.

After more than half an hour, he and Wang Lun killed the lord-level python in front of them.

"It is indeed a lord-level monster. It is so huge that it is enough for us to eat several." Wang Lun said.

Lord-level monsters are indeed very large, and their attack power is much more ferocious than other monsters.

"If we go deeper into the forest, I'm afraid the lord-level monsters we encounter will be even more difficult to deal with. Maybe the two of us together are no match for those monsters." Wang Lun said to himself.

"Although we can encounter powerful monsters, the purpose of our mission is not to hunt monsters here. Now we must find clues about these blood demon remnants. As long as we can kill one blood demon remnant, then We can go back and hand in the mission." Chen Xuandao.

"That's right, but it's been a while since we've been in this forest, and we haven't encountered any remnants of the Blood Demon yet." Wang Lun replied.

"Don't worry so much for now, let's get rid of the body of this monster."

Chen Xuan directly used the prairie fire sword to cut a hole in the mouth of the lord-level python and took out a crystal core from his heart.

The crystal core exudes red energy, indicating that this monster has reached the lord level.

The energy emitted by the red crystal core lingered on Chen Xuan's palm. Without saying a word, Chen Xuan directly opened his demon soul and absorbed the energy from the red crystal core.

Wave after wave of mysterious force was retained in Chen Xuan's body from the crystal core. Chen Xuan could clearly feel that these powerful waves of mysterious force were leaving his body.

The cultivation of the demon soul is different from the past. Chen Xuan has to completely refine this power, so Chen Xuan controls the power of the demon soul in his body. When this power completely forms a vortex in Chen Xuan's body, At this time, Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and then completely concentrated this power into his demon soul pattern.

Now the demon soul lines on Chen Xuan's body have been added again, and his strength is stronger than before. Feeling the changes coming from my body, Chen Xuan exhaled a long breath. Now he has felt this. The changes brought about by this force on his body.

"How's it going? Is it considered a success?" Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan nodded. The mysterious energy he absorbed just now was of great benefit to his body. Now Chen Xuan's demon soul has only condensed into a stripe.

Having swallowed this red crystal core just now, Chen Xuan's demon soul condensed again. Now Chen Xuan's demon soul has been upgraded to the second level, which means that its speed is faster than before, and the power it explodes is also more powerful. , now even if he has reached the third level of the divine king, Chen Xuan dares to fight him.

Feeling the changes in his body, Chen Xuan nodded with satisfaction. Then he and Wang Lun continued walking towards the interior of the forest. However, the fight between them clearly attracted the attention of a group of demon hunters.

Just when they left here, several men appeared next to the lord-level python. Watching the huge lord-level monster being hunted here, a man stepped forward.

"It seems that they have just killed this monster. To be able to kill this kind of lord-level monster, I'm afraid their cultivation is not weak, and judging from the scene, they are probably not injured. The bodies of these guys Definitely bringing something good.”

But when they arrived here, the most valuable parts of Warcraft's body had been taken away by Chen Xuan and Wang Lun.

Especially the red crystal core in the lord-level monster. This red crystal core can even be sold for tens of thousands of crystal stones. After all, the red crystal core is very rare, especially the lord-level monster, which is not easy to see at all.

Chen Xuan and Wang Lun were still rushing towards the depths of the forest. They didn't know that they were being followed by a group of people. Chen Xuan had been aware of the aura coming from the front at this time, so he didn't know that there were people behind him. Several people were following them quietly.

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