After waiting for two days, Chen Xuan found that the monster had been sleeping. Finally, at this moment, the monster woke up and flew towards the place where it disappeared yesterday.

Chen Xuan looked at the monster with a surprised look on his face, then followed the monster and flew in his direction.

At this moment, a few drops of cold sweat fell on Chen Xuan's face. He felt that the monster in front of him seemed to have discovered him, so he hurriedly fell on Lin's face, hiding his aura.

The monster suddenly turned around, but found a demon bird flying behind it, so the lord-level monster continued to fly forward.

Chen Xuan patted his chest. He was almost discovered by this monster just now, so Chen Xuan ran wildly on the ground, following the beast for more than ten miles. More than ten miles away, There was a valley, and there was a stream in the valley. In the middle of the stream was a golden rock. A powerful aura was exuding from the rock. As soon as Chen Xuan ran to this place, he saw This monster has transformed and is sitting on top of the golden crystal.

Chen Xuan looked a little surprised. He found that the center of this piece of golden silver was actually somewhat transparent, and there was a drop of spring water in the middle. This drop of spring water was like a liquid, exuding a powerful aura. Chen Xuangang saw this golden If you look at the rocks, you will know that this is the Earth Spirit Spring.

Chen Xuan had also obtained this kind of earth spirit spring at the beginning, and he also knew that the earth spirit spring was very precious. At this moment, he stretched out his tongue with his right hand, and it penetrated into the inside of the golden rock like a diamond. It could be seen that he had no While drinking the golden spiritual spring, it is constantly stirring the inside of the golden rock.

"No way? What on earth is this guy doing? Just now he actually released the spiritual power in his body into the inside of the golden rock." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

He did not expect that this monster would actually release its breath on golden rocks at noon. Chen Xuan was very surprised by what the monster did.

This monster didn't drink from the spiritual spring. If this demon beast directly quoted a spiritual spring such as golden food, then Chen Xuan could understand it. After all, the earthly spiritual spring is a treasure that is difficult to obtain and is extremely difficult to obtain in normal times.

About an hour later, the demonic beast suddenly fused all the spiritual power in its body into the spiritual spring. The next moment, the demonic beast suddenly bit off a piece of the golden rock, then rose into the air and headed towards the original The direction flew over.

Chen Xuan thought of the monster beast, and there was a golden spirit stone in his mouth yesterday. However, Chen Xuan still did not act rashly. Although he saw the golden spring water, Chen Xuan also knew very well that if he gave all the earth spirits to If you take it away, it will definitely alert the snake. If this monster finds out, it will definitely be very dangerous to Chen Xuanlai. If he finds that the Earth Spirit Spring is missing when he comes, he will definitely be furious.

So, Chen Xuan returned to the original road. After he saw the monster enter the cave, he placed the golden rock outside the cave entrance.

This monster beast was a little tired because it had lost the spiritual power in its body. It lay on the ground and began to sleep soundly. For several consecutive times, Chen Xuan saw this monster beast going to the Linling Spring, and finally drained the spiritual power in its body. Fused in the spring water, and returned to his own cave.

At this time, Chen Xuan was a little surprised and thought to himself: "Is there something inside the cave that I don't know about? I think this monster must be healing other monsters in the cave, otherwise he would definitely not Bring Di Linquan back, and for several consecutive days, he will go to Di Lingquan's place at noon and take Di Lingquan into his cave to sleep. "

Chen Xuan had doubts on his face. After staying here for five consecutive days, Chen Xuan saw the opportunity. When the monster left, Chen Xuan rushed into the cave with lightning speed. He has now figured out this clearly. The shape of the monster beast is regular. If the monster beast leaves, it will definitely return after more than an hour.

The cave of this monster beast was very large, but also very simple. Chen Xuan saw that in the center of the cave, there was actually a nephew in the middle of the car, exuding a trace of golden spiritual power, and through this layer of golden spiritual power With strength, Chen Xuan saw a monster egg as big as a human head.

Moreover, the appearance of this monster egg exudes a golden halo, and there is a layer of golden runes rippling on the outside of the egg, exuding strange auras, and thick The breath of life overflowed from the middle of the monster egg. Chen Xuan stared at the monster egg nervously.

"No wonder that guy didn't hesitate to spend his life essence to fuse the Earth Spirit Spring. It turned out to be all because of this monster egg." Chen Xuan suddenly realized.

This monster egg must be a priceless treasure. It has absorbed a large amount of earth spirit springs. If this monster egg is born, it will definitely have strong power. If this monster egg can be taken away, Chen Xuan can Once this demonic beast is refined, the benefits he will receive will definitely be unimaginable.

Chen Xuan's eyes were filled with golden light, if he dared to snatch this monster away. You can get a lot of benefits. If you refine it, Chen Xuan can not only improve his cultivation, but also possibly integrate the power of this powerful monster into his own monster soul.

