As for the Qingling Sect, it also participated in this competition because of the truce between the two empires. As for the sects behind, no one paid attention. A few years ago, the people of the Qingling Sect had a talent in the Qi Ranking Competition. His name was Li Hong. His cultivation reached a very terrifying realm. He was able to reach the late ninth level of the Divine Lord Realm at a young age. Even in the entire Black Rock World, I am afraid that no one can compare with him. Even Wang Lun's cultivation is only the early eighth level of the Divine Lord Realm. As for Chen Xuan, he has just entered the peak of the late seventh level of the Divine Lord Realm.

After the Qi Ranking Competition, although the Yunye Sect entered the third place, it disdained these rewards.

The Qi Ranking Competition is just the beginning. The competition between the warriors of each sect is the real exciting competition.

The competition between the warriors of the sect does not represent the sect, but fights in the name of individuals. Any warrior who can win the competition represents that he ranks among the top few in the Black Rock World. Once he can enter the ranking list, his status will naturally rise.

Chen Xuan has now been disqualified for a foul, so he cannot participate in the Yunye Ranking.

Among the top ten in the Yunye Ranking, only Wang Lun has a chance in the Yunye Sect.

Gu Ling also has a chance to enter the ranking. The rules of the Yunye Ranking are very simple. All warriors who can enter the Yunye Ranking will not be older than 30 years old.

Moreover, he is extremely gifted. The Yunye Ranking represents the most outstanding warriors on the continent. As long as they can enter the list, all warriors will spare no effort.

A few decades ago, the Yunye Sect had always firmly occupied an important position in the Yunye Ranking. Almost all the top few were Yunye Sect warriors. However, in recent years, since what happened that year, the Yunye Sect has begun to go downhill, and Yunye Sect warriors are rarely seen in the Yunye Ranking.

Each sect will send the most powerful warriors to participate in the ranking of the Yunye Ranking. Although the Yunye Sect is not very interested in things outside, it also has a strong interest in the Yunye Ranking.

The sect that can enter the Yunye Ranking represents how strong the sect's cultivation is, and it will attract a large number of talents to enter the sect, so the Yunye Sect will attach great importance to this competition.

At this moment, Chen Xuan also followed Li Lu to the arena square of Lin Country to watch the Yunye Ranking competition.

Under the entire arena, countless warriors shouted at the warriors in their respective sects, and the atmosphere on the scene was very lively. At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared on the arena.

After seeing the young man in a white robe appear, his and Lu Jiu's expressions changed slightly.

After seeing the young man, Chen Xuan asked Li Lu next to him in confusion: "Who is this person?"

Chen Xuan felt that the young man in a white robe exuded a very strong aura.

Li Lu said in a deep voice: "His name is Yuwenba, he is from the Qingling Sect, and he was the first in the last Yunye Ranking. His cultivation is very strong."

Gu Ling next to him added again: "I heard that when he was at the seventh level of the Divine Lord, he could kill warriors at the Divine King level. Now that a few years have passed, I am afraid his cultivation is even stronger."

Chen Xuan nodded slowly, and was very confused in his heart. He could feel the strong aura emanating from Yuwenba, and he also knew clearly that he was not his opponent at all.

"I have heard that he is the strongest of the younger generation of the Dragon Blood Empire. He deserves to be the first on the Black Rock Ranking." Chen Xuan praised.

The Black Rock Ranking is the most powerful ranking in the entire continent. If you can enter this list, it means that you are a very powerful existence in the entire Black Rock world.

He can feel that Yuwenba is releasing an extremely wild aura, and it is also Yuwenba who can release it. This aura suppresses the practitioners on the martial arts arena invisibly.

"I didn't expect him to come." The city lord of the Qingling Sect laughed.

After Yuwen Ba appeared, the atmosphere on the scene suddenly became fanatical again.

Next, each sect selected two warriors with the most powerful cultivation to compete for the Yunye Ranking.

Chen Xuan only watched here for a while, and Chen Xuan did not touch the next battle. He only knew that after a few days, the battle for the Yunye Ranking was finally over. And the number of places on the Yunye Ranking is now determined to be 30, and Yunye Sect occupies 6.

If Yunye Sect still cannot occupy a greater advantage, it means that the royal family of the Yunye Empire has no one available. This is a problem that the royal family of the empire has always avoided. Although this is just a battle for the Qi Ranking, it is still remembered by many major sects in the Yunye Empire. After all, this battle for the Qi Ranking also involves sects from other empires, especially the people of Longxue and Qingling Sect.

Qingling Sect is a very alternative sect in the Yunye Empire. It is on the border of the Yunye Empire and is neither under the jurisdiction of the Yunye Empire nor the Qingliu Kingdom.

As for Wang Lun, he won the third place in this competition. Chen Xuan had discovered before that Wang Lun used very powerful martial arts, and he practiced very quickly. In just half a year, Wang Lun's cultivation had reached the early ninth level of the Divine Lord realm. With time, Wang Lun could completely reach the Divine King realm.

Li Qiuyu was also among the remaining warriors. Ever since Chen Xuan asked Li Lu to refine the Five Spiritual Pills for Li Qiuyu to eat, Li Qiuyu immediately opened up the spiritual veins in his body and his cultivation speed increased significantly. It only took a few months. In a short period of time, Li Qiuyu's cultivation reached the late stage of the seventh level of the Divine Lord.

Even Chen Xuan might not be able to achieve this speed of cultivation.

Li Qiuyu also participated in the Yun Ye Ranking competition this time, and was ranked in the next thirty places in the Yun Ye Ranking. This is already a very good result. Being ranked in the ranking represents Li Qiuyu's cultivation level. He has gained an advantage among the younger generation of warriors in the Yunye Empire.

As for the number one position, it is still occupied by Li Hong from the Dragon Blood Empire. His cultivation is so powerful that even Wang Lun is no match for him.

Moreover, the demon souls trained by the warriors of the Dragon Blood Tribe are more powerful and can even use the power of powerful demon beasts.

As for the Qingling Sect, it has been prospering in recent years and has produced many talents with very powerful cultivation. Even the Pantheon of Gods does not give them a thumbs up.

The battle for the Yunye List finally began to come to an end, and the two city lords in the Yunye Empire also began to secretly win over the warriors from various sects.

Although various sects generally do not help other empires, there are always exceptions. There are powerful warriors from the Dragon Blood Tribe in the Yunye Empire, and there are even practitioners from the Dragon Blood Empire.

At this moment, Li Lu suddenly came to find Chen Xuan.

"Chen Xuan, I recently received news that people from Mo Dan Tower are searching my mansion, and they also heard that I have a relationship with people from the Alchemy Association, so now they have begun to investigate us." Li Lu said.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly. If the people in Modan Tower couldn't find the murderer, they would definitely find other weak persimmons, and the Alchemy Association became one of their targets.

The Alchemy Association has been passed down in the Yunye Empire for hundreds of years, but it has begun to decline in recent years. The New Heart Modan Building has gradually replaced the Yudanfang and begun to dominate the entire Yunye Empire.

So, Chen Xuan followed Li Lu to meet the master of the Alchemy Association in Lu Yucheng.

After their discussion, Li Lu asked the Alchemy Association to start counterattack now, but he had to worry about Mo Danlou's plot.

At the same time, in a hidden manor in Lu Yu City, Zheng Zheng

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