After getting the Li medicine from the Alchemy Association, Chen Xuan went to the Longque Mountains alone. When he was getting closer and closer to the Longque Mountains, but at this moment, Chen Xuan heard a burst of sound coming from behind. sound.

Sensing the danger behind him, Chen Xuan quickly turned around, and several sharp arrows suddenly shot at him.

"First Dantian! Get up!"

Chen Xuan quickly mobilized the profound energy in his Dantian to shoot down the sharp arrows to the ground.

"As expected of the Yunye Sect's talents, he was able to block our attack." Several shadows in the distance slowly walked out. Hearing the sound, Chen Xuan stared at the people coming over carefully. Chen Xuan didn't know these people, but they knew Chen Xuan very well.

Just when Chen Xuan was about to ask them about their origins, he saw several people suddenly raised their sword blades and launched an attack on Chen Xuan.

Suddenly, several people had already walked in. Chen Xuan raised the Suzaku sword blade and slashed violently, and the prairie fire sword technique suddenly bloomed.

Now Chen Xuan has been able to integrate his sword skills with the prairie fire sword more smoothly. So just when Chen Xuan unleashed the prairie fire sword technique, the warriors with their faces covered took a few steps back.

But those people obviously didn't intend to let Chen Xuan go, and pursued him. Seeing a few of them approaching quickly, Chen Xuan quickly used the power of the Suzaku in his Dantian to defend himself, but there was also a warrior behind him who wanted to assassinate him.

Chen Xuan quickly wrapped his body with the power of Suzaku. He didn't know how many times Chen Xuan unleashed the bombardment. He stared at the black-haired warriors in front of him. They seemed to be not weak in strength. They were all at the peak of the fourth level of the Divine Lord.

"What are the origins of these people?" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Then Chen Xuanzai escaped a bombardment from the black-haired warrior, jumped far away, stared at the black-haired warriors and said: "What grudge do I have with you to make you come here to attack me?"

"No grudges!" The black-haired warriors raised their swords and charged forward.

After hearing the black-haired warrior's answer, Chen Xuan also figured out who was the mastermind of this matter. Someone must have hired them to plot against him.

The black-haired warrior rushed towards him, but Chen Xuan knocked him back with a sword.

"This guy has some strength." The black-haired warrior said softly.

At this time, the black-haired warrior suddenly turned into twelve ghosts.

The double shadow surrounded Chen Xuan and bombarded him. Chen Xuan quickly unleashed the power of the Suzaku to resist.

The white power of Suzaku flashed across, and all those phantoms were defeated.

Chen Xuan has never seen such a weird technique. The black-haired warriors in front of him are obviously not from the Yunye Empire. Chen Xuan has never heard of this technique before.

With the power of Suzaku and his dexterous speed, Chen Xuan continued to avoid the bombardment of those black-haired warriors, and one of the black-haired warriors continued to use phantom.

Suddenly, there were more than forty black-haired warriors, which made Chen Xuan a little confused. He hurriedly used the power of Suzaku. What Chen Xuan didn't expect was that the phantoms actually separated again. Then it became hundreds.

Chen Xuan couldn't tell which one was the entity of those black-haired warriors, so he could only use the prairie prairie sword to slash out one after another with the power of Suzaku.

The power of the fiery red Suzaku also showed a double image, and all these phantoms were gathered and dispersed. Chen Xuan, who broke the phantoms, also saw that the black-haired warriors were still there without moving, which made Chen Xuan feel a little strange.

Because there was only one of the five black-haired warriors left.

"Could it be that he was the same person I just met?" Chen Xuan asked secretly.

When the black-haired warrior saw Chen Xuan crushing his phantom, he muttered something in his mouth, and then many phantoms separated. Those phantoms looked exactly like the black-haired warrior, and they raised their swords and surrounded them. .

Using the power of Suzaku and the prairie fire sword, Chen Xuan kept those phantoms away from him. The continuous power of the Suzaku in Chen Xuan's dantian is now too overwhelming. Twenty minutes have passed, and the phantom has been gathered and dispersed by Chen Xuan's power of the Suzaku without even getting close to Chen Xuan.

