After killing the monster, Chen Xuan immediately took out a dagger from his arms, then used the dagger to open the chest of the monster, and took out a crystal core from the monster's body.

This is the core of Warcraft that has even reached the red level. The core of Warcraft that can reach the red level represents the rarity of this Warcraft, and even the strength of Warcraft at the same level.

"No wonder this guy is so difficult to deal with. It turns out that he is so powerful and can reach the red crystal core." Chen Xuan praised.

Chen Xuan did not expect that he could actually get a red crystal core. If Chen Xuan could get a red crystal core, he would no longer have to hunt a monster. As long as he absorbed the red crystal core, Chen Xuan would Xuan can ensure that his demon soul condenses into a path again.

"Great, since we can directly absorb the crystal core of this monster, we no longer need to hunt the monster."

Chen Xuan didn't have time to think too much, he swallowed the red crystal core of the monster in one gulp. The spiritual power in the crystal core spread into Chen Xuan's dantian. Chen Xuan slowly sat down and circulated the surrounding The earth's spiritual energy began to absorb the spiritual power within the crystal core.

There was a lot of spiritual power gathered in the red crystal core. It took Chen Xuan more than two hours to absorb all the spiritual power in the red crystal core. Next, Chen Xuan began to transform the power of the Warcraft pattern such as the crystal core. These powers were constantly being exerted into his body. At this time, Chen Xuan felt a blazing energy coming from his body. This energy continued to gather and then spread out of Chen Xuan's body.

A minute later, Chen Xuan's body was covered by the red demon soul power. These red lines were very thin and covered Chen Xuan's body. Seeing these lines continuously covering and condensing, Chen Xuan exhaled softly. Take a breath.

"It seems that I have condensed four demon soul patterns. Now if I meet Yuchi Hongyi again, I must make him look good. That guy hurt me last time, and now I won't be hurt so easily by him. , as long as I can defeat Yuchi Hongyi, it means that the power of the demon soul I have recently cultivated has not been wasted!" Chen Xuan thought to himself.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body slowly stood up from the ground. Feeling the changes coming from his body, Chen Xuan clenched his fists tightly. Red lines suddenly began to condense from his body. The fist struck the tree, and the tree was immediately blown to pieces by Chen Xuan's Suzaku Fire. The powerful aura was revealed, making Chen Xuan secretly nod.

"It seems that condensing one more demon soul pattern really makes a difference. This demon soul pattern has greatly enhanced the strength of my body, reaching the second level of body drying. Moreover, my cultivation has now reached the realm of the divine king. Sixth level, if you meet Yuchi Hongyi, you must compete with him." Chen Xuandao.

Three days later, Chen Xuan continued to hunt monsters. The reason why he did not leave the Luyu Mountains was because he wanted to settle accounts with Yuchi Hongyi. A few days ago, Chen Xuan was hunted down by Yuchi Hongyi and the others, but now, Chen Xuan began to inquire about Qingfeng Shu. He must make Qingfeng Shuge pay some price for the whereabouts of the pavilion.

In the past two times, Chen Xuan was almost killed by the disciples of Qingfeng Bookstore, because of Chen Xuan's character. They will definitely seek revenge on them, and Chen Xuan was interrupted by them again and again in his cultivation. These disciples of Qingfeng Bookstore had great ill will towards Chen Xuan for some unknown reason.

After snorting coldly, Chen Xuan looked ahead and said to himself: "Although these guys from Qingfeng Bookstore are very powerful, they met me, and my current strength and knowledge are not what they used to be. A demon soul pattern has appeared. Now my body strength has reached the second level of body drying. If I can reach the second level, my body will no longer be harmed by ordinary weapons. Yuchi Hongyi, I must make you look good. !”

At this time, Yuchi Hongyi was also searching for Chen Xuan's whereabouts in the Luyu Mountains. The two of them searched for each other, but they never met.

Yuchi Hongyi looked at the white-robed disciple in front of him. This disciple was the one who was burned by Chen Xun's Suzaku Fire. Now he was seriously injured. He spent a lot of spiritual energy to recover from the injury. Most of his cultivation was also consumed.

Yuchi Hong looked at the front fiercely and said: "I have recently heard a piece of news. The name of that man is Chen Xuan, and he is really a lackey of the royal family in the Yunye Empire. If I encounter him, I must kill him." Save that guy’s life.”

After a while, another white-robed disciple said to him: "Brother Yuchi, now we want to search for Chen Xuan, but it is very difficult. The entire Lu Yu Mountain Range is too big, and we don't know if he is still there now." In the Lu Yu Mountains, if that guy escapes, it will only be a waste of time for us to continue walking here!"

"We are searching a lot. If we really can't find that kid in the Luyu Mountains, we still have other ways. I don't believe that this guy can escape from the Yunye Empire. As long as he is in the Yunye Empire, we will have him." Try to kill it. Remember, you must make sure to kill it. If he escapes, our Qingfeng Bookstore will be in danger!" said a disciple.

Although the Qingfeng Bookstore has been passed down for thousands of years, it does not dare to offend the royal family of the Yunye Empire at will.

