He saw the body of the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe falling heavily on Lin, and then his body twitched continuously, and his face was turned pale by the flames.

Finally, the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe spat out a mouthful of blood, and his originally strong aura suddenly became weak.

Seeing Chen Xuan walking towards him step by step, with murderous intent flashing in his eyes, and then raising the prairie fire sword, the man could only show a look of fear and said to Chen Xuan: "Don't kill me, the two of us can be here together." Loot the treasures from the disciples of the Frost Kingdom in the secret realm.”

Chen Xuan shook his head slowly: "When you plan to kill me, you should make plans."

The man from the Dragon Blood Tribe looked downcast, and he didn't know what he was thinking about now. However, when Chen Xuan approached the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe, the man suddenly roared wildly, and then his palm suddenly turned red, and a handful of The hidden weapon suddenly appeared from between his palms, and then the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe used all his strength to inject the frightening red profound energy into the hidden weapon, and then stabbed Chen Xuan ferociously.

Because the distance was too close, Chen Xuan had no time to escape.

The dark hidden weapon pierced directly into Chen Xuan's arm, and Chen Xuan immediately felt a burst of cold poisonous gas invading Li Tian.

Chen Xuan roared wildly and stabbed the prairie fire sword into the body of the Dragon Blood Tribe man. Then Chen Xuan slowly shook his arms and cut the Dragon Blood Tribe man's body into two pieces. He saw the man's body slowly moving Falling down and losing his vitality, Chen Xuan suddenly became weak.

Chen Xuan coughed lightly. He felt a little strange when the hidden weapon was pierced into his body. The hidden weapon was definitely not an ordinary thing.

Chen Xuan felt that his body was very cold and was eroding his Dantian, so Chen Xuan's face was anxious as he activated the profound energy in his Dantian to quickly resist the toxins.

However, the toxins had entered Chen Xuan's body and were constantly colliding around. As the toxins collided, Chen Xuan kept dealing with him. Suddenly, Chen Xuan felt that his head became dizzy.

Chen Xuan almost fell into coma several times. It took more than an hour before Chen Xuan felt the poisonous gas disappear from his dantian. However, Chen Xuan felt that he was very sleepy, so he fell to the ground and passed out.

However, Chen Xuan did not know that when he was unconscious, his body was exuding fiery red power of the Suzaku. This power of the Suzaku had been transformed into silk toxins, which penetrated into Chen Xuan's body.

I don't know how long it took for Chen Xuan to slowly open his eyes. Now Chen Xuan felt that his body was very tired and his head was in pain.

When Chen Xuan opened his eyes, he saw the body of the man from the Dragon Blood Tribe appearing at the place where they had fought before.

"It seems that I really underestimated the enemy too much. I must be more careful this time if I can survive." Chen Xuan gritted his teeth and said.

Chen Xuan remembered that he had encountered the same thing before, but the plot of this Dragon Blood Tribe man was even faster, leaving Chen Xuan with no time to react.

It was unclear whether his silver-white concealed weapon contained toxins. Fortunately, even though Chen Xuan was very weak now, he found that the toxins in his Dantian had dissipated.

Chen Xuan once heard Li Yuan tell him that the Dragon Blood Tribe also has this very evil and vicious technique. It can hurt others with its mysterious power, and then slowly control the enemy's sanity.

However, this technique is used by almost everyone in the Dragon Blood Tribe, and this technique is also a vicious technique aimed at practitioners. Once those who practice mystical power are stabbed by the hidden weapon entwined by this technique, , a stream of poisonous gas will penetrate into Rao's consciousness, and then clear the practitioner's soul.

Chen Xuan felt a little scared. If he was really absorbed by this technique, it would be dangerous.

However, Li Yuan also told Chen Xuan how to resist this technique, but Chen Xuan just panicked and failed to react.

Now Chen Xuan carefully recalled what Li Yuan once told him. Once the toxins are absorbed, they will invade the consciousness and begin to occupy the soul. Once the soul is donated, it will be controlled by others.

However, it is not able to control everyone. This technique can only control practitioners who are many levels lower than yourself. Once the opponent's strength is one level stronger than the caster, then the law cannot control the enemy. body.

However, Chen Xuan's strength is indeed lower than that of the men from the Dragon Blood Tribe, which makes Chen Xuan feel a little dazed now.

Then Chen Xuan recalled that Li Yuan told him how to get rid of the toxins in his Dantian, so Chen Xuan slowly condensed the mysterious force, and the mysterious force continued to gather on the top of Chen Xuan's head, and then merged together, and penetrated Chen Xuan's Memory of Zheng

Not only does it take a lot of time to get rid of this poison, but Chen Xuan now has to constantly resist the harm caused to himself by this kind of cultivation.

Now there is still silk toxin remaining in Chen Xuan's Dantian. Just when Chen Xuan is gathering his Suzaku Fire, Chen Xuan feels his head becomes painful again, and then a stream of clear water flows out from Chen Xuan's golden elixir. .

Chen Xuan knew that this kind of cultivation was the power of the Suzaku. Then this kind of cultivation spread around Chen Xuan's body. In an instant, he saw that the toxins were suppressed by Chen Xuan's power of the Suzaku.

Chen Xuan's eyes widened and he stared at the power of Suzaku in his dantian. He did not expect that this kind of cultivation could completely suppress the toxins in his dantian.

"Anyway, the toxin has been suppressed now. It seems that I am not in any danger now." Chen Xuandao.

After recovering from the injury on his arm, Chen Xuan moved away from here and continued walking in the front direction.

