However, there are still many extremely talented people who can realize the method of cultivation at a very young age. Of course, if you want to realize the method of cultivation at the stage of body training, you must be extremely talented. The third is to take A large number of ten thousand-year-old grass.

However, the number of this kind of ten thousand-year-old rhizome is extremely rare, not to mention that Chen Xuan still needs to refine this kind of ten-thousand-year-old rhizome into elixirs.

Although this kind of ten thousand-year-old rhizome is very rare, it is not impossible to encounter. Now Chen Xuan discovered another ten-thousand-year-old rhizome from the storage ring.

"With these two thousand-year-old grasses, if I can refine them into elixirs, I'm afraid I can improve my cultivation to another level." Chen Xuan said slightly.

Then Chen Xuan put the ten-thousand-year-old rhizome into the space ring. After finishing it, Chen Xuan found a hiding place in the dense forest, and then Chen Xuan swallowed the two ten-thousand-year-old rhizome. Go down.

Although the effect of swallowing cannot produce more medicinal effects, Chen Xuan has no choice.

For a warrior, when he can improve his cultivation level, he will not be careless, so Chen Xuan sat in front of the cave entrance, holding the two thousand-year-old grass in his hands, ready to swallow the Zheng in his mouth at any time.

At this moment, Chen Xuan slowly closed his eyes, and the mysterious energy was constantly echoing in his Dantian. Around Chen Xuan, the spiritual energy of the earth was constantly surrounding him.

Just when Chen Xuan was slowly gathering the profound energy in his body, he suddenly found that the golden elixir in his Dantian was beating rapidly at this moment. Feeling the changes in his Dantian, Chen Xuan found that his cultivation level had increased by a few points.

The so-called cultivation is to absorb the spiritual energy of the earth, and constantly comprehend the skills you practice, and when facing the enemy, you can form more powerful profound energy to make the skills more powerful.

Chen Xuan carefully understood the spiritual energy around him. As time went by, Chen Xuan's understanding of this technique became more profound. After two hours, Chen Xuan was ready to take out the two Ten Thousand Years Old Birds in his hands. Swallow the grass in your mouth

When the two ten thousand-year-old grasses were dragged down, Chen Xuan suddenly felt the effect of the medicine spreading within his body, and then towards his limbs and bones. Then Chen Xuan once again felt the powerful earth spirit energy, which spread around his body. .

When this spiritual energy appeared, Chen Xuan suddenly felt that his Dantian was flowing rapidly, and streams of clear water flowed into his Dantian along with Chen Xuan's breathing.

Chen Xuan could feel tangible mysterious energy all over his body, which was gathering into his body.

While Chen Xuan was sitting on it practicing, in a plain far away in the dense forest, two Yuchi Ling were walking in front.

Lieutenant Chi Ling's expression changed slightly, and he whispered: "Brother, is there someone practicing in front of you? Do you want to go and take a look."

Yuchi Ling said calmly: "Let's go over and take a look."

In a short while, the two Yuchi Ling's bodies came to the middle of the dense forest. The three of them were seen looking at the plain in the distance, and they saw Chen Xuan's side, surrounded by abundant profound energy.

And there was a faint explosion sound around Chen Xuan's body.

"Look at the thousand-year-old rhizome he holds in his hand. I'm afraid he uses this rhizome to improve his cultivation. He is also a warrior with Suzaku spiritual power. Judging from the appearance of this young warrior, he doesn't expect to be able to exude... Such tyrannical power." The warrior's eyes flashed with curiosity as he looked at Chen Xuandao.

"Since he can use this ten thousand-year-old grass to improve his cultivation, and can reach the level of the god and demon at this age, I'm afraid his origin must be very extraordinary. I didn't expect to meet such a young hero here." The warrior said with appreciation on his face.

However, just as the other warrior next to him was preparing to speak, he suddenly saw a sudden change in the spiritual energy of the earth in the dense forest next to him.

The next moment, Chen Xuan slowly opened his eyes, and then a powerful mysterious energy emitted from his eyes, and then the two mysterious energy seemed to cut through the air.

The moment Chen Xuan opened his eyes, a suffocating and tyrannical energy appeared around Chen Xuan.

