After Bai Mo felt that Chen Xuan had come over, his face showed nervousness. Now he didn't care so much anymore and hurriedly looked at the white skeleton.

Then he forcibly left the sacrifice. After leaving, the light on the white devil's body became obviously dimmer. The light was suddenly lifted just now, making his body a little weaker than before.

It was precisely because of this that Chen Xuan launched an attack on him at this time. After seeing Chen Xuan come out, Wang Lun and Liu Ming were not idle. They drew out their weapons and approached Chen Xuan.

The three of them still had a certain chance of winning against the White Demon. Chen Xuan directly used the Land of the Vermilion Bird. Waves of fire emanated from Chen Xuan's body. Liu Ming raised the whip in his hand and blasted towards the White Demon.

The white devil had a ferocious look on his face. If it weren't for these three people, their sacrifice would have been completed long ago. However, it was because of Chen Xuan and the others that they stopped his sacrifice and even caused him to be seriously injured.

"Son, it seems that you have now fully understood the power of the demon soul in your body. It really surprises me." Bai Mo spit out a mouthful of blood.

Chen Xuan snorted coldly, did not answer the White Demon's question, and continued to launch a fierce attack on the White Demon. Now a few of them were launching continuous attacks on the White Demon. The white skeleton next to him watched the White Demon being attacked by the three of them. Rao was unable to resist the attack, and there was a hint of anger on his face, but his body was now stuck on the altar and could not help Bai Mo deal with Chen Xuan and the three of them.

Half an hour later, Chen Xuan saw the flaw exposed by Bai Mo. The prairie fire sword in his hand stabbed Bai Mo's head directly. Bai Mo obviously did not react. When he did, Chen Xuan had already stabbed his head. Hung mouth, flames suddenly bloomed towards the head of the white devil.

If he was hit by Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword, the chance of surviving was very low. However, Bai Mo's cultivation was very strong. Although he was hit by Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword, it did not cause serious injuries to him. On the contrary, He directly dispersed the flames on her body.

At this time, Wang Lun had already controlled the black giant sword in his hand and stabbed towards the White Devil. The White Devil obviously did not expect that Wang Lun behind him would suddenly attack with the black giant sword in his hand. Now he was attacked twice in a row. The White Devil Spit out a mouthful of blood.

There was unwillingness on his face, and it was obvious that he did not expect that he would be defeated by these three people.

It is very easy to kill Chen Xuan and the three of them with Bai Mo's cultivation level, but his current cultivation level is also limited, not to mention that he suddenly broke away from the sacrifice, so he also lost a lot of money. The white devil could no longer control any of the profound energy in his body, and could only watch as Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword stabbed towards him.

Chen Xuan took one step forward and ran directly towards Bai Mo. Chen Xuan grabbed Bai Mo's body. Although Bai Mo wanted to resist, Chen Xuan's power was greater than he imagined. The prairie fire sword instantly bloomed with a bright light. The fire light chopped off the white devil's head.

"Kill that skeleton quickly!" Wang Lun shouted.

Chen Xuan saw that the white skeleton was about to break free from the altar, so he accelerated suddenly. At this time, the demon soul lines on his body grew a dazzling pink light, and Chen Xuan's power was even stronger than before. Now Chen Xuan not only has improved his cultivation level a little more than before, but his speed is also such that the white skeleton cannot react at all.

When the white skeleton saw Chen Xuan's body, he found that his body had been chopped into two pieces.

Seeing that two leaders were killed in succession, the remaining white-robed blood demons had expressions of surprise on their faces.

For the White Demons, this is very ironic. They have been plotting here for many years. They wanted to start a bloody storm again, but they did not expect that they would encounter Chen Xuan's attack halfway. They were about to summon the Black Blood Demon. , but now Chen Xuan has stopped them all, not to mention that even the white devil has been killed by Chen Xuan.

And Chen Xuan's demon soul power was left behind by his original pill. He never dreamed that Chen Xuan had taken that pill, and then gradually realized the power of the demon soul in his body. Until now, he actually used the power of the demon soul to defeat him.

For Chen Xuanlai, he definitely benefited a lot from this time he came to kill the white demons in the black rock forest. Chen Xuan's current cultivation level has been promoted to the second level peak of the Divine Lord, and Chen Xuan also felt that after he killed these blood demons , and also made his soul power ready to move, which was an unimaginable gain.

"Let's retreat quickly, don't waste time with them here." Chen Xuan said loudly.

"When we were helpless, my father had already followed us. He had already used a large number of manpower to set up on the outskirts of the forest. Now we can see them as long as we escape." Liu Ming said loudly.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly, and took these girls with him while fleeing outside the forest. These people were not very strong in cultivation, and they were simply a burden to them. However, Chen Xuan and the others were not unwilling to save anyone. Since When he meets these people, Chen Xuan will rescue them.

Liu Ming discovered that Chen Xuan's cultivation was not only very powerful, but was also shocked by Chen Xuan's calm personality. Facing the appearance of the White Demon, Chen Xuan calmly and calmly judged his advantages, and also found an opportunity to kill them. Two of them were killed. It would not be easy to deal with the White Demon relying on the strength of the three of them. However, Chen Xuan seized the opportunity of the White Demon on the altar to defeat him in one fell swoop. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for the two of them to defeat the White Demon. Killing would definitely take more time than they imagined.

