Seeing the steep stream moving as fast as a knife, Chen Xuan quickly used the Suzaku power in his dantian, and then slowly soaked into the steep stream.

The entire cliff has turned into a wall of fire. And it's so huge that you can't see the edges at all.

Chen Xuan climbed up the tree, only to find that the height of the ice wall was actually much higher than the tree. Chen Xuan raised his prairie fire sword and slashed hard at the ice wall, but only made a hole.

"It seems that the thickness of the ice wall is also very strong."

After seeing that he could not break through the wall of fire, Chen Xuan could only look back at the Ice Couple Beast.

Seeing the Ice Couple Beast slowly moving towards him, Chen Xuan anxiously mobilized the profound power in his Dantian.

The move that the Ice Couple Beast just used definitely wasted a lot of its profound energy.

But what Chen Xuan didn't expect was that the ice beast actually sent out another steep stream, and the speed was faster. Chen Xuan's body was thrown far away. At this moment, Chen Xuan only felt that his whole body was sore after being hit. He did not expect that this ice beast was so powerful.

"It seems we can only think of other means."

As soon as Chen Xuan stood up, he saw that the steep stream suddenly changed its direction, and the originally huge steep stream became thinner, and slowly formed a sharp water thorn towards Chen Xuan as it approached Chen Xuan. Xuan bombarded.

Before Chen Xuan could stand still, he saw the water thorns spitted out by the Ice Couple Beast coming toward him fiercely. He could only hurriedly use the power of the Suzaku in his Dantian to cover his body with a layer of Suzaku. The royal family.


Chen Xuan's body was blown away by the water thorn again. Even with the protection of the frost armor, his clothes had been penetrated by the ice couple beast.

Looking at the injuries on his body caused by the sharp current.

"It seems that if I don't give you some color, you still don't understand my tyranny." Chen Xuan's anger was also aroused by the Ice Couple Beast, and his body ignited with the power of the fiery red Suzaku.

Chen Xuan looked at the ice beast viciously, and then the fiery red profound energy continued to spread around him.

Seeing the fiery red profound energy emerging from Chen Xuan's body, the Ice Couple Beast let out a low roar. The Ice Couple Beast actually grew several times in size. The Ice Couple Beast actually became even bigger and suddenly ran towards Chen Xuan.

This magical beast spat out jets of water while bombarding Chen Xuan. Even though the water thorns spewed by the Ice Couple Beast were not as huge as before, Chen Xuan knew that the water thorns were definitely not simple, and the penetrating power was even stronger!

After Chen Xuan dodged the bombardment of the water jet and looked behind him, a hole was actually punched through the tree. And extremely smooth. If he was hit by the water spike, even Chen Xuan, with his frost armor, would not be able to withstand its bombardment on his own.

"Boom boom boom!"

Seeing the trees behind him making bursts of noise one after another, he could imagine how powerful the impact of the water thorns was. It is now unclear how much of the ice wall was penetrated.

Chen Xuan quickly adjusted his state, then swayed to the side, and the raised prairie prairie sword turned into a fiery red sword energy and rushed towards the ice beast.

"The sword technique of starting a prairie fire."

When Ice Love Beast saw the fiery red sword energy, it exhaled in the front direction, forming a white mucous membrane in the front direction of Ice Love Beast.

The fiery red sword energy caused ripples on the white mucosa. However, he failed to successfully bombard the Ice Couple Beast.

When the Ice Couple Beast saw Chen Xuan launching a bombardment at it, it actually let its body take a step back. Then another white stream spurted out. The sharp white cliffs vibrated the surrounding air. Chen Xuan felt that his ears were trembling.

The low-level monsters around were also frightened by the vibration and fled in all directions.

"It seems that this Ice Couple Beast is definitely the strongest here." Chen Xuan couldn't help but sigh when he saw several ice birds hurriedly escaping in the sky on the ice rocks in the distance.

At least in the Frost Mountains.

"It seems that I have to think of some other means."

Chen Xuan really has nothing to do with the Ice Couple Beast in front of him now. He even feels that the Ice Couple Beast has entered the fourth level of the Divine Sovereign. However, in addition to being able to rebound Chen Xuan's bombardment, the Ice Couple Beast does not behave like It is the strength of the fourth level of the Divine Lord.

Mysterious monsters are much stronger than ordinary monsters. Not only do they have very strong physical defense, but they also have many strange attack methods. Many people who come to hunt mysterious monsters will be beaten by these mysterious monsters without warning. caught off guard.

As Chen Xuan thought about it, his body had already reached the side of the Ice Couple Beast. When the Ice Couple Beast saw the sword energy coming from Chen Xuan's prairie prairie sword, it let out a low roar.

The sword energy did not hit the ice beast.

Seeing the Ice Couple Beast's huge body swinging its tail towards him, Chen Xuan hurriedly distanced himself from the Ice Couple Beast.

Now Chen Xuan can only fight to the death with the Ice Couple Beast in front of him, but this Ice Couple Beast is extremely powerful, and Chen Xuan has no means to defeat it for the time being.

Seeing the Ice Couple Beast spit out another white stream. Chen Xuan raised his prairie fire sword.

"Lighting prairie fire sword energy!"

Chen Xuan shouted loudly, fiery red light marks lit up on his body, and the power of Suzaku shuttled quickly.

At this moment, streaks of fiery red sword energy struck heavily on the body of the Ice Love Beast. The Ice Love Beast whimpered, but it only retreated a little to the left and did not suffer any damage.

"It seems like it didn't hit the vital point." Chen Xuan thought.

After the Ice Couple Beast was repelled by Chen Xuan, he was obviously furious.

It was obvious that in the eyes of this Ice Couple, a weak human could actually repel its body.