But the black-haired warrior's body still didn't move.

The black-haired warrior's body did not move, and then he threw a few sharp arrows at Chen Xuan.

Seeing the sharp blade shooting towards him, Chen Xuan jumped to avoid it. The black-haired warrior saw that he had not hit Chen Xuan, and then fired ten more sharp beams at Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan used the power of Suzaku to form a layer of ice in front of him to protect himself, but the black-haired warrior was extremely strong. The wall of fire in front of Chen Xuan was pierced by ten sharp blades. opened a hole, and then continued to shoot towards Chen Xuan.

But Chen Xuan then used the power of the Suzaku to form a series of Suzaku Fire Shields in an instant. This Suzaku Fire Shield was formed by Chen Xuan condensing the power of the Suzaku, so his body strength was even stronger, obviously. The warrior's ten sharp blades did not penetrate Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire Shield.

When the ten sharp blades fell to the ground, Chen Xuan saw clearly that the ten sharp blades were ten hidden weapons. Then the warrior in black actually took out a few more sharp blades from his sleeves.

But the color of these sharp blades was different from the previous ones. The color of these blades was ash-red, and it made Chen Xuan feel something bad, because there was very powerful mysterious energy attached to them.

The ten sharp blades quickly struck at Chen Xuan. While using his Suzaku power, Chen Xuan also quickly dodged away.

Sure enough, a hole was penetrated by ten hidden weapons where Chen Xuan was just now. What made Chen Xuan feel most incredible was that the ten hidden weapons were released one after another by the black-haired warrior. This is the equivalent of hitting the bullseye consecutively.

Chen Xuan also activated the power of Suzaku in his Dantian, and now he was going to fight back.

The black-haired warrior had been bombarding him just now, so Chen Xuan condensed the power of Suzaku into streaks of Suzaku fire behind him,

The Suzaku Fire floated behind Chen Xuan, and immediately several rays of Suzaku Fire shot towards the black-haired warrior. When the black-haired warrior saw it, a look of horror appeared on his face.

He quickly turned a few somersaults to the right, and then formed streaks of red profound energy in front of the black-haired warrior's eyes, and then dissolved all of Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire.

Seeing the black-haired warrior dispelling the Suzaku Fire, Chen Xuan finally paid attention to the warrior in front of him. He thought he already had the strength of the fourth level of the Divine Lord.

Even though Chen Xuan was only at the fourth level of the Divine Lord, he still relied on his huge profound strength and the combined use of several of his Dantians to spend it with the black-clothed warrior.

The Suzaku Fire Sword continued to radiate and hit the warrior. The black-haired warrior was extremely fast and dexterous, and it was difficult for Chen Xuan to hit it, so Chen Xuan could only condense the prairie fire sword and fight towards the warrior at close quarters.

The prairie fire sword technique blossomed, and the warrior quickly took out two scimitars from his body, but the scimitars showed red profound energy, which looked extremely strange.

Then several more phantoms appeared next to Chen Xuan. When the phantoms attacked Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan was frightened and he quickly used the power of Suzaku to block them. But the phantom disappeared in an instant.

Staring at the black-haired warrior who had taken advantage of this opportunity to escape far away, Chen Xuan couldn't help but think.

It seemed that the black-haired warrior in front of him was not very strong in melee combat, otherwise he would not have retreated to the right so quickly.

If he was strong in melee combat, he would choose to have a head-on conflict with him. The black-haired warrior did not wait, and several phantoms suddenly emerged from his side.

Then Chen Xuan saw several groups of phantoms bombarding him. After the experience just now, Chen Xuan now knew that the group of phantoms seemed to have no actual bombardment.

But Chen Xuan had to be careful, after all, he didn't know what kind of skills the black-haired warrior used.

He dodged the bombardment of those phantoms, and then raised the prairie fire sword.

He continued to pursue the black-haired warrior. Now he didn't want to spend too much time with the black-haired warrior, because he also wanted to go to the Longque Mountains to experience his strength.

Moreover, now that he is being plotted by this person, it is not clear whether he has any companions. If so, Chen Xuan is really not his opponent.

