Outside the Soul Devouring Building, several warriors were staring fiercely at Chen Xuan's back as he entered.

This time, Chen Xuan rushed directly into the Soul Devouring Building on the ninth floor, but he still didn't stay on the ninth floor for too long.

"Brother Chen is really amazing. He can stay in the Soul Devouring Building for so long." Lu Jiu exclaimed.

He had heard about Chen Xuan's deeds of fighting against Lu Zhuoqun and killing Li Qing before, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan's strength far exceeded his imagination. Now he admires Chen Xuan even more.

"That's right, brother Chen's cultivation level is improving too fast." Wang Lun said.

Chen Xuan smiled lightly and said, "It's okay, but the ninth floor is really terrifying. If I hadn't dodged in time, I might have been swallowed by the Soul Devouring Building."

"Let's not stay near the Soul Devouring Building for so long. There are still many places we haven't explored. Let's go ahead and continue to look." Wang Lun said.

Several warriors from the Yunye Sect agreed.

Two days later, they appeared at the Frost Cliff and found the herbs they needed.

"We are still short of some herbs. It would be best if we can collect them. If not, we can only go to the auction house in Longque City to have a look." Chen Xuan said.

After arriving at the secret realm, Chen Xuan has collected a large number of herbs. There are only a few herbs that are not collected in the booklet given to him by Elder Nangong.

After walking on the ice crystals, Chen Xuan could only wrap his feet with the power of Suzaku to avoid frostbite.

"Why is this place so cold?" Chen Xuan had to stare at Wang Lun and asked.

His Suzaku power was contaminated by the cold air and kept emitting hot white mist, which made Chen Xuan feel extremely troubled.

"This place is where the thousand-year-old ice was formed. How can it not be cold?" Wang Lun said to Chen Xuan.

The two of them kept searching on the Shuobing Frost Cliff. After walking a few hundred steps, Wang Lun shouted Chen Xuan's name in the angle of an ice crystal.

"Come here quickly, I found it. This is the herb that can be used to refine the healing pill!" Chen Xuan quickly followed. In the crack of the ice crystal, there was actually a very thin herb growing. If Wang Lun's eyes were not extremely delicate, it would obviously not be so easy to find the herb. "I didn't expect to find it so quickly." Wang Lun said. "Ice grass." Chen Xuan said. Hearing Wang Lun's words, Chen Xuan also felt a little puzzled. He felt that he had been in this secret mountain for seven or eight days before finding it, and now Wang Lun found it so quickly. But what Chen Xuan didn't know was that the herb was indeed extremely difficult to find. Generally speaking, you may not see one in half a month. It is as hard to find as gold in the market. Wang Lun put the herb into his sleeve and said to Chen Xuan: "Brother Chen, since we have found it now, let's go back."

Seeing the herb Wang Lun was holding, Chen Xuan did not doubt it, nodded lightly, and said to Wang Lun: "Since we have found it, let's not waste time."

"The Frost Mountains recorded on the map are still where we were originally. It seems that we have to return." Lu Jiu said.

"I'll go with you." Chen Xuan nodded lightly.

Lu Jiu had a map of the Frost Secret Realm in his hand, which helped Chen Xuan and his friends save a lot of effort. Moreover, Lu Jiu and his friends admired Chen Xuan very much. They all knew Li Qing's reputation in the Yunye Empire. They didn't expect Chen Xuan to take the lead in killing him. In Lu Jiu's eyes, Chen Xuan did what they dared not do, so they naturally admired Chen Xuan very much.

They had already returned quickly along the original route, and it was already a few days later when they arrived at the Frost Mountains. On the way back, Chen Xuan and Wang Lun also killed ten monsters in succession, and the crystal cores of those monsters were in Chen Xuan's hands.

Next to the Frost Mountain Range is an ice peak, and many peach blossoms grow next to the ice peak, which is very beautiful.

But there are many warriors nearby, whispering.

Chen Xuan and his team stepped into the Frost Mountain Range. At the same time, several warriors outside the forest were looking at them fiercely.

"His strength has reached the peak of the fourth level of the God Lord. It seems difficult to deal with him." A warrior said.

"Yes, and this guy also has the power of the Vermillion Bird." A warrior said.

These people followed Chen Xuan and his team in the morning, but he didn't know much about Chen Xuan, so he followed on the right and saw how Chen Xuan killed those monsters. Even though Chen Xuan killed some low-grade monsters, the strength he showed now surprised them.

He was able to kill several fourth-level monsters of the God Lord. Obviously, Chen Xuan's strength is much stronger than it seems.

"I think it's not enough for us to kill this guy. It seems that we can only ask the eldest brother to come." The warrior said grimly.

After half a day of tracking, they found that Chen Xuan was terrifyingly strong, not to mention that there was a warrior beside him. Even if the warrior did not attack, it seemed that he was very strong.

After the few people finished, they disappeared into the secret mountain range

"Go to the front and ask what happened." Chen Xuan said.

"Let's go." Wang Lun said.

Arriving in the Frost Mountains, Chen Xuan heard a piece of news that a warrior had found a lot of magical herbs in the north.

Even Fire Ganoderma and Fire Ganoderma appeared. Chen Xuan was shocked, and then said in a low voice: "I didn't expect that someone else would get there first."

And according to the description, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that the warrior who found the Ganoderma was Yuwen Xiong who plotted against him at that time.

Thinking that Yu Wenxiong actually plotted against him in the secret realm of the Ice Crack Valley, Chen Xuan felt very angry. At this moment, Chen Xuan gritted his silver teeth.