Chen Xuan quickly transferred the fiery red profound power in his dantian. When the fiery red Suzaku power attached to his prairie prairie sword, the Ice Love Beast actually showed a little panic.

It hurriedly tried to avoid Chen Xuan's bombardment, and the fiery red sword energy suddenly bloomed, and another prairie fire sword energy quickly bombarded the ice couple beast.

The Ice Couple Beast formed a mucous membrane in front of him just like last time. When he saw his prairie fire sword energy hitting the body of the Ice Couple Beast, he made a loud noise. Then all the surrounding trees were cut down.

At this moment, not a single ice crystal was intact between Chen Xuan and the Ice Couple Beast, and even the ice stones on the side were shattered by countless fierce sword energies.

But the Ice Couple Beast still resisted Chen Xuan's sword energy. After seeing his bombardment blocked by the Ice Couple Beast. Chen Xuan squatted down slightly, and then aimed the Liao Yuan Sword at the Ice Couple Beast in front, and the fiery red Liao Yuan Sword Qi appeared on the sword.

It's just that this time Chen Xuan's fiery red sword energy is different from before. He has been able to mobilize the fiery red profound power in his Dantian and fuse his Xian Xuan power with the power of Suzaku.

Therefore, it is more impactful. That's why Chen Xuan was able to repel the ice beast's body just now.

When I saw the fiery red halo hitting the ice couple beast's mucous membrane, it set off huge ripples of profound energy and made loud noises nearby.

Chen Xuan's bombardment just now did not cause any damage to the ice couple beast, but now he saw that it could actually make the ice couple beast look frightened.

The ice couple beast then roared loudly. Chen Xuan felt a little ringing in his ears, and then Chen Xuan hurriedly covered his ears.

The roar of the Ice Couple was extremely harsh. Chen Xuan only felt that his internal organs were shaking from the roar of the ice couple beast, but Chen Xuan did not cover his ears for too long, because the ice couple beast was now shaking and running towards Chen Xuan come over.

Seeing the Ice Partner Beast running towards him again, Chen Xuan could only raise his prairie fire sword. The strange cry of the Ice Partner Beast just now made his body feel a little overwhelmed. But now there is not enough time left for him.

Because even though the Ice Couple Beast was huge and heavy, its speed was not as slow as Chen Xuan expected. Seeing an Ice Couple Beast chasing after him, Chen Xuan's body dodged a lot to the side, and the Ice Couple Beast's body hit heavily where Chen Xuan was just now.

Even though the Ice Couple Beast was faster than Chen Xuan expected, it was extremely easy for Chen Xuan to dodge it.

"It seems that the speed of this ice companion beast is not very fast." He was now fully confident that he could use kite flying to deal with this ice companion beast.

The Ice Love Beast obviously knew that its speed could not keep up with Chen Xuan, so the Ice Love Beast froze its body in place, and then spit out an ocher red water mark at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan did not panic after seeing the traces of mysterious energy spit out by the Ice Couple Beast. Now he is fully capable of blocking the bombardment of the ice beast.

What he was thinking about now was that the Ice Couple's body was too strong, and Chen Xuan had no way of breaking through the thin layer of synovial membrane on his body.

But if Chen Xuan can block the bombardment of the ice companion beast, he can slowly find ways to penetrate the mucous membrane defense of the ice companion beast.

Qiao Liu quickly approached. Chen Xuan hurriedly raised the Liao Liao Yuan sword and cut the water mark in half, and the place where the water mark cut cut off countless ice walls in front of him. Seeing Shuihen being cut in half by Chen Xuan, the ice couple beast also showed an impatient look on its face.

The two blood-red eyes of the Ice Couple Beast looked at Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan felt that the Ice Couple Beast had just exhaled a breath, and the breath was carrying a white stream. It can be seen that this ice couple beast should be very angry now.

Chen Xuan did not get used to the Ice Couple Beast. He shuttled quickly, and streaks of mysterious fire formed in all the places he shuttled. Then he sent out several streaks of fiery red sword energy from the prairie fire sword in his hand.

The fiery red prairie fire sword energy bombarded the body of the ice companion beast in different places. Chen Xuan did not believe that the ice companion beast had no weaknesses on its body. He wanted to find a way to find the weakness on the ice companion beast's back. And Chen Xuan also found that when he hit the surface of the Ice Couple Beast's body, he could also see that a thin film on the Ice Couple Beast's smooth white body slowly detached, and the film grew back to reflect the damage from the sword energy. .

Chen Xuan didn't believe that the ice couple's mucosal defense was impeccable, nor did he believe that the mucosal defense could really deflect all his bombardments. The prairie fire sword energy that quickly bombarded the ice beast's body in different places.

But it was similar to what Chen Xuan thought. When his bombardment hit the ice beast, it was bounced away by the mucous membrane on the surface of its body.

Even though the fiery red sword energy hit the body of the ice couple beast, it still did not achieve the effect Chen Xuan wanted. When Chen Xuan watched his bombardment being bounced off by the membrane on the body of the ice couple beast again and again, Chen Xuan Xuan could only think of another method.

Chen Xuan shuttled quickly. At this moment, the mountains and forests within a few miles nearby had been leveled by their battle. On the ice walls that fell to the ground, there was a fiery red sword energy directed towards the ice. The companion beast attacked, and the prairie fire sword energy was so fast that it hit the ice companion beast from Chen Xuan almost instantly.

However, Chen Xuan's bombardment still did not cause any damage. The Ice Couple Beast also saw Chen Xuan's sword energy, so it also turned its huge body with Chen Xuan.

When the Ice Couple Beast's huge body turned, it actually left pit marks on the ground.

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