The next morning, Chen Xuan had been setting up his own formation in the pit. Now he has completely blocked the aura emanating from this spiritual vein. In other words, apart from the mysterious man, only Chen Xuan knows about this place. place.

After a night, Chen Xuan clearly noticed that he absorbed a large amount of spiritual power and left the hole. Chen Xuan returned directly to Zhengzhou in Wukang Town.

Wukang Town is now guarded by Liu Ming, and Chen Xuan also believes in Liu Ming's strength. With his cultivation, it is easy to deal with several black-robed blood demons, but Chen Xuan now clearly feels that the blood demons will soon will attack Wukang Town.

Sure enough, at night, while Chen Xuan was still sleeping, he was awakened by several gloomy auras.

There were clouds of black mist above Wukang Town, and suddenly there were clouds of new red wind. Vast spiritual power suddenly rushed towards Wukang Town from a distance, and there were many eerie sounds. Chen Xuan's ears rang.

"No, I'm afraid this guy is coming to attack." Chen Xuan said with a shocked expression.

This time, the number of blood demons coming was probably much greater than before, but there was a sneer on Chen Xuan's face. He would kill as many blood demons as they came. Immediately, Chen Xuan turned into a burst of fire and headed towards the square of Wukang Town. Flying away from above.

The current square in Wukang Town has been transformed into a temporary base. Liu Ming was resting in the square. When Chen Xuan arrived, he found that he had already gotten up, obviously feeling the blood demon's attack.

It only took more than ten minutes to find that Wukang Town was surrounded by a group of white-robed blood demons.

Many practitioners in Wukang Town also took out their own weapons and exuded a powerful aura.

It's not that each of them is very powerful, but the momentum they display seems to be that they want to fight the evil demons to the death, even if they fight against the blood demons, they will not fall behind.

The outside of Wukang Town was filled with white, and groups of white-robed blood demons were flying towards them.

The white-robed blood demons are the lowest among them, but many of them have also reached the realm of divine kings. These guys have simply lost their human blood. Their red eyes exude a cruel light, and their whole bodies exude a... The ferocity of a wild beast

Seeing that the white-robed blood demon had broken through, Chen Xuan looked back at the prairie fire sword in his hand and killed a white-robed blood demon in front of him. Several black-robed blood demons were approaching them in the air. When he came over, one of the black-robed blood demons was covered with thick iron armor, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura. It was obvious that the black-robed blood demon above him was very powerful, and he was also holding a gloomy weapon in his hand. His broad sword was very powerful, and Chen Xuan couldn't see what level his cultivation had reached.

The black-robed blood demon in armor said to everyone in a low and hoarse voice: "It seems that you guys have been guarding our altar, which is really troublesome for you. But now I will take these back. When the time comes, I’m going to use you as a sacrifice!”

As soon as he finished speaking, the white-robed blood demons who were being detonated rushed towards the square crazily. Their bodies exuded surging red spiritual power, which directly destroyed all the houses below the ground and spread out. The energy attacked directly towards the center of the square, obviously heading towards Chen Xuan.

"You all go deal with these white-robed blood demons, and Brother Liu. You also help them deal with the white-robed blood demons." Chen Xuandao.

Liu Ming showed confidence on his face. His cultivation has reached the fifth level of the Divine Lord. It is easy to deal with these blood demons. Liu Ming raised the long knife in his hand and ran rampant among the white-robed blood demons, killing two in the blink of an eye. The name is White Robe Blood Demon.

Everyone raised their weapons and attacked the white-robed blood demon. With Liu Ming's cultivation level, entering the white-robed blood demon was basically like a tiger entering the flock. Although the white-robed blood demon's cultivation level Because many of them have reached the realm of divine kings, but for Liu Minglai, he can easily deal with them.

Chen Xuan naturally no longer cared about their battlefield, but concentrated on looking at the black-robed blood demon above. It was obvious that he was the leader of this group, and he was also one of the black-robed blood demons that Chen Xuan had seen. The most powerful among them.

"It seems that you are the one who robbed the rest of us. But today I am going to let you see what strength is. Don't think that I am the same as those guys. If I want to kill you, it will be like killing an ant. "The voice of the black-robed blood demon rang in Chen Xuan's ears like a loud bell.

Chen Xuan was not to be outdone, but Chen Xuan did not answer the black-robed blood demon. A powerful aura emitted from his body, and the power of Suzaku suddenly filled Chen Xuan's body.

A fire dragon emitted from Chen Xuan's body and attacked the black-robed blood demon above Kong. Chen Xuan's attack had no warning at all, and the fire dragon was so fast that it flew in front of the black-robed blood demon's body in the blink of an eye. , but the black-robed blood demon just held the broad blade in his hand and directly chopped Chen Xuan's fire dragon into two halves.

The black-robed blood demon was furious, raised the machete in his hand, and slashed at Chen Xuan. He really felt his arm swaying slightly, and the prairie fire sword came out and hit the wide blade.


A crisp sound came out, sparks flew everywhere, and the sword blade in his hand jingled. Chen Xuan felt a huge force coming from the black-robed blood demon's blade, causing Chen Xuan's body to He stepped back a full two meters before regaining his balance.

