Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2706 Returning the favor to Li Lu

Because of the Qi Ranking Competition, Li Lu also came to Lu Yu City from Lu Yu City.

Chen Xuan met Li Lu in Li Mansion. At this time, Li Lu was still making tea comfortably, so Chen Xuan directly found Li Lu and came up with an idea with him.

Chen Xuan returned to the Yunye Empire from the Qingling Sect specifically because of this Qi Ranking Competition. At this time, Chen Xuan also saw a familiar face, who was from the Yunye Empire.

From being together with Li Lu, it can be seen that the relationship between the two of them is extraordinary.

In the middle of the garden, Chen Xuan and Li Lu came to the garden together and saw the young man admiring the fallen leaves in a pavilion.

"This is it." Li Lu said.

After Chen Xuan saw him, he walked towards him.

Apparently he also saw Chen Xuan and Li Lu, so he greeted them and said, "Two of you, please sit down."

Li Mansion in Lu Yu City is now a temporary residence. When Li Lu came to Lu Yu City, the first thing he looked for was. When he heard that he had returned from Qing Ling Sect, he hurriedly came to Lu Yu City from Lu Yu City. .

"We have something we want to talk to you about this time," Li Lu said.

There was confusion on his face and he asked: "I don't know what it is?"

"I was kicked out of the competition this time. I'm afraid you also know it. I wonder if you can give me a chance to enter the Yunye Secret Realm," Chen Xuan said in a low voice.

Hearing this, his expression changed slightly and he turned towards Li Lu.

He thought it was Li Lu who told Chen Xuan about the Yunye Secret Realm, and there was a look of displeasure on his eyebrows.

Chen Xuan hurriedly took a step forward and said: "Lu Jiu, I know that the Yunye Secret Realm is not because of Elder Li, but because of Lu Jiu."

"It's actually him?" He hesitated.

Afterwards, Chen Xuan told everything in detail what happened after he met Lu Jiu.

After hearing Chen Xuan's words, he nodded slightly and said: "The third brother has indeed always wanted to compete with me for the throne, and he has also been secretly wooing various sects in the Yunye Empire, but my current power has been squeezed out by him. In Lu Yucheng, if you want me to help you enter the Qi Ranking Competition, I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

Chen Xuan shook his head gently and said: "You also know that Elder Li and I have an extraordinary relationship. When I entered the Yunye Sect, it was thanks to Elder Li's recommendation that I would not stand beside Lu Jiu. Side, and I came to you this time not because I want to rejoin the Qi Ranking Competition, but because I have a request, I want to enter the Zheng of the Cloud Leaf Secret Realm."

There was confusion on his face and he asked: "Yunye Secret Realm is only open to people around the empire. If you want to join, you must become my guard. And I also have a question, why do you want to enter Yunye Secret Realm?"

Chen Xuan's face showed murderous intent and he said: "Kill."

Hearing this, a look of appreciation appeared on his face.

He could hear that Chen Xuan's words were firm and full of anger towards Lu Jiu. Obviously, Chen Xuan was very angry about being expelled from the Qibang Competition.

At this moment, he looked at Chen Xuan with a smile. He knew that Chen Xuan had great potential and would definitely become a strong man in the future. Moreover, if Chen Xuan could stand on his side, he would be more confident in fighting for the throne. .

"Okay, since you are like this, I will give you a chance to enter the Yunye Secret Realm. However, the Yunye Secret Realm cannot be opened yet. As long as the secret realm is opened, I will definitely find a way to send you in. As for the people on Lu Jiu's side, Just do whatever you want," the man said.

Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and then left Zheng Zheng of Li Mansion.

Looking at Chen Xuan's leaving figure, he said thoughtfully: "Elder Li, what do you think of Chen Xuan?"

Hearing this, Li Lu said: "I have already investigated Chen Xuan's identity, but his origin is very mysterious."

After watching Chen Xuan's battle, he knew that Chen Xuan's cultivation was very powerful and his potential was very deep. He was also a rare talent in the entire Yunye Empire.

Even Lu Jiu only dared to expel Chen Xuan from the game because of Chen Xuan's foul, but he did not dare to touch Yun Yemen.