The attraction of this monster egg is very huge, and Chen Xuan doesn't have any headaches. If he takes this monster egg, it is likely to cause the lord-level monster to go crazy. With Chen Xuan's attitude toward this monster reaction, if he was tracked by this lord-level monster, Chen Xuan might not be able to escape.

However, Chen Xuan has thought of a wonderful way. He cannot take the monster away for the time being, but Chen Xuan can indeed make use of it.

"This powerful monster lives in the third area. If I can make use of it and let it attack Qingfeng Sword Sect, I can escape from it at that time." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

He planned to take this monster egg out and give it to the elders of Qingfeng Book Pavilion. The elders of Qingfeng Book Pavilion must not know that this monster pill is the cub of the powerful monster. If this monster returns to the cave and finds that his Youzai is missing, it will be furious. If this monster kills Qingfeng Sword Sect, Chen Xuan can reap the benefits.

The monster lives in the third area, and has a bad relationship with the Qingfeng Sword Sect. If the Qingfeng Sword Sect takes away the monster's cub, the powerful lord-level monster will be very angry. At that time, the Qingfeng Gold Medal will use all the power of its sect to deal with the monster. Even, the monster may mobilize the magic beasts of the entire third area. With the power of this monster, it is probably not the opponent of the Qingfeng Sword Sect. However, Chen Xuan can take advantage of the time when the lord-level monster is recovering and attack. Maybe he can get the monster spirit of this monster. At that time, Chen Xuan can merge the monster spirit into the monster soul and get the magic power of this monster.

"I can only blame you for chasing me again and again." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

Then, Chen Xuan grabbed the monster egg with his big hand and quickly left the cave.

This monster will definitely return in an hour. Before Chen Xuan takes him back to the cave, he hurriedly leaves the third area. After coming out, Chen Xuan quickly rushes to the second area.

At the same time, at the junction of the second area, the three disciples of Qingfeng Book Pavilion were still guarding this place. Their faces were not very good, especially Wang Hong, who had reached the eighth level of the Divine Lord realm.

"Brother Wang, that guy hasn't come back for several days. Could he have been killed? I think if he was killed, there is no need for us to continue guarding here." A disciple said.

"That makes sense, but we still have to guard for a few days. That guy's cultivation level has entered the third area. He is definitely not the opponent of the lord and the monster. He is doomed to die." Another disciple said.

At this time, Wang Hong suddenly replied: "Let's not leave now. The elders haven't received the news yet. We will wait here for a few days. If that guy doesn't come out, then we will return."

He looked at the third area with a gloomy face. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a figure as fast as lightning standing beside them. The three people were brightened and found that the person coming was Chen Xuan.

The moment they saw Chen Xuan, Wang Hong and the other two instantly released the spiritual power in their bodies, and a powerful aura instantly emerged. With strong murderous intent, he stared at Chen Xuan.

"I didn't expect that you were not killed by the lord-level monster. It seems that you are still very lucky. Since you were not killed, I will take your life today. Today I will let you know what price you will pay for provoking our Qingfeng Book Pavilion!" The disciple was furious and was determined to surround Chen Xuan in the center with a horn force, and not let Chen Xuan escape.

Chen Xuan hurriedly stepped forward and said to them: "Three big brothers, don't rush to attack me, listen to me." Wang Hong sneered, looked at Chen Xuan grimly and said: "Boy, are you scared now? I tell you, you can't fly away even if you have wings!" Chen Xuan hurriedly showed an apologetic smile and said to him: "Three, you are all inner disciples of Qingfeng Book Pavilion. I have always admired you Qingfeng Book Pavilion very much, and I have no hatred with you. Although I am from Yunye Sect, I have no relationship with the royal family of Yunye Empire. I killed the people of Qingfeng Book Pavilion a few years ago because of my recklessness. Now I want to apologize to you." Chen Xuan The three of them clasped their fists and bowed. Seeing Chen Xuan's serious expression, a disciple of Qingfeng Book Pavilion laughed and said, "Boy, are you stupid? I didn't expect you to be afraid. If I had known this would happen, why did I do it in the first place? You killed an outer sect elder of our Qingfeng Book Pavilion. Even if you want to apologize, I'm afraid my master will not agree. This account must be repaid with your hard work. Today I will take your head and defend the dignity of our Qingfeng Book Pavilion!" "It seems that this guy was beaten stupid by the monster. I didn't expect him to say such a thing. He killed our Qingfeng Book Pavilion and wanted to leave Qingfeng Mountain intact." A disciple said. "Brother, don't waste time talking to this boy. Let's kill him directly and see what he will do." At this time, an invisible sharp blade appeared in his hand, full of murderous intent. After locking Chen Xuan's breath, a stream of powerful wind blades emanated from his body.

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