The Baiyun Sect is also considered a large sect in the Yunye Empire. In addition to the Yuandian, which belongs to the royal family of the Yunye Empire, and the Pantheon that are spread across most empires, the Baiyun Sect can even be ranked among the top ten in the Yunye Empire. .

As a member of the Baiyun Sect, Li Shan had teamed up with Zhao Tuo and others from the Silver Moon Empire to explore the treasure in the secret realm. When they saw Chen Xuan's belly, they wanted to kill Chen Xuan and then take it from him. Grabbing resources, they didn't expect that Chen Xuan's strength exceeded their imagination. Even Li Shan is no match for him.

"Retreat first! I am no match for this guy!" An exclamation came from Zhao Tuo's mouth.

"Want to run?" A hint of murderous intent flowed from the corner of Chen Xuan's eyes.

Many people from the Silver Moon Empire just started to run away, and the next moment they discovered a stream of fire in front of them. In this huge ice field, it would obviously take a lot of effort for them to break through the stream of fire.

After seeing them escaping, Chen Xuan did not hesitate to create a second layer of fire in front of them, blocking their way. They had just seen how Chen Xuan killed Li Shan and knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was very powerful. , so none of the disciples fought back against Chen Xuan.

The people from the Silver Moon Empire were not weak in strength. They directly broke through Chen Xuan's fire stream. After a while, the people from the Silver Moon Empire had fled, but the disciples of the Baiyun Sect were not so lucky. The most powerful one among them was Li Shan, but Li Shan couldn't resist Chen Xuan's several attacks.

With a sneer on Chen Xuan's face, he gradually walked towards these disciples.

The faces of the Baiyun Sect disciples showed a look of horror. Chen Xuan did not hesitate to hold the prairie fire sword in his hand and kill their disciples one by one.

Three days later, in the ice field, Chen Xuan was also exploring nearby. He saw that Chen Xuan had not come back after leaving for so long, so he prepared to look for Chen Xuan, but what he didn't know was that in the distance, Silver Moon The people of the empire have already set their sights on him.

The leader was none other than Lu Yuanding. At this moment, Lu Yuanding was holding the knife in his hand.

"Big Brother, that's Zi. He is in the same group as Chen Xuan and is also from Yunye Sect." A man said.

This man was none other than Zhao Tuo. He originally planned to separate Chen Xuan and Wang Lun. He wanted to kill Chen Xuan first, but Chen Xuan's cultivation level exceeded his estimate, so he could only escape from Chen Xuan's hands in embarrassment. Escaped.

"Leave it to me!" Lu Yuanding said solemnly.

Chen Xuan also felt that someone was following him, so he suddenly turned his head and found several men in silver-white robes standing not far away.

Lu Yuanding showed a trace of ridicule and said: "Looking at your clothes, you must be from the Yunye Empire. It's a pity that you met me today and can't escape, hahaha! I didn't expect that you would seek your own death and come here." "Zheng of the Icefield"

"Don't you know what the price will be for offending the Yunye Clan? Are you going to have trouble with me?" Chen Xuan said in a deep voice.

Lu Yuanding showed a cruel look on his face: "As long as I kill you, the old guys from Yunyemen will definitely not know about it. Moreover, you and I killed a large number of my junior brothers before. How can I not avenge this!"

"When have I met you?" Chen Xuan said solemnly.

Chen Xuan took a step forward and said to Lu Yuan: "Obviously because you want to seize the things I looted, and you also joined forces with the guys from the Silver Moon Empire to sneak attack me, otherwise how could you kill your junior brother? !”

"Stop talking nonsense to him." Zhao Tuo said suddenly.

Only then did Chen Xuan notice Zhao Tuo standing behind him. When he saw Zhao Tuo, Chen Xuan's face showed murderous intent. He let Zhao Tuo escape last time, but he didn't expect that he would dare to find someone to come back.

At the same time, Wang Lun felt a strong aura coming from him. He looked sharply in the north direction, accelerated his pace and rushed forward.

"Chen Xuan's aura is unmistakable, but why are there so many people next to him?" Wang Lun said solemnly.

Following Wang Lun were several disciples from the Yunye Sect. They were all disciples operating in the northern region of the Yunye Empire, and this time they were ordered by the royal family to come here to search for relics.

"Let's go faster." Wang Lun said.

"Hahaha! That's right, today I am going to keep this guy's life here, and everything on him will belong to me!" Lu Yuanding said cruelly.

As soon as he finished speaking, his figure flashed quickly. Although his current cultivation level had reached the early stage of the seventh level of the divine king realm, Chen Xuan was not a vegetarian. Chen Xuan held the blade in his hand and lifted Lu Yuan up in the air. Stopped.

Lu Yuanding wanted to kill Chen Xuan, but it was obviously impossible.

Chen Xuan has also reached the fourth level of the Divine Lord. Even though there are many disciples in the Silver Moon Empire, some of them died last time, and now there are only about twenty disciples.


The flames on Chen Xuan's body were released again, knocking Zhao Tuo away.

"Not good." Chen Xuan shouted softly.

Now he only has one person, and it is obviously difficult to deal with the people of the Silver Moon Empire.

"Son, don't waste your efforts. You are surrounded by us and you still want to run away?" Zhao Tuo said in a deep voice.

"And us." A strong voice suddenly came over.

"Wang Lun!" Chen Xuan beamed with joy.

Wang Lun appeared very timely. Chen Xuan had just used the power of the demon soul, but he still couldn't break through the siege of Silver Moon Kingdom.

"How come you people from the Silver Moon Empire are here?" Wang Lun said in a deep voice.

"Haha! Why can't we come here? Aren't you people from Yunye Kingdom also here?" Zhao Tuo said.

