The armored centipede knew that the fiery red mysterious fire was released by Chen Xuan, so the armored centipede actually spit out a stream of blood-red venom from its mouth, and the venom and mysterious force flew towards Chen Xuan like a destructive force.

After the huge red profound energy was released, all the surrounding ice and rocks were shattered. Chen Xuan saw the red profound energy spitting out from the armored giant rhinoceros, and immediately transferred the power of the Suzaku in his dantian to protect it.

Layers of fiery red mysterious fire emerged in front of Chen Xuan's eyes, blocking all the venom's impact.


The armored centipede roared.

Seeing that his bombardment was actually defended by humans, hundreds of feet moved quickly towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan then hung a flame condensed with the power of the Suzaku in front of him.

The light reflected by the power of the Suzaku was so dazzling that it actually made the armored centipede close its eyes. But the moment it closed its eyes, Chen Xuan's sharp sword had already struck it.

The body of the armored centipede was knocked back several meters by Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword, and then streaks of ice were formed on the insteps of the armored centipede, causing the armored centipede to fall directly onto Lin.

When the huge body fell down, it directly smashed the ice stones on Lin's face. Seeing that Chen Xuan was able to knock down the armored centipede, screams of surprise came out.

"How could he be so strong...did he come from the Yunye Empire?"

"I think it is absolutely true. Only the Yunye Empire has such a talent. He is the strongest person I have ever seen. No, he is the strongest at his age." The man hurriedly changed his mind. road.

After Chen Xuan heard their exclamations, the power of Suzaku continued to condense, and then he gathered his power of Suzaku into a Daoxuan rocket and floated in front of him.

Seeing the armored centipede whose body had fallen on Lin's face and was stuck by the power of Suzaku, Chen Xuanhan said in a loud voice: "Die!"

At this moment, everyone is focusing on the frost arrow in front of Chen Xuan's body. They know that only Chen Xuan can kill the powerful armored centipede now!

Just when the power of Suzaku was completely condensed, everyone held their breath.

"Kill this one quickly!"

A man next to Chen Xuan had a sinister look on his face. Several of his companions were killed by the armored centipede. He wanted to scrape off the armored centipede's flesh piece by piece. But he was not strong enough, so he could only place his hopes on Chen Xuan.

After hearing this, Chen Xuan hurriedly directed the mysterious fire at the armored centipede that fell on the ground. The belly was the only weak point of the monster!

At this moment, the Armored Centipede let out a muffled cry when he saw countless strands of Suzaku power coming toward him.

It was obvious that it had gone into hiding. Countless rays of mysterious fire were deeply inserted into its body, and thick blood suddenly overflowed from its body.

The huge monster whimpered. Then he stayed on the ground without saying a word. Seeing that Chen Xuan had killed the armored centipede, everyone turned their attention to the two remaining monsters.

The two monsters also felt that these humans were looking at them, and one of them suddenly let out a roar. A series of thorns shot out from the body. When Chen Xuan saw it, he raised the Xuanhuo Sword and threw it straight at the monster. The monster wailed and was killed by Chen Xuan.

"Only one left!" a man said excitedly.

"Kill it! Let's go together!" The man angrily picked up the weapon in his hand and rushed towards the monster.

The monster showed a fearful expression, and then spit out several streaks of fiery red smoke from its mouth.

"Ahem! This beast!" The man choked and closed his eyes due to the black mist in front of him. Chen Xuan's vision was also obscured by the fiery red smoke.

The black mist dissipated as quickly as it came. When the black mist dissipated, Chen Xuan saw that a magical beast had escaped with its black and white tail between its legs.

"Don't let this beast get away!" a man in the front right shouted.

"We must peel off the skin of that beast, and then pull out its sinews!"

As soon as the man finished, several people beside Chen Xuan shouted loudly and raised their broken weapons to chase the monster.

Chen Xuan shook his head. He knew that most of his companions were killed by those monsters, so he looked at the body of the armored centipede he killed.

He raised his head and looked at Chen Xuan and said, "Thank you so much. If you hadn't come to help us, there wouldn't even be anyone to bury them today."

Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said, "It's a matter of a little effort."

Now Chen Xuan only felt that he had encountered such a thing just when he came to the Frost Mountains, because normally those monsters would not come to the outside of the Frost Mountains. But last time he and Wang Lun came here, they felt something was wrong, but Chen Xuan didn't come up.

When the man from the demon hunting group heard what Chen Xuan said, he looked at Chen Xuan and said to him: "Brother, please take away the crystal cores of those monsters first. We will do other things later."

Chen Xuan saw that he was still busy with his own affairs, so he walked to the side of a monster, picked up a boot knife of his, and skillfully inserted the knife into the heart of the monster. The crystal nucleus showed a faint light.

