Seeing that the prairie fire sword in his hand had cracked, Chen Xuan cast an admiring look at Li Qiuyu, then gathered the profound energy in his body, repaired the prairie fire sword, and gathered the profound energy in his body again.

Li Qiuyu's cultivation level also improved very quickly, and he also took the elixir specially refined for him by Chen Xuan, so his body was naturally very strong.

Seeing Li Qiuyu attacking him, Chen Xuan planned to use the Suzaku Palm Technique and took two steps back. Chen Xuan slowly gathered the Suzaku Xuanqi into his fist. When he saw Li Qiuyu also raised his palm, He took a photo towards himself.

Chen Xuan quickly stepped forward and rushed forward. When the two bodies collided, Li Qiuyu's body retreated backwards. The strong profound energy emanating from the two of them was directly hit by Chen Xuan's fist. Crushed, Chen Xuan had the upper hand in this contest.

Many elders who were watching from the stands cast appreciative glances at Chen Xuan.

"Not only is this guy's swordsmanship very powerful, but he also has such powerful palm skills. If I'm not mistaken, what he just unleashed was the Suzaku Palm Technique."

"It is very difficult to practice the Suzaku Palm Technique. Not only do you have to grasp the opportunity for this palm technique to bloom, but you also have to be completely proficient in the practice of this palm technique. I didn't expect that this guy has completely mastered the first step of the palm technique. One level!" A gray-haired elder exclaimed.

This is Elder Nangong. He knows that Chen Xuan has a very weird mysterious power in his body. He has never found such evil power in this continent.

The only thing close to Chen Xuan's strength is the demon soul. Only the demon soul can use the power of magical beasts. The aura exuded by the demon soul in Chen Xuan's body is far more powerful than ordinary demon souls. It even made Elder Nangong think that Chen Xuan is really a legendary monster.

"This guy hasn't used all his strength yet. I always feel that he is still hiding his strength." Another elder said.

Amidst the shouts of many warriors, Li Qiuyu slowly raised his arms on the competition ground. He was knocked away by Chen Xuan just now, which made his whole arms feel numb.

"Hmph! Chen Xuan! I didn't expect you to be able to use this kind of palm technique. I have never seen you use it before. It seems that you still have a lot of useless tricks hidden away." Li Qiuyu said.

Chen Xuan smiled and said with a wry smile: "This is just what I learned in the past month."

After Li Qiuyu finished, he once again raised the sword in his hand and rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Although Li Qiuyu is a girl, she will not give in easily. Chen Xuan's strength is beyond Li Qiuyu's expectation, but Li Qiuyu still wants to prove his strength.

Since Li Qiuyu was injured last time, he is now eager to improve his cultivation, and even targets Chen Xuan.


There was another strong explosion on the martial arts field. Li Qiuyu bit his silver teeth and unleashed his Qiu Shui swordsmanship. A faint ripple emerged from his sword blade.

Chen Xuan unleashed the second level of the prairie fire sword technique without hesitation. His right hand was still holding a fist, and the flames were still wrapped around his arms. Chen Xuan was surrounded by a burst of fire. Just now, Chen Xuan was fully capable of unleashing the sword technique. The second level of the prairie fire sword technique.

However, Chen Xuan did not intend to use this move on Li Qiuyu, because the fourth level of the prairie fire sword technique had very powerful lethality, which was his trump card.

Yunyemen is also a place where strength is respected. Seeing that Chen Xuan has gradually suppressed Li Qiuyu, many warriors onlookers exclaimed in surprise at Chen Xuan.

This group of warriors shouted Chen Xuan's name. Although they felt that Chen Xuan was not very sure of winning at first, Chen Xuan has now gradually gained the upper hand.

For more than an hour, Chen Xuan had suppressed Li Qiuyu, gently waving the sword blade in his hand, and his body floated in the air.

Unexpectedly, Li Qiuyu suddenly raised the weapon in his hand.

"I lost." Li Qiuyu said coldly.

After such a long battle, Li Qiuyu had spent a lot of profound energy. He knew that he was no match for Chen Xuan now, so he gave up directly.