The black-robed blood demon also felt that Chen Xuan's physical body was very strong, and his cultivation had reached the fourth level of the Divine Lord.

Even a cultivator who has reached the fifth level of the Divine Lord may not be his opponent, but Chen Xuan can actually directly receive his attack, which is enough to show how powerful Chen Xuan's defense and physical strength are.

Now Chen Xuan also used the power of his soul, and his body was covered with red lines.

A bright red handprint was shot towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan let out a low roar, and strong fire light emitted from his body. A fiery red sword light attacked from Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword.

Two strands of profound energy collided in mid-air, and the black-robed blood demon let out a roar. The spiritual energy emitted from the red palm became even more powerful, and a bright light emitted between the two of them. , the sky above Wukang Town was illuminated, and the strong firelight illuminated the tops of everyone's heads, but this time the black-robed blood demon was actually knocked back a few steps by Chen Xuan.

"Impossible, how could this guy repel my body." The black-robed blood demon showed a surprised look.

Just then, Chen Xuan suddenly felt a sound breaking through the air behind him, and then he saw a familiar figure appearing in front of him, it was Wang Lun.

Wang Lun left Wukang Town three days ago and was heading in the direction of Lu Yucheng. There were several familiar figures following Wang Lun. They were all from the Yunye Sect. This time Wukang The town was attacked, and the royal family of the Yunye Empire was alarmed. They originally thought that the number of blood demons was not that large, but now the blood demons have appeared in large numbers. This has already caused a crisis for the rule of the Yunye Empire, so the empire's The royal family will naturally attach great importance to it. If Wukang Town is lost, it will definitely be a blow to the empire.

"It seems that the news has been sent. Everyone, please help me kill the blood demon in front of me first." Chen Xuandao.

Wang Lun and the others nodded, and immediately attacked the Blood Demon leader.

The black-robed blood demon obviously found that the cultivation levels of the men in front of him were not weak. He now felt a strong crisis, but Chen Xuan was so fast that he was close to her body in the blink of an eye. Before he could When he reacted, he was shot down by Chen Xuan.

Although the black-robed blood demon was very strong, he could not support his body in mid-air. After being knocked away, he let out a cry that resounded through the air, and was immediately besieged by everyone. He was already halfway through It took more than an hour for them to kill the black-robed blood demon.

At the same time, another scream came from a distance, and Liu Mingru entered a deserted place, killing the white-robed blood demons one after another.

It only took them more than an hour to drive out these blood demons. There are still some white-robed blood demons left in Wukang Town, but more than half of them have been killed or injured. Now Chen Xuan and the others have completely crushed them. The blood demon.

Although some blood demons were still escaping, they were all more or less seriously injured. Seeing the white-robed blood demons running around like rats in Wukang Town, Chen Xuan appeared directly. In front of a white-robed blood demon, he cut his body into two pieces with the prairie fire sword in his hand. Like a god of war, his body exuded a terrifying aura. There were also several white-robed people who were just trying to escape. When the Blood Demon saw Chen Xuan appear, he stood frozen in Lin with fear.

Chen Xuan used the sword in his hand to attack these white-robed blood demons. Chen Xuan swung his sword and directly killed two white-robed blood demons. With another swing of his sword, Chen Xuan killed several blood demons again. For Chen Xuan, these blood demons who had just entered the eighth level of gods and demons were Just like ants, it doesn't take much effort for Chen Xuan to kill them.

Moreover, the physical strength of these blood demons who have just entered the eighth level of gods and demons is not very strong, so it doesn't take much profound power for Chen Xuan to kill them. After Chen Xuan completely resolved the soul-calling power, he can now do it all the time. They are all growing, and their cultivation has been promoted to the realm of the God King in just one year, which is something that others simply cannot imagine.

Under the continuous killing of everyone, many blood demons who wanted to escape were immediately stopped by them, and then they slaughtered the blood demons. The methods of these blood demons were very cruel, but Chen Xuan officially repaid them in the same way. On the other side, he used the cruel methods of these trolls to kill them. The streets of Wukang Town were filled with the broken limbs and broken arms of these white-robed blood demons.

There were close to hundreds of white-robed blood demons attacking Wukang Town today, but only a dozen of them could survive now. After seeing that the streets of Wukang Town had been cleared, the faces of all those who participated in the battle Everyone looked relaxed.

The residents of Wukang Town looked at Chen Xuan with admiring eyes, while Liu Ming looked at him with a hint of surprise. For Liu Minglai, he only heard that Chen Xuan was very powerful, but he had never really seen Chen Xuan's strength. , Chen Xuan's powerful method just now, the power of the Suzaku bloomed from his body, like a killing god, constantly killing the white-robed blood demon.

This battle may make these blood demons have no courage to come to Wukang Town again. For the people in Wukang Town, they feel very relieved. If it weren't for Chen Xuan's sudden appearance, their town would probably be in trouble now. It was burned to the ground, and Chen Xuan also led them to resist the blood demon's revenge, which can be regarded as a revenge, and they have very few people to support them in this life.

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