After Chen Xuan was expelled from the competition, the second-level warriors of Yunye Sect lost many matches. After the Qi Ranking Competition, various warriors competed with each other, and even achieved rankings in the entire Black Rock World. Make a name for yourself.

When Chen Xuan was in the hotel, a warrior suddenly found him.

"Are you Chen Xuan?" the warrior asked.

Chen Xuan nodded lightly and replied: "I am Chen Xuan. I wonder what's wrong with you?"

"We have received news that the sect-level alchemist from Mo Dan Tower has arrived in Lu Yu City. This is an excellent opportunity for you."

The warrior left here after finishing.

Chen Xuan was slightly confused, and then thought in his mind: "I'm afraid this person was sent by Li Luhe. Now that the people from Mo Dan Tower are on Lu Jiu's side, I'm afraid they also want to get rid of the people from Mo Dan Tower. No wonder Li Lu also asked me to get rid of the Zong-level alchemist in Mo Dan Tower. It turns out that he had made these plans before. "

So, Chen Xuan began to inquire about the whereabouts of the Zong-level alchemist. At night, Chen Xuan put on black clothes and soon arrived at a restaurant.

The Zong-level alchemy master came all the way from Lu Yucheng just to enjoy the Qi Bang competition, but his life was about to end now, and Chen Xuan had quietly approached him.

In the restaurant, Chen Xuan has been looking at the alchemy master. The alchemy master's hair is red and is very easy to identify.

Late at night, the alchemy master walked out of the restaurant smelling of alcohol. Chen Xuan felt that the opportunity had come, so he drew out a sword blade. The moment Chen Xuan drew out the prairie fire sword, a black figure suddenly appeared. Suddenly appeared and killed Murong Ci.

Before Murong Ci could shout, he was directly hit in the heart by the black shadow's sword, and a powerful spiritual energy penetrated his neck.


Murong Ci's body slowly fell to the ground.

"Looks like he's dead." The shadow went up and touched Murong Ci's heart.

After killing Murong Ci, the black shadow did not stay for too long and then disappeared.

Seeing this situation, Chen Xuan immediately concealed the aura emanating from his body. Approached Murong Ci.

However, Murong Ci suddenly opened his eyes, and a sharp blade suddenly stabbed towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan did not expect that Murong Ci was still alive. He was stabbed in the arm by his sharp blade, and blood flowed from Chen Xuan's body.

"Seeking death!" Chen Xuan shouted angrily, holding the Suzaku Sword, he stabbed Murong Ci directly in the heart, burned his Dantian with the Suzaku, and killed Murong Ci.

Murong Ci was killed, and the people in Mo Danlou didn't know.

At this time, Chen Xuan was still recalling the young man wearing a black roe deer in his mind.

"That guy's cultivation level is really too tyrannical. With just one blow, he was able to kill a middle-aged warrior in red robe. This guy's cultivation level has probably reached the realm of the God King. No, it's probably better than the realm of the God King. He is even more tyrannical, and judging from his skills, this person is not from the Yunye Empire, but probably from the Qingling Sect," Chen Xuan thought to himself.

After calming down, Chen Xuan felt some strange discomfort in his body, so he hurriedly checked his body.

After a while, the pain in his body suddenly disappeared, so Chen Xuan hurriedly bandaged the wound on his arm.

Murong Ci just used the elixir to stop his heart and escaped the black-clothed man's attack, but he didn't expect that he would encounter Chen Xuan's sneak attack again. Now Chen Xuan can ensure that he has killed Murong Ci.

Murong Ci has a high status in Mo Dan Tower in Lu Yu City, but Mo Dan Tower is standing next to Lu Jiu. By killing them, Chen Xuan can reduce Lu Jiu's cultivation level.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Xuan sent the news to Li Lu.

At this moment, in the Mo Dan Building in Lu Yu City, the young man in green robe looked at the crowd with a ferocious expression: "We have suffered many assassinations in recent years. Now we have three alchemy masters dead. If we still can't find out the murderer." If so, we will all be in danger!”