"The ninth level of the divine king realm..." Chen Xuan said slowly.

Through the power of two thousand-year-old grasses, Chen Xuan felt that every move he made seemed to be able to attract the earth's spiritual energy, which was a bit more powerful than his previous cultivation level.

"It seems that the feeling is completely different after being promoted to a higher level." Chen Xuandao.

Just when Chen Xuan was excited, he suddenly saw two warriors looking at him in the distance. The corners of Chen Xuan's eyes changed slightly, and then he looked at the three people.

The two people had obviously seen Chen Xuan, but they did not talk to Chen Xuan. Then, the two warriors left.

Chen Xuan knew that these two people must have been attracted here when he was cultivating Xuan Qi. However, looking at the backs of the two people, Chen Xuan also felt that they must not be simple.

"These two people must be very good at cultivation. I wonder what sect of warriors are practicing here?"

After all, this dense forest leads to Lu Yucheng, and usually attracts many young men to practice here.

Chen Xuan even felt that the two warriors he saw just now were warriors from the Demon Wind Sect.

The Demonic Wind Kingdom is located in the westernmost part of the Black Rock World. It is also a not weak empire, but it is slightly weaker than the Yunye Empire.

"I didn't expect them to be active here." Chen Xuan looked at them with a puzzled expression.

After agreeing to enter the secret realm, Chen Xuan has been stepping up his cultivation. Now his only hope is to enter the realm of the God King. Only then can he fight Lu Jiu. Moreover, Lu Jiu's original strength is also very good. He was so strong that even Chen Xuan could deal with him.

Chen Xuancai and Lu Deyuan knew one thing when they entered the secret realm, which was the fight between these warriors. Lu Jiu and Lu Deyuan were both members of the royal family, so naturally they would not fight with them. Honestly, with Chen Xuan's current strength, They are definitely not Lu Jiu's opponents, but they all want to win over Chen Xuan because although Chen Xuan's current cultivation level is not very strong, he has shown very strong talents.

Given time, Chen Xuan will definitely become a strong man. When the time comes, Lu Jiu and Lu Deyuan also want to gain greater power in the Yunye Empire, so they can only recruit some up-and-coming talents from now on.

At this time, after receiving Wu Lin's spiritual energy, Chen Xuan's cultivation was a bit stronger than before. After thinking for a moment, Chen Xuan left Lu Yucheng.

Chen Xuan was preparing to practice all the way to the west. He heard that a secret realm appeared near Mofeng Kingdom, and there were many treasures in the secret realm.

In this way, Chen Xuan set off towards the west unhurriedly.

A few months passed in the blink of an eye. Chen Xuan suddenly stopped, and several Black Blood Sect killers suddenly appeared in front of him.

I saw ferocious expressions on the faces of the Black Blood Sect killers. They looked at Chen Xuando and said, "Do you know whose territory this is? If you want to pass from here, it won't be that easy if you don't leave something behind." of!"

Chen Xuan saw the Black Blood Sect killers blocking his way, with a sneer on his face. The cultivation levels of these Black Blood Sect killers were simply not enough for him. Even the leader of the Black Blood Sect killers only had the power of Just reached the realm of gods and demons.

"What if I don't give the thing to you?" Chen Xuan asked coldly.

"Then you are destined to die!" the Black Blood Sect's killer leader said angrily.

The next moment, the expression of the killer leader of the Black Blood Sect changed slightly, and then he roared angrily, and raised the huge ax in his hand to strike at Chen Xuan. I saw that the ax exuded strong killing intent, and the ferocious aura made him Chen Xuan ducked slightly to the side.

I saw the Black Blood Sect killer leader roaring at Chen Xuanlu with a ferocious expression, and finally slashed at him.

"Son! You're dead this time. If you take the initiative to hand over your things, I might be able to let you go. Since you don't know the current situation, I can kill you and give you your things." Take it away!" the Black Blood Sect killer leader said with a ferocious expression.

"The prairie fire sword!"

Chen Xuan condensed the Suzaku spiritual power in his body, and then released the Suzaku sword technique.

