Become invincible from the explosion of the alchemy furnace

Chapter 2718 The Crystal Core of the Giant Armored Wolf

Seeing that the two warriors from the Demon Spirit Sect were killed, the other warriors also understood.

"You haven't caught Chen Xuan yet?" the warrior from the Demon Spirit Sect asked.

"He ran away." Murong Yuan said regretfully.

"Go back to the Demon Spirit Sect first, the master is looking for you." The warrior of the Demon Spirit Sect said.

Chen Xuan saw a group of warriors from the Demon Spirit Sect coming, so he took back the prairie fire sword. The next moment, several warriors from the Demon Spirit Sect flew into the air and returned to the Demon Spirit Forest.

"It seems that the sect of the Demon Spirit Sect is located in the Demon Spirit Forest." Chen Xuan nodded secretly.

After leaving here, Chen Xuan found a cave to rest. At this moment, he suddenly heard the roar of a monster.

Chen Xuan immediately took out the sword in his hand

"It's actually a giant armored wolf!" Chen Xuan shouted softly.

The monster was covered in thick armor. Chen Xuan did not expect that his Suzaku only aroused a layer of Suzaku fire on the giant armored wolf, but did not injure the giant armored wolf.

This monster was awakened by Chen Xuan and suddenly climbed up from the ground.

Only then did Chen Xuan see the face of the giant armored wolf clearly. The giant armored wolf was not that big, but it had a thick layer of armor on its back. When the giant armored wolf slept, it hid its body under the armor. Among them, there is a very strong defensive power.

"This beast's defense is so strong, can it block my Suzaku Sword Qi?" Chen Xuan showed doubts.

This is a giant armored wolf. Chen Xuan's Suzaku cannot freeze its body, so there is no giant armored wolf.

It was indeed the first time that Chen Xuan saw a giant armored wolf. The giant armored wolf had a huge carapace on its back and was connected to layers of giant spines.

These dorsal spines are radiated with balls of Suzaku fire.


The giant armored wolf roared angrily. At this moment, the giant armored wolf suddenly curled up and attacked Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's body quickly floated in the air, and Suzaku emerged from his body. Facing the impact of the giant armored wolf, Chen Xuan quickly drew out the prairie fire sword and slashed at the giant armored wolf.

After the giant armored wolf saw Chen Xuan's attack. His body suddenly stretched out, spitting out a black Suzaku fire from his mouth, and attacked Chen Xuan fiercely.

As soon as Chen Xuan's body floated in the air, he saw a raging Suzaku fire attacking him. Suddenly, Chen Xuan used the prairie fire sword to create a prairie fire sword energy to block the attack of the monster.


The powerful aura suddenly emitted, causing Chen Xuan's body to quickly take two steps back, but Chen Xuan still did not block the magic beast's Suzaku Fire. The cultivation of this giant armored wolf exceeded Chen Xuan's surprise.

"This guy's cultivation has probably reached the eighth level of the divine king realm." Chen Xuan said secretly.

Chen Xuan found it very difficult. The giant armored wolf curled up and could almost defend against all his attacks. After fighting for a few minutes, Chen Xuan tried to attack the giant armored wolf with the Suzaku sword technique, but still did not achieve much success. .


The giant armored wolf's carapace rose with streaks of prairie fire sword energy, but it was not harmed. Whenever Chen Xuan used the prairie fire sword technique to hit the giant armored wolf's carapace, it only aroused a layer of Suzaku energy. Fire ripple marks.

Suzaku cannot burn the giant armored wolf's body.


The giant armored wolf roared arrogantly at Chen Xuan, turned its body into a ball again, and rushed towards Chen Xuan quickly.

When the giant armored wolf rushed over, the ground began to tremble continuously. Chen Xuan nervously flew in the air and looked at the giant armored wolf on the ground.

The next moment, the giant armored wolf suddenly jumped up from the ground and attacked Chen Xuan quickly.


