Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2673 The powerful Qingfeng Bookstore

With a tap of his toes, Chen Xuan quickly dodged in depth. Relying on his body speed advantage, Chen Xuan continued to consume the Demonic Spirit Bull. Although the countless defenses and strength were not comparable to Chen Xuan's, Chen Xuan had one biggest advantage. The Suzaku fire in his body can continuously provide power. As long as Chen Xuan's inner elixir is not exhausted, he will have constant Suzaku power, and Chen Xuan relies on the demon soul to increase his speed several times.

Chen Xuan's speed far exceeds that of the Demonic Bull, and his endurance is no worse than that of the Demonic Bull.

At this moment, Chen Xuan fought with the demonic bull in front of him for half an hour, but still could not win.

If it were an ordinary warrior, Chen Xuan would have defeated it long ago, but the strength of this demonic bull far exceeded Chen Xuan's estimate. If he and this demonic bull continued to consume, they would definitely need to use it consistently. The fire of Suzaku comes to attack the demonic cow.

The next moment, streaks of flames suddenly emerged from Chen Xuan's body. The flames formed a phantom of a Suzaku in the air and attacked the Demon Spirit Bull. The Demon Spirit Bull roared and spit out a powerful sound from its mouth. The spiritual power offset Chen Xuan's Vermillion Bird Sword Qi in the air. In an instant, the spiritual power of the Demonic Bull continued to attack Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan showed a look of surprise. He didn't expect that the Demon Spirit Ox could actually block his Suzaku's power. The ordinary Demon Spirit Ox could not block Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire. Even the Xuan Fire Wolf could not block Chen Xuan. A blow, but the second level of the Suzaku Sword Technique that Chen Xuan had just used was actually able to be defeated by this demonic cow.

"Impossible. The strength of this Demon Spirit Bull is only at the seventh level of the Divine Lord Realm. How could it possibly disperse my Suzaku Sword Qi? This is the second level of the Suzaku Sword Technique!" Chen Xuan exclaimed.

The Demonic Bull did not surprise Chen Xuan for too long, and suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan. Although Chen Xuan's body was floating in the air, the Demonic Bull could still launch a fierce impact on Chen Xuan.

Now there was a trace of cold sweat on Chen Xuan's head. If it weren't for the fact that he had the wings of the Suzaku, he would definitely not be able to dodge the impact of the Demonic Bull.


The earth is shaking. The spiritual power of the demon spirit cow was constantly vibrating. Feeling this spiritual power, it suddenly continued to strengthen, and Chen Xuan also showed a solemn look on his face.

"It seems that I underestimated this demonic cow. I didn't expect it to be so strong. I'm afraid it's not an ordinary demonic cow. It should be a mutated one." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Some demonic cows are far more powerful than similar ones. For example, the demonic cattle in the Luyu Mountains are many times stronger than those in the Black Shadow Forest. This is because the earth spirit energy in the Luyu Mountains is stronger, so the demonic cattle Cows are stronger, but there are also some demon cows that are even more powerful. It is precisely because these demon cows have very strong physical fitness that exceeds ordinary demon cows.


The demonic cow roared, and its eyes gradually turned red. When the spiritual power in the demonic cow began to bloom, Chen Xuan's face became more and more solemn. If Chen Xuan hadn't dodged quickly just now, he would have Got hit by a demonic bull.

He hurriedly swung the sharp blade in his hand and hit the horns of the Demonic Bull. Chen Xuan knew that the Demonic Bull had such a powerful impact because of the horns on its head.

Seeing bursts of fierce spiritual power radiating from the horns, Chen Xuan immediately ran over and suddenly sat on the head of the demonic cow. However, the demonic cow waved its body quickly, and Chen Xuan only felt A huge force came from the body of the demon spirit cow, and his body was thrown far away.

"It can't be a demon spirit cow, it can be so powerful." Chen Xuan said in surprise.

The power of the Demonic Bull is far more than that. When Chen Xuan once again prepared to approach the Demonic Bull with the prairie fire in his hand, the Demonic Bull once again exerted a powerful impact. A spiritual stone next to Chen Xuan was suddenly struck by the Demonic Bull. It was smashed into pieces, and the powerful impact made Chen Xuan blink.

Now it is not so easy for Chen Xuan to use the power of Suzaku Fire to break the horns of the Demonic Bull.

But if Chen Xuan wants to defeat the Demonic Bull, he must break the horns on the Demonic Bull's head.

The horns of the demon cow provide a steady stream of energy to the demon cow. Chen Xuan saw that the demon cow can absorb the power of the surrounding earth through its horns, which allows the demon cow to continuously consume Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan is not prepared to spend too long here with the Demon Spirit Niu. If it attracts the attention of others, Chen Xuan will definitely face a crisis.

In the Lu Yu Mountains, the most dangerous thing is never the Demonic Bull, but other warriors.

Just like the warriors from the demon hunting group that Chen Xuan met at the beginning, when Chen Xuan appeared behind them, the warriors showed cautious looks towards Chen Xuan, obviously afraid that Chen Xuan would launch a sneak attack on them.

This kind of thing is common in Lu Yu Mountain Range. Many people had just hunted a demonic cow, and were robbed by other warriors who came after hearing the news.

While fighting the Demonic Bull, Chen Xuan began to shift positions. If he stayed in one place, he might attract other demon hunters. Although Chen Xuan was not necessarily afraid of these demon hunters, he was facing demon hunters at the same time. The attacks of spiritual bulls and demon hunters, and Chen Xuan is not sure that he is the opponent of those demon hunters now.