Now Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword Technique has reached the state of perfection and is extremely powerful.


The ax hit Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword Qi, and then made a heavy sound.

The next moment, the body of the killer leader of the Black Blood Sect suddenly took a few steps back. When he saw him the next day, he showed doubts, because there were many warriors from big families in this dense forest who would practice here.

And he is just a Black Blood Sect killer in this dense forest. With his cultivation, he will definitely not dare to offend those big families. He just saw that Chen Xuan was wearing very simple clothes, and he also There was no guard beside him, so he thought that Chen Xuanming was just a newbie, but he didn't expect that Chen Xuan's cultivation level was so powerful.

Chen Xuan also sneered. Just as the killer leader of the Black Blood Sect was thinking, Chen Xuan once again showed off his Suzaku swordsmanship.

Seeing Chen Xuan's menacing sword energy, the Black Blood Sect killer leader didn't think much and unleashed the strongest strength in his body, trying to resist Chen Xuan's attack.

But Chen Xuan only unleashed part of his power and suppressed the Black Blood Sect killer leader. The Black Blood Sect killer leader was too weak for Chen Xuan. Chen Xuan could easily do it without unleashing all his power. To suppress the killer leader of the Black Blood Sect.

The killer leader of the Black Blood Sect saw that Chen Xuan could easily block the attack, and once again unleashed his most powerful attack.

Chen Xuan was not ready to waste time with these Black Blood Sect killers anymore. Those Black Blood Sect killers now showed doubts, watching Chen Xuan slowly gather the profound energy in his body.

Suddenly, the spiritual energy around Chen Xuan's body condensed instantly, and the powerful Suzaku spiritual energy attached to Chen Xuan's Suzaku Sword Energy.

The next moment, Suzaku Sword Qi's powerful profound energy burst out, making a sound of Suzaku's Roar, and then bombarded those Black Blood Sect killers.

The Black Blood Sect killer was horrified when he saw Chen Xuan's attack, but it was too late. The sound of the Suzaku's Roar was heard, and Chen Xuan's attack hit the chest of the Black Blood Sect killer leader.

Even though it was too late for the Black Blood Sect killer to regret, a loud noise was heard, and the bodies of the Black Blood Sect killers fell on Lin's face, losing their vitality.

Chen Xuan turned over the corpses of the Black Blood Sect killers from the ground, and only found some crystal nuclei, not the items Chen Xuan wanted.

So Chen Xuan left here. This dense forest was very huge, and it was very difficult to get out of here, so Chen Xuan simply continued to move north from the dense forest.

Unknowingly, it had been more than half a month since Chen Xuan entered the Luyun Forest. During this period, Chen Xuan met Murong Yuan from the Demon Spirit Sect who wanted to snatch his magical beast. Chen Xuan fought with him for more than three hours, but still couldn't win.

Murong Yuan's strength is very powerful, far surpassing that of Chen Xuan now. If Chen Xuan cannot enter the eighth level of the divine king realm, he will have no chance of winning against Murong Yuan.

Moreover, during this period of time, Chen Xuan also encountered several Black Blood Sect killers one after another. However, the cultivation levels of the Black Blood Sect killers were all very low, so Chen Xuan easily killed those Black Blood Sect killers. Killed one after another.

However, what surprised Chen Xuan was that he could encounter so many Black Blood Sect killers in this dense forest.

Now Chen Xuan has arrived at the hinterland of the Luyun Jungle. In the hinterland of this dense forest, there are many extremely powerful spiritual beasts, and even many magical beasts that have become climates.

There are even some magical beasts whose cultivation is comparable to that of a strong human being at the level of a God King.

Now Chen Xuan suddenly heard the sound of fighting coming from the front, so he quickly walked forward.

Chen Xuan showed doubts on his face, and then walked towards the place of fighting. After a while, Chen Xuan saw the battlefield.

At this moment, in a plain in the Luyun Forest, there were three figures fighting. Two of them that Chen Xuan had seen before were the two that Chen Xuan met when he was practicing. Musha.

However, on the other side was a warrior wearing a red robe.

This warrior's cultivation was very powerful, and the powerful profound energy that burst out cut off a tree next to him.

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