"The winner of the battle is Chen Xuan!"

When Chen Xuan walked down from the martial arts arena, many warriors looked at Chen Xuan with admiration.

"It seems that you are going to fight Nangong Han now. I don't know if you are confident?" Li Qiuyu also walked down and said to Chen Xuanyu.

Many warriors focused their attention on Chen Xuan's body. When Chen Xuan heard this, he said softly: "How can we know for sure if we don't try?"

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, several warriors onlookers suddenly took a breath of air-conditioning. Nangong Han had won the first place in the previous competition.

If Chen Xuan had said this before, they would have felt that Chen Xuan's character was very arrogant, but now that Chen Xuan has shown such strength, they feel that Chen Xuan is qualified to do so.

The place above the martial arts arena was still very lively.

At the same time, in the Lu Yu Mountains, Yu Wenyuan was on his way to Lu Yu City. His eyes exuded a gloomy look, and his body carried a terrifying aura.

"Chen Xuan, let's see how long you can be arrogant!" Yu Wenyuan showed a gloomy expression.

Yuwenyuan is naturally a disciple of the Yuwen family. Ever since Chen Xuan killed Yuwendu, he has learned many methods from the Poro Sect that can quickly improve his cultivation.

Now Yu Wenyuan has not only improved his cultivation, but also learned a very powerful technique. He is very confident in his current strength and thinks he can kill Chen Xuan this time.

"But I have missed the Yunye Empire Martial Arts Tournament this time, so that's fine. If I can touch him, I must kill him!" Yu Wenyuan said coldly.

On the way to Yunye Gate, Yu Wenyuan met a powerful monster on the road of Lu Yu Mountain, but he just clenched his fists slightly, just as the mysterious energy emitted from the sword blades on his arms, Kill the monster directly.

The magical beast's cultivation had obviously reached the peak of the seventh level of the Divine Lord, but it couldn't resist Yu Wenyuan's blow.

"It seems that the bracelet my master gave me can indeed increase my cultivation a lot." Yu Wenyuan said confidently.

On the Yunye Sect's competition ground, all the warriors were exclaiming. The strength shown by Chen Xuan was enough to be on par with Nangong Han.

Many of the elders who were watching were also paying attention to Chen Xuan. They wanted to detect the powerful attack caused by the demon soul from Chen Xuan's body.

Elder Nangong stood up again and said to the many warriors in the audience.

"Now the battle has reached the final round. The two of them will fight to determine the first place in the C-level area. In this battle, Nangong Han and Chen Xuan!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of warriors under the stands exclaimed again.

Chen Xuan walked to the martial arts field, and Nangong Han showed a cold smile on his face. He stared at Chen Xuan opposite and said, "I didn't expect that after just a few months, your cultivation level actually improved again."

Chen Xuan nodded lightly and continued: "We don't need to waste any more time."

Nangong Han showed a fanatical smile on his face and said, "Okay!"

Suddenly, two waves of powerful aura suddenly appeared above the martial arts arena, sweeping directly across the entire Yunye Sect. An extremely powerful mysterious energy emerged around Chen Xuan and Nangong Han.

Chen Xuan's face was wrapped in a burst of fire, and he could only see clearly. The countless warriors with their faces opened their eyes wide and stared at the martial arts field. They did not want to let go of this wonderful battle.

"I also watched your fight last time and found that you used Suzaku Xuanqi. In this case, it's easy for me. My ice sword technique can directly break through steel and flames. I don't know what you created. Is the flame that strong?" Nangong Han said calmly, holding a sword in his hand.

Hearing Nangong Han's words, Chen Xuan immediately mobilized the profound energy around his body, and the prairie fire sword suddenly appeared.

"I'm also very curious, can Nangong Han's Ice Sword Technique break through his flames? You must know that the lethality of this Ice Sword Technique is very powerful. If it blooms at full strength, it will definitely be able to break through Chen Xuan's Suzaku Flame!"