"I really can't believe that these guys have probably been watching us for a long time, and they always take action when we are alone. The cultivation of us old guys is not bad, and there are also some strong men in the realm of God Kings. But they were all killed by one blow. It’s such a pity that Li Juege was killed like this. I still want to compete with him in alchemy skills,” said the middle-aged warrior.

Someone who can kill an alchemy master with one blow must be a strong person, whose cultivation level can at least reach the realm of a god king, and who can move freely in Lu Yu City, ignoring the arrests of the guards.

"Master, now that we have provoked them, the most important thing is how to resist. I think there must be more than one murderer, otherwise they would not be able to commit crimes in two cities at the same time." The middle-aged warrior said.

"I also have some doubts. Several sect-level alchemists were killed at the beginning, but they were also assassinated in Lu Yu City. I'm afraid there is someone who has a grudge against us." The sect leader of Mo Dan Tower said.

"Is it possible that the guys from Yudanfang are jealous of us?" the middle-aged warrior asked.

"I don't think so. Although those guys are in competition with us, they didn't get into such a bad situation. They shouldn't be from Yudanfang," said the sect leader of Modan Tower.

While the competition was going on, the entire Lu Yu City was turbulent. Except for the empires of various empires, no one knew that several sect-level alchemists in Mo Dan Tower had been assassinated.

After three days, the Qi Ranking Competition finally ended. Chen Xuan was disqualified from the competition. Therefore, Yunye Sect did not win the first place in the competition. It was Black Mist Sect and Qingling Sect.

As for the Qingling Sect, they also participated in this competition because of the truce between the two empires. As for the following sects, no one paid attention to them. The people of the Qingling Sect were in the Qi Ranking Competition a few years ago. There once was a genius named Li Hong. His cultivation reached a very terrifying level. He could reach the late stage of the ninth level of the divine king at a young age. Even in the entire Black Rock World, I am afraid no one can compete with him. In comparison, even Wang Lun's cultivation is only at the early stage of the eighth level of the divine king realm. As for Chen Xuan, he has just entered the peak of the late seventh level of the divine king realm.

After the Qi Ranking Competition, although Yunye Sect ranked in the third place, they disdained these rewards.

The Qi Ranking Competition is just the beginning, and the subsequent competitions between warriors from various sects are the truly exciting competitions.

Competitions between sect warriors do not represent the sect, but they compete in the name of individuals. Any warrior who can win the competition will represent the top few in the Black Rock World. Once he can enter, he will be ranked Ranking status will naturally increase.

Chen Xuan has now been disqualified from the competition due to a foul, so he cannot participate in the Yun Ye Bang competition.

Among the top ten people on the Yunye Ranking, only Wang Lun has hope among the Yunye Sect.

Gu Ling also has a chance to enter the ranking list. The rules of the Yunye list are very simple. All warriors who can enter the Yunye list will not be over 30 years old.

Moreover, they are extremely talented. The Yunye list represents the most outstanding warriors on the continent. As long as they can enter the list, all warriors will spare no effort.

A few decades ago, the Yunye Sect has always firmly occupied an important position in the Yunye list. Almost all the top few are Yunye Sect warriors. However, in recent years, since what happened that year, the Yunye Sect has begun to go downhill. Yunye Sect warriors are rarely seen in the Yunye list.

Each sect will send the most powerful warriors to participate in the ranking of the Yunye list. Although the Yunye Sect is not very interested in the outside world, it also has a strong interest in the Yunye list.

The sect that can enter the Yunye list represents how strong the sect's cultivation is, and it will attract a large number of talents to enter the sect, so the Yunye Sect will attach great importance to this competition.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also followed Li Lu to the arena square of Lin Kingdom to watch the Yunye Ranking competition.

Below the arena, countless warriors were cheering for the warriors in their respective sects, and the atmosphere was very lively. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the arena.

After seeing the young man in a white robe, his and Lu Jiu's expressions changed slightly.

After seeing the young man, Chen Xuan asked Li Lu next to him in confusion: "Who is this person?"

Chen Xuan felt that the young man in a white robe exuded a very strong aura.

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