Chen Xuan's body was violently knocked away, and the prairie fire sword fell from his hand and was inserted into Lin's face.


The ground was suddenly swept by a Suzaku, and all the surrounding trees were frozen into Suzakus. A vortex emanated from the prairie fire sword, and the body of the giant armored wolf fell right in the center of the Suzaku vortex.

Looking at the Suzaku Fire around him, the giant armored wolf suddenly spit out a black Suzaku Fire, and the Suzaku suddenly dissipated.

Chen Xuan suddenly recited a spell, and the prairie fire sword flew from the ground into his hand. Then, Chen Xuan looked at the giant armored wolf curled up into a ball, showing a dignified expression.

"This beast can defend against my Suzaku spiritual power. I am afraid that my cultivation has really reached the eighth level of the divine king. If I can hunt down the giant armored wolf in front of me, my demon soul can condense a demon soul again." Pattern." Chen Xuan thought to himself.

At this moment, the giant armored wolf rushed towards Chen Xuan again, carrying balls of yellow Suzaku fire.

Chen Xuan instantly raised the prairie fire sword.

"The first level of Suzaku swordsmanship!"

Suzaku suddenly emanated from Chen Xuan's body and slashed towards the giant armored wolf quickly. The tyrannical Suzaku finally had its effect. Before the giant armored wolf's body could rush to the front of Chen Xuan, the speed suddenly increased. slow down.

It seemed that Chen Xuan's attack had an effect. The giant armored wolf was covered by Chen Xuan's Suzaku and was stopped.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body was flashing continuously, and lines of demon souls crawled towards Chen Xuan. He used his speed to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, Chen Xuan came behind the giant armored wolf and swung out another sword. Suzaku continued to spread from Chen Xuan's body and burned to the body of the giant armored wolf.

The body of the giant armored wolf was attacking back and forth on the ground, with clouds of yellow Suzaku fire emitting from the surroundings. When the giant armored wolf rushed towards Chen Xuan, Chen Xuan slashed at the giant armored wolf's body with a sword.


Suddenly a cloud of dust was stirred up. Chen Xuan's blow did not cause any harm to the giant armored wolf, but instead aroused the ferocity of the giant armored wolf.

Chen Xuan continued to fight the giant armored wolf for more than half an hour and finally gained the upper hand. The giant armored wolf's defense was too strong. Chen Xuan's sword attack on the giant armored wolf's body could only destroy the giant armored wolf's body. The body just repels it.

The giant armored wolf roared, emitting clouds of Suzaku fire, and its powerful aura suddenly rushed towards Chen Xuan.

Chen Xuan's body was repelled by the giant armored wolf's spiritual energy, but Suzaku finally burned the giant armored wolf's body.

The giant armored wolf let out wails of pain, and was burned by Chen Xuan's Suzaku. This giant armored wolf would definitely not be able to break free.

With a low growl, Chen Xuan raised the sword blade in his hand again and launched a fierce attack on the giant armored wolf. Facing the crazy attack of the prairie fire sword in Chen Xuan's hand, the giant armored wolf could not cope with it.

Suzaku burned into the giant armored wolf's body, showing its due power.

The next moment, Chen Xuan began to gather the power of Suzaku.


The prairie fire sword energy was swung out, and when Chen Xuan's sword energy hit him, the giant armored wolf suddenly attacked on the ground.

At this moment, the giant armored wolf suddenly curled up its body, and powerful auras emanated from the giant armored wolf's body. The next moment, a yellow suzaku streak was seen emanating from the giant armored wolf's body. Fire, the Suzaku fire wrapped the giant armored wolf's body, and Chen Xuan's Suzaku was suddenly extinguished by the yellow Suzaku fire.

"How could this guy extinguish my Suzaku?" Chen Xuan showed doubts.

Confused by doubts, Chen Xuan raised the prairie prairie sword again and unleashed the Suzaku swordsmanship.