"Stop talking nonsense, kill them." Chen Xuandao.

Wang Lun winked at several Yunyemen disciples, and one disciple rushed out. Chaos suddenly broke out in the Icefield Secret Realm. Chen Xuan and Lu Yuandong fought together, and Wang Lun and Zhao Tuo fought. together.

For more than half an hour, they were still deadlocked. Chen Xuan gradually said: "If we continue the fight, we probably won't be able to win or lose. Our two cultivation levels are equally high. If you can't kill me, then Yun Yemen won't be able to win." I will lose. Let’s forget it. My purpose in coming to this ancient secret realm is to find treasures. Now that I am fighting here, am I not taking advantage of the people of the Frost Kingdom and the Dragon Blood Tribe?”

Chen Xuan didn't want to tangle with them anymore, and he didn't expect the people from the Silver Moon Empire to be so difficult to deal with, following him closely behind.

As if he felt that Chen Xuan's words made sense, Lu Yuanding suddenly withdrew his sword and said, "I'll count you lucky this time. I'll settle the score with you after I finish looking for the treasure!"

If you continue to fight here, it is very likely that other practitioners will be attracted over if they continue to compete here. No matter how much force comes, they will not be able to continue to support it.

You must know that not only several major forces are involved in this secret realm, but also some ancient sects have their sights set here.

Their original purpose was to find treasures in this ancient secret realm. As long as they could find treasures, everything would be fine. Moreover, the space in the ancient secret realm was very large, and even hundreds of people could search in it. Get a lot of treasures.

"Let's go!" Lu Yuan ordered the many disciples around him.

Seeing Lu Yuanding leaving, Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, stared at his leaving figure, and said to the disciples of Yunye Sect beside him: "Although they left this time, they will definitely come back in the future. I must Be careful."

"That's right. These guys are very ruthless. I guess they will find a way to stop me outside the cave entrance after they find the treasure." Wang Lun said.


While they were discussing, they suddenly felt the constant trembling in this ancient secret realm. They felt the trembling, and they saw the healing light shining in the middle of the ice field.

But the earth only trembled for a while and then stopped.

Chen Xuan squinted his eyes, staring at a light that lit up in the middle of the ice field, and said to the people next to him: "It seems that it has been turned on now."

"What's wrong?" Chen Xuandao.

"If I guess correctly, if you walk a little further ahead, you can see the underground secret realm of this ancient secret realm." Chen Xuan replied.

Seeing the doubts on the faces of several people, Chen Xuan replied again: "This ancient secret realm may have been used to bury the dignitaries of the empire. There must be a secret realm built underground, and there must be something in the secret realm. There are a lot of good things, so don’t think about it so much. I’ll move forward quickly, otherwise others will be ahead of me.”

The ancient kingdom has the power to control time and space, and different secret realms will play different roles. For example, the secret realm Chen Xuan is currently in is a secret realm used as a burial chamber. In ancient times, they also relied on the power of the secret realm to During the assessment, although there are strong people who can create secret realms now, they will never be as huge as the ancient secret realms.

After that, Chen Xuan led them to continue to follow the passage in the secret realm and go deeper. After more than an hour, they arrived at a very wide ice field.

"No way, what on earth is it..." Chen Xuan's face showed surprise.

"I didn't expect that a secret realm could be built in this place. Let me go in quickly." Wang Lang said.

At the same time, they also saw a large number of people who could not be named, also rushing towards the secret realm.

One of the practitioners raised the sword in his hand, chopped down the black corpse soldier who appeared in front of him, and continued to move towards the secret realm.

"I didn't expect that a large number of people have already arrived. It seems that I can't stop here. Let's go there quickly." Chen Xuan said to everyone.

They have been stunned in this ancient secret realm for several days, and a large number of people are already rushing towards this direction.

Moreover, the Frost Secret Realm has just opened, and buried in this secret realm is a powerful person from the ancient empire, so precious treasures are naturally indispensable.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also felt the earth tremble for a while, and then disappeared without a trace. Chen Xuan just suddenly saw a mysterious crystal core, so he accelerated the absorption during this period. Several Dantians in his body were rotating rapidly. After some absorption, Chen Xuan now clearly felt that he was absorbing mysterious energy faster. A lot.

"I didn't expect to encounter a mysterious crystal core here, but what is the movement that just appeared." Chen Xuan pondered for a while, and continued to walk along the passage of the secret realm.

After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan finally walked out of the passage. The next moment, Chen Xuan's face was full of dissatisfaction and horror. He clearly saw a huge secret realm appearing in front of him, and the decorative style of this ancient secret realm. It was very inconsistent. The secret realm in front of me was extremely majestic, and there were runes engraved on it.

"This must be the core of the secret realm. There are a lot of precious things in it. Elder Li Yuan told me last time that he excavated a large number of ancient elixirs in the secret realm." Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan blinked, and his eyes began to become hot.

In Yunye City, Chen Xuan also asked Li Yuan some things about the ancient secret realm, and the secret realm in this secret realm was built in an extremely grand style. At first, he just felt that this ancient secret realm was just an ordinary It's just a tomb, but judging from this secret realm, it is very likely that this secret realm is the place where a very important and powerful man from the ancient empire fell.

Chen Xuan did not hesitate and walked directly towards the center of the ancient secret realm. He was now getting closer and closer to the secret realm. The moment this secret realm appeared, all the black corpse soldiers in the entire ancient secret realm were With expressions full of respect, they all prostrated themselves on the ground.

There are several men in the ice field somewhere. It can be seen from the tokens hanging on their bodies that these people are from the Silver Moon Empire.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that I would actually be resurrected." The disciple of the Silver Moon Empire said in a hoarse voice.

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