After all, the White Devil is a very famous devil on this continent. He was also a captain in the Black Blood Sect. His cultivation level is probably very close to the level of the God King. He originally wanted to establish one near Black Rock City. A stronghold, but now the plan has completely failed.

He has been hiding here for several years in order to complete this plan, but now his plan has been blocked by Chen Xuan. For Chen Xuan, his gain this time is the biggest. Chen Xuan is now Not only did his cultivation level rise to a higher level, but he also discovered a spiritual vein near Wukang Town. Although this spiritual vein was not that vast, it was enough for Chen Xuan to practice.

There are actually not many opportunities to practice in the spiritual veins, and Chen Xuan seized this opportunity now, and in two days, he raised his cultivation level to the peak of the second level of the Divine Lord. This speed is faster than before It's much faster, and Chen Xuan's demon soul power is now stable at the second level of demon soul.

This time not only did Chen Xuan's cultivation improve, but more importantly, Chen Xuan gained reputation. Before, Chen Xuan had no reputation at all near Black Rock City, but since he resisted in Wukang Town Due to the fierce attack of the Blood Demon, the name of the city has now spread to the ears of everyone in Black Rock City. Even the current city lord of Black Rock City respects Chen Xuan very much.

Chen Xuan's burst of strength and talent also opened their eyes, especially Liu Ming. He had heard Chen Xuan's name long ago, but he had never had the chance to get close to Chen Xuan. He didn't know until now. How perverted is Chen Xuan?

Being able to enter the second level of the Divine Lord at a young age, and being able to cultivate demon souls without being backlashed is also very rare in the Yunye Empire. There are actually very few people in the Yunye Empire who cultivate demon souls. , however, there are even fewer people who can guarantee that they will not be swallowed by the power of the demon soul. There are many people who practice the demon soul in the wrong way. Most of the people in the Yunye Empire are cultivators, and few people can I chose to cultivate demon souls because the demonic beasts in the Yunye Empire were not as powerful as imagined.

The dragon blood tribe in the north is the one that practices most demon souls. Most of the people in the dragon blood tribe cultivate demon souls. For them, cultivating demon souls can improve their cultivation much faster than absorbing earthly spiritual energy. However, the demon souls they cultivate have The method is different from others. The Dragon Blood Tribe's method of cultivating demon souls is passed down from generation to generation.

The previous generation of the Dragon Blood Tribe will pass on the power of demon souls in their bodies to their next generation, so their strength is actually inherited to a certain extent. The people of the Dragon Blood Tribe have almost no intersection with the people of the Yunye Empire. , unless it is when doing business, people from the two empires will have certain contacts.

They were very fast. Although the white-robed blood demon behind them was also attacking them, Chen Xuan was holding the prairie fire sword in one hand and his eyes were shining brightly, so the white-robed blood demon did not dare to attack easily. tracking up, and this also provided them with enough opportunities to retreat.

It is definitely very dangerous for them to escape from the Black Shadow Forest in this situation. Not only do they have to be careful of the white-robed blood demon behind them launching a sneak attack on them, but they are also likely to encounter attacks from some Warcraft, even now There are not as many monsters in the forest as before, but it is inevitable that you will not encounter them.

Although the white-robed blood demon really wanted to kill Chen Xuan and the others, they were also very afraid of Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan was the one who could kill the white demon. The white demon was an extremely tall existence in their hearts, and they simply They didn't dare to disobey the White Demon's orders. That's why they attacked without resistance as if to death. However, now they saw the White Demon being killed with their own eyes, and even the white skeletons were eliminated by them. For these white-robed blood demons Come on, they seem to have lost their backbone now.

After this battle, Chen Xuan and the others only lost one of their comrades, and they would always be sacrificed in battles.

The one who was killed was a commander of Black Rock City. His cultivation had also reached the fourth level of the Divine Lord, but he had just been besieged by several white-robed blood demons and lost his life.

"We can't control that much now. Let's escape from this forest first. If we delay here for too long, other monsters may discover our existence, and I always feel that these blood demons There must be others, and if we attract some other Black Blood Sect captains, we will be in danger," Liu Mingdao.

Chen Xuan originally wanted to kill all the white-robed blood demons, but he also knew that there were not many opportunities left for them, so Chen Xuan fought and retreated. They had already used half of them when fighting the white demons just now. It has been dark for many hours, except that the black mist in the sky has gradually dissipated, but they still can't see clearly what is happening in front of them, especially now when they are preparing to escape from the forest in a hurry, give them caused many difficulties.

"Be careful and don't let out your own aura when you run. Wang Lun and I will help you block the white-robed blood demon from behind. Liu Ming, you go to the front to protect these hostages." Chen Xuan ordered.

Liu Ming nodded immediately and walked toward the front of the team with his two companions. They walked for more than two hours when Chen Xuan suddenly felt a breath appearing on the left side of the team. So Chen Xuan suddenly swung his sword, and the fire suddenly shot up. Everyone looked at Chen Xuan in surprise.

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