The prairie fire sword bloomed, and Suzaku appeared faintly behind him. Another fire suddenly emerged from Chen Xuan's body. The two Suzaku fires combined, and Suzaku's lethality was maximized by him.


With a swing of the sword, the tyrannical Suzaku rushed towards the giant armored wolf. The giant armored wolf was unexpectedly blasted away by Chen Xuan again. The giant armored wolf had consumed a lot of energy. This was a big blow to Chen Xuan. Rare opportunity.

Chen Xuan frantically launched a fierce attack on the giant armored wolf. After more than half an hour, Chen Xuan finally killed the giant armored wolf.

After killing the giant armored wolf, Chen Xuan used a dagger to cut open the giant armored wolf's chest and took out the crystal core from the giant armored wolf's body.

A crystal core that can reach the red level represents the rarity of this giant armored wolf.

"No wonder this guy is so difficult to deal with. It turns out he has a red crystal core." Chen Xuan sighed.

Chen Xuan didn't expect to get a red crystal core. If he got a red crystal core, as long as he absorbed this crystal core, Chen Xuan could ensure that his demon soul would condense into a line again.

"Absorbing the crystal core of this giant armored wolf can condense the demon pattern again."

Without having time to think about it, Chen Xuan swallowed the crystal core in one gulp and treated it as Zheng

The Suzaku Fire spread out in Chen Xuan's Dantian. Chen Xuan slowly sat down and began to absorb the Suzaku Fire in the crystal core. It circulates the surrounding earth's spiritual energy.

There was a lot of Suzaku Fire gathered in the crystal core, and it took Chen Xuan more than two hours to absorb all the Suzaku Fire in the red crystal core.

Next, Chen Xuan began to transform the crystal core, condensing these powers into the demon pattern Zheng

The next moment, power was continuously absorbed into his body. Chen Xuan felt a blazing energy coming from his body. This energy continued to gather and then spread out of Chen Xuan's body.

A minute later, Chen Xuan's body was covered by red demon souls. The dark lines of these demon souls were very thin and covered Chen Xuan's body. Seeing these dark lines continuously covering him, Chen Xuan exhaled softly. One breath.

"It seems that I have condensed the dark patterns of the demon soul. If I meet Murong Yuan again, I must make him look good. I let him run away last time, but now I won't let him run away so easily." Chen Xuan I thought to myself.

At this moment, Chen Xuan's body slowly stood up from the ground. Feeling the changes coming from his body, Chen Xuan clenched his fist tightly, and the demon soul dark patterns suddenly began to condense from his body. , punched towards the tree, and the tree was suddenly blown to pieces by Chen Xuan's Suzaku. The powerful aura was revealed, making Chen Xuan secretly nod.

"Condensing the dark patterns of the demon soul is indeed different. It has strengthened my body a lot, reaching the second level of body drying, and my cultivation has now reached the peak of the eighth level of the divine king. If I meet Murong Yuan, I must fight with him. He competes." Chen Xuandao.

Two days later, Chen Xuan had arrived at the outskirts of the Devil's Wind Forest.

At the same time, at the Demon Spirit Gate, Zheng Zheng of the ancient hall

The middle-aged warrior wearing a blue robe said in a deep voice: "Are you two of us killed by people from the Demonic Wind Empire?"

The warrior nodded and replied: "Yes, I learned from my friend that four people were killed by virtue and talent. It is said that he was too despicable and killed two warriors from our Demon Spirit Sect when he was not paying attention, and It sounds like he can completely hide the aura in his body!"

"Let Murong Yuan take a few Ran to search for him near Demonic Wind City and make up for the mistake. However, I'm afraid he hasn't left the Demonic Wind Forest yet." The middle-aged warrior in green robe said.

The white-haired middle-aged warrior is one of the elders of the Demon Spirit Sect and Murong Yuan's master.

"Okay! I will definitely tell him." The warrior said.

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