After a few days, Chen Xuan discovered that a white ice crack valley appeared in the direction ahead, just like a huge ice valley. Even though the appearance of this ice valley was very strange, Chen Xuan was able to find that the surging mysterious force was It is constantly emitting from this silver-white ice valley.

While Chen Xuan was thinking, a silvery black figure suddenly appeared from a distance and approached him.

He had already inquired about Chen Xuan before entering the secret realm, and also knew that Chen Xuan's strength had reached the early stage of the divine king realm.

And his own strength has also reached the peak of the sixth level of the divine king realm. Last time, he secretly determined to find an opportunity to deal with Chen Xuan. Now he is also heading towards the depths of the secret realm of the polar ice field, but he did not expect it. I actually met Chen Xuan halfway.

Seeing Chen Xuan, Yu Wenxiong's face showed a wild smile, and his eyes flashed with murderous intent.

"Hahaha! It's really hard to find anywhere. I didn't expect that I wanted to give this kid to a fool before, but now I can meet him here." Yu Wenxiong said with a cold expression on his face.

Chen Xuan also saw a man emerging from the side of the ice valley, but Chen Xuan didn't know what the man wanted to do.

Then he saw Yu Wenxiong walking over, and Chen Xuan didn't say anything when he saw the man opposite with a gloomy face.

But Yu Wenxiong actually appeared as a sinister son and stared at Chen Xuandao: "Son! Last time you escaped my pursuit in Longque City, this time I will let you die without a burial place!"

Chen Xuan was a little confused. He didn't know where this man came from, and he actually wanted to fight with him as soon as they met.

"You don't know me, but I know you! Chen Xuan, have you forgotten Li Dan who was killed by you?" Yu Wenxiong said coldly.

Chen Xuan suddenly thought that he had not removed his own breath when he killed Li Dan.

"I killed the person, so what?" Chen Xuan changed his expression and said coldly.

Therefore, Chen Xuan also quickly gathered the Suzaku Fire in his Dantian and entered a state of preparation for war.

As Yu Wenxiong spoke, he walked towards Chen Xuan: "Son, I think it's best for you to give up resistance. None of the people I want to kill can escape yet."

"Then you'd better bear the consequences." Chen Xuan said coldly.

"Son, I think you are so arrogant. No matter what you do, you are bound to die now!" As soon as Yu Wenxiong finished speaking, he slashed with the sword, and a shocking mysterious force slashed out from his sword.


Chen Xuan felt a fierce sword light appear around him, and then the purple light actually condensed on his body.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan's body was directly blasted away. While Chen Xuan was running his mysterious power, he suddenly felt a burst of toxins being flushed out of his body.

"No, it seems that the poisonous gas has not been completely forced out before!" Chen Xuan said in fear.

However, Yu Wenxiong had already slashed the blade, urging his profound energy to rush towards him, so Chen Xuan could only quickly raise the prairie fire sword and block it in front of him.


Two frightening sword lights attacked each other in the air, and then exploded. Chen Xuan's body quickly took two steps back to the right.

It seemed that he saw something abnormal in Chen Xuan's body, and there was cruelty in Yu Wenxiong's conspiracy.

Chen Xuan suddenly let out a wail and covered his mouth. The toxins just now actually gathered on Chen Xuan's Dantian.

Chen Xuan instantly gathered the power of Suzaku, gathered it in Litian, and then wiped out the toxin.

Even if the power of Suzaku can directly erase the poison in his Dantian, it will take a lot of time to slowly dissolve it.

After just a few days, the toxins in the Dantian cannot be completely removed.

"It seems that you are actually injured now, but it is better this way. I won't have to expend any effort when I kill you."

Yu Wenxiong once again showed off his swordsmanship and competed with Chen Xuan.


A powerful black force appeared in the sky again. In the lightning and flint, the two of them attacked fiercely together again. Yu Wenxiong also saw the changes in Chen Xuan's body.

Then he squatted down, moved his toes slightly, and then stabbed Chen Xuan's right side with the sword blade. At the same time, his right hand quickly gathered a sword light and struck towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan didn't expect that he would attack him in two directions. Even though he blocked Yu Wenxiong's blade with the prairie fire sword, he was still knocked away by his punch.

The next moment, Chen Xuan's body was shot down by the ice valley by Yu Wenxiong. Seeing this scene, Yu Wenxiong showed a sinister smile on his face, and then kicked Chen Xuan quickly.

Chen Xuan just wanted to dodge but found that his body tilted, and then fell into the ice valley next to him. Chen Xuan quickly held an ice stone to prevent his body from declining.

"Hahaha! It's so interesting to see you trying to escape, but now I can only send you to see the King of Hell."

Yu Wenxiong raised his sword blade and stabbed Chen Xuan in the air. Chen Xuan naturally did not expect that Yu Wenxiong was just using a blind trick.


Chen Xuan let go of the stone he was holding tightly, and his body fell into the ice valley.

Seeing Chen Xuan fall, Yu Wenxiong's face became even more sinister, showing a cruel smile: "This guy will be smashed to pieces if he falls, hahaha, doesn't he know that the north side of the secret realm has long been destroyed?" Are our Yuwen family surrounded? I still have the courage to come here. I really admire this guy’s courage!”

When Chen Xuan was shot down, his body involuntarily fell towards the ice valley. Now Chen Xuan's face was filled with anger.

If it hadn't been for the cold force that had just suppressed his chest, Chen Xuan didn't feel that he would have lost to Yu Wenxiong.

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