Among the C-level warriors, the top few warriors are extremely powerful, and their cultivation is the best in the entire Yunye Empire.

Every cultivator has reached the seventh level of the Divine Lord, and some warriors have even reached a stronger state. They have very powerful talents, and their cultivation is also extremely tyrannical.

Although Yunyemen does not participate in world affairs, Yunye Empire also secretly made a comparison. Among the top C-level warriors in Yunyemen, the age of the top few is not more than ten years old, but their cultivation is It far exceeds the seventh level of the Divine Lord. How can this not be regarded as the top combat power in the Yunye Empire?

At this moment, Chen Xuan was observing in the mansion and found several warriors suddenly walking in.

"Is Chen Xuan living here?" One of the short and fat warriors asked loudly.

Chen Xuan had just been promoted to level C martial artist, so he didn't know these people who came over.

Chen Xuan nodded gently and asked doubtfully: "I am Chen Xuan, what can I do for you?"

A slightly taller warrior took a step forward and said, "We have no other intention. We just heard that you got the first place in the C-level area, so we wanted to come over and see if you really passed it on." So tyrannical."

Chen Xuan frowned and replied, "What are you doing here this time?"

The short and fat warrior showed a playful expression on his face and said: "We have nothing to do. If you can defeat me, we will recognize you as a C-level warrior, and we will not bother you again in the future. If you can't defeat me, Then please return to Zheng, a C-level warrior."

Only then did Chen Xuan understand why they came to him. It seemed that these ten people wanted to test their cultivation and add some fun to this ordinary day, so they came to provoke Chen Xuan.

A look of anger appeared on Chen Xuan's face, which was quickly covered up.

The name of this short and fat warrior is Liu Ci. Although his cultivation has reached the seventh level of the Divine Lord, he is still in the early stage of the Divine Lord and can only be at the bottom among the C-level warriors.

However, they did not feel that Chen Xuan could defeat them. These people just felt that Chen Xuan had just entered the seventh level of the divine king. It was not difficult to defeat Chen Xuan. They had bullied several C-level warriors before, and now they finally had one. A C-level warrior came to the C-level area, and they naturally wanted to come over to relieve Chen Xuan's boredom.

Chen Xuan stared at the two warriors in front of him, with a strange look in his eyes. Chen Xuan could defeat them even without using the demon soul.

Originally, Chen Xuan wanted to reject them, but then he thought about it. He had just joined the C-level warriors, and a large number of warriors must look down on him, so Chen Xuan planned to use this Liu Ci to scare other warriors, otherwise these C-level warriors would Super warriors will definitely look down on him.

"Then I accept it." Chen Xuan replied.

A sarcastic smile appeared on Liu Ci's face. He did not expect that Chen Xuan would actually dare to agree to his challenge.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll compete with you." Liu Ci said.

The next moment, Liu Ci took action directly. He clenched his fist tightly and rushed toward Chen Xuan fiercely. Chen Xuan's body moved towards

The power of Suzaku suddenly emerged from Chen Xuan's hand, covering the entire ground. Liu Ci did not react, staggered, and almost fell down.

Chen Xuan quickly moved forward, and an extremely powerful Suzaku Xuanqi emitted, which made Liu Xinyu's face show surprise. He did not expect that Chen Xuan was so powerful and could kill him in just the blink of an eye. The body was knocked away.

Liu Xinyu's cultivation level is still at the seventh level of the divine king, while Chen Xuan has only just entered this realm.

"No way, this guy's cultivation is so hidden. Wait a minute, I'm going to brew it!" Liu Ci gathered the profound energy on his body while he was talking, and a layer of profound energy suddenly condensed on his body. Seeing the crimson black mist and the mysterious energy coming out of his body, Chen Xuan let out a low drink.

Suzaku Xuanqi was flowing rapidly on the prairie fire sword. On the blade, the sound of Suzaku suddenly flashed, and an extremely powerful sword light was seen coming from Chen Xuan's body, directly knocking Liu Ci's body away. go out.

Liu Ci fell viciously on Lin's face. The posture when he fell to the ground was very unsightly. His head was stuck on Lin's face, and his fart stretched out. Liu Ci, who fell on Lin's face, felt weak all over, and his body It was extremely painful, and layers of flames fell from its fart array.

"How is it? Now am I qualified to enter the C-level area?" Chen Xuan stared at the body lying on the ground and said coldly.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, Liu Ci stood up from the ground in a fit of piss and ran away. Another tall warrior saw Chen Xuan's explosive strength and had a look of panic on his face. He quickly followed. Liu Ci dodged away.

They had encountered a tough situation this time. Chen Xuan had stopped in time, otherwise it would have directly killed both of them. On this mountain peak, Chen Xuan felt that Lin's spiritual energy was extremely full, so he continued for several times. , Chen Xuan has been practicing hard in the mansion.

After two months, Chen Xuan felt that his cultivation was about to reach a breakthrough. Chen Xuan's current cultivation level had only reached the limit of the seventh level of the Divine Lord, but he had not truly entered the seventh level of the Divine Lord.

