Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2687 Yuchi Hongyi Becomes Stronger

A powerful aura suddenly exploded from beside Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan immediately used the power of Suzaku. The flames filled Chen Xuan's body. All he could see was the flames, which were constantly flickering on his body. , and finally all gathered into the Liaoyuan Sword. Chen Xuan's Liaoyuan Sword continued to absorb the flames on his body. When the flames all gathered on the Liaoyuan Sword, the large fire tent of the Liaoyuan Sword bloomed with a terrifying breath.

Yuchi Hongyi looked at Chen Xuan closely and said softly: "Chen Xuan, even if you have the power of the demon soul and the very powerful Liaoyuan, if you meet me today, you can only be considered unlucky. I Yuchi Hongyi is ranked first in the Qingfeng Bookstore, so today I will teach you a lesson, so that you, the beasts of the Yunye Sect, will be taught a lesson by us!"

As soon as Yuchihong finished, he immediately pulled out a sharp sword. The blade of the sword was constantly emitting thunder and lightning, and the power of thunder suddenly flashed on his body.


Another two powerful auras collided violently, and Chen Xuan's body continued to take two steps back. Even though Chen Xuan exerted the power of Suzaku with all his strength, it was still difficult to resist Yuchi Hongyi's thunder sword energy. Yuchi Hongyi has the power of thunder and can mobilize the thunder between the earth. Facing such a powerful attack, Chen Xuan can only resist him. Although Yuchihong is one level higher than Chen Xuan in cultivation, Chen Xuan still can't Defeat him.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan knew that there would be no good results if he got along with Yuchi Hongyi here. Yuchi Hongyi just came here alone. If other disciples from Qingfeng Bookstore came over, Chen Xuan would definitely not be their opponent.

But now Chen Xuan has been surrounded by the people from Qingfeng Bookstore in the mountains, so Chen Xuan suddenly displayed the power of the demon soul and released his speed to the limit.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan had already rushed out several miles. When Yuwentuo saw Chen Xuan preparing to escape, he shouted loudly, and a trace of thunder burst out from his body. The power of this thunder made Yuwen's drag speed also change. He was so fast that he ran behind Chen Xuan in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan reacted and struck a sword with his backhand. The powerful prairie fire sword energy suddenly emerged from Chen Xun's body.

The next moment, Yuchi Hongyi's body was stopped by Chen Xuan, but Chen Xuan was almost caught by him. Facing Yuchi Hongyi's pressing step by step, Chen Xuan looked at Yuchi Hongyi nervously.

Immediately he turned his head and stretched out the prairie fire sword, and another flaming sword. Qi continued to bloom in Chen Xuan's body, forcing Yuchi Hongyi's turbulent pursuit back.

The two people were chasing each other in the air, but Yuchi Hongyi couldn't catch up with Chen Xuan, and Chen Xuan couldn't get rid of Yuchi Hongyi behind him. At this moment, Yuchi Hongyi suddenly saw several Qingfeng Shuge people in front of Chen Xuan. The disciple suddenly shouted at the top of his lungs: "You two, hurry up and catch this guy. Master is already here. If you can bring this guy to justice, you will be rewarded heavily!"

"Master heard that this guy killed our senior brother this time, and he actually offered a reward to kill this guy."

"It seems like it's true this time? I heard that we can also get a copy of the first-grade exercises, and the master will personally guide us in our practice. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for us!"

In an instant, these three disciples immediately raised their weapons and surrounded Chen Xuan from the front. Chen Xuan's expression changed and he raised the prairie fire sword. Although these three disciples were not weak in strength, they all They have all reached the third level of the Divine Lord, but for Chen Xuan now, it won't take too long to kill the three of them.

A powerful aura emerged from Chen Xuan's body. The next moment, his eyes suddenly turned red. Powerful power continued to bloom in Chen Xuan's body, and he suddenly attacked the three disciples. They The three people did not react. One of the disciples of Qingfeng Shuge was stabbed by Chen Xuan's sword blade, and his body rolled to the side twice. Chen Xuan slashed out with another sword energy, but at this time, Yuchi Hong Yi has already arrived.

Yu Chihong looked at Chen Xuan with a ferocious expression. He did not expect that Chen Xuan would kill three Qingfeng Bookstore disciples again, and this was only in the blink of an eye. If Chen Xuan was faster, then he would I can't catch up with Chen Xuan.

Seeing this situation, Yuchi Hongyi's expression changed, and the thunderous power emitted from the Thunder Sword in his hand made Yuchi Hongyi's body appear in the air in the blink of an eye. The next moment, Yuwen Tuo's His body suddenly sped up, and there was a crackling sound coming from his body. Lightning bolts flashed through the crowd and stabbed towards Chen Xuan's body. Chen Xuan had already reacted, and when he stepped back, there was another surging bolt. The sword energy blocked Yuchi Hongyi.

Yuchi Hongyi's Thunder Sword Qi hit Chen Xuan's prairie fire sword Qi head-on. The two sword Qi began to compete in mid-air. Chen Xuan had now exerted the power of the demon soul and faced Yuchi Hongyi's attack. Still not at a disadvantage, but Yuchi Hong had not used his full strength since just now. His sword energy became stronger when it was strong, and the thunder continued to flash. The next moment, something happened that surprised Chen Xuan even more.

While Yuwen Tuo was rotating the blade in his hand, exerting pressure on Chen Xuan, on the other hand, he suddenly thrust his hands in, and a bolt of thunder suddenly appeared from mid-air and struck hard at Chen Xuan's head.

Chen Xuan looked nervously into the air and hurriedly retreated, but the thunderbolt was already coming towards him. Chen Xuan couldn't dodge and quickly retreated back. A big hole was created on the ground by the thunderbolt. .

"Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise I would have been hit by this thunderbolt. Even if I didn't die, I would have been seriously injured." Chen Xuan looked at the sky nervously, and found that there was another thunderbolt that was eager to strike towards him. Chen Xuan Xuan's body immediately hurriedly fled towards the back, if he had not escaped.

I'm afraid he will definitely be injured by Yuchi Hongyi.

"I didn't expect that this Yuchi Hongyi actually practiced Qingfeng swordsmanship. He knew that the power of thunder was too powerful." Chen Xuan looked at Kong Zhizheng nervously.

Yuchi Hongyi's power of thunder is indeed very powerful, and he himself can also possess the mysterious power of thunder. This power was learned by Yuchihong throughout his life. He is also a talent in his own right, but Yuchi Hongyi was in the Qingfeng Bookstore. His master originally wanted to teach him the Qingfeng sword technique.

However, Yuchi Hongyi's mastery of Qingfeng Sword Technique has never been very deep. However, Yuchi Hongyi realized the power of thunder when he was very young, and he already knew this power very well. Every time he used this power, The power can mobilize the thunder between the earth. Because of this, his master specially taught Yuchi Hongyi the Thunder Sword Art, and even gave him this sword in his hand. Yuchi Hongyi was very powerful. There is rarely an opponent among the younger generation of disciples, and Chen Xuan cannot gain the upper hand against him.

"It seems that people with different appearances are really powerful..." Yuchi Hongyi's appearance is very strange. His skin is blue-purple, and he also has strange patterns on his body. If Chen Xuan hadn't seen him once before, , I’m afraid everyone thought this Yuchi Hongyi was a monster.

It is precisely because of the weird patterns on Yuchi Hongyi's body that he can master the power of thunder. Yuchi Hongyi's strength has exceeded Chen Xuan's imagination. Facing Yuchi Hongyi's attack, Chen Xuan immediately took two steps back. If If Chen Xuan hadn't been able to dodge quickly just now, he might have been hit by another thunderbolt.

When Yuchi Hongyi wasn't paying attention, Chen Xuan found an opportunity to escape from his hands.

At this time, Chen Xuan was still in the Qingfeng Mountains. At this moment, he was discovered by a disciple of Qingfeng Bookstore. This disciple held a sharp blade in his hand and kept approaching Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan sneered. After making a sound, he immediately stood there and looked at this disciple.

"Yu Chi Hongyi can't even hold me, and you actually want to kill me." Chen Xuan sneered, his palms filled with flames, and when he grabbed it with his big hand, the energy he unleashed was like a bubble towards the disciples of Qingfeng Bookstore. Caught it.

The disciple's body suddenly flew up into the air. Like lightning, Chen Xuan's body appeared in front of the disciples of the Bookstore in a blink of an eye. Before the disciple of the Qingfeng Bookstore could react, he saw By the time Chen Xuan had already attacked him.

The fiery palms had grasped his neck. The disciple of Qingfeng Bookstore took a breath of cold air. An extremely dangerous aura with the threat of death slowly rose from his heart. He now felt Chen Xuan The fire was burning in his hands, but he couldn't even think of resisting.

"Don't kill me." The disciple of Qingfeng Bookstore was scared, and sweat kept flowing out of his mind. When he saw the flames emerging from Chen Xuan's body, he already regretted it. With his strength, he was completely different from Chen Xuan. Xuan's opponent, Chen Xuan, can easily tear its sword energy into pieces, and his cultivation has reached the sixth level of the divine king realm, which is far above him.

Now this disciple of Qingfeng Bookstore is trembling in his heart. He has always been domineering and domineering, but he did not expect to fall into Chen Xuan's hands today. Moreover, he felt Chen Xuan's strong murderous intention.

Chen Xuan said coldly: "I will never take the initiative to provoke you Qingfeng Shuge, but you have gone too far this time. You have tried to provoke me again and again, so there is nothing for me to do. I, Chen Xuan, will never Give Bie Rong a second chance.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xuan used a little force with his palm, and with a click, he broke the neck of the Qingfeng Bookstore disciple.

On the other side, an elder from Qingfeng Bookstore exclaimed. He had just arrived, but he had also seen Chen Xuan kill the Qingfeng Bookstore disciple just now.

"Son, who are you? Why do you go against us in Qingfeng Bookstore again and again?" The person who spoke was an elder from Qingfeng Bookstore. This elder had gray hair and looked at Chen Xuan with a gloomy face.

Chen Xuan said softly: "I didn't want to be an enemy of your Qingfeng Bookstore at all. I just wanted to ask your people for directions, but you stopped me and even wanted to kill me. In this case, I You won’t be polite, old guy, since you want to kill me too, then let’s stay together.”

Chen Xuan carried a powerful aura, and he was decisive in killing. Flames appeared in his palms, and a powerful aura appeared out of thin air with his fingers, rushing towards the old man.

Now that Chen Xuan has awakened the soul of Suzaku, he already understands the power of Suzaku, and its power is naturally more powerful. Moreover, he still has the power of Suzaku that has supported it for hundreds of years, and his tyranny has reached a very terrifying level. , even a master who has reached the eighth level of the divine king realm may not be able to withstand it.

The white-haired old man looked at Chen Xuan with a gloomy expression, and said in surprise: "This guy's cultivation is actually so strong. He is probably not weaker than Yuchi Hongyi, but his cultivation is only at the sixth level of the Divine Lord realm, and he can explode into the Divine Lord realm." What is the identity of this person with the eighth level of combat power? There is no such person in our Yunye Empire."

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