Chen Xuan is a member of the Yunye Sect, which means that Chen Xuan enjoys a certain status in the Yunye Empire.

"The Yunye Empire should not offend our Qingfeng Shuge for this, but now the Yunye Empire is in the midst of internal and external troubles: the Dragon Blood Tribe is pressing every step of the way: there are threats to the Pantheon within, but they definitely don't Time has come to deal with our Qingfeng Bookstore, and we just killed this son. The royal family of the Yunye Empire must be very clear that it must be very difficult to offend our Qingfeng Bookstore for a son who is only at the fifth level of the divine king realm. What a nice thing!" Yu Chihong said.

"Then what should we do now?" asked a disciple.

"Continue to search for his whereabouts for me. If we can't find him, we can only go back to the book pavilion and find some other disciples to help us. Don't put this boy back. As long as we can find him in the Lu Yu Mountains If we killed it, the people in Yunye Sect don't know it was us, they just thought he was killed by a powerful monster in the Luyu Mountains," Yuchi Hongyi said grimly.

At this time, Chen Xuan was constantly wandering in the Lu Yu Mountains. He was not very familiar with the Lu Yu Mountains, so it was very difficult to find the whereabouts of Qingfeng Bookstore. What's more, the Lu Yu Mountains extend for thousands of miles, and Chen Xuan was not able to do it casually. can be found.

Three days later, Chen Xuan looked at a mountain peak that reached into the clouds in front of him, and determined that the Qingfeng Bookstore was here, so Chen Xuan hid in the bushes nearby.

Chen Xuan had been hiding in the forest for several days. It was here that he finally heard the conversation of several disciples.

"Yu Chi Hongyi!" Chen Xuan's expression changed drastically.

He waited here for several days, and finally waited for him.

Seeing the disciples of Qingfeng Bookstore walking further and further away, Chen Xuan secretly gathered the power of the Suzaku in his body and immediately attacked the disciples of Qingfeng Bookstore.


A disciple's body did not escape. Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword pierced his body directly. A ray of fire suddenly emerged from the disciple's body. The next moment, he saw his body being directly hit by Chen Xuan. Knock.

The disciple who was knocked out had his body injured to begin with. Now he was stabbed by Chen Xuan, and he was dying. A stream of blood flowed out of his body, and the wound had already been burned by the fire of Suzaku. Black charcoal.

It was precisely because the disciple who proved to be killed was killed by Chen Xuan, but the Suzaku Fire was still burning on his body and began to cover the disciple's body. Even the dust next to the disciple was burned to ashes. Pitch black.

When Yu Chihong saw that his junior brother was suddenly killed by Chen Xuan, he stared at Chen Xuan with a ferocious face and said: "Chen Xuan, you are really bullying me. I didn't expect that I didn't find you and you actually came to my door. In this case Then I will help you and send you to the West!"

With an angry shout, Yu Chihong raised the long sword in his hand and quickly pursued Chen Xuan. A powerful aura emanated from his body and rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.

Chen Xuan's body hurriedly took two steps back.


The two bodies collided in mid-air, but this time Chen Xuan's body did not retreat. Instead, Yuchi Hongyi's body took a few steps back. When Yuchi Hongyi took a few steps back, he stared at Chen Xuan nervously.

He did not expect that Chen Xuan's cultivation level could actually improve again in the past few days. The speed of improvement was so rapid that even he did not expect that Chen Xuan's strength could increase so quickly.

"How is it possible? How could his strength improve so quickly? In just a few days, his cultivation has reached the sixth level of the divine king realm. No wonder, I thought how dare this guy come here. It turns out that his cultivation is Improved!" Yuchi Hongyi said secretly.

At this moment, another disciple of Qingfeng Bookstore suddenly blew a wind blade towards Chen Xuan, and a powerful aura suddenly appeared in the air. When it came to Chen Xuan's side, Chen Xuan quickly waved The prairie fire sword, the power of Suzaku emerged from the blade, blocking the wind.

Facing the two-sided attack by Yuchi Hongyi and Qingfeng Shuge disciples, Chen Xuan became more and more courageous as he fought. The power of the demon soul was brought into full play by him, and more demon soul lines were condensed, which significantly improved Chen Xuan's strength. Now his speed has surpassed Yuchi Hongyi.

Even if Yuchi Hongyi used Qingfeng Kung Fu, he could not catch up with Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan's body speed was now faster than their wind blades. Even Yuchi Hongyi's Qingfeng Sword Qi, which he used with all his strength, could not catch up. Go to Chen Xuan's body.

Seeing this situation, Yuchi Hongyi showed a trace of nervousness on his face and said to the disciple next to him: "This guy's strength seems to have improved a lot than before. You go to the back and besiege him, and the two of us will kill this guy together." !”

The disciple of Qingfeng Bookstore nodded, and then flew towards Chen Xuan's back. Facing the two men's siege, Chen Xuan showed a contemptuous smile.

"Is this all you have at Qingfeng Bookstore? It's actually two against one every time. If you two hadn't besieged me, I would have killed you long ago." Chen Xuan said sarcastically.

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