After staying in the Frost Mountains with Wang Lun for half a month, Chen Xuan is now very skilled in taking out the crystal core of the mysterious beast. At this moment, Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw the green mysterious stone. The green in front of him The crystal core is the Dantian of Warcraft, but compared with humans, it has an extremely complex color. Compared with ordinary Warcraft, there is not much difference. The energy contained at that time was extremely powerful.

"Maybe my Dantian will also turn fiery red." Chen Xuan thought in his heart.

The last thing Chen Xuan took out was the crystal core of the armored centipede. The cyan crystal core is extremely eye-catching. Even though it is not very big, it still looks very impressive.

Chen Xuan walked towards him and said, "I wouldn't have killed that armored centipede without your help to cover it, so just take a Xuan Crystal."

The man didn't show any expression and chose to pick the lowest crystal core from inside: "I can only take this one."

Chen Xuan nodded lightly and said to him: "Brother, please take this elixir first to regain your strength..."

"Cure your throat?" the man exclaimed.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly: "Yes."

"We wanted to buy some when we came here, but they were out of stock. I didn't expect you still have cherry blossoms here," the man said to Chen Xuandi in disbelief.

"Are you from Yunyemen?" the man asked. He thought Chen Xuan came from somewhere else, but according to the direction Chen Xuan was walking, he came from Yunye Gate.

"Yes, I came from Yunyemen. My name is Chen Xuan." Chen Xuandao.

"Wang Lun." Wang Lun said.

"Chen Xuan? Thank you very much." the man said.

Even though he knew that he was only at the peak of the third level of the Divine Lord, Chen Xuan did not come out. Instead, he said to the man: "They just went over to chase that monster, will it be okay?"

When the man heard Queen Lin, he turned his head and looked into the forest, and said to Chen Xuan: "They are all too impulsive."

Chen Xuan thought for a while and thought that the three people who pursued him were all two fourth-level gods. The battle with the armored centipede also wasted a lot of their energy. It was obvious that if they pursued so rashly, it would be extremely dangerous if they encountered any magical beasts.

Chen Xuan put all the black crystal stones into his backpack and asked the man, "Who are you?"

"We are all members of the Baihua City Demon Hunter Guild. When we came here to hunt monsters, the Frost Kingdom had not sealed this place. Now they have sealed the area, and we are all trapped here." The man looked at it. He looked at Chen Xuan and said.

Chen Xuan suddenly remembered what the man had said to him before, but he was distracted at the time so he didn't hear it clearly.

"That's it!" Chen Xuan patted his head, feeling a little embarrassed.

"These guys are really overbearing. They actually don't let others come to the ice field. The polar ice field is so big, they can't control it by themselves in the Frost Kingdom!" Wang Lun said.

"Yes, but they have sent many people to seal this place now, and I heard that there is a secret realm here. We don't know where it is. We can only hunt Xuan Demon Beast nearby, but I found that Xuan Demon Beast has become very violent recently. , there are many mysterious monsters that have entered other areas and come to the adjacent area. The mysterious monsters generally live in the northernmost area and will not come to this area. "

Chen Xuan really didn't know much about the polar ice fields, so he asked: "Are there many mysterious beasts in the second area now?"

"Yes, there are, but there are still many ordinary monsters. You have seen the strength of these guys. We can't deal with them with our strength." The man said.

"Then do you know where the secret realm is nearby?" Chen Xuan asked.

"We heard it was near a mountain range, so we came here. We didn't expect to encounter a surprise attack by a mysterious beast. Now my people have suffered heavy losses, and I'm afraid I can't go any further."

Surprise flashed in the man's eyes: "You want to go to the secret realm?"

"I'm just asking." Chen Xuandao.

"Now we in Baihua City have joined forces with the Demon Hunter Guild in Longque City to go to the polar ice fields to find the secret realm. You must know that the secret realm belongs to everyone in the Black Rock World and cannot be occupied by them from the Frost Kingdom." The man said.

"Two unions?" Chen Xuan looked curious.

"Yes, although we are trapped here, we still got a lot of news. The people who were just killed by the monsters were those who entered the ice field from outside recently."

"Then can I join you?" Wang Lun asked.

"Of course you can. If you can enter our Baihua City Trade Union, you will definitely have a high-level pass. You may even be able to directly register as a member of the trade union." Chen Xuan listened to the man.

"Are there any benefits to joining the Demon Hunters Guild?"

"Of course there are benefits, but you two also have status in Yunyemen after all. The Demon Hunters Guild in Baihua City is still too big. If you can join the Demon Hunters Guild in Yunye City, there will be many benefits. Listen to the headquarters now. I also saw the emergence of the secret realm.”


The cry for help reached Chen Xuan's ears.

"What's the sound?" Chen Xuandao said.

"Let's go over and take a look." Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan saw two men escaping from the dense forest, but just after the man finished saving his life, he was killed by a yellow monster behind him!

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