"I heard that this ice-breaking sword technique has a total of four levels, but each level is extremely powerful. If you learn the next four levels, it can even increase the lethality hundreds of times. I don't know if Chen Xuan has any back-ups. , if he still thinks like before, I’m afraid he won’t be Nangong Han’s opponent!”

On the stand, several elders of Yunye Sect were constantly communicating.

The blade in Nangong Han's hand is called the Ice Sword. It has very powerful power and is also a rare sword.

Suddenly, as Nangong Han gave a soft drink, the ice sword in his hand instantly bloomed with a layer of sword energy, and bursts of sword sounds appeared in the blade. On his blade, began to A burst of extremely powerful mysterious fire was gathered.

He directly unleashed the fourth level of ice swordsmanship, which was enough to show that he valued Chen Xuan, and he was very confident that as long as he could unleash the fourth level of swordsmanship, he could directly defeat Chen Xuan.

He saw the brilliant sword energy attacking him in the air. Chen Xuan's face also became serious.

"The sword in his hand is probably not an ordinary weapon, and it can also make his skills more powerful."

Without continuing to think, Chen Xuan quickly swung out the power of the Suzaku. The sound of the Suzaku emitted from his body, and the two collided in the air.


The two men retreated. Chen Xuan managed to stabilize his body, but Nangong Han was already attacking him.

Seeing the two people colliding together, the onlookers started talking again.

"Look, Chen Xuan actually blocked one of Nangong Han's attacks, but I feel that he is not Nangong Han's opponent yet. After all, his time in Yunyemen is still too short."

"What are you talking about? I feel that if you give Chen Xuan some time, he will definitely be able to surpass Nangong Han. Don't you know how long it took him to enter the fifth level of the Divine Lord? And his cultivation level is only the fifth level of the Divine Lord. It’s just heavy. If he can enter the seventh level of the Divine Lord, Nangong Han will not be his opponent!”

Ignoring the comments of many warriors, Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly, and the power of Suzaku covered his arms.

When fighting Nangong Han, Chen Xuan wielded the prairie fire sword and used the Suzaku Palm technique with his fists.

Chen Xuan let out a low drink and unleashed the Suzaku Palm Technique. In conjunction with the prairie fire sword technique, the martial arts arena was covered in flames.

Nangong Han's expression changed slightly. Chen Xuan had now changed the appearance of the competition ground. He slipped and almost fell, so Nangong Han floated directly in the air and attacked Chen Xuan.

An extremely powerful sword energy appeared in the air. Chen Xuan swung out his sword, and the power of the red Suzaku surrounded his fist and attacked Nangong Han. This time, Chen Xuan cooperated with his palm skills to let His attacks were more lethal.

The fourth level of the prairie fire sword technique bloomed. Chen Xuan did not hide his clumsiness at all. He knew that Nangong Han's strength was very powerful, even comparable to the masters of the ninth level of the Divine Lord. If Chen Xuan was hiding his clumsiness, he would probably be defeated by Nangong Han. Give defeat.

In the sky, the tyrannical Suzaku spiritual energy was covering it.


Nangong Han also unleashed his skills. He held the complex seal with both hands and a blast of ice directly hit Chen Xuan's flames, instantly shattering Chen Xuan's flames.

Chen Xuangan felt that Nangong Han's technique was very powerful. If he was hit by the frost, he would probably be eliminated directly.

After being shocked for a while, Chen Xuan increased the intensity of his attack. Waves of Suzaku Xuan Qi were waved out from his hands, and streams of red Suzaku power in the air fiercely attacked Nangong Han.

Everyone stared at this scene in shock. A prairie fire sword energy directly hit Nangong Han's frost. Nangong Han's body was very fast, just like frost, and he was close to Chen in the blink of an eye. Xuan's body.

This battle is destined to be recorded in the annals of the Yunye Empire.

Chen Xuan and Nangong Han represent the two most powerful practitioners in the Yunye Empire of this generation, and all the elders are paying close attention to them.

Frost flashed through the air, and Nangong Han's speed had reached its maximum. When he came to Chen Xuan's side, he immediately raised the blade in his hand and stabbed Chen Xuan.

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