After all, he was already struggling to deal with a black-haired warrior. If a few more people came to help, it would really not be a good thing for Chen Xuanlai.

As usual, the black-haired warrior let him watch the phantoms strike at Chen Xuan. When he stared at the phantoms coming towards him, Chen Xuan was holding the prairie fire sword while shielding him, and stabbed the black-haired warrior.

The black-haired warrior dodged quickly, but his speed was extremely dexterous. He turned several somersaults and dodged Chen Xuan's bombardment.

"Son, it seems that I really underestimated you." The deep voice of the black-haired warrior under the mask rang out.

"You're so serious, I'll kill you!"

Chen Xuan gave a cold drink, and then mentioned the Liao Liao Yuan Sword to activate the power of the Suzaku in his Dantian.

At the same time, Chen Xuan was also waving layers of Suzaku fire next to the black-haired warrior, trying to block his actions.

However, the black-haired warrior obviously knew Chen Xuan's tactics, so he had already dodged Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire before it was formed. Seeing that the Suzaku Fire could not block the black-haired warrior's actions, Chen Xuan also felt a little annoyed. .

The Suzaku sword blade kept slashing, and the prairie fire sword technique was used, and all the surrounding ice walls were shattered by the sharp Suzaku fire.

At this moment, the warrior in black used hundreds of phantoms and continued to attack Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan looked surprised, and quickly activated the power of Suzaku, forming walls of fire in front of his eyes. But what surprised Chen Xuan this time was that those phantoms were actually able to cause bombardment, and the cracks created by Chen Xuan's walls of fire.

It was obviously a rupture caused by phantom bombardment.

"No way." Chen Xuan exclaimed.

He didn't expect that the black-haired warrior actually had so much profound energy for him to use, boom! The black-haired warrior continued to bloom and bombarded Chen Xuan with phantoms several times.

However, the black-haired warrior didn't seem to have exhausted his profound energy. Chen Xuan felt a little incredible. The black-haired warrior could actually appear so many phantom bombardments. Didn't he use up any profound energy?

But Chen Xuan didn't believe that its profound power would be more than that. After all, Chen Xuan had the blessings of several Dantians. The black-haired warrior raised two scimitars and continuously launched phantoms to bombard him. Chen Xuan also saw that the black-haired warrior was using the same expensive tactics as him to launch the bombardment.

This is what Chen Xuan is good at. At this moment, Chen Xuan also used the profound power in his Dantian and kept thinking about the black-haired warrior to launch a bombardment. The two of them were spending their energy here.

Half an hour later, the black-haired warrior finally showed some signs of physical exhaustion. The phantoms bloomed by the black-haired warrior gradually became less and less. It was not like he could activate so many phantoms just now. Hundreds of phantoms were directed at him at a time. Launch a bombardment.

Chen Xuan gradually felt that he was about to win, and the Suzaku fire bombarded the black-haired warrior one after another.

The black-haired warrior became obviously anxious. He never expected why Chen Xuan had so much profound power.

However, the speed of the black-haired warrior was still extremely dexterous. Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire could not hit the black-haired warrior, so the two of them continued to spend a while, which also consumed a lot of the black-haired warrior's physical strength, and he still felt that he was He could no longer waste time with Chen Xuan, so he raised his sword and started fighting Chen Xuan at close range.

Seeing that the black-haired warrior was actually close to him, Chen Xuan quickly condensed the Suzaku Fire Sword into a prairie fire sword, and started fighting the black-haired warrior at close range. The black-haired warrior was extremely fast, and his bombardments were also extremely fast. He was so cunning that he always hit Chen Xuan's neck.

What made the black-haired warrior feel desperate was that just when his bombardment was about to hit Chen Xuan, the power of the fiery red Suzaku entangled his weapon, preventing him from bombarding Chen Xuan. At this moment, Chen Xuan raised his weapon The prairie fire sword slashed towards the black-haired warrior.

Seeing Chen Xuan's bombardment, the black-haired warrior quickly pulled away and kept a distance from Chen Xuan. Even if Chen Xuan's close combat was not very strong, it was still stronger than the black-haired warrior. After all, Chen Xuan Now it has been integrated with the previous sword skills.

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