Many of the demon hunters operating in the Lu Yu Mountains are very powerful. They are unwilling to join various sects, nor are they willing to enter the royal family of the empire, nor are they willing to join the Pantheon.

But there are still some powerful warriors. Their strength far exceeds that of some disciples in the sect. When facing them, Chen Xuan may not be their opponent.

At this moment, Chen Xuan stared closely at the demonic cow in front of him. The demonic cow exhaled a few heavy breaths from its nose. It was obviously tired of chasing Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan sneered: "Beast, if you have the ability, keep chasing me."

Sure enough, the Demonic Bull roared and chased after Chen Xuan. Now Chen Xuan changed his fighting style. If he faced the Demonic Bull head-on with strength alone, Chen Xuan might not be able to defeat the Demonic Bull.

Now Chen Xuan can only rely on his strong speed to quickly consume the Demonic Bull's physical strength. If he is caught by the Demonic Bull, Chen Xuan will most likely encounter a lot of dangers.

The Demonic Spirit Ox waved its body again and rushed towards Chen Xuan, with a look of surprise on Chen Xuan's face.

"How could this guy increase his speed all of a sudden?" Chen Xuan did not expect that the speed of the Demonic Bull would suddenly increase in an instant. Unprepared, his body was knocked out by the Demonic Bull.

If Chen Xuan hadn't dodged very quickly, the demonic bull would have directly injured him when it rushed into his body.

With a heavy breath, Chen Xuan's face showed an angry look, and his eyes gradually turned red. If you look carefully, you can see thin lightning flashing around Chen Xuan's body.

This is the first level of the Xuan Lei Jue that Chen Xuan has practiced. At first, Prince Lu only gave Chen Xuan the first three levels of training techniques, but now Chen Xuan has only mastered the first level of the Xuan Lei Jue.

The tiny flashes of lightning made Chen Xuan's speed faster than before. Now Chen Xuan's speed was at its maximum. In the blink of an eye, he rushed behind the Demonic Bull, raised the prairie fire sword, and struck fiercely at the Demonic Bull. Cracked down.


The prairie fire sword slashed at the strong skin of the demonic cow, but the demonic cow only shook its body and was not seriously injured.

"No way, this guy's defense is too strong." Chen Xuan said in surprise.

This was the first time he encountered a magical beast with such powerful defense. The power of this demonic bull was even more astonishing. It suddenly turned around and pushed towards Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan immediately took two steps back. , if he was hit by the demonic cow, it would probably kill Chen Xuan.

Facing the impact of the demonic bull, Chen Xuan immediately gathered the power of the Suzaku in his body. Suzaku wings emerged from Chen Xuan's body and converged on the prairie fire sword in his hand. The prairie fire sword continued The whole body was filled with flames, and the flames began to strengthen continuously, causing Chen Xuan's body to emit powerful auras.

After Demon Spirit Niu realized the powerful aura on Chen Xuan's body, he immediately attacked Chen Xuan first.


Chen Xuangang wanted to attack, but found that the demonic bull had already rushed towards him. Facing the powerful impact of the demonic bull, Chen Xuan could only quickly wave the prairie fire sword in his hand to resist the impact of the demonic bull.

"This beast is too difficult to deal with." Chen Xuan cursed.

The Demonic Bull is indeed very difficult to deal with. If Chen Xuan's body could not float in the air, he would have been hit by the Demonic Bull. Compared with the Demonic Bull's powerful impact, Chen Xuan would definitely not be his opponent.

But this demonic bull is only at the seventh level of the divine king realm. The ordinary seventh-level demonic bull is no match for Chen Xuan. He only needs to wield the prairie prairie sword and rely on the powerful burning power of the Suzaku Fire. Chen Xuan can Kill a human warrior.

However, Chen Xuan was helpless when facing this demonic cow. After fighting with the demonic cow in front of him for more than two hours, Chen Xuan gradually saw a glimmer of hope.

Before this, Chen Xuan felt that he had made a wrong choice by provoking the demonic bull in front of him. However, the demonic bull was obviously tired and when it struck Chen Xuan, it was much slower than before.

It took Chen Xuan more than two hours to kill the Demonic Cow in front of him. At this moment, he saw the Demonic Cow's body lying on the ground. The prairie fire sword cut open the Demonic Cow's skin and took out his crystal core. , looking at the orange crystal core in front of him, Chen Xuan nodded secretly.

"This guy is indeed an orange-level Demonic Bull." After killing the Demonic Bull, Chen Xuan absorbed the crystal core and felt the energy of the crystal core pouring into his body. Chen Xuan gently exhaled In one breath, when all this energy gathered into his Dantian, Chen Xuan clearly felt that the power of the demon soul in his body had strengthened again.

The earth's spiritual energy appears in Chen Xuan's Dantian Zheng

"Now if I want to improve my cultivation, I'm afraid I have to hunt a few more monsters." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

He came to the Lu Yu Mountains alone this time just to improve the cultivation level of the demon soul. As long as Chen Xuan can condense a demon soul pattern, his body strength will increase again. When Chen Xuan uses the demon soul possession technique, When the time comes, the strength displayed will be even stronger.

Not long after killing the demonic beast, at the place where Chen Xuan killed the demonic cow, several white-robed disciples looked at the traces of battle left on the ground.

A disciple suddenly said: "It seems that guy was still nearby just now. He must not have gone far now. Let's chase him quickly!"

"That's right. I don't believe how far that guy can run. We have been chasing him for three nights. I didn't expect this guy to move so fast and reach the middle of the Lu Yu Mountain Range." A white-robed disciple said. .

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