Moreover, Chen Xuan was constantly practicing the Vermillion Bird Palm Technique, and had also improved his understanding of the Lioyuan Sword Technique. Now his Lioyuan Sword Technique had also reached the level of success, which allowed Chen Xuan to once again increase his attack power. The tenth level of the Lioyuan Sword Technique had extremely powerful lethality, which Chen Xuan usually did not use.

"It seems that my current cultivation has increased again. Even if I encounter a warrior at the peak of the late seventh level of the Divine Lord, I will not be afraid at all!" Chen Xuan said confidently.

At this moment, several warriors came to Chen Xuan's residence again. Liu Ci was standing in front. At this time, Liu Ci looked around and led a warrior in front of him to walk towards Chen Xuan's residence.

Liu Ci showed a panic on his face, pointed to where Chen Xuan lived and said, "Brother, this is the residence of that guy."

Gu Jiuyuan looked at Chen Xuan's residence, squinted his eyes, and shouted loudly, "Is there anyone there? If you hear me, get out!"

Gu Jiuyuan is Liu Ci's cousin. He has been practicing in seclusion for some time. Unexpectedly, when he just came out of seclusion, he saw Liu Ci complaining to him with a bruised face. He was defeated by a warrior who had just reached the C level.

Chen Xuan heard the shouting outside, so he walked out. Seeing several warriors standing in front of him outside, he showed displeasure between his eyebrows and said coldly, "Who are you? What's wrong with coming to me?"

"Hahaha! This guy really doesn't know his place." Gu Jiuyuan laughed.

Seeing the men standing in front, Chen Xuan's face was slightly startled, and then he said, "Aren't you the guy who was taught a lesson by me last time? It seems that you were not taught a lesson by me enough, and you actually found someone to come again."

Liu Ci pointed at Chen Xuan and said to Gu Jiuyuan: "It's this guy, big brother, help me teach this guy a lesson!" Gu Jiuyuan smiled and said to Chen Xuan: "Zi, I didn't mean to cause trouble to you, but you hurt my brother, you have to give me a way, otherwise you will be in trouble today." Gu Jiuyuan's cultivation reached the peak of the seventh level of the Divine Lord. His strength is very strong. Although he is nothing among the C-level warriors, it is probably not that easy for Chen Xuan to defeat him now. Chen Xuan said coldly: "Go ask your brother why he was injured by me." Then Chen Xuan returned to his residence. Seeing that Chen Xuan was about to leave, Gu Jiuyuan's eyebrows trembled slightly, his face was cold: "Zi, I don't care so much. Since you hurt my brother, I must let you give me an explanation." "What if I don't give you an explanation?" Chen Xuan said in a deep voice. Gu Jiuyuan showed a furious look on his face. He pointed his toes and suddenly a sword appeared in his hand. The next moment, as he shouted angrily, a strong aura emanated from his body. Waves of aura rippled in the air and finally penetrated into his sword.


Chen Xuan felt that the earth was shaking. The strong aura emanating from the sword cut all the trees around Chen Xuan into pieces.

Seeing this, Chen Xuan also showed a furious look on his face. He directly burst out all his strength. The extremely strong Suzaku aura gathered on Chen Xuan's sword blade, instantly blasting Gu Jiuyuan's sword light away. Then, the extremely strong aura carried on Chen Xuan's body suddenly hit Liu Qing's body.

Gu Jiuyuan was knocked away by Chen Xuan, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face: "This guy's cultivation is not simple."

"The more difficult things are still ahead." Chen Xuan said softly.

The two bodies collided again. The Suzaku Xuanqi that Chen Xuan brought back this time was even more powerful than before. The Suzaku formation directly trapped his body in it. Chen Xuan took advantage of an opportunity and directly chopped Liu Qing's arm with the sword. A scream came over, and his body fell directly on the ground. The sword in his hand fell to the side. Before the blood could flow out, it was burned by the Suzaku.

Gu Jiuyuan only felt that his arm had lost consciousness. While he was angry, he also felt afraid of Chen Xuan.

It was just a warrior who had just entered the Class C area, but he could actually defeat it. He had heard before that there were several warriors with outstanding talents in this session. It seemed that Chen Xuan was one of them.

Seeing Liu Qing injured, Liu Ci suddenly took out the sword and wanted to stop Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan sneered and said to Liu Ci: "Do you think you can stop me? While I'm in a good mood, get out now!"

After Chen Xuan finished speaking, Liu Ci ran to Gu Jiuyuan's side, helped him up, and left.

As he left, Gu Jiuyuan stared at Liu Ci with a gloomy face and said: "You really make things difficult for me. Chen Xuan's cultivation is too strong. I am not his opponent. You dare to provoke him. Don't provoke Chen Xuan in the future. Do you understand?"

Liu Ci nodded quickly, and then they left Gu Jiuyuan's sight.

It was also during this period that Chen Xuan's reputation was spread among the C-level warriors. Everyone heard that Chen Xuan, who had just been promoted to a C-level warrior, could actually defeat Gu Jiuyuan.

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