If he hadn't reacted quickly enough, he would have been smashed to pieces.

Chen Xuan must avenge this hatred!

"Listen. The guy who found the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum is now in the Frost Mountains in the north." A warrior said to Chen Xuanda.

Chen Xuan then moved his toes lightly and swept towards the north. Now there must be less than five days left before this secret realm is closed.

So Chen Xuanti walked quickly towards the Crystal Mountains to the north. And since the news of the walk, many people have also reached the mountains.

On this mountain range, Yu Wenxiong stood alone on the cliff peak. However, on the opposite side of it, there was an insurmountable gap.

Thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum naturally grows on the cliff crystal opposite. However, there is an insurmountable gap in the middle. Just seeing this bottomless valley, Yu Wenxiong's face turns blue. Now he only I can stare at the thousand-year-old Ganoderma lucidum facing me, but I can't get it.

"Damn! How come there is such a big ice chasm in the middle? This width is much wider than what I saw last time!" Yu Wenxiong said with a low expression.

It is precisely because of this that he has been thinking of ways to get to the Frost Mountains on the other side in the past few days.

However, after thinking for a long time, he could not cross over here, and there were many warriors gathered around below the mountain range, and they were all talking loudly about the so-called Fire Ganoderma.

"Do you know that there may be thousands of years of Ganoderma lucidum growing somewhere? If anyone can find it, it can directly increase the strength by a level." A warrior commented.

"But the son of the Yuwen family is really too domineering. Relying on his high strength and the power of his family, he is so domineering and wants to seize those treasures. It's so shameless!" Another warrior said with an angry expression.

"There is no way. His strength has now reached the seventh level of the Divine Lord. Even the two of us combined are no match for him. Not to mention that the Yuwen family is very powerful. We can only swallow our anger." Others No one dared to do anything, after all, Yu Wenxiong was indeed very powerful.

Facing Yu Wenxiong on the mountain, they all dared to be angry and dare not speak out. After all, Yu Wenxiong did not discover the Ganoderma lucidum on the other side of the mountain first, but another warrior saw it first. It was only because the news finally came out that Yu Wenxiong was discovered. Wenxiong was occupied by himself.

At this moment, a sound of breaking through the sky came from the distance of the mountain range, and then Chen Xuan rushed to the mountain range. Everyone was thinking of Chen Xuan.

After hearing about Yu Wenxiong, Chen Xuan used his demon soul power to make Wang Lun and others fall behind him. Now Chen Xuan is the only one.

"Yu Wenxiong! Come out!" Chen Xuan shouted at the top of his voice.

The faces of the people around him showed signs of astonishment.

"Does this kid not care about life and death? How dare you challenge Yu Wenxiong!" A warrior said with surprise on his face.

But another warrior next to him had a sly smile on his face: "This guy must have a grudge against that guy from the Yuwen family, and his strength is really good. When the time comes, this guy will fight with the young master of the Yuwen family. , maybe we can fish in troubled waters and get that Ganoderma lucidum!"

"That's right!" The other warrior's face also began to look cunning.

Then, the two warriors suddenly walked up to Chen Xuan and said to him: "Master, you want to find Yu Wenxiong, right? He is at the top of the mountain range now. If you want to find him, go directly up there." Just fine!”

Chen Xuan ignored him, and then walked towards the top of the mountain range. Sure enough, Chen Xuan saw Yu Wenxiong's figure on the frost mountain range.

Yu Wenxiong's face showed surprise. He had not thought at first that the warrior who climbed the Frost Mountains was actually Chen Xuan. After a while, his face immediately became angry.

"I never thought that you didn't fall to death. It seems that I will let you die again today!" Then Yu Wenxiong looked at the tens of thousands of ice cracks at his feet.

Chen Xuan also noticed that there was an ice valley behind Yu Wenxiong, so he said coldly: "It seems that I really disappoint you. I am still alive now."

"Really!? It seems that this time I will let you die completely!" Yu Wenxiong said.

Chen Xuan carefully looked at the tens of thousands of ice cracks behind Yu Wenxiong. Chen Xuan had already thought of a plan, and now he was going to make Yu Wenxiong pay the price.

"That ten thousand year Ganoderma lucidum is not something you can get, son. I think you should give up now." Yu Wenxiong felt that Chen Xuan was thinking about the ten thousand year old Ganoderma lucidum on the opposite side of the Frost Mountains, but he didn't know what Chen Xuan was thinking about now. That's how to kill it.

However, just as he finished speaking, he saw Chen Xuan gently tiptoeing, stepping on the Suzaku Fire under the ground, and bombarding him.

"It seems that you really don't care about life and death. I failed to kill you last time. Now I won't give you another chance!" Yu Wenxiong said with a sinister expression.

Then he roared wildly and slashed out with the raised sword. In an instant, a ray of frightening profound energy burst out and stabbed Chen Xuan.

"The first level of the prairie fire sword technique!"

Chen Xuan unleashed the Liaoyuan Sword Technique without hesitation, and with a bang, two waves of shocking profound energy bloomed in the air. Now the first level of Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan Sword Technique has reached the transformation state, not to mention that Chen Xuan is still With the power of Suzaku.

The two sword lights in the sky collided together, and then Yu Wenxiong's body was pushed back two steps by Chen Xuan.

As Yu Wenxiong roared wildly, his sword blade slashed out again. The diffuse golden sword light covered the air, and a golden vortex suddenly formed in the air. The vortex quickly blew towards Chen Xuan. .

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